Sunday, August 22, 2021

[World Doctors Alliance] [Forwarded from Robin Monotti Channel + Dr Mike Yeadon + Cory Morningstar]

World Doctors Alliance, [20.08.21 18:39]
[In reply to World Doctors Alliance] πŸ’₯great letter , might be fun to adapt and make your own πŸ’₯

World Doctors Alliance, [21.08.21 01:01]
[Forwarded from Robin Monotti Channel + Dr Mike Yeadon + Cory Morningstar]

Well I certainly saw this coming, that is why I reiterated that the people who were allowed to be let into Kabul, the new Taliban™ who are clearly CIA trained, were allowed to do so for media spectacle and profit just in the same way demonstrators were allowed into the Capitol building in Washington. It's all spectacle to justify profit, and ultimately this was always going to be one of the reasons: make an association anti-vaxxer=domestic Taliban/terrorist.

"At first glance, the Taliban and U.S.-based anti-vaxxers seem unlikely bedfellows. But, according to Matt Motta, an assistant professor in political science at Oklahoma State University,  their suspicions come from the same place.
“There is this common anti-government — distrust in government scientists, distrust in government authorities — element that underlies both what the Taliban is doing, as well as what anti-vaxxers here are doing,” he explained.
The Taliban has historically characterized vaccines as being part of a Western plot. It’s not completely without justification. In the early 2010s, the CIA used a fake hepatitis B vaccine drive to gather the DNA of children, in an attempt to find Osama bin Laden."

World Doctors Alliance, [21.08.21 01:18]

World Doctors Alliance, [21.08.21 01:46]

πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯long post 3 parts very interesting πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯
Delta variant and vaccine failure (BMJ Rapid Response medley)         
Re: Vaccines should not be the preserve of rich countries - less haste?
Re: Vaccines should not be the preserve of rich countries  Fiona Godlee. 374:doi  10.1136/bmj.n2044

Dear Dr Godlee

I have pointed out your remark before, but a year ago on this very day you published these prescient words [1]:

“So instead we are heading for vaccines that reduce severity of illness rather than protect against infection, provide only short lived immunity, and will at best have been trialled by the manufacturer against placebo. As well as damaging public confidence and wasting global resources by distributing a poorly effective vaccine, this could change what we understand a vaccine to be. Instead of long term, effective disease prevention it could become a suboptimal chronic treatment. This would be good for business but bad for global public health.”

And this seems to me to be borne out by the present chaos and uncertainty (even reflected by the situation in this highly vaccinated country where fully re-opening society in our new “iatocracy” [2,3] looks like only a remote possibility). Surely, in order to act usefully [4] we need to act methodically - and at the moment the method escapes me, though as you predicted it is very “good for business” [1].

[1] Fiona Godlee, ‘Covid-19: Less haste, more safety’, BMJ 2020; 370 doi: 20 August 2020)

[2] John Stone, ‘Iatocracy’, 7 July 2021,


[4] Fiona Godlee, ‘ Vaccines should not be the preserve of rich countries’, BMJ 2021; 374 doi: (Published 19 August 2021)

20 August 2021
John Stone
UK Editor
London N22

The Delta variant: not the only reason for the latest surge
Re: Covid-19: Two vaccine doses are crucial for protection against delta, study finds  Elisabeth Mahase. 374:doi 10.1136/bmj.n2029

Dear Editor,

“Two vaccine doses are crucial…” says Elisabeth Mahase. (BMJ 2021;374n:2029, August 16) Perhaps she understates the case. In the US we are now told that everyone will need a third dose of the Pfizer or the Moderna vaccine. It looks like vaccinations will be never-ending, and at this point we need additional perspective.

According to the CDC’s COVID Data Tracker the number of US cases peaked on January 10, 2021 and was followed by a precipitous 80% decline over the next nine weeks. The decline was the result of herd immunity from natural infections, not from vaccine rollouts as was frequently asserted in news releases. The fact is, it wasn’t until January 9 that the first American was completely vaccinated. There was a small uptick in mid-April before the number of US cases again declined and bottomed out on June 18, 95% lower than the peak in January. The subsequent surge has been ascribed to the highly transmissible Delta variant (Ro~6.0), but the problem is somewhat more complex.

There has been a marked decline in vaccine immunity. In clinical trials the Pfizer vaccine was 95% effective against infection, but the Mayo Clinic has found that the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine against infection had dropped to 42% in July. ( A similar decline was seen in Israel. This has been accompanied by a huge jump in infection rates, including breakthrough infections in vaccinated individuals. (Wadman,, August 16) Based on our experience with mutating influenza viruses and the well-described waning in effectiveness of seasonal influenza vaccines, this might have been predictable. (NOTE: “95% and 42% effective” refer to relative vaccine effectiveness in populations. Absolute effectiveness, the real benefit to individuals, is only a tiny fraction of 1% for the prevention of serious illness caused by Covid-19. ( )

World Doctors Alliance, [21.08.21 01:46]

The biggest question is what the clinical implications of these breakthrough infections are and how to proceed further? Israel has started boosters with Pfizer shots- developed against alpha variant (ineffective against delta); discussions are ongoing in US for boosters. We would argue that it’s not just the waning immunity but most likely virus-escape from the current vaccines (5). There is lack of surveillance and also lack of transparency in reported data by public health agencies regarding vaccine ineffectiveness (6-10). The current booster shots strategy means that we will be indefinitely chasing Covid (new) variants tails. Common sense and data should guide the public policies. "The war has changed” and current (ineffective) vaccine-tools (10) will be more ineffective moving forward to fight the pandemic, although profiteering for vaccine manufacture companies will sadly continue (11).




4. Comparison of two highly-effective mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 during periods of Alpha and Delta variant prevalence. Puranik A, Lenehan P J, Silvert E et al. medRxiv 2021.08.06.21261707; doi:

5. Wang R, Chen J, Gao K, Wei GW. Vaccine-escape and fast-growing mutations in the United Kingdom, the United States, Singapore, Spain, India, and other COVID-19-devastated countries. Genomics. 2021 Jul;113(4):2158-2170. doi: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2021.05.006. Epub 2021 May 15. PMID: 34004284; PMCID: PMC8123493.

6. COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Infections Reported to CDC — United States, January 1–April 30, 2021.




10. Griffin S. Covid-19: Fully vaccinated people can carry as much delta virus as unvaccinated people, data indicate BMJ 2021; 374 :n2074 doi:10.1136/bmj.n2074

11. Hassan F, Yamey G, Abbasi K. Profiteering from vaccine inequity: a crime against humanity? BMJ 2021; 374 :n2027 doi:10.1136/bmj.n2027

19 August 2021
Anita Joshi, BDS, MPH
Little Rock, AR, USA

Re: Covid-19: Fully vaccinated people can carry as much delta virus as unvaccinated people, data indicate

Re: Covid-19: Fully vaccinated people can carry as much delta virus as unvaccinated people, data indicate Shaun Griffin. 374:doi  10.1136/bmj.n2074

Dear Editor

COVID did surprise me 6 months after double Pfizer Jab

I'm reading this interesting article at a time when my spouse and I decided to travel abroad from UK to meet our loved ones after 2 years. Being fully double vaccinated since February 2021, we had a lot of confidence to travel and reduced apprehension of getting any bad COVID. We fulfilled all the requirements for travel, having three PCR tests negative till we reached our destiny. We were impressed to see the COVID-prevention protocol adopted by the airlines. In fact I was given a gown, mask as well as face shield, with strict instructions to keep it worn all the time.

We hardly met anyone else except people who came to recieve us at our final destination. We had to have an exit lateral flow test and a PCR test at arrival before we were let out.

Going with full confidence, I spent a whole day with my mother as soon as I arrived. Same evening, however, I got frightened when I developed shivers and fever only to be confirmed COVID positive by lateral flow test in the morning later and confirmed by PCR.

At the time of writing this piece I am day 5 with persistent symptoms and isolating. I am hopeful vaccine will protect me from hospitalisation.

World Doctors Alliance, [21.08.21 01:46]

I am, however, shocked and dismayed after working with Covid patients throughout the last 18 months and being early vaccinated that COVID embarrassed me at such an unusual time. It did come as a surprise not only to me but also to my associates.

The above data is quite robust and clarifies that, yes, you may be vaccinated but you can still catch the virus, although it is unlikely to lead to hospitalisation.

It would be devastating, however, to find that we may have infected our very loved ones whom we came to visit and who have been shielding themselves.

It also makes it clear that the virus is still arround but we are better protected against severe illness with double vaccination and emphasises to continue compaigning for vaccination and use protective measures where necessary.

20 August 2021
Farooq Wandroo
Consultant Haematologist
Roshan Ara Khuroo

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