Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Be like a diamond by @Mary_Allison on telegram

[Forwarded from Mary_Allison]

This is an era of exposure. Meaning, those you felt you could count on, the ones you considered to be close friends, mentors, or family members, are now unmasking their true intentions whilst they reveal who they authentically are.

In this process of unveiling, some will come to realize their support system was built on toxic grounds, while others will find their system of connectedness is unwavering even as societal pressure mounts daily, resulting in temptation to abandon one's morality as some succumb to divisive narratives and use their own friendships as channels for manipulative input.

Throughout this entire conscious journey we are being asked one thing, to stand in our truth. Meaning, whatever resonates with your heart, should be your top priority of alignment.

If someone close to you does not honor your path during this time, furthermore if they attempt to thwart your sovereignty by means of harassing you emotionally, mentally, or threatening you ceaselessly in hopes you will bend and take the same path as them, then the question is often asked, do they truly love you?

In these times we ask ourselves, is love manipulated bias characterized as a mentally deranged and impulsive charade of virtue? If someone truly loves you, would they make decisions for your body? If someone truly loves you, would they become dictatorial in their approach to you, using the concept of fear to convince you that your mere bodily autonomy is evil? The answer is, no.

The primary victim of this entire era is love itself, as love has been skewed, perverted, and wielded into a narrative of false measure. A culture that warps love into a tool for control is a cult. As love, in many situations, is inverted and used for corruption instead of honored for the miracle that it is, many will walk away from those who have proven their true intentions of control over respect.

When you walk away from someone who is not able to honor your sovereignty, a void will emerge, it is this void that is a new calling, a statement to the cosmos that you are ready to receive deeper connection built off of true love - which respects sovereign choice and honors your path no matter how far you stray from collective ideology. Real love is not selfish, and selfish love is not real. Selfish love will use every psychological tool known to man to enter into your psyche and persuade you to go against your very heart, all for its own self-centered gain.

If you find yourself walking away from those who chose manipulation over respect for your sovereign choice, then it may be a blessing. Cultural coercion and manipulative tactics will only be implemented more as the collective moves through its lesson in regards to reconciling and understanding the nature of freedom. It's necessary that you stand your ground, demanding respect, as your relationship with others mirrors your relationship with life itself, in turn reverberating, spilling, into the realm of collective consciousness.

No move is small, and no choice is made without a wake of influence upon your path and the path of the collective. Choose that which honors your freedom. Choose that which honors the freedom of your grandchildren. Choose that which honors the collective's freedom. Choose your heart every time and life will reward you.

- mary allison ♡♤

[Forwarded from Mary_Allison]

Under extreme pressure, the structure of carbon is rearranged as it turns into a diamond.

The collective is under extreme pressure to bend, to break, to give into that which a very sick society claims is healthy, righteous, and necessary.

First rule in manipulation 101: anything that feels off or wrong to you is NEVER necessary. This is a psychological tactic to convince you to believe you have no choice, to seduce you into surrendering your power.

Be like a diamond. Under these extreme moments of pressure, restructure all that you are to announce your mother fu!×ing radiance to the earth, as you my love shall be unafraid to shine in your truth, no matter the shame, scapegoating, or triggering that is unleashed upon you, shine, shine, shine until you blind corruption and manipulation with all that you are through your organic wisdom and your unapologetic decision to awaken from the pressure, not bend to it, but to master it.

You diamond.

- mary allison

@Mary_Allison on telegram

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