Sunday, October 7, 2018

Denise Le Fay: Building & Crossing Evolutionary Bridges

Building & Crossing Evolutionary Bridges

I’ve tried to write this particular article since late August 2018. I’m still living what I’m attempting to write about, plus the head pains and pressures and more have been, to say the least, pretty extreme since this started. With certain extra big and potent Ascension Process bodily changes and all that goes with each of them, some time is often needed to live it, embody it, deal with it and acclimate to the ongoing changes it causes before one can adequately discuss it. Such has been the case with this particular side effect for me. It has been physically painful, but after nearly twenty years of Ascension Process pains, what’s a little more from having some NEW multidimensional DNA activated?

I’m including book snippets of an old experience I had and wrote about in A Lightworker’s Mission because it’s directly connected to the ‘Crystalline Rainbow Bridge DNA’ connections and activation many of us are Embodying in 2018. This event happened in late 1982 through 1983. I wrote about it in 2009 in A Lightworker’s Mission and that book went on the market January 2010. Thirty-six years later many of us are individually living and Embodying this in 2018. The partial quotes below are from pages 60–65 of A Lightworker’s Mission: The Journey Through Polarity Resolution.

“One of the first things I remember happening at this new upstairs apartment was the beginning of a series of unusual lucid dream meetings with a male who I called my crazy twin brother. He didn’t look like me at all as he had rich brown skin and I’m Caucasian. My very first impression of him was that he was a Mayan. I didn’t know anything about the Mayans or the Mayan calendar at that time in early 1982 however…

“…My etheric Mayan crazy twin brother told me in this first dream that he desperately needed my help. He claimed he needed me to help him build a bridge. He said he would work building it from his side but that he needed me to help build the other end of it here from my side. In other words, he asked me to help him build an energy bridge that would connect his higher dimensional world with the physical third dimension and timeline I was living in.

For some reason his dream request sounded to me like the most normal thing I had heard in a long time. The proposed nonphysical bridge building project made perfect sense to me the second the words fell from his lips in this first dream meeting. I somehow instantly knew exactly what he meant and why this energy bridge was so vitally important at that time in late 1982. I knew and yet I did not know all the complex reasons for it.

I told him I did not know what I could do here in physicality, but that I would happily do whatever I could to help build his interdimensional energy bridge from my side of the Veil. He was ecstatic. He was so happy, so relieved, so excited that I had instantly agreed to help him build this bridge that he started running in circles, jumping, and howling like a crazy person…”

“…Three or four months later came the second lucid dream encounter with my Mayan crazy twin brother. In this second dream he was overflowing with higher energy, joy, excitement and pure enthusiasm. He didn’t seem to need to be doing anything to be this way either. He was running a lot of much higher energy through himself it seemed…
He informed me that the energy bridge building was coming along better and faster than he ever thought it could. He was giddy with excitement and joy over what he and I were doing and how easily we both were building this nonphysical, interdimensional bridge from our respective dimensions. I told him I honestly did not feel I was doing much at all from my physical side of the Veil. He instantly informed me that I was very wrong and each of us was indeed constructing the energy bridge from both of our dimensional sides. He was profoundly happy and grateful I had done all I had here in 3D physicality as that was making the entire bridge building happen so much faster…

“…The next dream arrived a few months later and he did a lot of running around, jumping, twirling and singing like a crazy fool—and I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it. In this dream meeting he was wearing numerous brightly colored tropical bird feathers in his long black hair. He wore a scant leather loincloth, but it was his red, blue, yellow, purple and teal colored feathers that had him wild with joy it seemed. I remember just watching the show and loving my crazy twin brother more than I even did before. He yelped, jumped, danced, flipped and howled with total abandon and I relished every delightful gesture he made and happy emotion he radiated. He seemed to be celebrating something special for us both. There wasn’t much dialogue between us in this dream meeting, just this Mayan celebration party or whatever it was. He frolicked, I watched, and fell in love with him totally…

“…As I watched him I slowly realized that our interdimensional bridge building project much be very close to being finished. That realization was terribly bittersweet. I was extremely happy we had completed our interdimensional project, but I was also deeply saddened to have my beloved Mayan crazy twin brother leave me on Earth alone again. I sensed that once this bridge building project was finished, we would not see each other in dreamtime meetings like this ever again…

“…This was the last dream meeting I had with him in late 1983, which told me our invisible multidimensional energy bridge had indeed been completed. I was very happy and proud about that, but I did miss him terribly for quite a while. I wondered if some of his actions in those last two dreams were his way of trying to make our upcoming disconnection a bit easier for me emotionally and physically. I believe that was the case at any rate.”

What’s really interesting about these types of multidimensional Ascension Process missions and jobs over my lifetime have been that I thought I knew what all was happening at the times I had these different ascension related experiences. Yes let’s all have a good, honest belly laugh over that one! Just about the time you think you understand some aspect of something about the Ascension and Embodiment Processes, you reach a higher Stair-step and with that perspective are suddenly able to know more than you did previously. Such has been the case with this 36 year-old multidimensional etheric bridge building project with my Mayan crazy twin brother. Although he presented himself to me in these lucid dreams as looking like he was from ancient physical “Mayaland” on Earth, he was actually from Maya, one of the Seven Sisters of the Pleiadian star system.

  1. Alcyone
  2. Merope
  3. Maya
  4. Electra
  5. Tygeta
  6. Coele
  7. Atlas

Around mid-September 2018, after reading something Sandra Walter had written about the ‘Crystalline Rainbow Bridge DNA’ codons and what they looked like to her, it dawned on me to take a look within and See for myself. What I saw at that time looked somewhat like bright jewel tone colored feathers. Ruby red, emerald green, sapphire blue, purple amethyst, brilliant teal and radiant gold. As I internally viewed this I was slightly confused over why these NEW DNA codons slightly resembled bright-colored crystalline-like feathers. Then the memory of the 1982–1983 series of lucid dreams with my Mayan crazy twin brother and he and I Working to build and connect a multidimensional energy bridge popped into my consciousness. In that instant all his seemingly “crazy” actions and weird behaviors made much more sense. His deliberately presenting himself once against a black background wearing nothing but a body colored loincloth to draw attention to his brightly colored feathers he’d placed in his long black hair so I’d see and remember them suddenly made higher sense. This is often how we’re communicated with by our other-dimensional Selves, cosmic Family, other Masters and such. Learn to read and feel between the multidimensional lines because multiple higher messages are usually coded, symbolic of multiple things, and meticulously time coded for we volunteers existing in the physical and Working from this side of things.

In September 2018, I suddenly understood much more about what this 36-year-old multidimensional bridge building project was actually about. It was multidimensionally Worked upon by that fifth dimensional Mayan and myself in the third dimension—and most likely some of you reading this too—so we could cross that bridge decades later during our 2018 physical Ascension and Embodiment Process Now. The brightly colored somewhat feathery looking DNA codons I Saw last month are higher frequency multidimensional energy bridges that more and more Pathpavers/Forerunners/First Everythingers are Embodying in 2018. They are NEW DNA “bridges” that are being connected in some of us, and as we continue Embodying them, we’re automatically crossing those bridges which is increasingly getting us closer to NEW ascended Earth plus greatly accelerating the Separation of Worlds.

In 2018, there are multiple evolutionary events taking place simultaneously that are accelerating the Ascension Process, the Embodiment Process, NEW DNA being activated, the Separation of Worlds, the “end times” of not only the global patriarchy and nonhuman Team Dark aliens/beings/entities etc., but of everything from the past Evolutionary Cycle. You can feel it, global history from the past Cycle disintegrating under your feet, in your cells, heart and consciousness. In early 2009, I perceived that I needed to quickly write another book, one that covered much of my supernatural and multidimensional life, because “I would soon begin loosing my memories of past events.” That sentence and what it indicates is huge and another sign that we are evolving beyond everything from the and our pasts.

Because this particular DNA bridge crossing has caused some very intense head pain and pressures and other side effects, I’m going to list the main ones I’ve had at this NEW more intense level. Again, your mileage may vary so use this list as a guide only. All these side effects are caused by the current NEW DNA connections and activation so we each may experience them slightly differently.

Severe Head Pains & Pressures — I’ve had this as have you off and on throughout these Ascension years, but the last week of August 2018, it began at a higher and much more intense level than anything I’ve previously experienced. The last week of August my head suddenly began hurting, not with a “headache”, but from embodying much higher frequency Light energies and in this case it’s been NEW DNA. Our heads, brains, Pineal, Pituitary, Hypothalamus brain glands, skulls and more have gone through a MUCH higher level of Rewiring due to these latest NEW DNA bridge crossing connections and activation. It often feels like vertical tubes of Light are literally boring holes into my head and skull and pouring more higher frequency Light energies into my head and farther down into my whole upper body. These pains are severe and precise and you can tell exactly where they’re entering in through the top of your head and skull. And they move slightly each time to a different place on your head and brain to energetically Work on another part of your head and brain. This is like Divine cosmic evolutionary Light energy surgeries!

Head, Skull & Facial Bone Pains & Pressures — Periods of highly amplified pain and pressure in facial bones, bridge of nose, eyebrow bone pains, jaw hinge pains, sinus area pressures and sometimes pushing all the way down into some teeth. This is sometimes followed by a pleasant sensation of the surface of your face going numb.

Dry Eyes, Blurry Vision, Eyes Feeling Bruised & Sore — Periods of painful sore eyes from all the higher Light pressures of NEW DNA, dry eyes, and not being able to see clearly.

Severe Detoxing — Repeated severe Hot Flash-like sweating because you’re detoxing epic portions of old residual negative stuff across Earth time and Galactic time and more. The ongoing casting-off of everything from the past Cycle happens simultaneously with our Embodying more NEW DNA at higher levels. There are Ascension related “Hot Flashes” and there are super severe, feels like you’re going into shock, sticky Astral and extradimensional type purging detox sweating. There’s been lots of this while we’ve been crossing rainbow DNA bridges this entire year. It’s intense, massive in scope and exhausting which is why we need to do extra Self-Care while Embodying this NEW DNA and it being connected. Plenty of multidimensional transformative activity is happening in and around each of us because we’re Embodying this NEW “bridge” DNA.

Physically & Clairvoyantly Seeing Flashing, Moving Lights — Since about this time last year I started seeing and Seeing Lights flashing, strobing, pulsing and constantly moving when my eyes are open and when they’re closed. These flashing, moving Lights I’m seeing are coming from me, not externally from the Sun or anywhere else. I and the Sun are One, as are you, and us embodying more NEW higher multidimensional DNA only increases this energetic frequency match with the changes taking place in the Sun too.

You know how a ceiling fan with lights on it makes the light look like it’s chopped or strobing due to the fan blades rotating? Seeing the Light you now contain and radiate sort of looks like that, except it’s not precise and mechanical like a ceiling fan but organic and moving constantly. I see flashing, moving lights many feet above my head and out around me in all directions. It’s amazing to see the Light we’ve Embodied so far radiating out into the physical environment all around each of us. This too will only increase and expand the more Light we Embody so know that you are and will increasingly influence everything and everyone NEW human Lightbeing.

Periods of Intense Vertigo — This is one Ascension Process side effect I don’t have very often thank goodness, but since late August 2018, sudden waves of vertigo have hit and can literally spin your physical body around 180° or more and send you into furniture or the floor if not careful. Many of these NEW DNA side effects have been slowly reducing over the past few months but are still present.

Severe Stomach & Digestive Problems — This is another Ascension side effect most of us have had off and on over all these years but this year it’s been next-level for sure! Can’t eat much of anything. Stomach acid all over the place. Purging diarrhea. Acid reflux and heartburn from hell. All of this and more has been common for much of this year. Like everything else however, this too shall pass.

Daytime Sleeping Is Very Different Now — I can’t remember exactly when this one started for me but it’s increased all of 2018. When I fall asleep during the daytime now, what I experience is so much more intense, lucid, direct and connected??? than when I sleep at night, and I was pretty good at that! I sense that this difference is because sleeping when the Sun is out during the daytime is very different energetically from when we sleep at night with no Sunlight shining directly on us.

When I nap during the daytime now I’m lucid the entire time and in other dimensions doing other things with other people and beings. On the other hand I often fall asleep during the daytime and am lucid and remain in my physical body in my physical house and perceive from that vantage point instead of going off somewhere else. I’m asleep but intentionally stay in my physical body to observe my Light energies and other things. None of this consciously planned by me and it all seems very natural and easy. I AM wherever I AM now, and so are you so pay attention and discern what you’re doing, observing, intending, discovering, creating, working on, and who you’re working with. It’s all fascinating and very different from last year.

The Really Strange Side Effects — These are the most difficult to talk about only because they’re so personal and unique to each of us and how we perceive today. Since 2015 I’ve been increasingly dealing with “reality” turning into something very NEW and different, which we’ve all known goes along with the Ascension and Embodiment Processes, the dimensional Shift, and the Separation of Worlds. But again, knowing something isn’t anything like actually living it minute-by-minute and in the quantum Now Moment.

I see and See things, hear things, feel things, know things and sense things that are almost impossible for me to convey. I think the best and most correct way to describe all of this is just to say that we’ve always been multidimensional Beings but we’ve become increasingly CONSCIOUS of this fact. And as should be expected with becoming increasingly consciously aware of one’s own multidimensional Self, Selves and many, many Others too in multiple locations, it changes you in every way imaginable. And we’ve just gotten started with this! With more NEW DNA being Embodied and activated within more and more of us, these so-called anomalies and phenomena should be expected as our NEW “normal”. Included with all this is new and unusual weather changes and more Earth changes everywhere. The old Earth world and reality, the old Galactic reality, the old Universal reality including each of us is in profound transformational change this year, with more to come. Rest and self-care because what we’re going through within our physical bodies and psyches is almost more than even we can comprehend at the moment.

October 6, 2018

Donations can be made here and thank you for the energy exchange.
Copyright © Denise LeFay & HighHeartLife, 2018. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice are included.

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