![]() Photo: "At the Heart of the Heart Nebula" by Adam Jensen |
NorthPoint Astrology Journal
Your guide to planetary energies
By Astrologer Pam Younghans |
Aspects of Note this Week
Times are Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). Add 7 hours for Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
MON: Venus conjunct Saturn, Neptune sextile North Node
TUE: No major aspects are exact today
WED: Venus square nodal axis, Mercury semisquare Saturn, Venus sextile Eris
THU: New Moon 11:24 pm PDT (6:24 am GMT on Friday)
FRI: Mercury semisquare Venus, Sun conjunct Chiron
SAT: Mercury conjunct Chiron, Sun conjunct Mercury, Venus semisquare Chiron
SUN: Mercury sextile Ceres, Sun sextile Ceres
PAST RELATIONSHIPS and old relationship themes are very present now. Regrets and resentments are resurfacing to be released and forgiven, so that we may move forward less entangled in the past. People from this lifetime and other lifetimes may appear in dreams, sudden remembrances, or even in physical form. We notice their significance by dream images that do not fade, by memories that linger and call us to explore them further, by the emotions that arise and do not quickly subside.
Venus, the goddess of Love, and Saturn, the lord of Karma, conjoin at 21°44´ Aquarius on Monday this week, while both are at the "bending" of the karmic nodal axis. Venus will be precisely square the nodes on Wednesday, and the Saturn-node square will be exact on April 11.
THIS ANNUAL CONJUNCTION between Venus and Saturn is also typically a time for serious decisions in the areas of love and finances. The Chandra Symbol for the 22nd degree of Aquarius is "A woman making lace." John Sandbach's explanation of this symbol gives us hope for the outcomes of current negotiations:
"Here we find patience as well as the ability to concentrate and to perceive the overall patterns of whatever we are dealing with. This degree is adept at carrying out delicate procedures and of keeping all the strands of its motives and needs straight. It is one who brings people and situations together in an attempt to produce something harmonious and beautiful – a degree of great refinement."
Another hopeful indicator, Neptune is in harmonious aspect to the nodal axis this week, providing the opportunity for us to let go of past animosities or jealousies (South Node in Scorpio) and turn our attention to peacemaking (North Node in Taurus). As the planet of Transcendence, Neptune assists us in forgiving and releasing what has been, so that we can move into compassion and understanding.
OUR NEW LUNAR CYCLE begins at 11:24 p.m. PDT on Thursday, March 31 (6:24 am GMT on Friday, April 1), when the Sun and Moon align at 11°30´ Aries. The two lights are within two degrees of Messenger Mercury, indicating a focus on communication, transportation, and information sharing for at least the next two weeks. The Sun and Moon are also within one degree of the Wounded Healer Chiron at the time of the lunation.
The potential contained in this stellium of Mercury, the Sun, the Moon, and Chiron is that of healing through open, forthright communication and new, pioneering ideas. At the same time, since Mercury in Aries is not known for tactfulness and people are feeling especially insecure and vulnerable, it will be important to carefully consider our words before speaking. With the New Moon also semisquare Venus, addressing differing values and discussing economic issues are key to finding resolution
This New Moon is also significant in that it opens the door to eclipse season; our next New Moon, on April 30, will be a partial solar eclipse. As we enter the new lunar cycle this week, we are also embarking on a time of major developments that will influence our course, both individually and globally, for the next six months. More on the eclipses in the weeks to come.
HERE are the planetary aspects we'll be working with this week, day by day:
Venus conjunct Saturn: This alignment provides a reality check in the areas of relationship and finances. It is time to consider practical concerns in both of these arenas.
Neptune sextile North Node: An opportunity to forgive what has been, to release past resentments, and to open our hearts in compassion and peace.
No major aspects are exact today.
Venus square nodal axis: Relationships from the past, or old relationship patterns, come to the surface to be acknowledged, forgiven, and resolved.
Mercury semisquare Saturn: Conversations do not flow easily today. The overall mood is a bit pessimistic, so try not to make important decisions based on seeing the glass as half empty instead of half full.
Venus sextile Eris: The courage of our convictions motivates new action in relationship or financial matters.
New Moon 11:24 p.m. PDT (6:24 am GMT on Friday): The Aries New Moon is a time for courageous new initiatives, based in a strong knowing of what we truly want and need.
Mercury semisquare Venus, Sun conjunct Chiron, Mercury conjunct Chiron, Sun conjunct Mercury, Venus semisquare Chiron: Conversations, while difficult, provide an opportunity to directly address key issues in a relationship. If care and understanding are invoked, and we use the communication skills of both speaking clearly and listening intentionally, healing is possible.
Mercury sextile Ceres, Sun sextile Ceres: It is easier to communicate with empathy and an open mind today. We feel a stronger rapport with others, especially with family and with animals.
IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: Your rational mind is highlighted this year, perhaps inspiring you to put pen to paper or to speak your truth more directly. It will be important to carefully assess your style of communicating. If you find yourself speaking too impulsively or loudly, consider that this abruptness may be coming from a place in you that is fearful that it won't be heard if it doesn't assert itself forcefully. Take the time to listen to and care for this aspect of your being, and it is more likely that others will likewise take the time to listen carefully to you. (Solar Return Sun conjunct Mercury, semisquare Venus, conjunct Chiron)
In peace and with gratitude,
For an audio recording and non-English versions of this Journal, please click HERE. (New week's audio and text are online no later than 9 p.m. Pacific Time on Sunday.)
NorthPoint Journal © 2022 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.
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