Sunday, August 9, 2020

NorthPoint Astrology Journal: Your guide to planetary energies for August 10 to 16, 2020 By Pam Younghans


NorthPoint Astrology Journal

By Pam Younghans

Aspects of Note this Week

All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.

MON: Mercury square Uranus, Sun quincunx Jupiter
WED: Sun quincunx Neptune
THU: Mars square Pluto
FRI: Mercury quincunx Jupiter, Mercury quincunx Neptune 
SAT: Sun quincunx Pluto, Uranus stations retrograde
SUN: Sun sesquiquadrate Chiron, Mercury quincunx Pluto, Sun trine Mars, Venus square Chiron, Mercury sesquiquadrate Chiron, Mercury trine Mars

THE WINDS OF CHANGE are swirling in earnest this week, blowing us first one way and then another. The engine behind much of these shifting energies is the planet Uranus, which will "station" (come to a standstill) this Saturday to begin its five-month retrograde (backward motion) phase. 

When a planet stops in its tracks to change direction – either to turn retrograde or direct – its influence on our lives is increased for about two weeks before and after the day of its station. I liken this to our experience of a train as it nears the platform where we are standing.

A PLANET must decrease its speed as it nears its station, just as a train must slow down as it nears a depot. The closer the train gets to the platform where we are standing, the more powerfully we sense it. When it stops in front of us, engines idling, the vibration in our ears and underfoot is the strongest. This is equivalent to the day of a planetary station, when we feel the influence of that planet most profoundly.

Once the planet shifts gears for its change of direction, the days that follow are like the train pulling away. We gradually sense its individual vibration less and less, until the sound of the train (and the influence of the planet) becomes more a part of the background traffic noise.

WITH URANUS coming to its station on the 15th, we are feeling its heightened energies for the entire month of August, but most powerfully this week and next. Uranus' higher purposes are to help us live more authentically and in tune with our higher selves, and to alter our perspective or change our trajectory as needed to accomplish those purposes.

When Uranus is dealing the cards, we can experience surprises and sudden changes, breakthroughs and breakdowns, earthquakes, hurricanes, and explosions, as well as "aha" moments and openings to expanded consciousness. That means we will need to be especially flexible in our expectations this next week, allowing space in our lives for the shifting energies to move through and make whatever changes are needed.

AT ITS ESSENCE, Uranus is a planet of Liberation. It goal is to free us from limitations and "shoulds," whether those are imposed externally or internally, mentally/emotionally or physically. If we are feeling restricted in any way, we might feel especially restless, irritable and impatient, and even rebellious this week and next.

The urge to break free from the past, or to create significant change in some area of our lives, will be quite intense for those already working with a strong Uranus transit to their natal chart. This may be felt most personally by those who were born when the Sun was near 11 degrees of a fixed sign – within a day or two of May 1 (Taurus), August 1 (Leo), November 1 (Scorpio), or February 1 (Aquarius).

AND YET, Uranus' station is just a part of the story this week ... there's a lot going on with the other planets, too. Here are the most significant influences:

On Monday, Mercury is square Uranus: A lot of nervous mental energy. Thinking either scattered or enlightened. Surprising news. Unexpected detours, disruptions in communications, unpredictable reactions. Insights that challenge our egos. Very electrical in nature. Breathe in, breathe out.

On Monday-Wednesday, the Sun forms a yod ("finger of God") configuration with Jupiter and Neptune: The need for an attitude adjustment, based on how attached we may be to getting approval, credit, or accolades. This yod requires a significant growth in our capacity for self-examination, and in our ability to overcome willfulness, pride, and arrogance.

On Wednesday-Thursday, Mars is square Pluto: This volatile aspect is exact just after midnight Pacific Time on Thursday, so is also strong on Wednesday. Mars and Pluto are both determined to get their way. People are passionate about getting what they want, and strongly resist any attempts to control them. Manipulations and power struggles, where nobody wins. Hidden motivations revealed.

On Friday, Mercury forms the same yod configuration with Jupiter and Neptune that the Sun created earlier in the week: A mental adjustment is needed. We are challenged to view life from a broader, more spiritual perspective, and to focus our minds on creating new solutions. Be aware of getting sidetracked by old beliefs and habitual ways of thinking that actually no longer serve.

On Saturday-Sunday, the Sun and Mercury are both quincunx Pluto: We become aware of how a need to be in control interferes with our living in the Now, and with accessing the creative insights that will enable the change we want to see. In combination with the strong Uranus energies over the weekend, this is the time to let go of our attachment to what has been, and to open to what can be.

On Sunday, the Sun and Mercury are trine Mars: We feel energized to move forward. This is an aspect that supports our having the confidence and courage to pursue our heart's desire. But, the Sun, Mercury, and Venus are all in hard aspect to Chiron on Sunday, indicating some residual issues with self-confidence, perhaps not feeling supported by loved ones. This is an opportunity for self-care and inner child work, as the external lack of support mirrors our own internal uncertainties.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: This can be an inspired year, when many creative ideas come to you. You may be especially drawn to writing, speaking, or teaching what you know. While you may be in touch with a new direction you want to take, there are several adjustments you will need to make in order to move forward. It is time to alter any need for approval from others that keeps you from fully expressing yourself. This is a subtle way of giving away one's power, and will feel increasingly uncomfortable as you observe how it interferes with your expansion and personal fulfillment. (Solar Return Sun conjunct Mercury, semisquare Venus, trine Mars, quincunx Jupiter, quincunx Neptune, quincunx Pluto)

In gratitude and light,


Copyright 2020 NorthPoint Astrology. All rights reserved.


NorthPoint Astrology Journal

Your guide to planetary energies for

August 3 to 9, 2020

By Pam Younghans

Aspects of Note this Week
All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.

MON: Uranus sextile Ceres, Full Moon 8:58 a.m. PDT, Mercury opposite Saturn
TUE: Mars square Jupiter, Venus quincunx Saturn, Mercury enters Leo
WED: Venus conjunct South Node
FRI: Venus enters Cancer, Mercury sesquiquadrate Neptune
SUN: Mercury trine Chiron

week of August has a Full Moon as its centerpiece – and it could be a wild one. The lunation occurs at 8:58 a.m. PDT on Monday, August 3, with the Moon at 11°45′ Aquarius and the Sun at the same degree of Leo.

A Full Moon is the climax of the lunar cycle. It symbolizes something coming into our awareness, something that we may not have been consciously aware of before. A Full Moon is also known for heightened emotional reactivity, as feelings that have been hidden come to the surface.

Our current lunar cycle began with the Cancer New Moon on July 20. Since that date, certain themes have been unfolding, and are now ready to be brought more fully to light.

a Full Moon in Aquarius is electrical – surprising and at times even shocking. The sign is independent, unconventional, and rebellious, often socially aware and progressive.

But, at the same time, Aquarius is a fixed sign, which means it can be strongly opinionated and resistant to input from others, preferring to live according to its own unique perspective on reality. Aquarius lives by the adage, "march to the beat of your own drum."

Our Full Moon on Monday emphasizes all of these qualities, bringing them forward for us to work with.

THE LUNATION powerfully activates the planet Uranus, located at 10°38′ Taurus. Being square both the Sun and the Moon, Uranus sits at the apex of a fixed-sign "T-square" with the two lights.

A T-square is a configuration of tension. This fixed T-square challenges us through revealing our attachments, showing us how we resist change, and requiring us to become more objective. It can manifest as a battle of wills, where people refuse to be flexible or to respect the other's perspective. With rebel planet Uranus at the apex of the T-square, we may see more individuals acting as mavericks, stubbornly ignoring any rules that do not agree with their own view of reality.

URANUS' influence is very strong for the next few weeks, not only because of its involvement in the Full Moon, but also because the planet is moving forward quite slowly right now. Uranus will come to a standstill on August 15, shift gears into reverse, and then gradually begin to go retrograde (appear to move backwards)

When a planet "stations" in this way, we feel its effects even more strongly than usual. In truth, the entire month of August 2020 is likely to be a very "Uranian," so let's explore what that could mean.

THE PLANET URANUS is known by many names. As the god of Chaos, Uranus brings seemingly random change into our lives, earthquakes both literal and symbolic. We feel restless and impatient under its influence, and can be more accident prone because we're too much in a hurry. Our thinking can be more erratic, making it hard to focus on a specific subject or to engage in a lengthy conversation.

Uranus is also called The Awakener. Under its influence, new ideas come into our awareness, information that disrupts the status quo or requires us to change course. Uranus opens our eyes to possibilities we may not have considered before.

And, in its role as a transpersonal planet, Uranus is the god of the Starry Skies, representing access to Higher Mind and unlimited potentials. We are more open to intuitive insights when Uranus is strong, and psychic impressions are heightened. This last is especially true when Uranus is in aspect to the Moon, as it is for Monday's Full Moon.

WE ARE AWAKENING on many levels, and the month of August is playing a pivotal role in this process. Circumstances for many months have compelled us to spend more time with ourselves, and have removed many of the distractions that we might usually use to avoid introspection. If we allow ourselves to see higher purposes to the COVID-19 crisis, this is certainly one of them.

Over these next weeks, with Uranus' energy enhanced, it will be interesting to watch what unfolds, and what new ideas and directions emerge. We are likely to see all three faces of the planet represented strongly: the god of Chaos, the Awakener, and the Higher Mind.

IN ADDITION to the Full Moon, here's a play-by-play of the most significant aspects for the coming week:

  • On Monday:
    • Uranus sextile Ceres: Able to adjust our emotional needs to the inspiration of the moment. New ideas related to caring for the Earth and for our global family. Focus on human rights, children's welfare.
    • Mercury opposite Saturn: Pessimistic attitude, or feeling that we are not being heard. A realistic appraisal of plans is possible, but be careful of being too critical or demanding. Remember that all is in process. 
    On Tuesday:
    • Mars square Jupiter: Other than the Full Moon, this is the strongest aspect of the week. We will start to feel this energy on Monday, if not before. Reactivity and anger are heightened. Tension between individuals and authorities, each seeing the other as an obstacle. Legal battles.
    • Venus quincunx Saturn: A need to adjust priorities, finding that certain ideas and values that brought us this far cannot take us the entire way. Partnerships and alliances being tested.
    On Wednesday:
    • Venus conjunct North Node in Gemini: Relationships from the past come to mind, especially in terms of communication issues. An opportunity to do a "relationship autopsy," to clear the way for healthier manifestations in this area of life.
    On Friday:
    • Mercury sesquiquadrate Neptune: A possible lack of clarity in our thinking and communications. Imaginings or the need to escape reality can interfere with our ability to perceive truth. A day to dream, but not to implement.
    On Sunday:
    • Mercury trine Chiron: Learning to trust our own creative thinking. Healing the need to live up to anyone else's criteria, or to gain others' approval for our ideas.
IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: About eight months from now, you will be embarking on a year of significant change, when you reinvent your self-concept and also a certain area of your life experience. You are already feeling some of this energy, but it will be a stronger force starting in spring of 2021. In preparation for that shift in your life, you will be addressing issues related to personal relationships and your financial situation this year. This is the time to consolidate and to get clear on your values, so that you know what you want to take with you going forward. Throughout this year, you will also have opportunities to heal a lack of self-confidence, and to appreciate yourself instead of being overly focused on gaining the approval of others. (Solar Return Sun semisquare Venus, trine Chiron, square Uranus)

In gratitude and light,


Copyright 2020 NorthPoint Astrology. All rights reserved.

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