Sunday, December 13, 2015

Lynda Hill: Amassing Resources, Moving Forward And Getting Those Plans Into Action: December's Sagittarian New Moon

Lynda Hill: Amassing Resources, Moving Forward And Getting Those Plans Into Action: December's Sagittarian New Moon

In Winter People Are Cutting Ice From A Frozen Pond For Summer Use

It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.
Howard Ruff

The rich man has his ice in the summer and the poor man gets his in the winter. Scottish Proverb

Some people are making such thorough plans for rainy days that they aren’t enjoying today’s sunshine. William Feather

Discover a well before you are thirsty. Chinese Proverb

A penny saved is a penny earned. Proverb

For age and want save while you may: no morning sun lasts a whole day. Romanian Proverb

They that have got a good store of butter may lay it thick on their bread. Romanian Proverb

If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend 6 sharpening my axe. Abraham Lincoln

In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer. Albert Camus
I am a little later than usual with this new Moon posting. Please do remember that the effects of the new Moon last into the future - it's not all over with a bang the minute the new Moon (or the full Moon for that matter) occurs.
I also want to share with you that, yesterday, I attended a ceremony in Sydney where my daughter, Jess, was a finalist for a major Australian Human Rights Award - that is such a Sagittarian ideal. It was a wonderful occasion to celebrate human rights. So much more needs to be done on this front, but, it is good to gather together to enjoy and celebrate the efforts that ARE being made by those who are committed to it. 
The Sagittarius new Moon occurs on December 11. It is an interesting lunation, and full of all kinds of messages.
The new Moon is square Jupiter. This square can bring wonderful opportunities of travel, expansion, hope, trust, rewards, energy, all kinds of things. Especially BIG things. We may have big plans, big ideas, big hopes. This is a lovely square in amongst it all... what is it that you are wanting to give birth to? Jupiter is very likely to be there helping the birthing process... 
We also have Mars opposing Uranus and squaring Pluto. Mars could bring us some new insights, primary amongst them may be revelations about anger, obsession, controlling issues in relationships, the need to let go of old hurts, perhaps to forgive, perhaps to forget. Mars and Uranus are in a tight opposition, with Mars on the Old Sea Captain Rocking On The Porch Of His Cottage and Uranus on The Two Prim Spinters degree. We might be finding some upsets around relationships surfacing (especially from the past - or, issues that might now belong in the past, even if recent). We might have a lot to say, or, very little. Very soon after the new Moon, Mars moves onto Libra 18: Two Men Placed Under Arrest Are Brought Before The Tribunal Of Society To Give An Accounting For Their Actions and then it moves onto Libra 19: A Gang Or Robbers In Hiding. Mars looks set to open up all kinds of cans of worms. Treading carefully might be the order of the day. 
Venus, however, is on one of the most psychic, clairvoyant and intuitive degrees - The Silvery Moon Shining Across A Beautiful Gem Of A Lake AND Venus is nicely trine Neptune. It seems that, as often is the truth (but not always!), that Venus is the way out of any upsets, anger, disappointments, etc. The trine to Neptune seems to be saying that it's time to look into situations, seeing past the projections and assumptions we might be heaping on to people, situations and/or events, and to make announcements, even to ourselves. Neptune could be asking for us to voice what we want, what we perhaps demand, to speak up and not be silent about things that matter. Of course, this could mean speaking our mind to ourselves more than to others. That often works a treat in moving past issues that could keep us stuck. 
Venus seems to be saying to employ love, art, beauty, etc and to believe and trust in these values. Mars in Libra (noticing that Libra is ruled by Venus) could be floundering around, wondering what to do. After all, Mars (as an archetype) takes his cues, instructions, orders (whatever) from Venus. Mars, otherwise, would just be wandering around with a spear (or a nuclear missile) in his hand, wondering what to do with it. (Please notice that we ALL, male and female alike, have both a Venus and Mars in our charts :) ). 
What is it that you're wanting to bring into this new time? The new Moon each month marks a time of new beginnings and realisations. It's like a birth after a time of gestation or being 'in the womb'. Here, the light begins to return and we can see new beginnings and possibilities. A new Moon means that the Sun and the Moon are both together - bringing a synergy of their energies together. The new Moon is a perfect time to set your intentions for the future. This period is wonderful for planting seeds of whatever kind. What do you want to manifest in your future? Whether you write it down, sing about it or just hold the thought forms in your mind, doing this at the new Moon can realise some fabulous results around the things that you want to draw into your life
Among other things, I see this Symbol as the provision of food. In fact, the 20th degrees of mutables are about food (and resources). Are we putting things aside for this holiday season? Are we concerned about paying our bills? Having enough for the more 'difficult times'? Are we putting things in the cupboard for use at a later date? This Symbol can be about....

Read entire article here

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