[Forwarded from Health and high vibrationπ«ππ (Daniel)]

Energy Report August 2021 - Will and Truth of Human Hearts
In some parts of the text I do not write explicitly. Those who are to understand it, will understand without difficulty. The text should be read with the Heart.
In my previous report I alluded to how important it is now to look at the global shadow. At the same time, I signaled that another process of anchoring feminine energy and opening the heart begins at the end of summer. And this is what the report for the coming month is all about.
From the perspective of Earth causality, the will or intentionality of action is crucial. It is what allows certain mental intentions to manifest into matter. People have such a will, but it is very important who/what their will serves. I've mentioned this in previous reports, but today I want to expand on it. Does the will connect with the Truth of the Heart (acting in accordance with one's own energy strategy - see the psycho-energetic profile - more at the end of the text and in the tab on the website), or is it manipulated through the mental programming of archonic structures (acting outside of one's own energy strategy, through the external representation of the ego-mind). Then the life-giving and causal energy of the human directly feeds these structures. Archonic beings do not incarnate directly on Earth (due to their own frequencies), but it is through the manipulation of the mental sphere of humans that they influence the will (decisions) of specific humans and thus can carry out their agenda here on our Planet.
Although they do not have the will to manifest their own intentions in Earth density, they do have the ability to communicate directly to people's minds (bypassing the five-sensory process of decoding information), which consequently influences a person's specific decisions. Thus, it is important to grasp the fact that Archons use embodied beings on our Planet for their actions. The beings used before them are either beings without a higher self, or beings who have a higher self, but will be spiritually bankrupt, at low energy vibrations. This is why (in the most abbreviated and simplistic terms) so much effort and attention is currently being put into a global program to provide people with a "life preserver" because it essentially lowers vibrations, stratifies auric shells, and gives easier access to the human energy field to make such mind control installations. In other words: the human becomes much easier to access for these types of beings and weaker (or even helpless) to deal with such manipulation.
Resonance with low vibrations occurs when there is a so-called "outside of one's own energy strategy" action. (People who know their psycho-energetic profile know what I am writing about and those who hear about it for the first time I encourage to look in the bookmark "Psycho-energetic profile"). So it is even more important to take care of the energetic order in your own field so that you do not resonate with these frequencies. Then the person ceases to be available to such a field. He also does not succumb to fear, which is necessary for archonic beings to have any influence on humans. Then, too, action flows not from the external software of the ego-mind, but based on the vibration of the Truth of the Heart.
And this is the other side of the coin. Let me emphasize again that archonic beings have no causal power here in our density because they have no will of their own. That will comes from human beings. The only power of archonic beings is the illusion of their power over man. In reality, they are beings who rely on the fear of man. In contact with the vibration of the Truth of the Heart they stand no chance. That is why it is so important to realize this fact and to systematically raise your own vibration.
The current global process that will begin in August (and is a counterbalance to what I wrote above) is very supportive of strengthening people's wills and acting on the basis of the Truth of one's own heart. The key is to make the decision and express by an act of will to enter into the vibration of the Truth of your own Heart. This act of will consequently supports the manifestation of Truth in a person's personal life. This is the time when the incoming energies support all kinds of decisions (even the brave ones) related to the realization of one's dreams (but coming from the heart, not from the ego). This applies both to choosing the direction of further professional activity, but also relationships, places to live, daily activities. It is crucial to realize that every being who chooses to live according to the Truth of the Heart automatically supports and strengthens the vibration of the Truth of the Heart on a global level. Therefore, it contributes to the easier realization of similar decisions in other people. August is a time of increased opening of human hearts. In this context, ask yourself: what activities make me happy? What is my dream? What do I long for? Does the way I think support the choices that serve me?
Along with the energy of the Truth of the Heart, there is a direct connection to the process of further anchoring the feminine energy, and now especially the maternal and nurturing one. Children, their care and protection, are very important in this context. (I have mentioned children in previous reports on the occasion of the global shadow). It is about physical, emotional, mental and spiritual protection. Because this protection determines how these children, as adults, will later create the world.
Physical protection is not only what I wrote about in the previous report in the context of the global shadow (see the report of July 2021 and the comments below it), but also protection from the "glorified life-saving preparation", which in reality distorts the model biologicality. In energetic terms, it lowers the level of the inner Light and further blocks access to higher vibrational energies. So it makes it difficult/impossible to synchronize with the incoming high vibrations. I have already written about the consequences of energetic incompatibility with the external energies many times in previous reports.
Protecting children also has an emotional dimension. It is about making sure that they grow up in an environment based on Truth, without fear, and without physical or emotional distance from others. Creating bonds based on closeness, respect and trust is very important here. Knowing the agenda of the archons, it is therefore easy to understand the closing of schools and social isolation, which significantly affect this space of the child's psyche.
Child protection is also about the mental dimension. Here it is about ensuring that their minds remain pure in their perception. In this context, the responsibility of parents means, for example, choosing such a mode of education that is free from programming falsehood and social standardization, being aware of the influence of technology (hours in front of a computer, a smartphone), or even hypoxia resulting from covering the face on the mind.
On top of all of this, it's also worth remembering that most of the children who are currently emerging have a naturally strongly developed spiritual element within them. They come here with great Gifts and capabilities of supra-sensory perception. They also intuitively feel the connections between spirit and matter. It is the duty of the caregivers to support the children so that this state remains undisturbed in them. By accepting what they say or maintaining their natural sensitivity to the world around them. Then, in all likelihood, they will remain open to this type of perception in later years as well.
Children anchor really high vibrations on our Planet and strongly contribute to the increase of the consciousness of the whole Planet. Besides, they will be the next generation to make certain decisions and actions. How we take care of the children at this particular moment depends on how quickly humanity will be able to fully manifest its true potential for divine perfection. Caring for children at this special time is the responsibility of every parent. It is worth asking ourselves a few questions here: "What pattern of behavior: one based on freedom or one based on subordination and external control does the child bring from my family home?" "How do I support my child in reaching his or her physical, emotional, spiritual and mental fullness?" "Do I realistically protect my own child from the influence of low-vibrational energies, especially when he or she is unable to do so on their own?" "Do I have the courage to follow my heart and say NO when the situation calls for it?" There are many more such questions that can be asked.
By way of summary: Action based on the Truth of one's Heart is also about supporting each other. This multiplies causal power and creates synergistic effects. This unity and coming out of fear is what the Archons fear most. Because then they will lose the providers and doers of their own agenda. This is why they take actions aimed at isolation and blocking the frequencies at the level of which anxiety ceases to exist (including through "life-saving preparation," mind programming with falsehoods in the mass-media, etc.). So it is worth asking ourselves the questions: "Do I support others who work for the freedom of people?", "What can I do in my daily life to co-contribute to this process?", "Which energy structures: low or high vibrational do I feed with my cooperation, attention and energy?",
At this point the space is very supportive of any action based on the Truth of the Heart. Which makes for a really good time for individual change as well. In anxiety-free people it is a time to realize their dreams and life desires.
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