Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Titus Frost: #WayFair WARNING! & Ghislaine Reddit

Titus Frost warned us not to jump to conclusions and run with the Wayfair rumors, that may be a combination of actual intel and disinfo, designed to discredit Truthers who sense that something is off with this story.


 #WayFair WARNING! & Ghislaine Reddit

Streamed live on Jul 11, 2020

43.3K subscribers


Banned Wayfair and Ghislaine Info.

Streamed live 7/13/20

43.3K subscribers

I did a live analysis of wayfair gate and ghislaine maxwell news but it has been censored OFF YouTube
twice live and as a re-upload,
watch on dlive:

1 comment:

  1. More likely, these bizarrely high prices for home furnishings are either money laundering or a pay portal for human trafficking, with Yandex, the Russian mafia and other U.S. allies involved. It's a tricky, sordid world, hiding in plain sight, truth cloaked in disinfo to throw off those who would look too closely. This underlying truth should be brought to humanity and made public. It should not be taboo.It should not be swept under the rug as it has been for centuries, nor should it be hiding in plain sight. Knowledge is power.This is the biggest fear of the human trafficking and pedophile networks. Truth, coming to Light.

    Titus Frost has done a lot of research into Epstein and others, and doesn't get the credit he deserves for bringing uncomfortable truths out in the open.

    Be safe, Titus.
