NorthPoint Astrology Journal
Your weekly guide to planetary influences
July 27 to August 2, 2020
by Pam Younghans
Aspects of Note This Week
All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.
MON: Jupiter sextile Neptune, Venus quincunx Jupiter, Venus square Neptune, Mercury square Mars, Sun sesquiquadrate Neptune
TUE: Mercury opposite Pallas Athene, Mars square Pallas Athene
THU: Mercury opposite Jupiter, Mercury trine Neptune, Venus quincunx Pluto
FRI: Sun semisquare Venus, Sun trine Chiron
SAT: Mercury opposite Pluto, Mercury square Eris
SUN: Sun square Uranus, Venus semisquare Uranus
IT'S ANOTHER very active week astrologically, with more than a few twists and turns in the road. But we begin the week with a lovely Jupiter-Neptune sextile on Monday that can provide some moments of peace amidst the turmoil, helping us focus our attention on the stillpoint within.
and Neptune both have a connection with the sign of Pisces; before
Neptune was discovered in 1846, astrologers gave Jupiter rulership of
the twelfth sign. Jupiter is now known as the ancient ruler of the sign,
and Neptune is the modern ruler. As such, the two planets have an
affinity with each other, and work together well when given the
JUPITER represents
our capacity to seek meaning, to believe in something greater than
ourselves, and to risk the unknown and unfamiliar. Neptune symbolizes
our ability to transcend duality, to rise above mundane perspectives,
and to experience the Oneness of creation. In action, Jupiter
magnifies, while Neptune sensitizes. As they link together, we can make
significant progress on our spiritual path or in a creative endeavor,
and our life philosophy can become more compassionate and
influence of the Jupiter-Neptune sextile is our companion throughout
2020, with the aspect being exact to the degree on February 20, July 27,
and October 14. As these two Piscean rulers collaborate on our behalf,
we have the opportunity to access greater inspiration and creativity,
and to experience the grace of Divine intervention, if we set our
for these. A sextile aspect such as this indicates an unlocked door with
great potentials on the other side – but, as agents of free will, we must choose both to open that door and to walk through it.
the dramas continue to unfold over the week ahead. Most of the
challenging aspects involve the planet Mercury; this means that on a
personal level, our mental state and our ability to convey and receive
information are affected. But,
there is much playing out on the physical stage as well, with both Mars
and Eris being activated, and in relationships, with Venus also caught
in the tangle.
Here's the play-by-play of the highlights (and lowlights):
On Monday:
On Tuesday:
On Thursday:
On Friday:
On Saturday:
On Sunday:
As you can see, we have our work cut out for us if we want to stay in balance this week! All the more reason to imagine walking through that Jupiter-Neptune door, and to ask for help in maintaining a higher perspective and an open heart in all circumstances.
LAST CHANCE! You can still purchase the video replay, monthly calendars, and slideshow for my "Transmutations & Rebirth" webinar!
The class covered the last six months of 2020, including the
all-important Jupiter-Saturn alignment in Aquarius in December. To learn
more, please send an email
with "Webinar Replay" in the subject line to pam@northpointastrology.com, and I'll reply with next steps.
year of uncertainty is an especially powerful one for you, dear Leo.
You are experiencing deep changes in your self-concept, and in how you
approach a certain area of your life experience. In this area, you will
be feeling very restless
and even irritable, and quite impatient with circumstances that are not
to your liking. It may be time for some major changes, if you find that
you have been basing your choices on whether others will approve of you.
There's a strong "I've got to be me" vibe about your personal new year.
It will teach you a lot about who you really are, while challenging
you to live even more authentically. (Solar Return Sun semisquare Venus, trine Chiron, square
In Gratitude and Light,
photo of comet NEOWISE and auroras over Duluth, Minnesota, USA, was
taken by Beth Colyear on July 24, 2020 (posted on Spaceweather.com)
NorthPoint Journal © 2020 NorthPoint Astrology. All Rights
About the NorthPoint Journal
Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this NorthPoint Journal based on planetary influences and insights received. Her hope is to offer perspectives to assist you in utilizing current energies to enhance your life experience and accelerate your spiritual and personal growth.
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To learn more about private astrology sessions, please visit the "Personal Readings" page at www.northpointastrology.com
Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2020. All Rights Reserved.
NorthPoint Astrology, 15000 Block 75th, Kenmore, WA 98028, USA
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