Thursday, January 22, 2015
New Moon Phase: intend, initiate
Moon in Pisces
Ruling Mahavidya: Matangi
Skill: learn from the past
Negative Imprint: disguise, dissatisfaction with life, rules of social structure, emptiness, domination, quitting
Positive Imprint: free spirited, asserting independence, the true essence of people, advising, passions turned to creativity, changes to external appearance of things reflecting internal changes
Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: "an old adobe mission" (building the future, inspiring the Second Renaissance, personal spiritual space)
Today is the last day of the New Moon phase of this lunar cycle. According to ancient wisdom, the directive for the days of thee New Moon phase is to set goals and intentions and make wishes (or reinstate previous ones). So if you have not done this, today is your chance to plant your heart's desire into the field of consciousness. This month is all about building things, so we want to set them on good foundations - ones that are aligned with and empowered by Divine Time.
There is a caveat here. The natural time of the energy is one of beginnings. But today's energetic specifically carries strong signatures of rebellion, giving up, and quitting. There may be something that we want to walk away from today. The situation may seem no longer bearable. But this energetic lasts only for today (with a little bit of bleed through yesterday and tomorrow, since energy moves in waves). The thing to keep in mind is that the energy will change tomorrow. Do you want to quit now or wait it out? The answer is different for each of us. Consequences need to be kept in mind.
The better use of today's energy is to express it. Share the wisdom you have gained from a tough life lesson. Express it through art, music, words, voice, cooking, cleaning - any action. The foundation for constructing our psyches as "old adobe missions" is knowing what we know. We build from our deep experiences that engendered wisdom.
Today and tomorrow the Black Moon's energetics become features of what we are building. It is critical to not weaken the foundation of your adobe mission (your temple, your future) with feelings of failure and disappointment. These will form cracks in the foundation. This is especially true for those with the Sun in Virgo or Pisces or the Black Moon in Virgo or Pisces. These wise owls are spiritual carpenters by nature, but their skills of strength are re-tested and re-formed while the Moon is in Virgo or Pisces through August 25, 2015. Remember that fears of failure and vulnerability are shadows that attempt to hold us back. Failure is only more information to make a better decision or get to a better outcome. Failure means "more data required." Some decisions or outcomes are so monumental that they require a lot more data, which means a lot more failure. Failure is acceptable. Letting "failure" stop us is not.
From the intensity that is being generated by the astrological aspects in play, a drive from deep within us come to strive for something new. We get a glimpse of a vision of something and want to strive for it. This is coming from the inner part of us that is called the sacred masculine. It is prompted internally and then manifested externally through our desires.
Take what you have learned thus far and put it into context of desire. Where do you want to project yourself? What does the future you want look like? On which values is it based? Where does it feed? What new thing needs to happen now to make it happen later?
(Note: Details are good. Matangi, the Wisdom Goddess on duty this month, excels at the implementation of details. She is an administrative powerhouse. She makes swift work of it, too. Think about the steps it would take to get you where you want to be and put it out to Matangi. She takes care of business.)
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