Friday, November 7, 2014

An Akashic Perspective on Planetary Changes by Jen Eramith | Akashic Transformations (Excerpt from the Featured Topic Channeling for November 9 - 15, 2014)

An Akashic Perspective on Planetary Changes

~Is the new Earth in the process of being created?  Does the transition to the new Earth exclude our current physical bodies?

The new Earth is in the process of being created just like the new version of humanity is in the process of being created.  It is not something separate from you.  The new Earth is not something separate from the old Earth.  It is a new, lighter, more evolved version and it does not happen in a single step, it happens in slow, deliberate stages, at all levels of existence -- from the physical to the ethereal, from the minute to the massive.  The Earth has been evolving and developing into what you might call the new Earth for about 30 years now.  Human beings only just began to catch up about 15 or 20 years ago.  Human beings' relationship with Planet Earth depends somewhat on who you are individually, but overall, humanity has had a contract with Earth that together you would hold yourselves in third dimension, that Planet Earth would support humanity physically and energetically.  The contract is that Planet Earth would support all of you and you would love Planet Earth in return.  Is that not a lovely contract?  She supports you, you love her and everything is equal.  That is equal.  That is the perfect payment.  It is the perfect balance.

That contract of support and love continues but you are all together slowly releasing your contract to hold one another in third dimension.  That means for some of you who, at a soul level, wish to continue to exist in third dimensional lives will need to incarnate somewhere else.  After the lifetime you are living now, when you reincarnate somewhere, you will choose a location in the universe where you can be supported in a fully third dimensional experience.  If you have more to learn, if you want to try new things, if you just love the delicious limitations of time and space, you will incarnate somewhere else.  The thing that is becoming evident on Planet Earth is that this planet is shifting to support a third and fifth dimensional experience for human beings.  That means that the human beings will be most comfortable here and will continue to reincarnate here are human beings who remember more of who they really are, who are able to maintain their memories of past lives, able to see energy and shift energy more readily with their intention even as they play in a third dimensional body.

The new Earth is supporting what you would call a hybrid, though it is really just a less limited third dimensional experience.  As always, any soul who no longer wants to live a third dimensional experience can simply not reincarnate in a third dimensional body.  That has always been true.  The only thing that is changing is that it will be less and less comfortable for a soul to be here if they are not shifting into fifth dimensional awareness.  This world will make less and less sense to them and they will find themselves struggling to maintain a solely third dimensional experience.  Just as always, there are infinite possibilities for where you can go and what you can do in this universe.  Those souls will simply incarnate somewhere else.  It is important to know that there is not good or bad here.  There is no qualification.  You do not get to stay on Planet Earth if you pass a certain test or if you evolve a certain amount.  You do not get to leave Planet Earth or have to leave Planet Earth for any of the similar reasons.  It is simply a matter of choice, at your highest level as a soul, you are always choosing where you want to be and what kinds of experiences you want to have.  That will remain true.  It is not a judgment on whether you are good or bad or whether you qualify.

~Where is the best place to live during the time of these Earth changes?

For some of you it will be useful to live in the country, or more rural areas, and for others it will not.  The dynamic that always held true for human beings will continue to hold true -- each of you has an individual calling and there are certain places on Planet Earth where you are meant to be in particular moments.  What you are going to find as an individual is that it becomes more and more clear to you that you need to move or you need to stay somewhere based on your own intuition and on the events that unfold in your life to lead you.

Instead of giving a general rule, we are going to remind you that no one knows better than you do where you need to be.  Some of you have a contract to be present for a natural disaster and you will be called or summoned, you will be drawn to, or you will just accidentally find yourself in the location where you need to be when that disaster occurs..."

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The Akashic Records On... Topics are channeled from the Akashic Records by Jen Eramith MA through Akashic Transformations.  We encourage you to share this message with friends and loved ones, provided that the content is complete and all credit is given to the author.

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