Whatever you find yourself intuitively drawn to is the right direction for you.

08/25/2020 by John Smallman
Dear John, you will be pleased to hear me confirm for you once again
that the Divine Plan is unfolding precisely as God wills. It could not
unfold in any other way. Do not let the vociferous noise of the
mainstream media and the social meeting channels drown out your inner
knowing that all is well. To doubt is a necessary aspect of being
human, its purpose being to encourage you to go within and listen to your inner guidance, your intuition, and make sure that you respond with love to whatever is causing you to doubt. By
doing that you can come to a place of peace from which you can view
whatever is causing your doubt with wisdom and without expectation.
Doubt often arises when you have a choice to make, and your doubt
addresses the difficulty inherent in the choice before you, for
instance: “Are we really awakening, or am I using my hope that we are to
silence my fears that maybe we are not?”
I know many of you are facing doubts of this nature, and I want to
assure you that they truly are completely unwarranted. By going within,
to your holy inner sanctuary, and then asking for guidance from someone
on your spiritual support team, although you may well not “hear” a
response, if you sit quietly without expectation – and that can indeed
be very difficult for some of you – you will find an inner place where
the doubt that is causing you some anxiety eases. Then you will feel
able to live with it in the knowing that, even though what you
see happening in the outside world would have you believe otherwise,
humanity’s awakening is occurring as divinely promised and intended.
Many are presently experiencing intense emotional turmoil as the
worldwide uncertainty that has arisen as a result of the COVID-19
pandemic makes it very difficult for people to make any meaningful plans
even for tomorrow, let alone beyond that, becausethe rules and the
available data keep changing as new information is released into the
public realm on a daily basis. Confusion appears to be endemic as
various “authority figures” offer conflicting advice, guidance, and
instructions to follow, which other “authority figures” tell you to
disregard and dismiss. So what are you to think? Well, it is quite
apparent that the “authorities” are themselves extremely confused, and
this is because their “secure” communications systems are in disarray,
and they are receiving conflicting instructions from those who rule and
direct them. The old order of direct, command, and control has broken
down irreparably. Now, a new and far less centralized system, that
honors people and not rules, is arising to replace it, and signs of this
are becoming visible in many places as groups of people start to
establish a multitude of on-line communities to share information,
ideas, and resources as part of the grand awakening.
Enormous changes are occurring because so many people everywhere are
claiming their divine sovereignty and are engaging lovingly with life
from their heart centers. When you do that life becomes far more
meaningful and enjoyable. Everyone is called to serve in some form,
and when you enter life from your heart centers, instead of from your
ego-directed minds, you will find yourself drawn to assist the
collective awakening process in ways that are totally appropriate for
you, instead of seeing what others are doing and feeling that you should
emulate them. You each have your own individual path that may well
involve cooperation with a few others or many others, or it may lead you
to do something on your own that only you can do. Whatever you find
yourself intuitively drawn to is the right direction for you, even if
others may try to persuade you otherwise, so learn to trust yourself.
Sometimes it can be helpful to recall instances when you did not follow
your intuition but allowed others to persuade you to do something
different, and you then regretted it, realizing that your intuition had
been right.
During your daily self-time, when you relax quietly, undisturbed by
others or by your phone and social media, and as you reset your intent
to be only loving whatever may arise, also ask for help to differentiate
between your ego’s intent and your divine intent. The ego’s intents or
desires are often grounded in fear or anxiety, whereas your divine
intent will be peaceful and loving, even as your ego attempts to
persuade you that this is not the case.
All presently incarnate in human form are on Earth to assist in the collective awakening, and that of course includes self-awakening! Self-awakening
may occur quite spontaneously and gently during quiet time alone, being
out in nature, listening to someone who needs to talk to you about
their confusion or anxieties, or in a sudden moment of clarity as you
deliberate with yourself about an action you think you need to take or
about a relationship that is causing you concern. The thing is to be
open at all times for an unexpected insight, for instance
something with which an unwanted distraction presents you. In other
words make a point of returning to mindfulness whenever
the thought occurs to you that you are not in a state of mindfulness, or
when you become aware that your mind is wandering. As you are well
aware your minds often wander, particularly when you are doing something
that is normally very undemanding such as driving to work or doing the
dishes – normal routine everyday tasks – and those are excellent
opportunities to practice mindfulness.
Mindfulness is a very open state of awareness in which you are fully
conscious of how every part of your body feels, and at the same time you
are fully aware of the environment surrounding or enveloping you in the
moment. In that state it is very easy for those on your support team
in the spiritual realms to communicate with you – your attention is
suddenly and for no apparent reason drawn in a certain direction – or
offer guidance by way of your intuition or inner knowing which you can
access best when you are relaxed and at peace.
There is spiritual guidance and intuitive insight pouring into the
collective human energy field at present to assist in your awakening,
everyone is receiving information about their awakening in every moment
if they will allow themselves to be open to it. Old fixed beliefs and
opinions need to be released to make room for this influx of new
knowledge, knowledge that has always been available, but which
you have been unable to access because of the distractions with which
your everyday lives present you, and which seem to demand your immediate attention. Truly, in your daily lives there is very little that absolutely needs
your immediate attention, so make a point of slowing down, mentally and
physically, so that your inner knowing can offer you more effective
ways to deal with whatever arises by responding thoughtfully and wisely
instead of with an instant reaction that may later prove to to have been
less than totally appropriate.
Now is the time to be more and do less, as you adjust more fully to
the new uplifting and inspiring energies that are displacing or
dissolving the egotistical ones to which you have been accustomed. This
new sense of peace – that all is well – takes some getting used to, and
so your daily quiet times, when you choose to be alone and undisturbed,
are essential to your individual awakening processes. You each feel
and experience them differently because you are each different
expressions of the One as It expresses Itself in myriad ways through
each of you for the wonder and glory of All. Take the time to relax,
feel, and enjoy the process for which you have been hoping and praying
for eons. The moment of awakening is upon you, so do not fall back into
the unawareness from which you are all arising, instead, be alert and
open to the joy that this process is offering you as you step up through
the veil of limitation into the brilliance of Reality.
With so very much love, Saul.
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