Saturday, October 1, 2016

Message to Lightworkers – Sept 30, 2016 by Caroline Oceana Ryan

Greetings, Miraculous Being!

The Message to Lightworkers webpage is under construction at the moment, so I'm including this week's whole Message from the Collective in this email.

The energies are such -- and this US election, world economy, and many other issues -- are so bizarre and challenging right now, that I thought we could all benefit from the Collective's beautiful energies.

In fact, if you're feeling like you could use a mini-session with the Collective, here is the link to their replay on Connecting To Light.

They offer loving wisdom on questions about finances, relationships, work, and health, and flowed powerful, encouraging energies that are present on the replay.

Sending much Love and Light, with gratitude for your presence on the Earth at this time,


Message to Lightworkers – Sept 30, 2016

The latest guidance from our friends, the Galactic, Elemental, Ascended Master, and Angelic beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, Brave Light Beings!

We are very pleased to have this opportunity to speak with you again today.

You would perhaps be surprised to learn, that before incarnating, you “looked forward” (though from a dimension where time does not exist) to this part of your Earth journey, when the energies would be pouring in, and you would squint at the brightness of them.

You knew that you would feel unsure at times regarding how to take these powerful energies — the ego-mind tries to struggle against them at times, thinking that these are not helpful moments, as they can feel so strange and challenging.

Many are reporting feeling weak or shaky. Others feel upended emotionally, or seeing that their current job, relationship, or home no longer fits who they are. Even their clothing or hairstyle may seem to belong to someone else.


These are all beautiful indications of the wild river ride you are on, and the bravery and tenacity with which you are steering your small vessel through powerful rapids.

Understand that it will not always be this way.

You will not always feel to be under constant waves of change, with the outer world in turmoil, such as current happenings around the world bear witness to.

Consider it a beautiful, empowering, and positive sign that all appears to be in flux now.

For before a new system comes in, the old must crumble and fall by the wayside.

And though that is difficult for the left-brain and ego-mind to grasp or accept at times, without panicking, nevertheless — you knew these moments would occur, and you have subconsciously waited with baited breath through the entirety of this Earth life for this very moment.

And so, the moment arrives.

And it is a protracted moment, having taken centuries to get here, and decades of your lifetime to unfold.
Yet, it is here: the disclosing, unveiling, and unmasking of those no-longer-powerful forces that would take you and your world further down a dark path of service to them, including loss of your individual Divine essence.

Their dark visions and plans are crumbling further each day — they are quite alarmed at the speed at which this is occurring, in fact.

So that when you see a supposed “debate” on television between one dark but organic and one manufactured lifeform, both claiming to be human and to be leaders, you know far better.

The masses are, for the vast majority, unwilling now to take in the deceptions they have been so carefully trained to believe in. These same energies that are helping you birth your Ascension have brought them inevitably to this moment.

And so we see not only thousands standing with the Earth Protectors of North Dakota, but many millions.
We see not only thousands objecting to the dehumanizing rhetoric about Syrian and other refugee populations, but many millions.

And we see, with the establishment of the National Museum of African American History and Culture, a reflection of the very great shift that has occurred over the past few decades, for all races and cultures, around the world.
Understand that for more than 20 years, President Obama and those supporting him (those now in the physical and those in the etheric) have been sending out the energies of empowerment, truth, stability, justice, and equality — the foundations of NESARA law — not only to the entire US, but to the entire world — all nations and all peoples.
This is a powerful beacon, and we lend our Light and energies to it as well, and ever shall, dear ones, unless your blessed Mother Earth wishes otherwise.

Know that this temporary time of growing-pains discomfort, of seeing old issues and conflicts rising to the surface, aren’t only a matter of police shootings or stolen primaries, or your and your loved ones’ struggles with money or health or well-being, as difficult as all of that is.


This new era signals the release of the third dimensional construct, and the birth of the Ascended consciousness — the crystalline awareness that is reconstructing every physical cell and lifting every part of your life to an entirely new level.

And so — uncomfortable and strange? Most certainly.

But un-asked for? Most assuredly not.

For you yourselves are birthing your own Ascension, your own fifth dimensional reality, and your own powerful growth and higher awareness.

So that while you may not currently have your own spacecraft outside your home, you have nonetheless, made room for such in your consciousness. You have created the reality of such, with your joyful expectation, your joyful command.

You are in fact, the ones who have decided “And so it is! Bring this New Earth and new life forth, our collective souls! Bring this forth and create this, Universe!”

And so mote it be.

Namaste, dear ones!

Your Galactic and soul families crowd round you now, full of joy, full of admiration and amazement, at your strength, your courage, and your increasingly powerful Light, and we join them in thanking you for your beautiful service to humanity, to your own soul’s growth, to the saving and healing of your planet.

And so it is!

About Caroline Oceana Ryan

Ask the Collective
For information on:
  • Individual channeling sessions
  • The Collective's MP3 guided meditations and e-books
  • Replays of their live channelings
-- please see my website.

To contact me, please email me at


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