Thursday, April 30, 2015
GAIAPORTAL: Friable energetic patterns in Gaia fields have been fluidized and will soon be removed 30 Apr
GAIAPORTAL: Friable energetic patterns in Gaia fields have been fluidized and will soon be removed30 Apr
Friable energetic patterns in Gaia fields have been fluidized and will soon be removed.
Hue-manity conscious withdrawal from disingenuous ego patterns continues.
Framing of consciousness evolution in the Higher Expanse is now the “norm”.
Vortices of torsion fields enables release of dim viewing.
Permutations of Light converge into harmonic Unity.
My tags: Gaia Consciousness, Humanity, Ego Dissolution, Conscious Evolution, Transcending Limitation, Harmony, Unity Consciousness,
THE ORACLE REPORT: Thursday, April 30, 2015
Gibbous Moon Phase: trust, magic
Moon in Libra
Goddess of Wisdom: Chinnamasta (The Goddess Who Expands The Mind)
God of Wisdom: Ian (God of the East)
Skill: look all around and recognize the beauty and abundance that is already present
True Alignment: reviving something, seeing abundance, giving a helping hand, nurturing the body and resting the mind, blossoming, fertilizing the field of consciousness through creativity, attention to details, inner beauty showing through the outer, celebrations of love, presentation or representation of truth and form, grace, breaking free, discovery
Catalysts for Change: frenzied, immaturity, seeing lack, rushing forward before the proper time, superficial foundations and appearances, not paying attention to details or fine print (double check important things), showing off, envy, ego-centric, feeling isolated or neglected, moving out of integrity
Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month/Astrological Year: "the music of the spheres"
I am "on assignment" with the Wisdom Goddesses today, but the full Oracle Report will return tomorrow, Friday, May 1, 2015.
Thank you for supporting The Oracle Report!
Moon in Libra
Goddess of Wisdom: Chinnamasta (The Goddess Who Expands The Mind)
God of Wisdom: Ian (God of the East)
Skill: look all around and recognize the beauty and abundance that is already present
True Alignment: reviving something, seeing abundance, giving a helping hand, nurturing the body and resting the mind, blossoming, fertilizing the field of consciousness through creativity, attention to details, inner beauty showing through the outer, celebrations of love, presentation or representation of truth and form, grace, breaking free, discovery
Catalysts for Change: frenzied, immaturity, seeing lack, rushing forward before the proper time, superficial foundations and appearances, not paying attention to details or fine print (double check important things), showing off, envy, ego-centric, feeling isolated or neglected, moving out of integrity
Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month/Astrological Year: "the music of the spheres"
I am "on assignment" with the Wisdom Goddesses today, but the full Oracle Report will return tomorrow, Friday, May 1, 2015.
Thank you for supporting The Oracle Report!
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Using Awareness to Create More Freedom Feel-Free-and-Enjoy-life. Message from the Archangel Michael Channeled by Meredith Murphy
Using Awareness to Create More Freedom
Message from the Archangel Michael
Channeled by Meredith Murphy
Hello Beautiful Souls,
There is great enthusiasm in your non-physical family of light, for the potential for divine embodiment is expanding. It is such a great pleasure to connect in this way. To know you and to participate in this amazing experience you are creating and drawing forth into form, which is, the leading edge of life on Earth.
We in the non-physical, we the Council of the Golden Dawn Temple, we the Angelic, we the Ascended Masters, we your friends in the non-physical, we love this collaboration with you. We are focused upon the perpetual unfolding of Earth and we are invested in this in a profound and substantial way, even if we are not there with you in form, and so we wish to convey to you today, how powerful your choices are, how important your choices are, and how wonderful your freedom is.
It is an amazing thing to be in a realm such as you find yourself and to have the capacity for freedom. Of course the use of this capacity can be impaired by many things.
It is most important for you to know, that truly, no one else can limit your freedom.
Your freedom is entirely within your sphere of focus, and as such within your creative control. And so knowing this, it is important to ask yourself, "Are you feeling free?" Do you feel free to do, to experience, to create, to have, to know and participate in every moment of life that you want to experience that you sense you have the capacity to enjoy, that you desire to at least encounter?
Are you giving yourself the freedom to create all this for yourself?
Learning to love yourself, includes considering your freedom, for in in essence you are innately a free being. As such, any confinement of your freedom will bother you, will impair your joy and will make you less fulfilled.
Freedom is the state of being able to choose.
To choose your focus and experience. Freedom is what opens you to love. Freedom is that which is available and in fact, used, in every moment of your experience. Some of you do not see your choices as free, but they are. In addition, because of ideas of right and wrong, or long held beliefs, or prior religious experiences, or ideals of those close to you or even perhaps, the sense that some choices might make others close to you unhappy -- some things can and do impair your experience of your own freedom.
When we share share with you about self-love you'll notice how often we speak to you of fulfillment. There is a reason for this. Your fulfillment is essential, it is your fountain of joy.
Your fulfillment comes from the fullness of your being flowing clearly, purely into your expression. This is made possible through your degree of alignment, and the fullest alignment is a state of self-appreciation: self-love.
In an state of openness, of non-judgement in relationship to yourself, you empower your fulfillment. Otherwise you are filtering OUT experiences and most importantly ENERGIES that you perhaps might not feel you want to experience of you may not feel worthy of. And in this, you are then not fulfilled. The fullness of you, flows to you. Your direct connection to source comes to you, uninhibited, undistorted, unfiltered, unrestrained. And so it is for you to cultivate alignment, so you can receive more. This cultivation of self love will let more of your pure essence energy, in.
If you choose to cultivate your alignment and learn to allow more of your essence in, to learn and to cultivate your energy structure such that you can allow it more and more fully into your life, your field ,your awareness, and into your experience, you in essence,are to fulfill you.
This is how you become fulfilled, you become fulfilled by the fullness of you giving to you all that you are, for all that you are is is fundamentally, perpetually, continually, expansively, limitlessly fulfilled. In joy. In a perpetual state of dynamic expanding appreciation, creativity and joy.
So it is for you to choose to allow this into your experience. And of course, as we have just considered, you may also choose to limit your freedom and thus limit these energies. And this is what has been happening for people on Earth for a very long time.
In believing that others humans, others in your life, others in the world held the keys, were the powerful ones, controlled your life, needed to be pleased, adored, sacrificed for and made more important than you in any or some way, then you have turned your attention away from you and in doing so, set limits upon what you were open to receive. We are not judging these choices, we are merely explaining the impact of making such choices. For you again, are free to choose whatever experience you feel impulsed towards, and you can trust your impulses knowing that at a soul level you are being guided into these experiences that will create the greatest expansion for you.
In this freedom and in all these choices, you have set standards for your life -- energetic trends, that act like standards. In these moments of living these beliefs as choices, as behaviors as moments of attentiveness to any and all things -- you have set standards for your life. You have in fact, created your life experience, yes, but even more important than that, for the experience is simply an out-picturing driven by the most important thing you create -- you create your energy field.
Take a moment now and tune into your energy field. You do this like you do all things, just with intent, and focus.
As you turn your attention to your energy field, you bring forth the knowing of this into your perceptual field. There are many ways you might feel and know about your energy field, every physicality is different in the way that it acknowledges and perceives energy. But the most important thing for our purposes at this time, and that we would like for you to consider this: do you like how your energy field feels?
This is just an immediate sense of knowing when you turn your focus toward this. Do you like how it feels to be the YOU that you are allowing to come forth from all that you are?
Ponder this and in using, this sensation based approach, this feeling approach, you can also allow your mind to join the feelings of this with clear awareness. Do you like how your energy feels? What does it feel like? Are there words that suit how your energy feels? And if so, what are these words?
Now we'd like you to turn your attention elsewhere. We'd like you to pause for a moment and consider this: what are the qualities of being that you love embodying most? What feelings sensations, emotions, states of being are your favorites? Is it peace? Is it enthusiasm? Is it inspiration? Is is playfulness? Is it awe? Is it bliss? Is it tenderness? Is it humor? What are the qualities of being that you love the most? Do you have favorites? Are you aware of what they are?
How fluid are your states of being? How stable are they? Which do you prefer?
You can think and feel more about this throughout the day because what we want you to begin considering today, is that you are free to create the quality of your state of being.
You are free to conjure up the quality of being that you prefer.
If you choose to claim your freedom the fullness of you can provide you with the energetic resources to create in abundance, any quality of being you wish to experience.
You must open to receive, cultivate alignment, and thus allow yourself to be gifted with what you choose to create and you must take the time to consciously choose the quality by focusing on it, beginning to feel it and letting the fullness of your being FULFILL you.
This is living your freedom for the purpose of JOY.
Recently we've asked you to consider -- do you choose to be happy? Check in with yourselves about this. Do you honor your wants and your needs and your desires, genuinely, as inspiration from your essence and make them your priority? Can you honestly say that you make your own happiness the priority moment to moment when you choose?
How would you live differently if you gave yourself permission to use your awareness, to make your happiness the number one priority? If you cared most about being happy, how would you choose to perceive situations and events? Yourself?
What self-talk? What stories? What would be the lens of perception you would use to empower yourself to feel more happy? More free?
If you are someone who truly makes their own happiness, their joy, the way they orient and live... then today, we are going further by reminding you that feeling FREE is essential to your joy.
So if you choose to be happy, you must consider your state of freedom. Because it is your nature to be free.
You will find that there are fundamentals to your nature because there are fundamentals of all life. And as you do discover this and then embrace it as self-understanding, as your true identity of being, your self-love cannot help but expand and your life will again, open up to the fulfillment that you know perpetually in the non-physical.
So today, I invite you to play with your freedom and use the energy of your focus, the alchemy of bringing focus together in your field with intent -- with specific information for how you wish the energy you are to be configured, to be focused...
Doing this, you are in-forming: making form out of the energy as you focus with intent.
In this, you can create your state of being, your state of presence, your state of awareness. This is playing with your Creator God-ness and it is the most fun ever.
You will love it. And the more you do it, the more confident you will become in creating this way and then you can create all kinds of material things this way too. For all material things that you imagine that you want, have an essence to them in your experience, in your relationship to experiencing this material manifestation.
So you make an immediate connection with that quality of life, and energy and that life and the energy of that quality will come into connection with you. There is no way, to stop it, in fact, because it is how energy works.
So in your world, one's freedom begins to really fly high when one begins to realize one can claim it.
Lastly, we'd like to encourage you to empower yourself, with the knowing of our Oneness.
For it is the knowing of our Oneness that gives you the full confidence to trust that what's good for you is good for everything and everyone. In doing that, embracing that idea, we'd like to encourage you to make a commitment to yourself to discovering and living the freedom that is your ultimate Universal state of being, and then to, by intent, radiating that wholeness, extending the potential of that presence, to everyone and everything you encounter.
Enjoy creating your experiences today. But even more importantly, realize that your experiences arise from the quality of your state of being, and turn to the root of what creates everything and take time to focus on the way you wish to be present.
Be generous and friendly to you in creating. Create the states of being that you really want -- not what you think you should want, not what other people want you to feel like, not what you think you ought to do, or what's good or right or better or spiritual or holy or pure or ascension related. Follow your desire which speaks from your heart and discover what gives you joy.
Discover what gives you joy.
This is your courtship with you.
I AM Archangel Michael
THE ORACLE REPORT: Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Gibbous Moon Phase: trust, magic
Moon in Virgo
Goddess of Wisdom: Chinnamasta (Goddess Who Expands The Mind)
God of Will: Ian (God of East)
Skill: spread warmth and goodwill
True Alignment: common history, connecting with old friends, nourishing the body and soul, connecting with soul families and like-minded people, healing self and helping others, bringing light to darkness, breaking illusions of division and duality, integration of many things, radical insight, spontaneity, rising above, guidance and reassurance from Spirit
Catalysts for Change: demonstrations of force and anger, pushing forward, extreme over-reactions, worries looping around the mind, psychological imbalance, refusing to see light, overworking, dragged down
Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month/Astrological Year: "music of the spheres"
The leviathan magnetic filament that came from the East and had been building on the Sun for days erupted yesterday, producing a coronal mass ejection. The eruption streamed the energy associated with the Sabian symbol of "black and white children playing happily together."
A blast of universal fellowship has been sent our way to help us see that division, separation, and segregation are illusions of perception. The fact that the filament's energy was twisting (literally, producing solar "tornadoes") and twirling like a giant whirling dervish for days and days only amplifies the powerful effect it will have on the collective of humanity.
We can align with this energetic with concerted focus on spreading warmth and goodwill to all. This would be activating a solar alignment - a wave that emanates from the heart and is in resonance with the music of the Great Sphere, the divine being embodied as our Sun.
Our fellowship with the Sun has taken on a new dimension now that we are in a new dimension. Everyone can participate by maintaining the mindset of goodwill. This becomes a skill when we can practice it is against strong odds, like those in place today with astrological aspects today that favor projection of fears, over-reactions, and coping difficulties. There is an unhelpful dose of moral righteousness peppered throughout, as well.
Today, we re-unite, re-align, re-tune, and re-bound. It's the first Gibbous Moon phase of the new year, and Gibbous is the magical time of the month. Each of us is a song - music of the spheres - that plays in harmony with the orchestral fellowship of the cosmos. Can you feel it?
(Special thanks to Andrew for transcribing yesterday's audio report, which is below.)
Tuesday, April 29, 2015
First Quarter Moon Phase: step out, take action
Moon in Virgo ("Black Moon Day" - those with the Sun or Black Moon in Virgo or Pisces undergo a process of tapping into personal power by facing fears and making friends with their shadow sides; exact conjunction of the Moon and Black Moon is Wednesday, April 29 at 7:35 am ET/11:35 am UT)
Goddess of Wisdom: Chinnamasta (Goddess Who Expands the Fields of The Mind)
God of Will: Ian (God of the East)
Skill: be acrobatic; recognize what is authentic/real through the fruit of actions, not appearance
True Alignment: corrections and repairs (especially to things that are "damaged" or were unnecessary) attention to detail, clues, things that are alternative, ultra-high levels of discernment, breaking limitations, elder people offering wisdom, something pointed out, being directed, direct and indirect action/effects that ripple love and light into the field of consciousness, multiplicity of choices or options
Catalysts for Change: causing damage, pretense, covering up, fooling through the focus on appearances, indecisive, difficulty maintaining focus (due to the number of things being highlighted and brought to attention), inflexibility when changes are presented, fear of not being good enough or qualified enough, minimizing what one has to offer the world, power grabs, projecting one's feelings onto others
Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month/Astrological Year: "the music of the spheres"
9:35 am ET: Due to the amount of information, today's report is being recorded and will be posted at the top of the homepage of shortly.
10:25 am ET: Audio report now posted.
So there was so much to talk about with today’s report and on all of the energetics that are involved, the main things to remember are that there are going to be a lot of things happening rather quickly. Things are going to be pointed out directly to us if we are paying attention, and also front-lined into the focus of consciousness of the collective of humanity. It’s on heightened alert visually right now and instinctually, because we have shifted into a new frequency; a new level of consciousness, the Fifth Dimension if you have followed my work and the audio recording for this lunar month.
So today this is an interesting set up because we are at the last day of the Black Moon disseminating the energy of the Sabian Symbol for seventeen degrees of Virgo, which is “a volcanic eruption”. And the moon will make its once a month conjunction with the black moon (the moon does this every month with the Black Moon) and today (well tomorrow morning, Wednesday Morning 7:35 AM) is the conjunction of that, and so this is the last day of the full energy of “a volcanic eruption.” And this has been in place since right after the new moon. So its expanding everything. There is an abundance of choices today and options. There are so many things going on and so many things to choose from. If you are faced with an important decision, you want to look at the fruit of someone’s actions. What they’ve produced and what their intention is. Not what the outer appearance of something is.
Appearances fool today. It’s an imprint that the old system is manipulating right now to imprint energies into the field of consciousness.
It is 6 Days until the full moon actually into the full moon phase. So keep in mind it’s a Black moon day so everybody will be projecting their shadow sides, their own fears onto other people. Everybody will, not just people that have the Sun or the Black Moon in Virgo or Pisces. Those folks will have the most intensive experience of the energetic, which could be rather overwhelming and difficult to cope with. So people should engage the skills of the Wise Owl, and the coping skills of being like the Wise Owl in the tree watching what’s happening. You need to ground stabilize and equalize when the shadow energies begin to come up so so high for us to recognize. So I always recommend going outside and connecting with nature. And that’s what will help with all of that. We can release all of those fears.
Fear has no place in the 5th Dimension. It’s disempowered. What works in the 5th Dimension is love. So let’s talk about how we can use that knowledge to handle the days that are coming up and the period of time that I want to highlight in this report, the main focus and the reason for recording all of this because so much was shown today that projects onto the future. Okay so we begin the Gibbous Moon phase tomorrow Wednesday April 29th at 10:55 PM EST. And so the moon will be at that degree/phase/angle with the Sun moving us into the Gibbous Phase. And the Moon will be fresh off of this conjunction with the Black Moon early in the morning. So it’s a flooding in of shadow side energy. Which brings us into the Gibbous Phase of the Moon.
And the Sabian Symbol for the Gibbous Phase of the Moon is “a flag at half mast.” And Tomorrow the Sun will be located at the Sabian Symbol of “a red cross nurse.” And the Earth will be located at the Sabian Symbol “a fellowship supper reunites old comrades/veterans.”
I don’t like this setup that opens the Gibbous Moon Phase of these energetics, especially coming off of “the volcanic eruption” of the Black Moon and all that transpired on Earth with that. AND the energetics, the intense energetics of the Sun right now; that prominence is still dancing and will most likely is going to collapse and produce a hydroflare and a CME. And that is a region of energy that has been building for many many days throughout the First Quarter Moon phase, which is the energy of Stepping Out and taking action. And is seems to be, its looking like old systems of the Old World Order is trying to respond to the energetic. And the opportunities that are implied within a Lunar Month that is the first of the year.
The Lunar Month is equivalent to one long New Moon phase, so everything that’s inserted during that month, everything that’s tried or even tested or balloons that are being sent over. Any type of imprint or intention into the field has energetics that play out throughout the remainder of the astrological year. So we watch everything that’s happening very closely and announcements about the reserve currency last week. They’re seeding a lot of intentions into the field. Well, the Gibbous Moon phase that begins tomorrow on the 29th will contain this energetics: of the Red Cross Nurse, A flag at half mast in front of a public building, and a fellowship supper reunites old comrades/veterans. I don’t like the setup for this and the energetic and the pretense and fooling by appearance false flag.
May 5th – 7th is highlighted. There will be a Grand Trine between Pluto, the Black Moon and the Sun.But keep this in mind. We have expansive energy happening and one element contained in this is the signature of Thor’s Hammer within this dynamic. And this is the special signature within astrology that talks about will and drive. It’s also called Gods Fist. You can look it up. It’s a Quadraform.
This says that all of the intentions that are being put in place, the seeds that are being put in place this lunar cycle to be unrolled the rest of the lunar year WON’T WORK because basically Thor’s Hammer is in place to maintain alignment with what is the reality of the 5th Dimension which is manifestation of consciousness that is based within love nature and value of life. If it is contrary to that then it isn’t going to be successful. But it will be tried because there really is no alternative for the other side.
That is a quick overview of what is going on. And also I guess it is a reminder for us that we are just aware of what is happening, watching the field but we know that it is changing so that the way that things appear now, it is not the end of the story. This is a process in motion, a transition in effect. So be aware of what’s happening. We maintain our grounded connection to the planet. We always keep it real. And observe.
So I hope you can tune in when I am on Phoenix’s show tonight. And we will talk more about this and how this is playing out in the geopolitical scene So I hope you can join us then.
Thanks everyone.
(Note: I will be Phoenix's guest tonight, Tuesday, April 28, 10 pm - midnight ET/ 7-9 pm PT on Phoenix Rising Radio on Truth Frequency Network to discuss the latest. Hope you can join us!)
Thank you for supporting The Oracle Report!
Moon in Virgo
Goddess of Wisdom: Chinnamasta (Goddess Who Expands The Mind)
God of Will: Ian (God of East)
Skill: spread warmth and goodwill
True Alignment: common history, connecting with old friends, nourishing the body and soul, connecting with soul families and like-minded people, healing self and helping others, bringing light to darkness, breaking illusions of division and duality, integration of many things, radical insight, spontaneity, rising above, guidance and reassurance from Spirit
Catalysts for Change: demonstrations of force and anger, pushing forward, extreme over-reactions, worries looping around the mind, psychological imbalance, refusing to see light, overworking, dragged down
Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month/Astrological Year: "music of the spheres"
The leviathan magnetic filament that came from the East and had been building on the Sun for days erupted yesterday, producing a coronal mass ejection. The eruption streamed the energy associated with the Sabian symbol of "black and white children playing happily together."
A blast of universal fellowship has been sent our way to help us see that division, separation, and segregation are illusions of perception. The fact that the filament's energy was twisting (literally, producing solar "tornadoes") and twirling like a giant whirling dervish for days and days only amplifies the powerful effect it will have on the collective of humanity.
We can align with this energetic with concerted focus on spreading warmth and goodwill to all. This would be activating a solar alignment - a wave that emanates from the heart and is in resonance with the music of the Great Sphere, the divine being embodied as our Sun.
Our fellowship with the Sun has taken on a new dimension now that we are in a new dimension. Everyone can participate by maintaining the mindset of goodwill. This becomes a skill when we can practice it is against strong odds, like those in place today with astrological aspects today that favor projection of fears, over-reactions, and coping difficulties. There is an unhelpful dose of moral righteousness peppered throughout, as well.
Today, we re-unite, re-align, re-tune, and re-bound. It's the first Gibbous Moon phase of the new year, and Gibbous is the magical time of the month. Each of us is a song - music of the spheres - that plays in harmony with the orchestral fellowship of the cosmos. Can you feel it?
(Special thanks to Andrew for transcribing yesterday's audio report, which is below.)
Tuesday, April 29, 2015
First Quarter Moon Phase: step out, take action
Moon in Virgo ("Black Moon Day" - those with the Sun or Black Moon in Virgo or Pisces undergo a process of tapping into personal power by facing fears and making friends with their shadow sides; exact conjunction of the Moon and Black Moon is Wednesday, April 29 at 7:35 am ET/11:35 am UT)
Goddess of Wisdom: Chinnamasta (Goddess Who Expands the Fields of The Mind)
God of Will: Ian (God of the East)
Skill: be acrobatic; recognize what is authentic/real through the fruit of actions, not appearance
True Alignment: corrections and repairs (especially to things that are "damaged" or were unnecessary) attention to detail, clues, things that are alternative, ultra-high levels of discernment, breaking limitations, elder people offering wisdom, something pointed out, being directed, direct and indirect action/effects that ripple love and light into the field of consciousness, multiplicity of choices or options
Catalysts for Change: causing damage, pretense, covering up, fooling through the focus on appearances, indecisive, difficulty maintaining focus (due to the number of things being highlighted and brought to attention), inflexibility when changes are presented, fear of not being good enough or qualified enough, minimizing what one has to offer the world, power grabs, projecting one's feelings onto others
Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month/Astrological Year: "the music of the spheres"
9:35 am ET: Due to the amount of information, today's report is being recorded and will be posted at the top of the homepage of shortly.
10:25 am ET: Audio report now posted.
So there was so much to talk about with today’s report and on all of the energetics that are involved, the main things to remember are that there are going to be a lot of things happening rather quickly. Things are going to be pointed out directly to us if we are paying attention, and also front-lined into the focus of consciousness of the collective of humanity. It’s on heightened alert visually right now and instinctually, because we have shifted into a new frequency; a new level of consciousness, the Fifth Dimension if you have followed my work and the audio recording for this lunar month.
So today this is an interesting set up because we are at the last day of the Black Moon disseminating the energy of the Sabian Symbol for seventeen degrees of Virgo, which is “a volcanic eruption”. And the moon will make its once a month conjunction with the black moon (the moon does this every month with the Black Moon) and today (well tomorrow morning, Wednesday Morning 7:35 AM) is the conjunction of that, and so this is the last day of the full energy of “a volcanic eruption.” And this has been in place since right after the new moon. So its expanding everything. There is an abundance of choices today and options. There are so many things going on and so many things to choose from. If you are faced with an important decision, you want to look at the fruit of someone’s actions. What they’ve produced and what their intention is. Not what the outer appearance of something is.
Appearances fool today. It’s an imprint that the old system is manipulating right now to imprint energies into the field of consciousness.
It is 6 Days until the full moon actually into the full moon phase. So keep in mind it’s a Black moon day so everybody will be projecting their shadow sides, their own fears onto other people. Everybody will, not just people that have the Sun or the Black Moon in Virgo or Pisces. Those folks will have the most intensive experience of the energetic, which could be rather overwhelming and difficult to cope with. So people should engage the skills of the Wise Owl, and the coping skills of being like the Wise Owl in the tree watching what’s happening. You need to ground stabilize and equalize when the shadow energies begin to come up so so high for us to recognize. So I always recommend going outside and connecting with nature. And that’s what will help with all of that. We can release all of those fears.
Fear has no place in the 5th Dimension. It’s disempowered. What works in the 5th Dimension is love. So let’s talk about how we can use that knowledge to handle the days that are coming up and the period of time that I want to highlight in this report, the main focus and the reason for recording all of this because so much was shown today that projects onto the future. Okay so we begin the Gibbous Moon phase tomorrow Wednesday April 29th at 10:55 PM EST. And so the moon will be at that degree/phase/angle with the Sun moving us into the Gibbous Phase. And the Moon will be fresh off of this conjunction with the Black Moon early in the morning. So it’s a flooding in of shadow side energy. Which brings us into the Gibbous Phase of the Moon.
And the Sabian Symbol for the Gibbous Phase of the Moon is “a flag at half mast.” And Tomorrow the Sun will be located at the Sabian Symbol of “a red cross nurse.” And the Earth will be located at the Sabian Symbol “a fellowship supper reunites old comrades/veterans.”
I don’t like this setup that opens the Gibbous Moon Phase of these energetics, especially coming off of “the volcanic eruption” of the Black Moon and all that transpired on Earth with that. AND the energetics, the intense energetics of the Sun right now; that prominence is still dancing and will most likely is going to collapse and produce a hydroflare and a CME. And that is a region of energy that has been building for many many days throughout the First Quarter Moon phase, which is the energy of Stepping Out and taking action. And is seems to be, its looking like old systems of the Old World Order is trying to respond to the energetic. And the opportunities that are implied within a Lunar Month that is the first of the year.
The Lunar Month is equivalent to one long New Moon phase, so everything that’s inserted during that month, everything that’s tried or even tested or balloons that are being sent over. Any type of imprint or intention into the field has energetics that play out throughout the remainder of the astrological year. So we watch everything that’s happening very closely and announcements about the reserve currency last week. They’re seeding a lot of intentions into the field. Well, the Gibbous Moon phase that begins tomorrow on the 29th will contain this energetics: of the Red Cross Nurse, A flag at half mast in front of a public building, and a fellowship supper reunites old comrades/veterans. I don’t like the setup for this and the energetic and the pretense and fooling by appearance false flag.
May 5th – 7th is highlighted. There will be a Grand Trine between Pluto, the Black Moon and the Sun.But keep this in mind. We have expansive energy happening and one element contained in this is the signature of Thor’s Hammer within this dynamic. And this is the special signature within astrology that talks about will and drive. It’s also called Gods Fist. You can look it up. It’s a Quadraform.
This says that all of the intentions that are being put in place, the seeds that are being put in place this lunar cycle to be unrolled the rest of the lunar year WON’T WORK because basically Thor’s Hammer is in place to maintain alignment with what is the reality of the 5th Dimension which is manifestation of consciousness that is based within love nature and value of life. If it is contrary to that then it isn’t going to be successful. But it will be tried because there really is no alternative for the other side.
That is a quick overview of what is going on. And also I guess it is a reminder for us that we are just aware of what is happening, watching the field but we know that it is changing so that the way that things appear now, it is not the end of the story. This is a process in motion, a transition in effect. So be aware of what’s happening. We maintain our grounded connection to the planet. We always keep it real. And observe.
So I hope you can tune in when I am on Phoenix’s show tonight. And we will talk more about this and how this is playing out in the geopolitical scene So I hope you can join us then.
Thanks everyone.
(Note: I will be Phoenix's guest tonight, Tuesday, April 28, 10 pm - midnight ET/ 7-9 pm PT on Phoenix Rising Radio on Truth Frequency Network to discuss the latest. Hope you can join us!)
Thank you for supporting The Oracle Report!
What's Happening in the Stars? April 27 - May 3, 2015 ~Contributed by Hillory Skott
Life lived fully must embrace all realms of feeling. This full moon in Scorpio will help you
to let go and move on. Any superfluous situations and relationships can be swept away to
clear the slates for a brand new start.
Roll with the punches, it’s those rock tumbling moments that polish you up. You can do anything
you set your mind to.
Scroll down and enjoy this week’s astrological forecast!
~K & S
~Contributed by Hillory Skott
April 27- May 3, 2015 leads us to a Full Moon in sensitive Scorpio.
Emotions are bubbling up for release. Intangible flutters of feeling are swirling into reality from the deep dark depths.
The wounded healer Chiron is activating our urge to mend what is bruised and broken within us. And magical Neptune is softening this week’s deeply healing energy with a supportive sextile to the vital Sun. And Mercury makes a move into its own sign Gemini-heightening our curiosity and speed of communication. Expect synchronicities leading you to dreams made real.
Tuesday Mars in keep it simple Taurus is connecting with the wounded healer Chiron. Chiron is where we look for our wounds, often pushed aside, hidden away from the light of day. With Mars in the mix there is certain bravery in the air that will help you dive down deep to feel your vulnerabilities. Which is what this week is all about.
Wednesday Chiron is in a stressful square with sweet Venus. Venus does not really enjoy feeling anything but lovely. This creates stress. You might feel yourself shutting down, turning within, and attempting to avoid the pain. Try and remember that much of what you’re feeling is coming from past repressed parts of yourself. A hurt, rejection, abandonment, or humiliation that you could not tolerate is raising its hand to be felt and acknowledged and then released. Be brave, Breathe deep. Accept and love everything that comes up for you.
Mercury will be moving to Gemini and because of the retrograde period will be there until early July. That is a long time for Mercury to be anywhere. All forms of communications will be highlighted. This is a beautiful opportunity to get out and mingle, enjoy your community and any events that are being held there. Short trips are sure to be enjoyed and appreciated. If you have any writing to do now is the time. You can access wit and clever concepts that can keep you and everyone else super entertained.
Sunday May 3, 2015 at 8: 42 pm PST the Moon will be full in Scorpio. Scorpio is the opposite of the current Sun in Taurus. Taurus likes to deal with the five senses. The real tangible stuff of life. The Intangibles, like feelings and the mysteries of the Universe are more the domain of Scorpio. These two opposites need to embrace each other's points of view to create true balance.
During this full moon Saturn opposing Mercury may create a sense of being rejected for your
ideas or thoughts on things. And perhaps this is what is rising up to be felt. Many a Scorpio can
relate to being rejected for expressing the true intensity of their feelings about things. It's sad
but true. Most have learned to hide away how they feel to be socially acceptable. But Scorpio
feels the true full spectrum of emotions and Taurus likes to feel very little variation in the
emotional realm. This may very well be going on inside you during this full moon. A push pull between a self expression and not rocking the boat. Which this self expression may very well do.
Remember: What you feel you can heal. So open up to what presents itself this week. Sometimes all it takes is awareness and acknowledgement of the wounded part of yourself to let go and forgive. No one but you can give that to you. Go ahead and be intense. Just be careful not to wound others while you are releasing all that hidden material. Scorpio also has that sting don't forget. There is an ego in the character that likes to teach lessons when lessons are deserved (according to them). Be conscious and be kind. Even though what's inside may feel ugly and cruel.
All this effort is well worth it. Life lived fully must embrace all realms of feeling. This full moon in Scorpio will help you to let go and move on. Any superfluous situations and relationships can be swept away to clear the slates for a brand new start. Roll with the punches, it’s those rock tumbling moments that polish you up, and, You can do anything you set your mind to. Start first, with Loving yourself, the intense parts included.
~Contributed by Hillory Skott
Have a wonderful week and Create Amazement!
Karen & Salma
Be more...Love more...Live more
And Never Settle for Less
Go Beyond!
Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc.
49 Canyon Blvd West
Lethbridge, AB
T1K 6X6
Hours Monday-Thursday 10AM-4PM Mountain
Wesak Message - Signs of Awakening ~ a message from Selacia
Wesak Message - Signs of Awakening
~ a message from Selacia
Saturday, 25 April, 2015 (posted 27 April, 2015)
As you prepare to celebrate Wesak and the Buddha’s birthday on May 2, you have been through an intense cycle of energy. Most likely, you are still working through some of the issues that came to light the past couple of months.
Besides these challenges, you also connected with some helpful new insights about your life – discovering more about what’s working and what needs to change. Since Wesak last year, you indeed have shifted so much energetically that it’s like you are a different person in some ways.
Yes, you may look similar and much in your day-to-day world may appear unchanged.
On an inner level, however, you are quite different. From a spiritual perspective, note these key signs of awakening contributing to your energetic shifting.
Signs of Awakening
One – You are holding and radiating more light than you did a year ago – this relates to the ascension process.
Two – On an energy level, you are learning to adapt more easily to shifts in energy – in part because you are having so much practice!
Three – You are becoming more comfortable with the idea that life will not be returning to the kind of “normal” you knew before – some of the comfort comes from knowing this change is universal impacting everyone.
Another factor is repetition over time of the idea that you indeed have entered a brave new world in which the only way forward is ahead – the more that you can accept this idea, the more progress you will make and the more joyful you will feel.
Four – Most likely, you are dealing with some issues that might have appeared to come out of nowhere – challenges you didn’t have before. Some of these involve past life themes in your DNA, catalyzed by your accelerated awakening and the need on a spiritual level to clear the deck of these things at this juncture.
The key to remember here is that while some of these things might seem like new issues, they in fact were sitting there all along. This past year, they came to the surface for you to address a final time.
If you have something like this, it likely is not your typical challenge, but something you as a soul have been grappling with for lifetimes. Despite what you might feel about addressing this, it’s important that you meet whatever it is head on.
On Wesak as you gather with others to celebrate the Buddha and your own enlightenment potential, you will receive spiritual fuel to help you stabilize and build a new momentum.
There is a new kind of stability needed when you get to this place on the path of awakening.
Your strength now must be sourced on both spiritual and physical levels. The kind of spiritual strength you are developing will help you to hold your center when things become even more chaotic than now.
This expanded strength will give you greater perspective and a way to make peace with things that do not make sense on a mundane level.
Aim for strength that embodies your highest values of how to live life on Earth: love, compassion, patience, and tolerance.
The strength referenced here means that you can look at your upside-down world in a direct way, seeing it as it is – seeing it honestly without losing your balance. This becomes increasingly vital going forward.
As a divine changemaker, you are alive to be at the helm of changes happening across the planet, participating consciously to help create positive transformation.
In that role, you are learning to be fearless. You are learning to see what is there – the good the bad and the ugly – without judgment. As you do this, you have opportunities to be a significant healing force in outcomes.
For right now, know that you are among the fortunate ones consciously walking the path during Earth’s most volatile times.
To be conscious now is a gift. It means that you really get what society’s changes are all about. You understand they are needed and you know it’s not going to be easy to implement them.
You know that spiritual strength and being resourced by spirit will make all the difference – these things helping you to be the powerful divine changemaker you are destined to be.
Copyright 2014 by Selacia - author of Earth’s Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this copyright line and the full article text.
This message was originally posted here
Tags: awakening wesak Wesak Full Moon
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
The ARCTURIANS – Your Seven Light Bodies | Soul Genesis
Podcast: Play in new window
Image Credit – Jos. A. Smith
28th APRIL 2015
Channeled by Paul Marwood
Transcribed by Holly Hawkins Marwood
“Greetings. We are the Arcturians.
Today we wish to talk to you about a greater connection to the non-physical aspects of your self, for most of you are aware that you have your light bodies. Most of you are aware of auras. Most of you are aware of your intuition, that subtle aspect of simply knowing something or receiving images, thoughts that can pop into your mind as a level of knowingness, or you simply just feel it: a feeling, a feeling of excitement, a feeling of fear or warning. Now as you go about your daily life most of you in your busyness draw your attention to that which is in your physical realm, and information that’s coming forward from your five senses. Then you hear the saying about getting information from your “sixth sense,” where people start talking about the psychic abilities.
All of these are you tuning into a greater aspect of who you are. Remember that there is more to you than just this physical body. Remember that you are a spiritual being having a physical experience. That physical being is far greater then this physical body. That spiritual being is far greater than this physical body with which you are enjoying this experience with for a period of time. Today we wish to encourage you to start to feel, connect to, and observe these light bodies of you. Your seven light bodies. Each has an important role. Each is a part of you in a specific way. Each has a role to play that is no more and no less than that role of your physical body. Each of your light bodies operates in a different realm and gathers aspects and information and integrates as part of a greater wholeness of you.
As an example, your emotional body: this body has the ability to interact with and correlate emotions… emotional energy. When you are having a physical experience that creates an emotion this body is the body that generates that emotion. This body is what allows the physiological interaction of the feeling of an emotion, and then that interaction with your physical body can create a physical response.
You have an etheric body, tuning into essentially the etheric realm. This allows an interaction with that which exists in that realm. For example, you are in a room and you feel a presence. You might not see anything. It could be, for example, one of your guides. It could be the Angels. It could even be, as you would determine, a ghost, but nonetheless you sense that something is there. That sensation is information being fed to your conscious mind from your etheric body.
So as you see, on a day-to-day basis, each of these bodies has an important role to play in bringing more information into you, increasing your awareness of what is around you. With this increased awareness there is a greater ability for you to interact with and make wiser decisions. By this we mean, if you walk into a room you have the ability to sense which people are more aligned with yourself, so you can simply go and talk to those people. While at the physical realm you will recognize people, for example, with your eyes, but if, in this hypothetical case, there is a room filled with strangers, you could, using your light bodies and information that you can gather therein, tap in to and know exactly who is the best person to go and talk to first. While in this case this is not a life-and-death situation, however, it allows you in your day-to-day way of living to access a greater level of knowledge of what’s happening around you. As you move forward as part of this conscious evolution on your planet, the connection to more: the more of who you are, the more of your light bodies, the more of the information that’s around you and the more of all that is, including various levels of consciousness of yourself and that which is around you, and the information systems, grids and fields that are around you all become part of your daily life.
Think of today’s message as some early steps in this process. We will talk more on this, but for now our suggestion to you is, if you don’t already do so, start to tune in to what you feel and sense around you as a daily practice and throughout your day. Take a moment to stop. It’s a lack with you antenna out there and just feel. Start to play with this because as you practice this more and get better at it you will start to tune into and feel different sensations. You will also start to understand more and more what these sensations are and what they mean.
We love you all.
We are the Arcturians.”
© 2015 Copyright Paul Marwood
This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is kept in it’s original form and not altered or changed in any way, with the Author and a link to clearly displayed as shown below.
Author: Paul Marwood
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ONENESS OF ALL: Arcturian Group message for 4/26/15 by Marilyn Raffaele
ONENESS OF ALL: Arcturian Group message for 4/26/15 by Marilyn Raffaele
Greetings once again dear ones, in this time of new beginnings. We come to bring encouragement and love to the many of you who are experiencing seeming discord both within and without. Old ideas are quickly becoming obsolete and dissolving, but the new ones are not yet fully able to manifest (personally and universally) leaving you confused.
It may appear as if the world is
functioning as usual, and yet you are finding that much of it no longer
resonates with you in the ways you have come to know and expect. This is
the confusion and causes you to question yourselves. Never doubt or
believe that you are simply making things up, are over tired, or just
plain going crazy as change begin to take place within your awareness.
Change signifies a consciousness that is expanding--often away from what
is familiar or known.
You are not consciously aware
of how much is happening on other levels as you sleep, meditate, or
simply go about your day. Human beings are programmed to analyze and
mentally figure everything out, but this approach does not work with
what is now taking place on deeper levels.
The sense
of separation with which mankind has lived lifetime after lifetime, has
manifested a world of much unnecessary suffering for many. The few who
recognized the error of this concept have always been harshly silenced
by the un-awakened majority, and so the myth lived on. Thus sincere
seekers became used to looking outside of themselves to those deemed
more knowledgeable and trained in truth, but more often than not were
and still are told that man is tarnished and must work his way back into
the good graces of a God made in man's image and likeness through
suffering and great effort.
False teachings have
never affected truth, but through lifetimes did affect your acceptance
of truth. All experiences (many not so pleasant) resulting from this
ignorance are important facets of your evolutionary journey and have
brought you to where you are now. There is no need for fear or doubt
dear ones, for you are on your way whether you think you are or not.
Leave behind those teachings that tell you that you must believe a
certain way, or undergo specific ceremonies in order to be "saved" or
spiritual. It is time to understand that you are already saved and
spiritual and at no time ever, have you not been.
is the sacred secret long hidden within each where it was never
suspected of being--you have always been an expression of Source. Your
Real Self has never nor could it ever, be separate from the One
Omnipresent Divine Consciousness for that is all there is. Where would
you come from?
Evolution is simply the gradual
process of remembering through lifetimes of stepping and falling,
stepping and falling. Earth is a powerful and difficult school, but you
will graduate very prepared as powerful beings of Light. All is
proceeding according to plan and you are now ready to move beyond the
stepping and falling part and come into the knowing.
readiness is always known and directed by the Higher Self, and you are
being guided to and through each necessary step of your journey. This
knowledge will serve to remove from you the burdens of trying to figure
everything out mentally and continuously seek. Many metaphysical books
written in the past, laid out definite practices necessary for spiritual
growth. If you are drawn to certain practices, that is fine for many of
them were actually based in truth, but if you are not drawn to them or
if they feel "old" to you, then trust this and never think you have
failed in some way because of it.
Most of you have
evolved beyond needing a lot of outer tools. Many (not all) of the older
books were written for beginners who needed specific practices in order
to awaken to new levels of understanding, there are still many who
equate being psychic with being spiritual.
shift into higher levels of awareness is manifesting outwardly as many
new and very evolved teachers. You will recognize them by the energy of
their words. Be open, for they may present ideas of truth that at first
seem strange. Many very evolved beings of Light are now incarnating or
choosing to be "walk ins" in order to help the many who are ready move
deeper and higher, beyond what up to now has been known and taught.
is no need to figure everything out, just know that you are being
guided. The "monkey mind" loves to dictate the spiritual journey with
suggestions, ideas, and judgement, but remember the human mind can only
access what is already out there in world consciousness unless given
more from deeper levels. You have moved beyond the mental stage--love
it, thank it for its suggestions, and pay it no attention, instead
choosing to listen and be guided from within.
unpleasant experiences you may be going through right now are simply old
energies (concepts, beliefs, experiences) coming forth to be noticed,
interpreted on a higher level, and released. These experiences are signs
that you are ready for the deeper truths that cannot integrate with the
old still in place.
Karmic situations needing
completion, are coming to a head for many. Diseases, irrational fears,
and all sorts of issues considered to be problems in the third
dimension, are presenting themselves to many very evolved souls now
spiritually able and ready to release them. Problems are never a sign of
failure for a serious seeker of truth. When things seem to fall apart,
recognize the experience as an indication of your readiness to look
deeper and that you are now evolved enough to do the work. Never see
yourselves or others as a failure based on outer appearances, for you
may well be witnessing a very evolved soul who has chosen to work out
profound levels of old energy in this lifetime.
are some tempted to deny "problems" when they appear, believing that
this is the more spiritual way (problems are not God ordained and
therefore do not exist). This often becomes a trap for the serious
student because in reality this is the absolute truth, but the absolute
cannot be lived and experienced fully until one has attained that state
of consciousness. Know the truth of the absolute, but live out from your
highest attained state of consciousness.
Denial and
resistance can solidify problems, for denial and resistance feeds them
with energy. Never deny the discords in your life but know that they
have no real power other than the power you give them. We do not say
that if you have concern over some health issue you must not visit a
doctor or that this indicates a backward step, for loving and dedicated
help manifests and is available on all levels.
When problems hit;
1. Drop the picture and know the absolute truth (God never created this so it was not made and has no law to support it.)2. Go within, asking for guidance and listening to your intuition. Answers may not come in that moment, but will manifest when you least expect and in a way you did not expect. Never request a specific outcome (concept) other than what is the highest and best for all.
3. Take whatever human footsteps you are guided to take.
These steps help to remove the fear and resistance that gives so many "problems" the power they seem to have.
are moving into a new paradigm of living, emerging into an awareness of
yourselves as powerful beings--butterflies emerging from lifetimes
spent in heavy cocoons of duality and separation. The cocoon must be
discarded no matter how familiar or comfortable it may of become
reflecting change with what you eat, the way you play, your work, and
all things in life. You are experiencing a shift into the higher sense
of ordinary things which does not mean you must leave behind everything
that is important to you, but means you must be willing for some things
to assume a new place, evolving into something new or perhaps being left
This way of being becomes automatic as you
begin to live attuned always to the within. Do you wish to stay in what
is known and familiar no matter how uncomfortable, or do you wish to
move on to something new? Be not afraid dear ones, for the spiritually
new will always manifest in higher and better forms. You are not leaving
anything real, you coming to understand and experience these same
things on higher levels.
We are the Arcturian Group 4/26/15
THE ORACLE REPORT: Tuesday, April 28, 2015
First Quarter Moon Phase: step out, take action
Moon in Virgo ("Black Moon Day" - those with the Sun or Black Moon in Virgo or Pisces undergo a process of tapping into personal power by facing fears and making friends with their shadow sides; exact conjunction of the Moon and Black Moon is Wednesday, April 29 at 7:35 am ET/11:35 am UT)
Goddess of Wisdom: Chinnamasta (Goddess Who Expands the Fields of The Mind)
God of Will: Ian (God of the East)
Skill: be acrobatic; recognize what is authentic/real through the fruit of actions, not appearance
True Alignment: corrections and repairs (especially to things that are "damaged" or were unnecessary) attention to detail, clues, things that are alternative, ultra-high levels of discernment, breaking limitations, elder people offering wisdom, something pointed out, being directed, direct and indirect action/effects that ripple love and light into the field of consciousness, multiplicity of choices or options
Catalysts for Change: causing damage, pretense, covering up, fooling through the focus on appearances, indecisive, difficulty maintaining focus (due to the number of things being highlighted and brought to attention), inflexibility when changes are presented, fear of not being good enough or qualified enough, minimizing what one has to offer the world, power grabs, projecting one's feelings onto others
Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month/Astrological Year: "the music of the spheres"
9:35 am ET: Due to the amount of information, today's report is being recorded and will be posted at the top of the homepage of shortly.
10:25 am ET: Audio report now posted.
So there was so much to talk about with today’s report and on all of the energetics that are involved, the main things to remember are that there are going to be a lot of things happening rather quickly. Things are going to be pointed out directly to us if we are paying attention, and also front-lined into the focus of consciousness of the collective of humanity. It’s on heightened alert visually right now and instinctually, because we have shifted into a new frequency; a new level of consciousness, the Fifth Dimension if you have followed my work and the audio recording for this lunar month.
So today this is an interesting set up because we are at the last day of the Black Moon disseminating the energy of the Sabian Symbol for seventeen degrees of Virgo, which is “a volcanic eruption”. And the moon will make its once a month conjunction with the black moon (the moon does this every month with the Black Moon) and today (well tomorrow morning, Wednesday Morning 7:35 AM) is the conjunction of that, and so this is the last day of the full energy of “a volcanic eruption.” And this has been in place since right after the new moon. So its expanding everything. There is an abundance of choices today and options. There are so many things going on and so many things to choose from. If you are faced with an important decision, you want to look at the fruit of someone’s actions. What they’ve produced and what their intention is. Not what the outer appearance of something is.
Appearances fool today. It’s an imprint that the old system is manipulating right now to imprint energies into the field of consciousness.
It is 6 Days until the full moon actually into the full moon phase. So keep in mind it’s a Black moon day so everybody will be projecting their shadow sides, their own fears onto other people. Everybody will, not just people that have the Sun or the Black Moon in Virgo or Pisces. Those folks will have the most intensive experience of the energetic, which could be rather overwhelming and difficult to cope with. So people should engage the skills of the Wise Owl, and the coping skills of being like the Wise Owl in the tree watching what’s happening. You need to ground stabilize and equalize when the shadow energies begin to come up so so high for us to recognize. So I always recommend going outside and connecting with nature. And that’s what will help with all of that. We can release all of those fears.
Fear has no place in the 5th Dimension. It’s disempowered. What works in the 5th Dimension is love. So let’s talk about how we can use that knowledge to handle the days that are coming up and the period of time that I want to highlight in this report, the main focus and the reason for recording all of this because so much was shown today that projects onto the future. Okay so we begin the Gibbous Moon phase tomorrow Wednesday April 29th at 10:55 PM EST. And so the moon will be at that degree/phase/angle with the Sun moving us into the Gibbous Phase. And the Moon will be fresh off of this conjunction with the Black Moon early in the morning. So it’s a flooding in of shadow side energy. Which brings us into the Gibbous Phase of the Moon.
And the Sabian Symbol for the Gibbous Phase of the Moon is “a flag at half mast.” And Tomorrow the Sun will be located at the Sabian Symbol of “a red cross nurse.” And the Earth will be located at the Sabian Symbol “a fellowship supper reunites old comrades/veterans.”
I don’t like this setup that opens the Gibbous Moon Phase of these energetics, especially coming off of “the volcanic eruption” of the Black Moon and all that transpired on Earth with that. AND the energetics, the intense energetics of the Sun right now; that prominence is still dancing and will most likely is going to collapse and produce a hydroflare and a CME. And that is a region of energy that has been building for many many days throughout the First Quarter Moon phase, which is the energy of Stepping Out and taking action. And is seems to be, its looking like old systems of the Old World Order is trying to respond to the energetic. And the opportunities that are implied within a Lunar Month that is the first of the year.
The Lunar Month is equivalent to one long New Moon phase, so everything that’s inserted during that month, everything that’s tried or even tested or balloons that are being sent over. Any type of imprint or intention into the field has energetics that play out throughout the remainder of the astrological year. So we watch everything that’s happening very closely and announcements about the reserve currency last week. They’re seeding a lot of intentions into the field. Well, the Gibbous Moon phase that begins tomorrow on the 29th will contain this energetics: of the Red Cross Nurse, A flag at half mast in front of a public building, and a fellowship supper reunites old comrades/veterans. I don’t like the setup for this and the energetic and the pretense and fooling by appearance false flag.
May 5th – 7th is highlighted. There will be a Grand Trine between Pluto, the Black Moon and the Sun. And also a Grand Trine between the Moon, Jupiter and the South Node. I’ll talk more about that as the time approaches. But keep this in mind. We have expansive energy happening and one element contained in this is the signature of Thor’s Hammer within this dynamic. And this is the special signature within astrology that talks about will and drive. It’s also called Gods Fist. You can look it up. It’s a Quadraform.
This says that all of the intentions that are being put in place, the seeds that are being put in place this lunar cycle to be unrolled the rest of the lunar year WON’T WORK because basically Thor’s Hammer is in place to maintain alignment with what is the reality of the 5th Dimension which is manifestation of consciousness that is based within love nature and value of life. If it is contrary to that then it isn’t going to be successful. But it will be tried because there really is no alternative for the other side.
That is a quick overview of what is going on. And also I guess it is a reminder for us that we are just aware of what is happening, watching the field but we know that it is changing so that the way that things appear now, it is not the end of the story. This is a process in motion, a transition in effect. So be aware of what’s happening. We maintain our grounded connection to the planet. We always keep it real. And observe.
So I hope you can tune in when I am on Phoenix’s show tonight. And we will talk more about this and how this is playing out in the geopolitical scene So I hope you can join us then.
Thanks everyone.
(Note: I will be Phoenix's guest tonight, Tuesday, April 28, 10 pm - midnight ET/ 7-9 pm PT on Phoenix Rising Radio on Truth Frequency Network to discuss the latest. Hope you can join us!)
Thank you for supporting The Oracle Report!
Dana Mrkich | Evolution Revolution: Where are the results of my inner changes? + Earth Changes: Cleansing and Gratitude trump Fear
Dana Mrkich - Evolution Revolution


Monday, April 27, 2015
Where are the results of my inner changes?
Where are the results of my inner changes?
often when we make inner changes we want to see the outer results
fairly quickly. So when we don't see change we get frustrated, upset and
angry, which can take us right back where we started! When our mind and
emotions are in a constant battle with our physical reality, it sets up
a two steps forward and one or two steps back groove.
Here's a tip if you are looking at some aspect of your life that you have wanted to change and are doing all the 'right' things but it's yet to shift: Think of this aspect as simply being a result of your many yesterday's. Kind of like a cake you baked a few days ago when you happened to be craving a certain flavour, but that flavour just isn't doing it for you anymore. It doesn't reflect who you are right now.
Here's a tip if you are looking at some aspect of your life that you have wanted to change and are doing all the 'right' things but it's yet to shift: Think of this aspect as simply being a result of your many yesterday's. Kind of like a cake you baked a few days ago when you happened to be craving a certain flavour, but that flavour just isn't doing it for you anymore. It doesn't reflect who you are right now.
that right now you have shifted....great...and a new cake is in the
oven. You shifted the second you realised you want a whole new cake and
set about planning or getting the ingredients for that new cake. Stop
thinking about the old cake, or staring at it berating yourself for why
you spent time making such a thing. Think about the new cake. Breathe it
in. Think about how it will feel to have this new cake ready. Soon it
will come out of the oven, represented by physical changes in your
physical life and circumstances.
You have the power and ability to start to feel this change right now emotionally and mentally if you allow it, and actually you can insist upon feeling and visualising your new circumstances. Mantra tip: "That was yesterday, I am now moving into a new today and fabulous tomorrow's."
Ask to see physical evidence of inner change, and let go of how/in what form that evidence may show itself to you.
If you are feeling heavy it is often because you are being dragged down by thoughts and feelings that belong in the past - or are worrying and fearing about an unknown future. We all do this, it is our old human conditioning to do this. But we don't have to keep doing it. We can catch ourselves in the act and think hang on, this isn't actually helping me!
Find the thoughts, feelings and visual images that feel light, fantastic and fabulous - they are usually the ones most in alignment with the direction your Soul truly wants to go in. x
(c) Dana Mrkich 2015
You have the power and ability to start to feel this change right now emotionally and mentally if you allow it, and actually you can insist upon feeling and visualising your new circumstances. Mantra tip: "That was yesterday, I am now moving into a new today and fabulous tomorrow's."
Ask to see physical evidence of inner change, and let go of how/in what form that evidence may show itself to you.
If you are feeling heavy it is often because you are being dragged down by thoughts and feelings that belong in the past - or are worrying and fearing about an unknown future. We all do this, it is our old human conditioning to do this. But we don't have to keep doing it. We can catch ourselves in the act and think hang on, this isn't actually helping me!
Find the thoughts, feelings and visual images that feel light, fantastic and fabulous - they are usually the ones most in alignment with the direction your Soul truly wants to go in. x
(c) Dana Mrkich 2015
Earth Changes: Cleansing and Gratitude trump Fear
Earth Changes: Cleansing and Gratitude trump Fear
by Dana Mrkich | Evolution Revolution
themes are emerging in almost every conversation I've had or overheard
in the aftermath of this week's Sydney/Central Coast/Hunter storms:
Cleansing and Gratitude. People are saying they feel as if a big
cleansing has happened, and how grateful they felt this week for any
small thing: some warmth, candlelight, a hot shower at a friend's house.
Over the years people have often written expressing concern about potential Earth Changes events. What I've written about that topic in the past is that our fear of a future event is usually vastly different to the reality.
Over the years people have often written expressing concern about potential Earth Changes events. What I've written about that topic in the past is that our fear of a future event is usually vastly different to the reality.
Our fear imagines something with the worst possible most scary scenario
where we feel totally helpless and powerless. Yet history alone shows
us that humans are resilient. Whatever comes our way we deal with it as
it happens - sometimes it may feel like you are in a surreal bubble,
not quite realising what has happened until it has happened. Our energy
has a way of protecting us during the reality of something, that our
projected fears have no way of doing.
Our fear lens doesn't show us all the positive things that are happening simultaneously during extreme events, weather or otherwise. It doesn't show the support that shows up right when we need it. The peacefulness and calm that arises in both you and others. The normalcy of day to day life that continues right along side the chaos.
We are on a living planet and while the jury is still out regarding which global weather event is natural vs which has been influenced and even created by humans, the fact remains we are on a living planet. She moves, she breathes. She shakes, she quakes. She storms and floods. She burns and erupts. She doesn't really care that we have power lines or jobs to go to. Not her problem. She shifts, she transforms, she purifies, she sheds, she cleanses. That's what Earth has done for billions of years and will continue to do.
I think it is a good and healthy thing for us to be reminded that we live on a living planet. If it makes us more grateful, more appreciative, more humble, more patient, more inclined to take care of our planet, our selves and each other, then things like Earth Changes events are ultimately a positive thing. I think it is good to be reminded that life isn't guaranteed or forever. It makes you stop and think: am I living life in the way I want to be living it? It makes you reflect on your priorities. None of this dismisses the devastation that occurs....rather, we can honour that devastation by emerging with some new insight or wisdom gained.
Sending prayers to all who need them tonight x
Our fear lens doesn't show us all the positive things that are happening simultaneously during extreme events, weather or otherwise. It doesn't show the support that shows up right when we need it. The peacefulness and calm that arises in both you and others. The normalcy of day to day life that continues right along side the chaos.
We are on a living planet and while the jury is still out regarding which global weather event is natural vs which has been influenced and even created by humans, the fact remains we are on a living planet. She moves, she breathes. She shakes, she quakes. She storms and floods. She burns and erupts. She doesn't really care that we have power lines or jobs to go to. Not her problem. She shifts, she transforms, she purifies, she sheds, she cleanses. That's what Earth has done for billions of years and will continue to do.
I think it is a good and healthy thing for us to be reminded that we live on a living planet. If it makes us more grateful, more appreciative, more humble, more patient, more inclined to take care of our planet, our selves and each other, then things like Earth Changes events are ultimately a positive thing. I think it is good to be reminded that life isn't guaranteed or forever. It makes you stop and think: am I living life in the way I want to be living it? It makes you reflect on your priorities. None of this dismisses the devastation that occurs....rather, we can honour that devastation by emerging with some new insight or wisdom gained.
Sending prayers to all who need them tonight x
Posted by
Dana Mrkich - Visioning the Dream Awake
12:59 a.m.
Earth Changes,
Sydney storms
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