Monday, August 10, 2020

[August 10 - 16] Weekly Astrology Numerology Forecast (video) + 8.8. / 20:20:20 Star Code Portal of Liberation [Lion’s Gate]

Don't worry if you think you "missed" the 8/8 Portal. You didn't. Depending on how it impacts your birth chart, some will feel it more strongly before during or after the exact aspect.  This portal, that marks the rising of Sirius above the horizon at dawn, is an opening for the energies to flow more easily towards us, so think of it as a process more than as an event. It represents a major shift, insight, release, taking action, and a metaphorical rebirth, as we rise from the ashes of our former selves. 2020 brings us many intense, unusual and power aspects that are helping us to usher in change, both within our selves and the collective. This may include intensity, chaos, and the unexpected, (especially with strong Mars and Uranus aspects occurring as well) but the important thing is to stay out of fear, stay grounded (time in nature helps) and focus on the positive things you wish to create in your life. (Benifics Jupiter and Venus are prominent at times, too!) Also, allow yourself extra rest and self-care. Remember, "The darkest hour is just before the dawn." So rest up, then pick yourself up, find your voice, express/take action and leave the rest behind in your sparkly dust! ~PB

[August 10 - 16] Weekly Astrology Numerology Forecast

Aug 8, 2020
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A highly sought after spiritual intuitive and personal growth leader, Tania Gabrielle inspires legions of praise from her clients and followers. Tania introduced the merging of two ancient divination arts – Astrology and Numerology – to the Western World, unlocking the codes in the stars, names and numbers to facilitate wealth and well-being with a primary focus on teaching spiritual principles that manifest practical, real-life results.


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8.8. / 20:20:20 Star Code Portal of Liberation [Lion’s Gate]

8.8.2020 is a very special day.

8 is the number of leadership, power, a big vision, confidence and abundance.

A double 8:8 awakens multi-dimensional awareness and a deep experience of infinite resources.

8.8.2020 adds up to 20!

This 20 Universal Date creates the triple 20:20:20 triad of peace, balance and harmony.

  • Some refer to 8.8. as the opening of the Lion’s Gate.
  • The Lion’s gate aligns with the sign of LEO.


This year, the Lion’s Gate is very powerful due to the new cycle that is being birthed on Earth.

A breaking down of illusion and our old constructs is magnified exponentially.

It is an opportunity for you to step into your true light.

  • Leo is ruled by the SUN, our Star – bringer of Light.
  • The Lion’s Gate opens into the star of Sirius – the sister star to our planet Earth and the brightest star in the sky.
  • When the Sun is in Leo, the star Sirius rises.

Sirius is the star that the Ancient Egyptians used as a guide to observe the natural cycles of the Nile river.

The Nile flooded when Sirius was rising, and thus Sirius was seen a star of abundance.

The Sphinx in Ancient Egypt was built during the age of LEO.

The profound ancient wisdom connected to the Sphinx is now being linked up to our current time, so that galactic secrets are brought into our consciousness once again after having been taken away and hidden from humanity for millennia.

Every year the 8.8. Lion’s Gate peaks in the middle of Leo.

Leo, symbolizes the lion – king of the jungle.

Lion/Lioness energy is about courage, power and Heart-centered living.

  • The number 8 is a number of infinite power and abundance – and this year 8.8. merges with 2020 (reduced to root number 4), building new foundations that are LASTING.

As the 20:20:20 Triad of Peace, Harmony and Balance and 8:8 of Eternity and Strength blend into one on August 8, we are lifted out of old thought patterns into higher spheres of consciousness.

These amazing Star Codes open powerful portals to create an easy vibrational upgrade.

It is important to spend time away from devices, so that you can move away from thiniing your life into being and move into loving your life into reality.

We are joining together to consciously reject old coping habits of disdain, ridicule and shaming anyone or any group that does not agree with our terms... and instead strengthen our inner lion/lioness through infinite sources of compassion, wisdom, divine love and healing.

Leo symbolizes being royal.

Feel the royal marriage between the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine!

  • Wear the royal garments of Love and Light!

This is the new way – balancing strength AND sensitivity within our hearts.

8.8. 2020 marks the beginning of the next level of intensification for Earth and Humanity’s liberation from control.

8.8. helps us discern between using power negatively through attacks and subterfuge to gain control - or enhancing and uplifting life for the good of ALL.

The lid is being taken off so that the truth sets you free.

Your awakening is having a profound impact on the overall shift from one cycle to the next.

As you consciously align with Love, you release, reject and transmute trauma, dogma, narcissism, victimization.

You are on the frontlines of birthing and nourishing a New Earth!

Be part of the galactic liberation.

Have a wonderful 8.8.2020!

Love and Blessings,


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