easy to love nice people; but the ones who are angry, hateful rude and
unkind, ah, there’s the challenge! Love and gratitude for making me
stronger and helping me to shine my light brighter!<3
The power of Love has been finally recognized by large numbers of humans. | Johnsmallman's Blog
Saul Audio Blog for Thursday November 6th
As you well know, God is Love, there is nothing else, and so you are
all Love and God, you are One. God is . . . no beginning, no end,
whereas He created all of you as perfect beings, because all that He
creates is by its very nature perfect, and He gave you everything that
He had, All That Exists, Love. By doing so He demonstrated infinite and
eternal Love in action, and that is an eternally ongoing state or
condition that never changes. You all existed before what your
scientists, astronomers, and astrophysicists presently describe as the
“Big Bang,” the moment in which they believe the Universe came into
being; other theories of its initial appearance are also being
considered. The truth remains that before the Big Bang, before the
apparent separation from your Source, You are.
What you experience…
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