October 2021 Energy Forecast: A New Consciousness Emerging.
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A New Consciousness Emerging – October 2021
Hi My Friend,
As we enter October, new possibilities are presenting themselves that can bring greater clarity and understanding about our next steps.
This clarity will continue to anchor itself throughout the rest of the year, touching many areas of our lives that we’ve been feeling unsure about. The same goes for the world as a whole.
We’ve been witnessing so much confusion and chaos taking place in the collective, that it’s leaving many people to question themselves about nearly everything.
The new possibilities coming our way in the coming months will offer greater clarity, and will make a strong impact as we increasingly focus on how to heal, learn from all that has taken place over the last two years, and move on to the next stage of our personal and collective journey.
Waking Up
The world is waking up at a rate that can no longer be ignored or denied, even by the most cynical. This is the moment that so many way-showers, and those dedicated to their personal healing path, have been working hard to bring forth into the collective experience.
It will now be too challenging to try to continue the habit of ignoring or denying the discomforts we have all been experiencing.
There’s often a level of comfort that comes with looking the other way when something makes us feel uncomfortable. Yet doing this over and over again has a way of compromising our well-being and happiness.
When we look the other way and go along with an uncomfortable status quo, it’s easy to willingly give our power away by relying on a select few to make all of our decisions for us.
Doing this for as long as we have as a human race has tremendously shaped how we treat ourselves and others, and how we allow ourselves to be treated.
When we know we are worthy of more, we willingly resolve the discomforts that have kept us from being the freest, most authentic and empowered version of ourselves.
We are seeing now that what little comfort or numbness we used to find in looking the other way, is simply no longer sustainable.
This is a clear indicator that an awakening IS happening!
Throughout October, a continued inner and outer expansion will occur.
In fact, we are in a time now when things can change in the blink of an eye.
In our personal lives, we are seeing this expansion show up in the relationship we have with ourselves and others, as well as in our career paths, our lifestyle, our overall well-being, our awareness, and more.
Each one of us has the ability to expand more quickly by connecting with our heart center. We can do this through meditation, prayer, setting intentions, peaceful nature walks, and daily personal inner healing work.
These practices help to keep us awake, peaceful, and ready to take inspired action when needed.
There’s also something very powerful that occurs when two or more gather in Love instead of fear. During the 1987 Harmonic Convergence, millions of people around the world came together at the same time, and visualized the world uniting as one family.
Soon after, the Berlin Wall came down, as the consciousness of humanity began rising.
We have the opportunity to choose Love again.
Nothing can hold us back when we choose Love. Those who are choosing to intentionally create fear in the minds of the collective find unconditional Love and compassion to be irritating beyond measure.
That’s why we are seeing such chaos unfold at this time—to keep people from choosing to have Love and compassion for one another, and for all of life.
Keeping Our Energy High and Well-Nourished
The following are a few ways to keep our energies nourished, so that we can operate at our highest and best during these transformative times:
Ask What Love Would Do, and Do That!
A powerful way to keep our energy high during these times is to ask ourselves often, especially when challenges come up;:
“What would the most loving version of myself do in this situation?”
Once we receive guidance as to what the most loving version of ourselves would do, we can then start responding in that higher way.
This takes daily practice, so the mind can re-learn how to respond in a different way. Yet I’ve found this practice to be one of the most effective and freeing ways to remain at peace, and to not give my power away to anything or anyone.
Salt Remedies
As many of us know all too well, moving through a period of vibrational refinement can feel a bit challenging.
Here are some simple yet effective things we can do to help the experience feel smoother and more enjoyable:
- An ancient remedy that has helped many experience a smoother purification process is to soak in high quality, high-mineral-content salt for 20 to 30 minutes, 2 to 4 times per week.
Some of the best salts to use are: Himalayan pink crystal salt, or Dead Sea salt. Simply add 1 to 2 cups of salt to a lukewarm to warm tub, and enjoy.
- If
you do not have the option of taking baths, simply add 1 teaspoon of
salt to a cup of spring water. Pour that into a spray bottle, and shake
well. Then spray the salted water all over your physical and auric
The salt will instantly remove any unhealthy energetic cords, hooks, attachments, bonds, and connections between you and other people, places, and things.
This is a very powerful remedy! If you are having a hard time letting go of unhealthy relationships, salt therapy will certainly help you.
- If you prefer, you can also soak a selenite crystal in a glass of water for 24 hours, then spray yourself with that water. This will have a similar effect to the mineral salt therapy.
After working with any of these methods for a few weeks, you will start to notice yourself flowing through life a bit more smoothly. And as an extra bonus, you will probably also feel more energetic.
Most unhealthy energy cords, hooks, and attachments are formed in the solar plexus, which is just above the belly. When we purify these energies, we make room for beautiful new abundance energies to take their place.
This can help us transition out of the lack mentality more quickly, as the emotional body then starts to become more balanced, no longer feeling as if it’s lacking in any way.
Eating Light
Another thing we can do to help make the refinement process easier, is to eat light at least one day a week.
On that day, it’s important to eat food that is alive and full of nutrients, such as dark leafy green vegetables, fresh fruits, and unprocessed foods that have no refined sugars or starches, which can cause an inflammatory response.
These foods allow the body to rest and recharge.
During the rest of the week, it’s important to make sure we are at least adding more dark leafy green vegetables to our diet. This will support the body in refining itself more smoothly, while reducing inflammation.
Taking in More Sunlight
Getting at least 5 to 10 minutes of sun each day, away from the peak hours, will also serve as a great refiner.
If you live in a place that doesn’t receive much sunlight, make sure you are eating foods that will provide you with an adequate amount of vitamin D. This is a very important part of helping ourselves to refine more gently.
With just these few additions, we can be more fully prepared for these times of great change.
We will also feel supported in releasing any fear about these times we’re in. We will be able to embrace them, because we know how beneficial and transforming this time is, for all of us.

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A Time for Action
The middle to later weeks of October will serve as a great time of action and movement.
As we will desire to be highly productive during that time, it’s important to not allow ourselves to get distracted by anything that might move us out of that productivity. If we remain steadfast, we will accomplish many things during this time.
We will also want to keep a journal close to us, to write down the insights and ideas we receive from the cosmic realms.
This will be a time of receiving inner wisdom that will inspire us to see things from a more expanded perspective. Things we may not have noticed before will now come to light more clearly.
This is also the time to keep our eyes, heart, and mind open to the unexpected.
The energy of spontaneity will also be prevalent, and can help bring us a lot of the desired changes we have been envisioning.
Strengthening Our Intuitive Gifts
October will also offer us a time to go within and strengthen our natural intuitive gifts even more.
Developing and listening to our intuition helps us view things from an expanded perspective.
As we develop our intuitive gifts, we may also start to notice and sense energy more. This can show up as seeing the auras around people, animals, and things in nature.
Or we may find that we can feel energy more. This can show up as goosebumps in the body, or warmth in the hands, feet, back of the neck, or the face or stomach.
We may also notice number sequences more, such as the clock reading 11:11, 2:22, 3:33, etc. This often happens to help us realize that a synchronicity is happening around us.
We may get a glimpse of an energy ball of blue, pink, white, or golden light in our peripheral vision.
We may also see sparks (like mini shooting stars). This happens to remind us to pay attention to what’s happening around us in that moment. There’s usually a message or a confirmation trying to reveal itself.
Our ability to connect with and hear our intuition will become easier.
We may feel an awakening of a new or old desire to learn more about healing and energy modalities.
We may notice an increased desire to help and support others.
All of these gifts, and much more, are already within each of us.
Yet there are periods of time that are more conducive to helping us develop these gifts, and the end of October ushers in one of those times.
So, if there’s a class, course, new book, group, or personal practice you feel drawn to, this will be an excellent time to immerse yourself in it!
Overall, October will be catalyst month for much change to occur.
As always, know that you are loved, and that you are never alone.
Until next time,
Miraculously yours,
©2009 – 2021 Emmanuel Dagher. All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com.
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