Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Hillory Skott: Weekly Forecast for April 3-9, 2017

Weekly Forecast for April 3-9, 2017

~ contributed by Hillory Skott


Communicator mercury backslides into methodical Taurus
this week. Mercury is gaining mainstream recognition for
good reason. With just a little observation, you can’t help
notice the communication snafus that happen when ruler of
communication Mercury, retrogrades.

Retrogrades are good for all the re words. Redo, refocus,
reinforce, relinquish, remove, recover, reorganize , reinstate.
Use your imagination. There are so many ‘re’ words to choose
from. It’s a great guide line for what to do when a planet is

Mercury will be retrograde from April 9-May 3. It’s not a time
to move forward, but to re-evaluate where you’re at now and
where you are coming from. Sometimes you will pick up where
you left off, and that can have to do with relationships too,
people tend to reconnect during retrogrades.

Are you where you want to be in life? Mercury in Taurus wants
to know, Have you created a stable secure base for your activities?

This Wednesday Saturn will turn Retrograde too. Saturn is in the
honest expansive energy of Sagittarius, busy exposing the lies
and injustice of the world, forcing responsibility.

Backtracking, it gives you a chance to see to see if you finished
what you started.

Are your beliefs supporting your growth and expansion? If not,
toss ‘em. Stay in integrity. You don’t need credentials for that.
Memes are thought virus we pick up. Make sure you drop the
ideas that are not yours to begin with.

Saturn will retrograde until August - Allowing you to completely
review areas of your life relating to education, philosophy, freedom,
truth, and all that is right and good.

Your intuition is your guide now- always really- but now you just
might see the importance of new information, something you may
have disregarded in the last 6 months or so.

With Mercury travelling through Taurus our minds are particularly
focus ed on maintaining things as they should be. Stubbornly clinging
to what one has rather than take any sort of real risk is a common
Taurus trait.

Stable, solid, plodding, Taurus Mercury? in retrograde slows us down,
way down. So we can take stock with a sense of stability and permanence.

Watch for tendency to dig your heals in and refuse any sort
of change. When in resistance remind yourself, Change is
the only thing that can be counted on.

Standing your ground may be what needs doing. Try not to
alienate people with your refusal to negotiate. Or maybe do,
it depends on what is right for you. Sometimes relationships
are better done than tolerated. You’ll figure that out.

Mercury in Taurus gives you a nose for pleasure. Taurus is
ruled by Venus and loves to indulge all the senses. Be in the
moment and find what brings contentment. May it be simple
and sweet.

Wednesday - Planet of action Mars, and ever evolving Pluto
have a potent pow wow. This should feel like power. Power
to make a difference. We can drop any remaining victim roles
we play and do what we know is true.

Things can really shift once we get on board with the fast
changes taking place. Friday - the Sun and Jupiter have
totally different agendas. The sun wants to do it’s own thing.
Jupiter wants everyone to get the big Picture. The sun is in
Aries, Jupiter is in Libra, Aries’ natural opposite, It’s like a tug
of war. Luckily both planets are into expanding and being all
you can be. So they want similar things.

As with all opposition energy it feels like it has to be either/or,
but in reality it needs to be this and that. Stress causes growth.

Saturday - planet of what we value Venus,is locking horns with
Mr. get real-Saturn believes in long term value, leaving a legacy,
building wealth.

Venus can be more indulgent while it is backtracking through
Pisces shimmery pleasures. It will go forward again on April 15.
It wants glamour and other worlds. Beware of a tendency to escape.
There is a fine line between an addict and an artist- often a blurry line.

Keep your feet firmly planted and open your heart and mind to all
the possibilities. Serious art with long term value can be created
by such stress. Self expression needs to happen. What are you
holding back?

Sunday, the ninth, Mercury is down for the count. Three weeks of
clever tricks. In Taurus until the 20th, you will be able to have a
very steady mind - when it moves to Aries on the 20th watch the
way your thoughts and communications shift pace. Suddenly you
will find yourself impatient, itching for new adventures. Review the
circumstances carefully - Wait until it goes direct May first to make
any big changes.

A busy week of shifts for sure. Best to roll with all the changes.
Think of you but also think of what’s best for everyone.
Win/win is the only way to go. Be Bold. Lead from the heart.

~ contributed by Hillory Skott

Create Amazement!

Karen & Salma

Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc. | 49 Canyon Blvd West | Lethbridge, AB, CA | T1K 6X6

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