This is another post Eliza of Blue Dragon Journal shared that I was not able to process until today.~PB
Internal Trinity or Three Treasures
by Lisa Renee | Energetic Synthesis
Previous alchemy studies would attempt
to use external substances, objects, elixir or medicines to activate the
inner alchemical process from an outer stimuli. Some of the history of
this outer alchemy process came at an expense to which damage was
incurred that distorted the original DNA pattern. When we over
intellectualize or analyze our spiritual connection, we can more easily
become stuck in the rigidity of inflexible thinking.
The real inner alchemy is recognizing
that by working with the internal energies that are already present in
the human body, this is catalyst behind the organic alchemy process of
our inner spirit, as opposed to using any substance from outside of the
Inner Alchemy is becoming possible at
this time as a natural part of the biological process of Spiritual
Ascension. With this, the human body becomes the “holy sepulcher” (or
cauldron) of which houses the Trinity of Energies that cultivates
increased health, connection and energetic balance between the body,
mind, emotions, and spirit. When perfect energetic balance or the
“kinship of the three” unites, through the inner alchemy that is made
between these energies, all aspects of the multidimensional being return
back into the Oneness. Ultimately, as we make our way to return back
into the primordial Unity of the God Source, we are then resurrected and
restored into our eternal source body, through the reconnection made
with the Eternal Light of God. In the Holy Presence of Now, we find our
way back to the source when fully being.
Internal Trinity or Three Treasures
At the end of the cycle in December 2012, our planet began to receive a series of transmissions from the Quintessence of the Universal Mother (Cosmic Aether element) which is the substance that sparks and animates the terrestrial matter of elemental life, alchemically. The Cosmic Aether is transmuting the base elements of our earth, as well as the elementals of our fleshly human body. The application of Mother’s Quintessence into the DNA elements of physical matter, is also the beginning of the alchemical rising of the Inner Christos potential that exists within the human body. There are tangible externalizations as the result of this element being introduced to the planetary energy body, which had not been introduced before in the same way. The Quintessence is alchemically changing the spiritual circuitry that exists between the internal trinity of energies and how these energies operate within the human bodily systems. Most of us did not have these internal energies or higher qualities cultivated or developed from this last cycle, which was defined as the vampirism and consumptive modeling of the dark aeon. During this time, our bodies are undergoing many physical changes in order to accommodate the higher function of circuitry of these internal trinity of energies, which eventually help to lead us into increasing inner energetic balance and thus, eventually, sacred union.
The Internal Trinity or Three Treasures consist of: Vital Essence (Jing), Breath-Life force (Qi), and God Spirit (Shen).
- Jing 精 "nutritive essence, essence; refined, perfected; extract; spirit, sperm, seed"
Qi 氣 "vitality, energy, force; air, vapor; breath; current; vigor; attitude"
Shen 神 "spirit, soul, intelligence, god, deity, monad; supernatural being"
Internal Trinity Becomes One
To balance and unify the internal trinity of energies inside our body, it is necessary to learn how to find inner stillness, the fullness of being that naturally wlll place our focus upon Unity in one’s life and in one’s body. When we see Unity, it is when we conduct our life through understanding that we are interconnected with all things in every way. The Internal Trinity of energies makes up all life, and everything that exists. Each of us is able to understand and practice this inner alchemy on our own, by following the inner guidance we receive to better achieve balancing within the layers of our inner spiritual energies. As we inquire to the areas where we can bring balance between these energies, we are guided to get rid of harmful blockages so that the body’s energetic balance can be restored. Many of us have blockages or leakages in one or all of these internal energies, that will primarily manifest as dysfunctions in the main organ systems. We are entering a time where any main organ blockages will require to be cleared out to help generate our newly sustained body that is built upon the foundation created through the nourishment received from the internal trinity of energies. The transmissions from the Mother’s Quintessence is accelerating and supporting this process in our fleshly bodies through the activation of the internal trinity of energies. In turn the Krystal current tones are re-encrypting the elemental record of the fleshly body systems. It is the time to become more aware of how these energies circulate, and how these forces operate as the intelligence inside one’s physical body.
The Vital Essence, Jing
corresponds to the energies of the physical body. The conserving of
jing/essence in the body is heavily focused on the capacity of the
actual internal alchemy process. If we abuse our physical body and leak
our vital essence energies, then internal alchemy is not made possible.
The natural laws are one of conservation, so as we conserve and use our
physical energies efficiently and wisely; it nourishes the other two
energy relationships to manifest the trinity. This is why many of us
during the spiritual ascension process will find ourselves, silent,
still, sleeping or conserving our physical energy. Our bodies, muscles
and parts need to learn how to become extremely relaxed to allow the
inner energies to move easily and unobstructed throughout the bodily
systems. This main vital essence is stored in the kidneys, and relates
to the etheric imprint that carries our DNA record and stores its karmic
history in our blood. When we are stressed out, using addictive
substances, getting little rest or sleep, abusing our sexual life, our
bodily essence is quickly drained. As we seek balance within the
operation of our body, we balance our vital essence contained in the
body and this supports the building of the Internal Trinity of energies.
When we discipline ourselves to bring more energetic balance to our
body and to find peaceful relaxed states for our mind, (clearing
negative ego) the Spirit (Shen) begins to take over its functions
through the jing body essence, and this is highly desirable.
The Breath-Life Force, Qi
is defined as the "natural energy of the universe" and can be found in
everything; it is that energtic force which animates the movement of a
form. Qi has many different colors and frequency levels which determine
its energetic quality. However, as we consciously participate with
obtaining a positive flow of Qi to circulate in our body, this life
force flows through the body in paths moving into each individual organ,
and winding throughout the many layers of the physical body matrix. We
can build or gather Qi life force though breath-work, chakra focus,
mental concentration, group intention, martial arts or meditation. By
understanding its color, rhythm and flow one can gather or direct life
force Qi for positive effects. As we become more in tune with the energy
flow and colors around us, we do not push against the flow of energy.
Therefore, we sustain much more life force for our use in productive and
efffective ways. We cease to require taking in energies from other
things on the external. As we learn to sustain our inner life force, and
we evolve to undergo biological and spiritual expansion of embodying
these colored Qi energies and their frequencies. If we leak or deplete
ourselves of life force, we stagnate and constrict our multidimensional
bodies into layers of blockages. These blockages are then used by
negative forces which cleave onto these areas to create cords or
attachments to harvest those denser energies. In the beginning stages of
kundalini awakening, we are interconnected to the lower levels of
Planetary Qi, which is a finite and closed looping of energy source. As
we balance the internal trinity, we begin to expand towards receiving
the Universal Qi and our light body starts to be nourished by higher
light frequencies and cosmic energies. As we expand consciousness, the
quality and frequency of the life force becomes increasingly more high
and refined. (i.e. the quality of Krystal current life force is a much
more refined light source and a higher frequency, than the lower base
tone energies of first phase of planetary Kundalini) Through being in
balance with the movement of Qi life force, not applying force against
the flow, while clearing to rid oneself of parasites and leakages, the
Spirit (Shen) take over its functions to circulate energy in the
multidimensional body. Having given the Spirit (Shen) full control over
all aspects of building and supporting the multidimensional
spiritual-energetic bodies (physical, emotional, mental) is the pathway
to achieving inner alchemy between the trinity of forces and eventually,
spiritual liberation.
The God Spirit, Shen is the Original Spirit of the body. We define original spirit in order to establish there are possessing lower spirits that can attach to the human body and attempt to control it. The goal is to establish single One Spirit occupancy within the body. This is one’s Original God Spirit source. At this time, we can acknowledge that all that happens in the body is ultimately sourcing from the relationship we have with our personal God Spirit. If we do not know ourselves, then we do not know the source of our Original God Spirit. One cannot know God Spirit until knowing themselves, through the stages of initiation that lead us to become more self-aware. Through meditation, prayer and heart focused inspiration, we can become conscious of our connection with the original God Spirit or Shen. Our Spirit access is made through our heart, the heart communication is comprised in the functions of our nervous system, and when the monadic spirit is embodied, it resides in the seat of our being, in the hara complex. The balance and health of our Original Spirit in matter relies on the balance and distribution of the body's vital essence and the amount of life force circulated. One of the three cannot exist without the other. Our spirit energies are an intelligence that comprises many complex levels in the operation of the human multidimensional being. Our God Spirit energies descending into our body is ultimately the meaning of expanding into higher consciousness and self realization. The consciousness intelligence of our original spirit overrides the thinking patterns and fear based beliefs of the lower ego mental body. We embody consciousness at the varying levels, when we embody our spiritual body intelligence at its various levels. The embodiment of our One God Spirit intelligence bodies is a biological energetic expansion and evolution process called Spiritual Ascension. This means our auric body and its energies expand to encompass more layers of the Planetary, Galactic and Universal fields of multidimensional consciousness until achieving the unity intelligence fields of Oneness. The process of Spiritual Ascension is the natural and organic process of biological evolution for every living thing. This opportunity has returned to this planet through the Krystal Hosting and begins a cycle of planetary and human bodily transmutation. We are in a series of physiological and energetic adaptations that are to help ground this new physical template into the earth for all human beings at this time.
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