Monday, September 10, 2018

Kelly M. Beard: Weekly Forecast: September 9 – 15, 2018

Weekly Forecast: September 9 – 15, 2018

9/9 ~ Venus Enters SCORPIO (until 10/31 and again: 12/2 – 1/7):
Venus Retrogrades every 18-months and this time will be in Scorpio (on 10/5), and we’ve already been in the zone since she got to the end of Libra (where she’ll go Direct on 11/16) so you may already realize that you are moving through the relationship work in Libra, and now realizing how many new layers of life (and how connected to it all you really are) there are when she enters Scorpio. As new (or sometimes old) issues are exposed and brought in to the light, you begin to realize that the love & abundance you've managed to attract or create is a direct reflection of your own personal values & self-worth. As Venus moves in to Scorpio, it activates Soul-level work and illuminates how invisible energy is affecting your life & relationships. Ideas or beliefs that have become unconscious, hidden or buried, come in to your conscious awareness at this time, rooting-out any self-deceptions and/or bad habits which no longer support who you've become over the last 2-8 years. It's time to identify & release any self-sabotage, illusions, delusions or inner-darkness that is delaying your good or misguiding your power & choices. It's time to distill your motivations back to their original essence & intent. Define your terms. What is love? abundance? beauty? life? What do you want? and why do you want it? How will you create it? or magnetize it in? Scorpio is the energy and lesson of karma & creation, holding us all accountable for that which we bring into being. Venus reminds us that willing & honorable sacrifice clears a space for magic to occur and invites the Ancestors and Invisible Realms to contribute & assist. Venus in Scorpio reminds you that you are not the Source of power, but merely a channel or vehicle of its expression in form. As a human with free will & choice, it helps to also be responsible & aware anytime Scorpio is kicking. Releasing deeper issues, clearing a space to plant *NEW* seeds of potential, doing the 3D/visible work, then stepping back and allowing the invisible power of Source energy to breathe life into your intentions ~ is the best use of this time & energy. It can be intense and often challenging, but if you are able to push through the discomfort and face any dark Truths being revealed at this time, you will be cleansed, lighter and better able to direct your power and shape-shift as needed for living on a planet whose very existence is based on the Life/Death/Life Cycle and a natural rhythm.

9/9 ~ VIRGO New Moon:
… comes every year and presents us with an opportunity to reboot the *System* ~ which usually entails creating a whole new routine as well. Theoretically, during the last lunation (Leo/Aquarius), we decided what we were going to express (more authenticity) and invest in both Self & Community (more value & new priorities). Now, Virgo-time supports integrating all that you have recently learned about your core essential nature (Leo), into a new routine and creating a completely new system for living, that will support you better in the here & now. It’s time to digest, assimilate & integrate the last 9-months specifically. Also deeply supported this month is acknowledging (and releasing) any regrets, mourning any true losses or deaths and deepening your dedication to that which is vital, strong, healthy, evolving & alive (within & around you).

We are coming out of Fixed energy (Leo), which has activated both the need to stabilize certain things, as well as release (permanently) some aspect of Self, so that your life can actually work, in the physical reality you’re currently living. That said, no matter how bad it is, change really is only one decision and a renewed commitment away. Virgo energy helps us process & assimilate all that has completed/died/left/ended and make the necessary arrangements for new life to come in and thrive. Think: Nesting in the sense that you are preparing space for something new in your life. But because it is Virgo, it is more about how this new life/energy/direction is going to actually work into your natural rhythm & daily routine.

*IF* you have made a ton of new connections & friends recently, your individual creativity has been activated, and your heart engaged, then Virgo energy comes in and helps you create a new system and get used to your new rhythm. It’s time to create a whole new daily routine that better supports who you are and are becoming. We’re all finding various personal systems and regular routines (that have historically worked) are now obsolete and no longer work (for whatever reason). That is always a clear indication that it is time for a new one. And *IF* you are able to create one (while tweaking and leaving it open to ongoing revisions in the beginning), then when Libra comes next, you’ll be able to really make those connections with others, personally or professionally, and create some powerful new relationships & collaborations.

However, if you have spent the last month of Leo examining your own self-worth, wondering why you magnetize certain things & people, and repel others, and generally feeling like the life you’re living does NOT reflect who you are in your heart-of-hearts, then the annual dose of Virgo Medicine will help you heal aspect(s) of Self that will enable you to be in a better position to take full advantage of the coming opportunities in Libra.

That said, because we are on the other side of the Eclipses, you can use this month to restore your energy, replenish your Self, tend to your health & fitness, and create a daily practice that supports your current goals & aspirations. If you are resistant to doing whatever it takes to strengthen that trust within (your intuition), just note that the road will be that much more challenging for you. If you resist change and seek to control anything or anyone outside of Self, you are in for a bumpy & painful ride. If you want things to “go back“, you will be disappointed. So rather than resist the changes disrupting your life at this time, try silence, deep breaths, and intuitive, heart-centered decision-making. Use the earthy, practical energy of Virgo to direct the current powerful flow of energy, get present to here & now and take things one step at a time.

9/11 ~ Sun (core Self) ~sextile~ Jupiter (optimism):
This energy is sometimes considered "lucky" but the success you achieve under this influence, is more likely due to a positive outlook and clear vision of who you are and what you want. Your life is expanding, your self-understanding is deepening and it will be easier to be around other people of higher consciousness, improving things and creating opportunities that benefit a larger number of people. There is a healthy dose of optimism around some grand plan, and things are moving, but make sure to do the foundation work to support this larger vision as it manifests in reality. If you are a teacher/guide/leader of any sort, this energy supports your group efforts, so giving workshops, seminars or new classes is totally supported and will benefit you, while serving others.

9/11 ~ Sun (core essential Self) ~trine~ Pluto (purification & transformation):
This energy makes you want to get things done, by any means necessary and you may tend to come on a little strong - but it's all good. The work you want to do, is work that needs to be done and in doing it and facing things head-on, you will gain insights about your Self that fortify your foundation so that your life can evolve to the next level organically. This intense and powerful energy is transformative in nature and will provoke you to think deeply about your life; what you need, desire and deserve. You may find that some aspects of your life need to be reformed or released - go for it - this energy makes reform and release easier than usual. It's a good time to make an impression or an impact on others, but be sure to keep it on the Highest level possible. Any actions or statements used to manipulate others for selfish gain can/will backfire on you in a big way. This is a positive, uplifting, transformative energy - use it as such to clear the debris and create the life you were born to live.

9/12 ~ Jupiter (Your Truth & Story) ~sextile~ Pluto (Purification & Transformation):   (3 of 3:  1/15 ~4/14 ~ 9/12)
This energy brings expansion & regeneration, allowing you to gain serious traction and get big things done. On a personal level, your Truth & Story is due for a renewal. You’ve grown, your life has changed & your consciousness has expanded in recent years and these two are going to assist you in making great strides, in a short amount of time because of your evolution. This is concentrated growth & development with incredible support for overall integrity. Robert Hand says, “This combination symbolizes regeneration to a higher plane of existence” on many levels. So this could also usher in a renewed sense of deep faith in yourself, life and your 'process'. Because Jupiter expands your consciousness, this activation can stimulate a spiritual rebirth, as well as a literal one (improved environment). This is when you learn (or begin to *know*) something that utterly changes you, on a Soul level, and you are never the same. So you can also look for your Story to evolve to its natural next level as your awareness is expanded and you cannot go back (read: you can’t un-know what you know). This is an opportunity between two major energies, a social planet (Jupiter) and a collective planet (Pluto), to come together in a positive, effective way. Ultimately, this activation will affect you and those around you because Jupiter makes things bigger and Pluto permanently changes things. So if you're ready for big (and permanent) change, these two support you and your efforts.

9/12 ~ Venus (values) ~oppose~ Uranus (freedom):
Any time Uranus is involved, it becomes the "wild card" and hard to predict how things will unfold, but right now there is a push-pull between your apparent values and your unique individual self. Venus also represents relationships, so you may begin an unusual relationship or you may have something unusual happen in an established relationship.  It is not necessarily a "good/bad" thing, as much as an unpredictable shift or sudden awareness, which requires some compromise & integration. This energy works beautifully if your personal Truth and values are in alignment. It will be very disruptive if they are not. Be open and flexible, while looking for the win/win situation for all involved.

9/12 ~ Venus (relationships) ~sextile~ Saturn (responsibility):
This energy has to do with your obligations within the context of relationships. They are not difficult obligations (in this case) but more emphasis is placed on enjoying serving those you love. This is also what I would call the "keep it real" energy, regarding relationships. This energy makes you want to really sit down and define your terms within your relationships (which I am a total advocate of). It's really hard to grow to the next level when each person is not clear on what the other expects. Of course, this starts with you knowing what you want/don't want and what you are willing to compromise about so you can articulate that clearly.

9/13 ~ Mercury (lower mind) ~oppose~ Neptune (Higher mind):
This energy requires us to balance the Higher and lower mind. Some sensitive souls will feel bombarded by energies from all sides and it may feel like information-overload and very stressful. The best use of this transit is meditation - not making important decisions or commitments for a week or so. Communication with others is challenged, another reason to only communicate with your Higher Self - or at least check in more often this week! Don't believe everything you read or hear. Allow information to flow at a comfortable pace and wait for the energy to shift before making any decisions based on the information gathered. Some will access the necessary clarity for furthering their vision - others' vision will be blurred and just out of reach.

9/15 ~ Mercury (ideas, thoughts & concepts) ~trine~ Pluto (rebirth & transformation): 
This activation makes any deep delving within easier and more fruitful. It encourages you to ask the deeper questions, clarify your deeper feelings and trust your intuitive gut feelings that are telling you something has to die so some other aspect of your consciousness can live. You will want to explore your inner Self, sort through recently gathered information and try to understand better what your natural process really is. It is best to be alone for such research. Take a day or a weekend and grab your most powerful books & music and get somewhere beautiful if you can, if not, then your bedroom will do just as well - and dig deep! You are finally ready for the deeper truth, and you will be transformed by what you learn. If you must communicate with others, plan on that being deep as well, so best to talk to a trusted advisor or wise elder. Nothing superficial today. The only warning with this energy is not to become obsessive about one particular idea - and certainly don't try to force any ideas on others. If you feel the deep need to focus on one particular thing, that is fine but try to keep some perspective or write down all your revelations so you can reflect on them at a later time when you can be more objective and prioritize better.

The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. Below, you will find out how these energies tend to manifest, as well as guidance and direction.

*NOTE*  There are some days when there are NO CONTACTS (besides the Moon), please note that there are no missing entries, we just list the actual Activations of each week + the day they happen.

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