Wednesday, October 20, 2021


Today I had the unpleasant experience of checking my FB account only to find they had THREATENED me and accused me of SPAM for sharing a warm-hearted New-Age post by someone I found on telegram. I posted it back in SEPTEMBER and provided the telegram link to the account of that person. Suddenly TODAY nearly 2 months later, they took exception to it. (I previously was suspended for 12 hours last month sharing in May 2021 another post of hers, which had no violence, threats or uncivilized content.)  They claimed to be short staffed and thus unable to monitor except through A.I., and thus I did not have an opportunity to explain why I disagreed with them. So instead they THREATENED TO RESTRICT MY ACCOUNT ACCESS IF I BREAK THIS "SPAM" RULE AGAIN!  Here are screenshots of the response I wrote and pinned on FB, and why it matters in the fight for #FreeSpeech


Shared with Public
FB when I like or πŸ’“ something I have posted, it is NOT "SPAM"!
see comments.


Phoenix Boulay
The reason I like orπŸ’“ it is usually because I am sharing something I did not author, with an outside link, and I am weighing in that I like or love the article, etc.

You repeatedly and erroneously accuse me of "coordinating" or "spamming" by liking my own posts in some sort of vapid popularity contest. I could care less who, if anyone, "likes" or loves my posts. I am just not that shallow. I am honoring the author and crediting them with a link to the source, not claiming it as something I wrote.

Yet you have repeatedly threatened to restrict my account, and you have restricted it in the past for simply being respectful to the source of the content! I'm not claiming articles as my own. I'm simply wishing to share it, which is what I thought Facebook was all about!

Obviously because I have friends and family on Facebook I don't want to have my account restricted or lose it considering the many years I've been on here, but half the time you threaten me like this, you don't even give me adequate opportunity to respond, because you're short-staffed or some A.I. bot made a wrong assumption about what my human heart's intentions were!

Artificial intelligence simply cannot recognize the intention of a human heart and you need to stop judging and condemning people, based on this LACK of heart-wisdom intelligence in your AI.

This is very dangerous to be treating fellow human beings like this, subjugating us to the AI which is often wrong, and it can't even spell half the time. It's wrong and it's unfair. I hope my comments asserting why I have disagreed with your decisions have been helpful to you improving the quality of your service it is because of these events that I spend more time on Telegram and it seems that you are always flagging telegram posts which are simply posts I shared that are expressions by the author of the original content.

Human beings are evolving towards a heart-centered Consciousness, and a I will never attain that.

Phoenix Boulay
Be sure to read the first comment above. Maybe instead of punishing me for these imagined misdeeds and completely misinterpreted intentions, you might consider hiring me to help you correct this problem that affects so many people and turns people off to your platform, driving them to platforms like telegram, that are not just for messaging but have channels and chat groups. They only censor violence and porn. Admins deal with trolls and troublemakers, human to human.

Phoenix Boulay
Some of you don't understand the rampant censorship that occurs on FB and twitter, and especially as relates to Geopolitics or New Age philosophy. Centrist U.S. citizens like me and Conservatives are sick of it. We resent the implication that because we are Patriotic, and love the U.S. Constitution and Rule of Law, and Pledge Allegiance to the flag/values of this once great nation, that those acts somehow makes us "domestic terrorists", which is the other thing they like to constantly accuse us of: "coordinated harmful activity". BULLSHIT!

It's a SOCIAL NETWORK, so it's normal to find like-minded people to discuss common interests with. No one I know is involved in coordinating harm, It goes against our innate philosophy of SPEAK TRUTH BUT DO NO HARM. These kind of wrong assumptions, whether by A.I. or humans, will lead to the demise of Big Tech as people get sick of the lies and unfair accusations. (I hear FB is changing their name, but to what? CCP & Company? That name would fit their "social credit score" Marxist agenda, IMHO.)

As for the New Age part, they know that by treating us unfairly, like 2nd-class citizens angers and dismays us, so it lowers our vibration, and they will do anything to stop Disclosure, The Event and Ascension...stop anything that will lead to higher consciousness, and people thinking for themselves. Stop anything that helps people raise their vibrational frequency, and attract more positive experience through the Law of Resonance.

Now when I say "they" I mean the ones behind this, I don't specifically mean FB, since they are just a front for Deep State Cabal operatives who have infiltrated social media, the CIA, FBI, the Administration, the Courts, the Judicial system and Corporate America and more. They know they are losing the silent war, because they cannot stop the Awakening of humanity, try as they may. They can only delay. But Awakening is inevitable. Awakening is to the benefit of all of humanity. They seek to divide us by categories, but we are all in this together.

Phoenix Boulay
In my phone this post shows up twice. I'm only writing on the second one not the first one. I think sometimes posts made by cellphone post twice, a glitch in the cell network, and then they think you're trying to self-aggrandize to get more likes when it's just a technology glitch, because when I'm on the computer the post does not show up twice even when I refresh. I think they display it this way so that you'll delete one and when you delete one you actually delete both because there is only ONE that the technical glitch displays twice... and that is their real agenda with this "glitch", to delete content they don't agree with or like.

Phoenix Boulay
FB I hope you have found my insights helpful so you can improve your software and user experience instead of alienating the very people who are social on your social network.

I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It – Quote Investigator
I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It – Quote Investigator
I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It – Quote Investigator

This entry was posted in Awakening, Consciousness, Deep State, Liberty, Lightworkers, Planetary Change, Quality of Life, Relationships, Speak Truth to Power, Truth and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

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