THE ORACLE REPORT: Saturday, January 17 - Sunday, January 18, 2015
Balsamic Moon Phase: release, dream
Moon in Sagittarius (enters Capricorn Sunday at 7:00 am ET/noon UT)
Ruling Wisdom Goddess: Kali
Skill: bring things together
Negative Imprint: self-defeating behavior, superficial comparison, judgmental, melodrama, quitting, confusion, sabotage
Positive Imprint: catalysts for change, whirlwinds of activity and expression, cooperation, exchanging knowledge or expertise, acceptance, mutual respect, self-worth
Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: "an Indian chief claims power from the assembled tribe"
The last Moon phase of the lunar cycle, the Balsamic phase, is the mystical time. It's the time of heightened connection with spirit. Our inner world comes alive.
Our inner world has been quite active this entire month, courtesy of the energy that would cause an Indian chief, theretofore unrecognized, to claim power from his assembled tribe. This month has been about something deep inside of us changing, causing us to stand up for ourselves - to see more of ourselves or see ourselves more clearly, to take better care of ourselves, to try and do the right thing, to be greater than we are. This upright movement continues our proper alignment with destiny.
The weekend's energy brings opportunities to bring people, places, and things together - even people, places, and things that are very far apart. We can close the gap. Finding common ground and acceptance is a good start for this.
Other elements strongly challenge the status quo. Disruptions and conflicts are riding just under the surface. Chain reactions are easily set off.
The power of words is enhanced under this weekend's energetics. We are also more inclined to blurt things out. This combination means we need to be extra aware of what we are saying. Don't get carried away. The power of propaganda is heightened.
Heights of spiritual connection are also attained with the astrological aspects underway. Flurries of inspiration and insight fill the air. We catch more of them when we spend time outdoors. Mental confusion and cloudiness is also helped.
Decision-making is, once again this week, not highlighted. The differences between choices is not clear or maybe not even present at this time. Our skills of discernment are not sharp right now, so wait until things become clearer before taking action, if possible.
Happy Balsamic Moon weekend!
(Note: The audio overview for the next lunar month is now posted on the homepage of
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