Tuesday, September 7, 2021

NorthPoint Astrology Journal Your guide to planetary energies  September 6 to 12, 2021 By Pam Younghans


NorthPoint Astrology Journal

Your guide to planetary energies 
September 6 to 12, 2021
By Pam Younghans

Aspects of Note this Week
All times are Pacific Daylight Time. Add 7 hours for Greenwich Mean Time.

MON: Mars trine Pluto, Venus trine Jupiter, Mars quincunx Eris
Mercury sesquiquadrate Jupiter, New Moon 5:51 p.m. PDT, Sun trine Uranus, Mars quincunx Jupiter
TUE: Mercury opposite Chiron
WED: Pluto sesquiquadrate Ceres
FRI: Jupiter sextile Eris, Mercury quincunx Uranus, Venus enters Scorpio, Sun opposite Pallas Athene
SAT: Jupiter semisextile Pluto

WEBINAR THIS WEEK! I've just put finishing touches on the slideshow and am so excited to be seeing you all for "The Final Ascent" this Wednesday! During this Zoom class, I'll share my perspective on the rest of 2021 and provide a detailed look at what to expect week by week over the next four months. This looks to be a very powerful time for each of us individually and for the planet. 
If you're not able to attend the class live, no worries! Everyone who registers will receive the replay and materials after the class airs. The class description is included in the column on the right-hand side of this webpage, or here's the link: https://cosmiceventfall21.eventbrite.com

See you there!

OUR NEW WEEK BEGINS with a New Moon that occurs at 5:51 p.m. PDT on Monday. At that time, the Sun and Moon will align at 14°38´ Virgo and be almost EXACTLY trine Uranus, positioned at 14°39´ Taurus. This close aspect between the New Moon and the sideways-spinning planet tells us that we are entering an exciting – and excitable – lunar cycle.
Over the course of the next month – and for next two weeks especially, as we build toward the September 20 Full Moon – there is the potential for many breakthroughs, surprises, and fresh perspectives. Throughout this time, we are more open than usual to new opportunities, and intuitive insights flow more readily.
WITH THIS NEW MOON, we may also find it easier to make decisions based on our personal truth rather than trying to meet others' expectations or rules. Whenever Uranus is involved, we resist conformity and are encouraged to be fully authentic. Under its influence, we often find out what we truly want, think, or believe simply because we find ourselves resisting or rebelling against outside pressures. 
The planet Uranus is also called The Awakener and is linked to experiences that expand our consciousness. It is one of the "transpersonal" planets in the solar system that are invisible to the naked eye, and thus it acts to enhance our inner perceptions, our knowing beyond logic and reason. These are areas that will be enhanced throughout the new lunar cycle.
AT THE TIME of Monday's lunation, the Sun and Moon are opposite the pairing of Neptune and the asteroid Pallas Athene in Pisces. Without this influence, we might consider this Virgo New Moon to be all about being pragmatic, precise, and detail-oriented. But Pisces and Neptune call us to also use our spiritual senses to guide our decisions, to release the need to control every detail, and to have faith in something greater than ourselves. 
Virgo is excellent at seeing individual trees, while one of the gifts of Pisces is the ability to observe the entire forest. This New Moon tells us that our progress is most assured when we use both perspectives.
As a bonus, Pallas Athene adds an extra level of intuitive intelligence that will guide our steps during this lunar cycle, if we will pause long enough to listen. Astrologer Demetra George writes that the combination of Neptune and Pallas Athene "sensitizes our perceptions and allows access to more subtle realms and dimensions." Throughout the next month, we are encouraged to use our imaginations and our connection to nonphysical realms and guides as a first step, and then to use our practical Virgo skills to utilize our intuitive wisdom in making concrete choices.
HERE IS THIS WEEK'S LIST of daily planetary aspects with my brief interpretations of each:
Mars trine Pluto, quincunx Eris, and quincunx Jupiter: We may feel quite empowered today, based on a strong knowing of our longer-term goals (Pluto in Capricorn). However, Mars is at the apex point of a yod configuration with Jupiter and Eris. This yod warns us not to use the lower-vibrational Mars-in-Virgo qualities, which include acting compulsively or aggressively, being overly critical, or resorting to anger when events are outside our control. If we manage the sense of urgency that can accompany this yod, this combination of planets can provide the courage and inspiration needed to take decisive, independent action.
Venus trine Jupiter: Relationships benefit from this trine, as we are able to work well with others and also to allow each person to have their own unique perspectives.
Mercury sesquiquadrate Jupiter: Communication is a two-way street, involving more than simply sharing our ideas. Be aware of a tendency to ramble, or of half-listening while waiting for the other person to pause so that you take back the talking-stick.
New Moon 5:51 p.m. PDT: See description above.
Sun trine Uranus: See the New Moon description above.
Mercury opposite Chiron: People are extra sensitive today about not feeling heard and not being respected for their ideas.
Pluto sesquiquadrate Ceres: Power struggles may arise in relationships if there are control or attachment issues, or if our self-worth is based on feeling accepted and approved of.
No major aspects are exact today.
Jupiter sextile Eris: Our need to be true to ourselves and what we believe in is heightened. We are less concerned about any disruption that may result as we stand in our truth.
Mercury quincunx Uranus: This aspect represents a need to adjust our thinking, to allow new ideas to filter in. These unfamiliar concepts may at first feel uncomfortable due to altering our center of balance.
Venus enters Scorpio: Venus will be in Scorpio until October 7. During this four-week transit, we are supported in discovering new truths about who and what we love and value. Intimacy and honesty on all levels is enhanced. 
Sun opposite Pallas Athene: See the New Moon description above.
Jupiter semisextile Pluto: An opportunity to transmute long-held beliefs that have caused us to feel less than others.
No major aspects are exact today.
IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: You feel ready to embrace change this year and are willing to reorganize your life to allow the new to unfold. Any restrictions that appear to limit your options will cause restlessness and even rebellion. Your drive to achieve is strong, but at the same time, you may be unclear as to what mountain to climb next. You will be best supported when you balance work and service with a rich and fulfilling inner life, and by using equal shares of reason and intuition in all your decision making. (Solar Return Sun trine Uranus, opposite Neptune, trine Pluto)

In peace and with gratitude,


For an audio recording and non-English versions of this Journal, please click HERE.
NorthPoint Journal © 2021 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.


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