Monday, April 24, 2017

NORTHPOINT JOURNAL Your guide to planetary energies for April 24 to 30, 2017 By Pam Younghans

Photo: Auroras over Fairbanks, Alaska, USA, on April 22, 2017
(photo by
Ayumi Bakken, posted on

Your guide to planetary energies for
April 24 to 30, 2017 
By Pam Younghans

​Highlighted Aspects this Week

MON: Mercury trine Saturn
WED: New Moon 5:16am PDT (12:16pm GMT)
THU: Mars sesquiquadrate Pluto
FRI: Venus enters Aries, Mercury conjunct Uranus
SUN: Saturn square Chiron

BE OPEN to new ideas and solutions this week. Mercury, agent of the logical mind, is aligned with Uranus, representing the higher mind, and both are in positive relationship with practical Saturn. These planetary connections help us access higher-level insights and understand how to use them to manage our everyday concerns.

Mercury is retrograde, however, so it's best to consider these new concepts as "works in progress" rather than completed blueprints ready for use. We'll want to capture everything that comes through and be willing to sit with the ideas for a while, to allow them to settle in and become more fully formed. Once Mercury goes direct on May 3, there will be more support for taking action on the insights we have received.

AT ITS HIGHEST POTENTIAL, this Mercury-Uranus alignment allows access to new understandings that can shift our awareness in profound ways. And, because Mercury is moving very slowly and will soon change direction, the two planets actually remain very close to each other through the second week of May. This makes the next three weeks very powerful for innovation and brainstorming.

But, a cautionary note: This influence is a bit like holding a live wire. If we have a tendency to nervousness or anxiety, it will be especially important to use calming techniques such as mindfulness or other meditations to maintain our equilibrium.

THE TAURUS NEW MOON occurs on Wednesday at 5:16am PDT (12:16pm GMT). The Sabian symbol for the lunation echoes the theme brought forward by the Mercury-Uranus alignment -- that of a link between the lower and higher minds:

"The woman of Samaria at the ancestral well: The meeting of the traditional past and of the creative spirit pointing to the future."

Astrologer Dane Rudhyar's explanation of this symbol clarifies how the link is made:

"The highest meets the lowest when this lowest is free from traditional bonds and open to love. The creative future descends first to that which has become chaos. An old order is never open to a new Revelation until it has accepted disorder in the name of that Power which subsumes all forms of order, i.e. Love. A NEW QUALITY OF BEING is revealed which renders the old patterns obsolete."

IT SEEMS EVIDENT that this new lunar cycle is highly energized to get us moving in new directions! And it is also clear that in order for the lowest to meet the highest, we must accept the current "chaos" and "disorder" and allow the energy of Love to guide us through.

The theme of love repeats through other planetary alignments in the New Moon chart. Venus and Chiron are conjunct in Pisces, calling us to integrate the divine and human aspects of love. This alignment provides the opportunity for new beginnings in relationships, if we can forgive and release what has been so that true healing may occur. And, Pluto is conjunct the asteroid Juno in Capricorn, empowering us to transform partnerships so that they truly work for both parties.

to the intentions of the new lunar cycle: the New Moon is aligned with the star Metallah (Alpha Trianguli), evoking the cosmic forces that can help us tap into our ability to problem-solve and instinctively respond to situations. Astrologer Roderick Kidston, in his book The Magic of the Stars, writes that with the energy of Metallah behind us, we are:

"... quick on the uptake, quick to grab hold of information, to make sense of it, and to retain and use it ... ease of thinking and easy manner are the result of deep inner confidence, a profound knowing that [we] know how to make things right."

Metallah's involvement in this new lunar cycle adds another dimension to what we already know will be a powerful time, given the effects of the Mercury-Uranus alignment.

ANOTHER important planetary aspect occurs this week -- the second Saturn-Chiron square is exact next Sunday. The first of these squares was on December 28 and the last will be on November 11, giving us a full year to work with this challenging influence.

The effects of this square are woven into many of the political and personal situations currently confronting us. It represents the battle between old, limiting belief systems (Saturn in Sagittarius) and the potential for spiritual healing (Chiron in Pisces) that will enable us to embody higher-vibrational qualities such as compassion, selflessness, and humility.

As we work with this influence, each of us must confront and transcend our own judgments, biases, and self-righteous attitudes. When we as individuals each rise to meet this challenge, we have the opportunity to make great progress in our understanding of Oneness, and to move our world a few steps closer to that ideal.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: Healing on many levels is woven into the fabric of the coming year for you. You have made it through some very challenging times that may have caused you to question your beliefs and your faith. As you move forward now, the past falls like a discarded cloak gently behind you -- not forgotten, for it has deepened you and so must be honored for its gifts -- but you are ready now to open your heart again and to bring more of what you truly value into your life experience. Happy Birthday!

In peace,

Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2017. All rights reserved.

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