Gibbous Moon Phase: trust, magic
Moon in Virgo
Wisdom Goddess: Kamala (Goddess of Desire)
Skill: spread your wings
Positive Imprints: following intuition, wisdom and strength gained, revelations, foreshadowing the future, rising above, recuperation, intervention by a higher power, seeing other sides, letting go
Catalysts for Change: the need for speed, feeling out of control, acting purely from instinct, quitting just before the finish line, pushing too hard or not resting, reaching boiling or breaking points, immobilized, neglecting self-care, frustration, feeling cornered
Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: a majestic formation resembling a face is idealized by a boy who takes it up as his ideal of greatness, and as he grows up, begins to look like it”
This lunar month we are preparing to bring our ideals of greatness into form. Inherently, this requires that we “spread our wings.” Wings are the key motif today. Here’s how:
WINGS ARE FLUTTERING to point something out, deliver a message or gift, excite us, alert us to something or something that is about to happen, or move us toward something.
WINGS ARE FOLDING in to rest throughout the day because the energetics gain intensity as the Full Moon approaches.
WINGS ARE FANNING over situations to cool them off or calm them down to release a build-up of tensions and tectonics.
WINGS ARE FLUORESCING solutions and insights from the perspective of a different light.
As wise owls spread their wings over the world today, we are mindful of the Full Moon/Eclipse that occurs this Saturday, April 4 at 8:06 am ET/12:06 pm UT at the degree of “circular paths.”
Saturday is going to be massive.
First and foremost, this Full Moon is the last Full Moon of an ancient epoch that is ending. Recall that the degree of this lunar month (the degree of the New Moon) was the very last degree of the zodiac. This month began with a total eclipse of the Sun, which cuts things off, takes them away, or obscures them.
Remember also that the next lunar month (and astrological “new year”) on April 18 will occur at the degree of “the music of the spheres,” and as I understand it, will reset everything, including the cycle of time. This is discussed in the audio recording for this month, entitled “Ideals of Greatness” and available on the homepage of
Astrologically, the Full Moon opposes (is 180 degrees away from) Uranus and squares (is 90 degrees away from) Pluto. The Sun will be conjunct Uranus, in square to Pluto, and in trine to Jupiter. The Sun will act as a generator of even more energy to fuel the Full Moon dynamic of change and transformation of the CIRCULAR PATHS OF THE PAST – the outworn imprints of the past.
More on this tomorrow, but everyone should be aware of the wave of energy that is entering as the Moon waxes to Full. For today, spread your wings and stretch toward your ideals of greatness for your life and for the world. Truly they are closer than they ever have been and are ready to take their place.
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