Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Disclosure and Ascension: David Wilcock Live on Coast TONIGHT! (December 8, 2015)

Are we heading towards an official announcement that we are not alone? Is this part of a cosmic evolutionary leap we are going through? Hear David LIVE on Coast tonight for two hours of discussion on these fascinating subjects!

UPDATED During the show!

"Negative greeting" is a term in the Law of One series for upsetting personal problems that have a negative spiritual force behind them.

The level of "negative greeting" that has happened just since we published DISCLOSURE SHOWDOWN is so far above coincidence as to be laughable.

This included a series of upsetting personal events that collided all at once in a "too bad to be true" type of perfect storm.

Although I rarely get sick, I came down with a powerful virus that seems to hit off all the bad things that viruses do at once.

This happened simultaneously with getting a mild but constantly irritating case of poison ivy on both of my legs below the knee.

There have been unexpected financial blows, sudden disappointments and complications -- and it all "just so happened" to hit after writing DISCLOSURE SHOWDOWN.

Plus, we are still hammering away on The Ascension Mysteries book, and the window to keep working on it is rapidly narrowing -- but progress is being made.

In fact, there is a "happy problem" of having so much material to cover that the book will only carry "the best of the best."


In addition to all the above going on, our website appears to have been attacked three hours after DISCLOSURE SHOWDOWN was posted.

This article gave damning proof that ISIS is a creation of Western banks. It had such an abnormally high surge of traffic that the server completely died.

Turkey made a profoundly dumb move by shooting down a Russian jet, as we discussed. Russia is supposedly fighting the same enemy everyone else is.

Our website was hit so hard we were down for seven hours after DISCLOSURE SHOWDOWN went online.

We decided to upgrade to a system that is much more powerful, and also costs significantly more, to make this much harder to do.

We gave the go-ahead to do this "bare metal restore" or BMR as of Saturday afternoon, and were told it would only take a few hours.

Ten different techs worked on it and didn't even bother to read what they were supposed to do because "the ticket was too long."

As a result, obvious mistakes were made and we only were put back online last night, as of about 1:30 AM PDT.


In a way, there couldn't have been a better time for the site to be down, because I have been in a completely non-productive state with this virus.

In tonight's show, we will discuss material you will see in the later sections of DISCLOSURE SHOWDOWN, as well as an overview of how this all ties in to Ascension.

My health seems to be improving, and if this is a two-week bug as most people claim, I am now almost through the first week.

Be sure to check it out tonight, or you can catch it after the fact as a Streamlink member!


There. For those people asking for shorter articles, you finally got one.   :)

I might actually speak at a human speed tonight on the air given the narcotic-like effect this virus has.
Oh... I almost forgot to mention that we are having yet ANOTHER ridiculous heat wave in Southern California, with a sweltering high today of 83.

"May you live in interesting times" has never rung truer than it does right now!

Once we get Disclosure, all the madness we have gone through to get there will have been worth it.


I am on the air right now, on a commercial break, listening to the bumper music.

I had loaded this page when the show started to review your comments -- but never looked at the hit counter.

I just did -- and it was at 9333:

This happens far beyond any likelihood of coincidence -- and yet it still surprises and delights me when it happens.

This one caught me off guard, because I had loaded this page an hour ago, when I first went on the air, and did not see it at the time.

The counter is now above 9500, but I hit it at just the right moment!

The show is about to feature me again so I must end this now... but it is very exciting to see this continuing to happen.


1 comment:

  1. see also:
