Tuesday, October 4, 2016

"Can't we just drone this guy" Hillary Clinton on Assange - WikiLeaks ‏@wikileaks 18h18 hours ago

This rather chilling and callous statement was spoken like a true Sociopath...

WikiLeaks@wikileaks 18h18 hours ago
Hillary Clinton on Assange 
"Can't we just drone this guy"

1 comment:

  1. NO, Hillary, you will have to change your evil ways!
    This is so outrageous I can't even begin to express my disgust!
    She is trying to SILENCE him and STOP WIKILEAKS from bringing TRUTH to LIGHT! In particular, because of her own past. NOBODY has any right to assassinate #JulianAssange or any Journalist. It won't stop WikiLeaks. I pray for him daily. His attorney was murdered several months ago. LONG LIVE THE WHISTLEBLOWERS and HEROES! VICTORY OF THE LIGHT!
