April 6-12, 2015 ~Contributed by Hillory Skott
Things are moving now. Most importantly, lucky Jupiter is done reflecting and is now ready to move boundlessly into the future. Electric communicator Uranus is making many contacts and the pace of our minds is picking up. Powerful possibilities are tangible. With so much fiery energy crackling through the atmosphere being who you are should be effortless and fun. Uranus is making contact with the Sun and clever Mercury this week. Ideas are everywhere. It is possible to be getting glimpses of new more satisfying futures you never thought to think possible. Exciting revolutionar y ideas that can drastically change your life for the better are dropping down from the heavens. Fun! If you are feeling trapped by something you won't likely get through the week without breaking free in some way. Even if it is just to shift your perspective - Your attitude is everything. You are capable of whatever you can imagine for yourself but need to be free enough to make necessary moves in new directions. Are you tied down in some way? Are your friends and loved ones supportive? Are the activities you are engaged with taking you closer to your dreams? It's better if you can think things through n ow. It is true though, if you don't take the nudge you might just get the shove. Jupiter is heading forward after backsliding for awhile. Luck and expansion are possible now in much bigger brighter ways than before the retrograde period. Get yourself out there and enjoy life. Revel in the simple things, play. Risk. Dream. And be like a four year old.- "Hey Look at me" “Look at me aunty Hillory” ...I have two little nephews that are a couple of years apart and each of them are shamelessly asking for attention every chance they get. Why do we stop? Maybe we all need a little more attention. Seek it now. Show them your stuff. Venus is moving into Gemini this week- Value is found in all things clever and communicative. You will seek mental stimulation. And you do really need to talk. It will keep the circuits running smoothly. Don't forget, through all your chatter, even if it is deep meaningful chatter, you were given 2 ears and only one mouth for a reason. Listening is more important than talking. (Note to Self) Luck is easier to access this week. All the right ingredients for powerful new beginnings. You just have to tap into the flow of things that you choose. Abundance, Love, Wisdom, Health and Happiness. All this is done with a simple intention. Write how you choose it to be prepared to take a chance. Now. Be. You. ~Contributed by Hillory Skott
Enjoy your week!
Karen & Salma
Be more...Love more...Live more
and Never Settle for Less
Go Beyond!
Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc.
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