of the Arcturian Group welcome all to this message presented with love
for the purpose of a greater knowledge and understanding of truth. We
observe many beginning to question their personal belief systems which
indicates clearing within the mental body. All bodies are in the process
of clearing. You are not just a physical body, that which is seen with
human eyes, but are also etheric, emotional, mental, and spiritual
bodies which constitute your energy field. The Light emanating from
earth is increasing daily, you are creating change even if it does not
seem that way at this moment.
this time you are clearing all bodies of obsolete and outgrown energies
accumulated through lifetimes lived in density and ignorance and are
replacing them with frequencies of Light and truth. Beliefs and concepts
based in duality and separation are never real for they have no
spiritual law to support them, and therefore must be let go and cleared
in order to move into the higher dimensional energies--this is
intention to evolve is all that is required. You do not need to know
the specifics of what is clearing for your higher self is directing what
is needed as you are ready. Issues long thought to be resolved, may
suddenly reappear as clearings are often done in layers, taking place as
you are spiritually ready. When you experience emotional or physical
distress for no apparent reason, or when you seriously begin to question
life long beliefs, remember what you know about clearing.
wish to speak of spiritual completeness. On earth, mankind takes for
granted that all things will come to some sort of completion, meaning
that all parts eventually come together either for good or for bad.
Completeness in the spiritual sense means the attainment of that state
of consciousness which recognizes self (SELF) to be complete and whole.
The process is a journey that continues well into the higher dimensions.
Beings of Light are simply those who know who they are, they are awake
and reflect this in their energy fields.
are formed of Divine Consciousness and therefore carry within the
qualities of Divine Consciousness--wholeness, completeness etc. The
degree of completeness manifesting outwardly is in direct proportion to
an individual's realization (not intellectual knowledge) of this truth
and will reflect what constitutes completeness for the individual. There
is no one completeness for everyone. Society, churches, leaders,
governments, experts, and family/friends all have varying concepts of
how things must be in order to be correct. This is false as wholeness
and completeness for one may not be wholeness and completeness for
another. When individuals strive to intuit what is right for them and
not what may be being pushed on them, they will discover a truer sense
of freedom.
and wholeness is the birthright of every soul, but must become the
state of consciousness in order to be experienced. This is the
evolutionary journey. To pretend wholeness and completeness without
having attained a consciousness of it is to stick ones head in the sand.
Never deny the human difficulties, but at the same time learn to not
give them power they do not have. Often those who come to know truth
intellectually, make the mistake of believing that it is spiritual to
stand in the presence of some discord and doing nothing while shouting
to self or others; " It is all illusion."
purpose of earth experiences is to awaken by learning through practice
and study to rise above appearances. As you come to know ever more
deeply that outer appearances (the good ones as well as the bad) are
images formed from a world consciousness of duality and separation, you
begin also to understand that there is no law other than belief holding
them there. It is at this point that the "absolutist" may lose his way,
trying to live a state of consciousness not yet attained. In the human
scene the starving baby is real and needs assistance even though in
reality starvation has no law to support it (wholeness and completeness
is the law), but to simply do nothing while shouting that all is
illusion, is very human.
into a consciousness of completeness is the evolutionary journey and is
not without "bloody footsteps" along the way. Those who seem to be
experiencing the spiritual fruits of completeness in their daily living
have probably done the work in other lifetimes, for all must make this
journey, although not all choose to do it on earth. There are many who
have never incarnated on earth, choosing instead to evolve on other
planets. Evolving on earth through the experiences of the third
dimension brings forth very strong and evolved graduates and thus earth
has been the choice for many.
interprets individual consciousness and then manifests it outwardly in
forms that resonate with the individual. On earth, these forms will be
natural and ordinary but will represent what constitutes completeness
for the individual. An example might be that the perfect job or partner
may appear, but would not appear for someone who is retired or already
happily in a partnership.
not confuse the expressions of spiritual wholeness and completeness
with the human sense of "good"--concepts of what an un-awakened society
deems desirable and attained through manipulation and struggle. When
gifts of spirit appear, "All ribbons are beautifully tied" and nothing
is required to make it so.
students of truth experience times in which they do not feel very
spiritual or complete. Do not get discouraged by this, for feeling
spiritual is not an indicator of your attained state of consciousness.
Often those in some frenzy of religious fervor are not having a
spiritual experience but a very third dimensional and ego driven one.
Evolution is about seeing beyond common third dimensional feelings and
thoughts, refusing to give them power, and living out from the highest
sense of what you know, being in the world, but not of it. As you become
aware that world struggles have no real power or law to support them,
you will find yourselves personally experiencing less and less of them.
Energy draws like energy.
message is about being aware of the temptation to live out from
absolute truth before attaining that state of consciousness. In their
enthusiasm for spiritual growth, some students want to immediately
integrate and live what they only intellectually understand. Enthusiasm
is appropriate, yet these dear ones quickly discover that the truth they
may of read in a book doesn't work for them which leaves them feeling
that they have been duped or are failures not yet ready for spiritual
study. Discouraged, some return to what they previously believed but
have outgrown. Others may choose to hold stubbornly to a truth believing
that by doing so some outer appearance will change, not realizing that
their resistance to that "something" is actually empowering it, holding
it in place.
one can manifest or live higher than his attained state of
consciousness. This is the secret key of forgiveness for self as well as
others for all are doing the best they know at a particular time. Even
the murderer believes he is making the world better in some way.
is work dear ones, until at a certain point there is more truth in your
consciousness than not, at which time life becomes much easier because
truth begins to manifest outwardly in whatever forms are needed--ideas,
things, persons, etc.
faced with appearances of discord and in-harmony, center yourselves in
the realization that Source could never form Itself as "this" because
Divine consciousness does not embody discord--there can be no discord in
One. That which I am witnessing is the manifestation of beliefs in
separation and duality and therefore ILLUSION. Illusion is how I am
perceiving something, not in the something itself.
take what ever human footsteps may be necessary. Mother Teresa of India
recognized that every individual was a God being, but did not proceed
to stand and shout; "This is all illusion." She fed the starving, bound
their wounds, and dealt with whatever immediate needs presented
themselves while holding within a realization of truth.
is how you evolve into the wholeness and completeness of your true self
while living on earth having human experiences. Resist nothing. This
does not mean you must like and accept everything or that you cannot
work to change something, but before taking action look with eyes of
spiritual understanding. When you do this, the spiritual fruitage may
appear as a solution to the problem
Light often to those countries and people you are guided to and know
that it is the Light exposing the dark, bringing to the surface long
hidden dense energies.
up to your highest sense of truth is all that is required and more is
given as you do so. All are complete and whole, but lifetimes lived in
third dimensional energy caused most to forget this. As creator beings,
you then began to ignorantly create a world of duality and separation.
Evolution is simply the journey of re-remembering who and what you are.
We are the Arcturian Group 11/9/14
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