Monday, December 21, 2015

NORTHPOINT ASTROLOGY JOURNAL: Your guide to planetary energies for December 21 to 27, 2015 By Pam Younghans

By Pam Younghans
Highlighted Aspects This Week
MON: Mercury sextile Chiron, Sun enters Capricorn (Solstice) 8:47pm PST
TUE: Mercury conjunct Pallas Athene
WED: Uranus sextile Ceres
THU: Venus sextile Jupiter
FRI: Mercury semisquare Neptune, Full Moon 3:11am PST, Mercury trine Jupiter, Uranus stations direct 7:52pm PST
SAT: Mars semisquare Saturn
SUN: Mercury semisquare Saturn

on the first day of our new week. The Sun enters Capricorn at 8:47pm on Monday, marking the Solstice -- the first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of summer in the Southern. The astrological chart cast for the moment the new season is “born” is said to show themes that we will be working with for the next three months.

In the Solstice chart, we see the capacity for endurance, the ability to work toward practical goals, and an underlying sense of inner calm -- courtesy of a supportive earth grand trine (Jupiter/North Node in Virgo, Moon in Taurus, Pluto/Mercury/Pallas Athene in Capricorn).

But, that group of planets in Capricorn is also part of a challenging t-square (with Mars in Libra and Uranus in Aries). This means that for the next three months, we'll also be taking another step on the road of transformation as we confront patterns and structures in need of change -- both externally, in our societies and governments, and internally, in our habit patterns.

FRIDAY IS NOTABLE not only because it is Christmas Day, but because it is the most active day of this week astrologically. Santa will be driving his sleigh by the light of the last Full Moon of 2015, which occurs very early on Friday (3:11am PST).

The Moon is in protective Cancer for this lunation, appropriately highlighting our attachments to home and family. The Sabian symbol for this Full Moon reveals some of the tensions often involved in holiday celebrations:

"A cat arguing with a mouse: An attempt at self-justification."

IT IS USUALLY ill-advised to fall into the trap of trying to justify ourselves. Most times, we dig ourselves deeper into the quicksand of doubt with every word that we use in self-defense. When we are strong in our knowing of something, it just IS, and does not need to be justified.

If we get into this mode of self-justification with this Full Moon, it may be that we have a habit of disagreement with a certain person, and we are always in the place of trying to justify ourselves. Or, it might be that we get drawn into the battle and end up fighting for something that really is not as important to us as it once was. If this occurs, we may want to consider if our need to justify something is an attempt to convince ourselves, not the other person.

RESTLESS ENERGIES are also reinforced by Uranus this week. The planet completes its retrograde (backward motion) phase and comes to a standstill on Friday in preparation for renewed forward motion. Whenever a planet is changing direction, its influence is emphasized in our experience.

Uranus is the “wild card” of the planets, the one that brings surprises, impulsive actions, and abrupt changes. Since it also stirs the need for independence and freedom, we'll need to allow everyone their space this week, and do our best to accept the differences between us.

Uranus is also the planet of higher consciousness and metaphysics. If we have an interest in exploring that aspect of our awareness, we can also take advantage of the heightened Uranian influence this week to expand our knowing of other dimensions and aspects of reality.

URANUS has been retrograde in Aries since July 26. During these past five months, there have been disruptions and breakdowns that required us to alter our plan of action.

If we're able to look back at those events from enough distance now, hopefully we can see how they helped us get in touch with our deeper needs. They may also have changed our course in ways that ultimately will allow us to better express our unique potentials.

IN CONTRAST to the liberating influence provided by Uranus, dutiful Saturn steps in next weekend to bring us back to reality. The Ringed Planet will be at the midpoint between Mercury and Mars, challenging us to regain our focus and our discipline, especially if we've been using the holiday season to let our responsibilities slide.

The themes brought forward by Saturn will continue into Monday, when Mercury and Mars are exactly square each other. It may be that a decision needs to be made that requires our focused attention -- or it may just be a matter of stepping back into the reality of the work routine after a month of holiday preparations and festivities...

ONLY 2 WEEKS UNTIL MY 2016 TELECLASS! Everyone who registers will receive a pdf of the calendars with planetary aspects for January through June, so that you can print them out before the class and use them for taking notes. We'll be sending out the calendars the week before New Year's Day.

Thanks to all of you who have already registered! If you've already signed up, you should have received an email confirming your participation. If you haven't yet signed up, here's the quick link:



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