The Key To Changing Absolutely Anything
Today we would like to focus your attention upon the topic of change. So many of you wish for change; change in financial situations, change in relationships, change in health and yet we watch as so many continually recreate the very same experiences over and over again. Yes, the set up might appear different, another year has passed, the people might be different but overall not much changes for so many. This is what we would like to further expand up on so that you may understand why this happens so often.
When you understand how the physical manifestation of anything happens you will understand how to create anything you desire. You all have heard that if you want change then you must change your habits. But we are not speaking about changing the actions that you take throughout your day; oh this will come, but what we are speaking about is changing your thoughts, your habitual thoughts.
All too often we see you so close to making the vibrational leap necessary to allow for the change you seek to make its way into your physical reality only to fall back into your habits of thought, your doubts and fears which squander the change you seek to make.
We would liken much of the experiences that you create for yourselves to a “holding pattern”. Why is this? Why would any of you choose to hold yourself in undesirable experiences? Well certainly we understand that you are not doing this intentionally, it's just that many are unaware of what is causing it. So allow us to share with you our perspective in hopes of helping you to free yourselves of the undesirable experiences that seem to continually play out in one way or another.
You see, everything exists already, every thought you have, every dream you hold, every desire you seek, absolutely all of it already exists. We don’t mean this metaphorically, we mean this quite literally. It’s all here, right here beside you. So why cant you see it, why aren’t you able to experience it? The answer is vibration. When you understand that everything is made up of energy, and subsequently everything is vibrating at a particular rate or frequency then you will also understand that the only thing that separates you from anything you cannot perceive is your rate of vibration in relation to everything you are seeking.
Like attracts like, you can only experience what you are in perfect resonance with. But here is the key, what holds so many of you in a stale mate creation of the same old creations is your persistent and unwavering focus on the events and circumstances that are in front of you. All that will ever do is recreate the very same experience over and over again as many of you well know.
So in order to manifest different experiences into your reality, you must change your rate of vibration. Get off the same old channel and pick a new station to tune into.
We watch as so many of you want to watch what’s on “channel 10” all the while holding your constant and steady focus on channel 5. You understand that other channels on your television exist even if you are not watching them. You also understand that if you want to watch something else, you have to change the channel. And so it is in your life. You must be willing to change your habitual thoughts, because what you think about is what you will manifest. Period.
Everything in your reality is a result of the thoughts you have held, but they do not determine what you will create in the future. They only represent what you HAVE thought up until this point. So by shifting your focus away from the areas that are not working in your life and onto the multitude of things that are, you essentially change the dial. You change the channel! You must hold your focus and attention on the vision of your dreams more often than what is already in front of you. Whatever you give the majority of your focus will become your physical reality.
We hope that you have found this message to be helpful and that we have served you in some way.
In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides
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- Dr. Taryn Crimi
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