Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Tania Gabrielle: FINAL Jupiter Pluto Celebration of the Year (Main Transit of the Week)

Tania Gabrielle: FINAL Jupiter Pluto Celebration of the Year (Main Transit of the Week)

Welcome the final meeting between Jupiter and Pluto, happening today!

Since the first two Jupiter/Pluto events in January and April we’ve traveled a journey of empowerment and expansion.

You have been integrating Pluto’s transformational pull…working with the powerful call to purge… releasing the urge to control others and outer circumstances, and instead refocusing on taking control of our OWN destiny.

These next weeks continue to introduce fortunate openings in your life for creating empowered changes with ease and flow.

Jupiter’s role has been sublime – blessings and bounty feel more attainable and PRESENT than ever.


Jupiter is the planet of PLENTY.

Merged harmoniously with Pluto for the final time, Jupiter is asking you to THINK BIG. Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system – bringing the gift of GROWTH.
In combination, Jupiter sextile Pluto blesses you with…

Deep gratitude

Profound tolerance

Unlimited possibilities

As Jupiter and Pluto dance together, heavenly opportunities for remarkable change are magnified.

Pluto in Capricorn wants to tear down OLD, deeply ingrained structures, while STRENGTHENING your resolve to TRUST in your INTERNAL POWER.

Pluto says – you can CHANGE your life in an INSTANT.

Jupiter in Scorpio (the sign that Pluto rules!) magnifies and deepens the transformation.

Jupiter instills you with a strong willingness to BROADEN your PERSPECTIVE and find the GOOD in every situation, in every person.

This is a remarkable final meeting, happening at the time Jupiter is still in a trine with Neptune…

-Infinite treasures are waiting to be uncovered and discovered!

-Sheer bliss and pure joy are yours.

Make all the changes you need to NOW – you are totally supported!

And use your Jupiter Wealth Code to guide you in the direction of your dreams.

Jupiter at the time of your birth was located in a specific house and sign in your astrology chart that reveal your natural wealth manifestation gifts.

In fact you have THREE Jupiter Wealth Zones.

All three zones unveil secrets about how you are personally designed to manifest fulfillment and attract abundance.

To discover your blissful Jupiter Wealth Code, click here.

Blessings and Love,
Tania Gabrielle

PS. In the next weeks while Jupiter and Pluto are still in a tight and fortunate sextile, many opportunities will open up for you, step into extraordinary expansion and achievement by uncovering the secrets in your Jupiter Wealth Code.

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