Thursday, January 1, 2015

Thank You Thursday: New Beginnings ~ a message from Hillis Pugh

Thank You Thursday: New Beginnings ~ a message from Hillis Pugh
Thursday, 1 January, 2015

Be thankful this day for new beginnings.

Our lives are renewed daily when we wake, however we have the same or similar routines. It's in the routines where we feel safety, yet grow tired of the same schedule or daily habits. As a person we long for excitement or joy. This leads to seeking out external forms of excitement and joy. This ambitious seeking or rebellious change leads to momentary satisfaction.

Thrill seeking sets in and continues to search for adrenaline high. Thrill seeking isn't necessary jumping off cliffs, it's whatever your desire is on an external level to find happiness, change, anything different, new and exciting. In the external or biological view of the new beginning, we are made to be renewed daily and every ten years. We are on a cycle of renewal, if we take care of ourselves, then we can live a life of longevity.

The cycle of renewal is not just tied to our bodies, it's tied to our spirit. As children, we are new to this world, but our spirits are not. We have to relearn what we already know and add the knowledge of this world to our library. As we grow older, each phase of life is a new beginning, and lesson learned to add to our growing mental data base. By the time some of us reach adulthood or even adolescence, we have come into our own realization of our purpose, talents and gifts. The new beginning starts with that realization and can extend over to over to us being awakened by talents, gifts, passions and purpose.

Another way to jump start a new beginning is forgiveness of self. This forgiveness cleanses the soul, the energy of our life. Once we have forgiven ourselves, a new door of joy has opened in your life. This joy and acceptance of it can lead to forgiveness of others and new opportunities, such as new friendships, a new job, even financial wealth. To have something new in your life should be welcomed and not feared. As the saying goes "Fear is the root of all evil", I say embrace the unknown, embrace your fear for there is a new joy and new beginnings waiting just for you.

Be thankful this day for routines in your life for they help to discover new ideas and habits.
Be thankful this day for our bodies and the will of the spirit to carry us daily.
Be thankful this day and everyday to embrace your fears for they bring new found joy!

New I Am

I am the sun shining brightly sharing my warmth and brilliance with all
I am the wind strong and free flowing
I am the water pure and blessed a ravage sea and soothing rain
I am the earth offering knowledge and wisdom
I am confidence comfortable in this skin my freedom another man’s prison
I am words blended to emotions causing convolutions on the mind
I am a thought provided a miner digging to the essence of wisdom
I am an inspiration glowing never to be diminished
I am the new beginning of change acceptance of the continuous journey
I am pain and retribution inflected simultaneously and unified
I am a new love for self where my heart belongs
I am a pair of wings lifting others from the trenches of life
I am remembering me how things use to be easier and worry free
I am here
I am not afraid yet curious
I am thankful for my lessons for my blessings for those who stood strong by me those who believed in me
I am a new understanding
I am a new life
I am a gift unwrapped
I am an energy bounded through life synergy
I am new
New I Am

Excerpted from Thank You Thursday Volume 1

All original bodies of work is owned and copyrighted by Hillis Pugh aka PHantasm.

This message was originally posted here

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