Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Kelly M. Beard: Weekly Forecast: September 26 – October 2, 2021

Weekly Forecast: September 26 – October 2, 2021

The video version of this forecast, as read by Kelly, is available here.

9/26 ~ Mercury Retrograde in LIBRA (Until Oct 18th):

This year is special because Mercury has retrograded in ALL Air Signs: Aquarius, Gemini and now Libra. The last time it did this was 2015 and before that 2008 and before that was 2001-02. Can you find any common threads between those years that point to you having a complete re-set in your Mental Body? Those years do coincide with a LOT of movement, changes, ideas, learning, teaching and birthing new ways of expressing ourselves as individuals within the context of our relationships. Isn’t it interesting that it happened right after 9/11 and now right after 2020/covid??

It’s almost like we need these extreme events to shake our consciousness loose from the old thinking, which is ultimately Mercury’s job when it goes Retrograde. It gives us 3-4 opportunities per year to tend to our own individual Mental Body, which often means PAUSING the Input and processing what you already have going on in your mind, your consciousness, your life and in Libra’s case, your relationships, partnerships & collaborations. It is time to re-dream our roles & responsibilities within realms of other people. We have spent the last 1-2 years releasing an obsolete narrative that no longer applies. We are now at the Sweet Spot/In-Between Seed & New Life, in that, we are done with the old ways of communicating, expressing, exchanging energy or relating with others but we are still imagining, dreaming, visioning what the new ways might look like. So use the next 3-9 weeks to review how your own Identity & Purpose has evolved, so your relationships, partnerships & collaborations automatically shift accordingly.

Also, I’d like to mention here that Mercury comes out of Shadow on Nov 5th and on the exact same day, Venus enters Capricorn where she will retrograde and remain until March 6th. My feeling is that we are going to go through this mental process of recalibrating how we think & express within partnerships of all kinds, as well as what creative ideas we might invest in further (or not). Then we are going to go into Venus’ realm and be pushed to reexamine our own values & priorities in relationships, it will push us to renegotiate roles & responsibilities with those closest and ask that we begin to commit to certain ideas by creating containers for them. So one process leads to another process – both of which are re-shaping YOU so that by Spring Equinox 2022 you can birth a completely New Story that is based on your true purpose and expresses your true values going forward. HERE is a Bonus Mercury Retro Podcast (37-min)

9/29 ~ Venus (values & priorities) ~trine~ Neptune (faith & spirituality):

This is a very supportive energy for dreaming your world into being! Allow your imagination some latitude to wander and see where it leads. Play with “what if” scenarios. For example, “what if” all your material needs & desires were taken care of, what would you dedicate your time, energy & resources to? You may be very empathic and connected to others and what they are going through at this time, so maintain adequate boundaries. Neptune can activate a very spiritual encounter with another human being (friend, family or lover) but only time will tell if it is Neptune playing tricks on you or if it is truly a spiritual connection.

9/29 ~ Sun (your core drives) ~trine~ Saturn (discipline & order):

This energy gives you the direction & discipline at the same time. Use it consciously to fuel your goals and pay attention for any blessings manifesting from your past efforts. You are completely supported to structure your life in a whole new way. It’s time to take a personal inventory, organize your life, especially your home, office or immediate environment. Naturally, this kind of shift will also affect those you relate with in these close environments, so be mindful of others who are not necessarily as *clear* as you may be at this time. A new order is trying to take root, which scares some and excites others, and this activation supports you and your personal definition of stability & good boundaries. You have access to focus & dedication that can set the tone for the whole next season, as you clarify the connection between who you are and what you are truly responsible for in this life. Evaluate your daily routine and see what’s working and what’s not and move forward with some new choices.

9/30 ~ Venus (love, finances & relationships) ~square~ Jupiter (expansion & consciousness): 

This energy is a happy-go-lucky kind of energy that doesn’t really want to be bothered with the mundane, however, you must not allow that passing energy to get you so off track that it costs you more than it is worth. If you don’t have any pressing obligations, then this will be a fun, relaxing time, possibly with friends doing something sociable. However, if you have work to do, make sure it gets done first so that you can truly enjoy yourself without the worry of the pile being bigger when you return. Watch the excesses as well, food, drink and/or spending. On a deeper level, you may have to make some adjustments in your relationships or finances. Jupiter always reveals how we make things bigger’ (consciously or not) and this activation usually helps us be more realistic, so that we can align our true priorities with our grand vision of the future.

10/1 ~ Mercury (ideas, thoughts & concepts) ~square~ Pluto (rebirth & transformation):
(2 of 3: 9/22 ~ 10/1 ~ 11/2) 

This energy is a tough, yet powerful one. Its Highest expression would be to focus on your inner deep-dig, discovery & development. It enables you to look beneath the surface to some core drives and gain some valuable insights and thus, choose a plan of action based on your findings. You will want to know all the hidden meanings behind decisions you’ve made or want to make soon. Dig – you may find more than you think you’re ready for, but apparently the Universe thinks differently! Pay attention and try not to worry about what anyone else thinks or believes. This energy’s flip-side is to make you obsess over one particular idea and try to force others to your way of thinking. That is a bottomless pit – you cannot truly change the way other people think – you can only change the way you think and hope it enlightens others along the way … and it will, for those who are tuned into your frequency or level of consciousness. Try to only focus on you and your direction at this time.

10/2 ~ Venus (relationships) ~sextile~ Pluto (transformation):

This energy deepens all emotions and strengthens bonds & attachments. Friendships & love relationships become much deeper and, sometimes more intense, not to mention any physical, sexual experiences. Being fake or superficial is never possible when Pluto is involved, and because Venus is involved, we’re talking relationships or how you relate in general, so if you are needing to dig a little deeper with someone, you are supported. This energy can facilitate positive transformation in your relationships, partnerships or collaborations. It will give you added power to help you change what needs changing or at least get it on the table for a deeper discussion or a clearing conversation. Your emotional intensity may be at an unusually high level, so be sure to surround yourself with people who love you unconditionally or try to be alone and just reflect on what you’re feeling.

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