Putin’s Opportunity to Bust the US Petro Dollar
Has a remarkable opportunity arisen for
President Putin to Bust the US Petro Dollar and collapse the Criminal
Banking System behind it?
By Preston James and *Mike Harris
In Ju-Jitsu, the goal is to wait for your opponent that is
attacking you to commit to a line of action and then to harness his
power and use his own attack against him.President Putin is known to be a master at Martial Arts and appears to be using the principles of Ju-Jitsu to topple the Western Banks, especially in regard to his support of the BRICS Development Bank.
The new BRICS Development Bank is now up and running now, is part of his master chess strategy, and is known to be seriously stressing the US Petro Dollar.
The BRICS Banking System is known to be based on Gold, Silver and real commodities unlike the Rothschild’s largest Franchisee the Federal Reserve System.
The private Federal Reserve System, which is neither a Bank nor a Reserve, is based on Fiat private money, best considered counterfeit money. These Federal Reserve System Fiat Dollars (aka the US Petro Dollar) have been forced to be accepted inside America as legal tender by illegal, Unconstitutional Congressional action back in 1913 which had no proper quorum.
The US Petro Dollar is now the World’s Reserve Currency but is not backed by Gold or Silver as is required by the U.S. Constitution.
And with the special deal negotiated by President Nixon at Henry Kissinger’s request, America was taken completely off the Gold and Silver Standard in 1971.
The US Petro Dollar was negotiated as the World’s Reserve Currency and the only payment the Mideast Oil producers would accept from that point on in exchange for the USA protecting the Oil Producing Countries.
To this very day despite a significant effort by the American Public and some Members of Congress have been attempting to fully audit the Federal Reserve System and take America back to Gold and Silver backed Constitutional Currency.
So far such efforts to completely “Audit the Fed” have been successfully blocked by the Organized Crime Cabal (OCC) which is known to be empowered by the private Rothschild Banking System and their American Franchisee the Federal Reserve System.
Has the OCC unknowingly created its own financial trap with ISIS/ISIL/Daish?
Has the Organized Crime Cabal that owns these criminal banks, the folks that started ISIS/ISIL/Daish aka Al CIA Duh version 2, actually set its own final financial trap by selling oil stolen from Iraq and Syria on the World market for $20 USD a barrel?
How come some major oil distributors are showing up with new quantities of oil that show no clear trail from the field of production? Could it be this crude oil ISIS has been “confiscated” and is selling at such a deep discount has actually itself suggested an appropriate response for President Putin?
Foreign policy experts have claimed that this Al CIA Duh strategy to sell oil at such a deep discount has had approval from the Saudis and other Gulf Oil producers at the bequest of the OCC. This ploy is designed to collapse the Russian Ruble and drive President Putin and Russia into submission of the Rothschild Banking Empire which is considered the financial muscle behind the Organized Crime Cabal (OCC).
Like the OCC’s interference in the Ukraine and their establishment of the World Zionist/Israel puppet Porky there, the OCC’s action to use ISIS/ISIL/Daish to collapse the World Oil Prices and stress the Russian Republic into submission can easily be interpreted as an act of war.
The Russian Republic has been under secret assault by NATO which is placing missile batteries around Russia. And the Israeli Neo-Bolsheviks are trying to occupy and make the Ukraine their own new homeland as well as an apparent staging point to take Syria, Iran and probably every other Muslim Nation, even their secret ally Saudi Arabia.
The WZs and the OCC have also been running a second simultaneous attack in addition to their assault on the Ukraine by deploying their specially constructed mercenary forces to take Iraq and Syria in a CIA type self-financed war.
Russia annexed Crimea after a landslide vote.
President Putin was able to benefit from a landslide Crimean vote to annex it to become a part of the Russian Federation, which it did, and this has thrown a serious block to Israel’s plan to take and occupy all of Ukraine including Crimea.
Many of the remaining citizens of the Ukraine not occupied by World Zionist/Israeli Cutouts actually want to become part of the Russian Federation too despite all the massive propaganda campaigns instituted in the Ukraine by Israeli installed puppets like “Porky” and his World Zionist (WZ friends), and in the American Press which is clearly controlled by the WZs.
Israel has been sneakily attempting to steal the Ukraine as their new homeland based on their continuing racial delusion of having ancient Hebrew Blood when one peer reviewed John Hopkins study shows 97.5% of them have none, while 80% of the Palestinians do. If an accurate conclusion this study of course means that the biggest anti-Semites in the World are the Israelis who suffer from this racial delusion which has now been clearly proved false.
Babylonian Talmudism has produced a strong criminal racial delusion which has formed the basis of espionage against America, massive asset stripping of America, numerous staged terror attacks around the World, and especially the massive land theft, a long term blockade, extreme tyranny, incredible abuse, and genocide against Palestinians.
What if the conclusion of this recent John Hopkins study is not accurate and some Israelis actually have some ancient Hebrew Blood like the Palestinians? Well then we must conclude that is the actual acculturation of Babylonian Talmudism that has produced this existing Judaic Racial Delusion, cultural hatred and paranoia toward Goyim necessary to motivate such savage, barbaric tribalist violence against the Palestinians and others all over the World with their staged Gladio-style False-Flag terror attacks.
And yes we know that this is the very same same Babylonian Talmudism that produced the Bolshevik Revolution and Red Terror of 1917, the Maoist death cult of Communist China too, as well as the mass-murder and terror regime of Pol Pot.
And this same Babylonian Talmudic Tribalism which is so notably savage is also the motivation behind the secret Satanic cults and their child-sacrifice rituals. The Babylonian Talmudism has also produced a very strong anti-Goyim subculture among American-Israeli Israeli-first Dual Citizens inside America who have infiltrated so many USG institutions and have used so many Israeli espionage fronts to hijack American Politics and Government.
It is this same Babylonian Talmudism motivated these Dual Citizens to be so eager to stage and deploy nuclear attack on America on 9/11/01, the first Twin Towers trade Center Bombing, and the Murrah Bombing as well. It is interesting to note that most hard core Israeli-first Dual Citizens are careful to keep the content of their Babylonian Talmud secret from Goyim, because it paints a very demented, criminally insane view of their secret Luciferian beliefs and why they feel justified asset stripping, tyrannizing and mass-murdering Goyim.
Yes, it is beyond question that the top WZs in the City of London planned and produced the Nazi Internment Camps and persecuted the socially lower Judaics in Europe and Germany to create the tribal delusion necessary to produce racial hatred and extreme paranoia against the Palestinians as well as all “Christian and Muslim Goyim”.
Whether true or not however, it has now been admitted in Israel by scholars that they have no ancient Hebrew Blood, but are Khazarians. Whether true or not this is one factor of many which is now motivating the Israeli leadership to seek another homeland such as in the Ukraine because they know that Israel is eventually going to be isolated by the World and Balkanized. They also know massive reparations will some day have to be paid to the Palestinians and all lands seized since 1947 at a minimum returned if not all.
The cost for the Israelis’ Tribal Savagery and barbarism taken out on innocent Palestinian women and children is going to be very, very high. These same Judaics cried and moaned to get billions of reparations from Germany after WWII for many years and should not be so surprised or enraged when they are expected to do pay their due to the Palestinians they have tyrannized, oppressed, land and asset-stripped, and mass-murdered for many years.
ISIS/ISIL/Daish is now self-financed.
Seized oil, art works and robbed and sacked banks and factories are the assets ISIS/ISIL/Daish are selling and/or using to self-finance. This is the same way the CIA aka the “Enterprise” has been and continues to raise vast amounts of untraceable money for the secret operations of the OCC except that the CIA also uses illegal narcotics trafficking on a massive scale to raise off the books to raise additional large amounts of untraceable cash.
Many Top World Leaders are now realizing for the very first time that the Organized Crime Cabal (OCC) that Gordon Duff and the Top Veterans Today Directors exposed as the real cause behind all Terrorism at the Damascus Conference in December of 2014 is actually empowered by the Rothschild Banking System and its main Franchisee the Federal Reserve System.
Traitors and enemies inside the Gates of America started and are running ISIS/ISIL/Daish.
By now many have already learned that ISIS/ISIL/Daisch (Al Qae da or Al CIA Duh) has started by the Organized crime Cabal lackeys Senator McCain, and Generals McNierney and Vallely.
Many also realize this has been done with the financial backing of the Rothschild Fiat Banking System which has its main franchisee and most powerful element the US Federal Reserve System.
And many now also know the deep secret behind all Terrorism, that it is synthetically created, engineered and deployed by this large Organized Crime Cabal (OCC) comprised of two major crime syndicates the IZCS and the BCC which are joined at the hip.
The International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS).
IZCS is the International Zionist Crime Syndicate aka World Zionists (WZs) run out of the City of London Financial District through its main action-agents Israel and it large cadre of espionage agents and assets all over the World but especially inside America commonly referred to as Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens.
These agents and assets use such Israeli espionage fronts inside America as AIPAC, JINSA, the ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center.
For many years the FBI has been the secret handmaiden and errand boy of the WZs and done a great deal of their staged terror, harassment, suppression and murder of dissidents and politicians that threaten their exposure and ability to manipulate Congress and US Administration Policy.
The Bush Crime Cabal (BCC).
The other part of the OCC is the Bush Crime Cabal (BCC) which rose to power with the help of the “Fourth Reich” Gehlen/Mueller Intel Network and Gladio Left behind Army (which became NATO). The BCC rose to power because of Operation Paperclip and the support of the Rothschild and Wall Street Banksters.
The BCC grabbed a great deal of power by assassinating JFK and continued their rise to power by acquiring most of the CIA under their control. During this time they combined forces with the IZCS which also works for and answers to the Rothschild Banksters and the small Circle of Twelve that control them which is run out of Denver, Colorado.
The recent drop in World Oil Prices presents an incredible opportunity for President Putin.
This recent drop in Oil prices presents a remarkable opportunity for President Putin to apply his life-long commitment to mastering the principles of Ju-Jitsu and thereby collapse the Western Banks if he decides to drop Oil prices even further than they are now.
These Western Banks are the financial power behind the Organized Crime Syndicate (OCC) which is responsible for all the various False-Flag Terror attacks around the World, especially the new Terror Army now fighting in Iraq and Syria, referred to as ISIS/ISIL/Daish (aka Al Qaeda or Al CIA Version 2).
A major sustained drop in World oil Prices could easily collapse the Western banks since it is estimated by experts that at least 40% of their Worldwide Derivate holdings are dependent on high World Oil prices.
Apparently the goal of this manipulated drop in World oil prices by the agents of the OCC was to create serious financial stress for the Russian Federation and President Putin, to bring them to their knees.
As a true Ju-jitsu move, what if Putin now dropped the price of oil even further to maybe $15/barrel and increased production to flood the global market with legal oil, not stolen oil??
How long before the criminal western banks collapse under the stress of the derivatives contracts they currently hold??
* Mike Harris is the Financial Editor of Veterans Today, a radio host, a former GOP Campaign Finance Chairman, gubernatorial candidate for Arizona, and a Senior Vice President of Adamus Defense Group, Switzerland. Mike is an expert in full-contact mixed martial arts. His long term expertise in such has gained him a lot of respect and the nickname “Iron Mike”.
Preston James, Ph.D
Psychologist with Doctorate from Major Midwest Big Ten University.
Retired after serving the community for over 36 years during which time
there were numerous contacts with those associated with Intel and Law
My tags: Putin, Obama, Petrodollar, Oil, Veteran's Today, Preston James, BRICS, Federal Reserve, Gold, U.S. Constitution, Nixon, Audits, OCC, Ukraine, Zionists, NATO, Crimea, Israel, Babylonian Talmudism, Hebrew Blood, ISIS/ISIL/DAISH, McCain, Rothschilds, IZCS, Bush Crime Cabal, False Flag, Terror Attacks,
My tags: Putin, Obama, Petrodollar, Oil, Veteran's Today, Preston James, BRICS, Federal Reserve, Gold, U.S. Constitution, Nixon, Audits, OCC, Ukraine, Zionists, NATO, Crimea, Israel, Babylonian Talmudism, Hebrew Blood, ISIS/ISIL/DAISH, McCain, Rothschilds, IZCS, Bush Crime Cabal, False Flag, Terror Attacks,
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