All Aboard For The Magic Carpet Ride: April's Aries New Moon
| Lynda Hill's Sabian Symbols
I’ll need a magic carpet to get out of this one. Donald Davis
If you surrendered to the air, you could ride it. Toni Morrison
Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn’t be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn’t know that, so it goes on flying anyway. Mary Kay Ash
If the winds of fortune are temporarily blowing against you, remember that you can harness them and make them carry you, through the use of your imagination. Napolean Hill
Man’s desires are limited by his perceptions; none can desire what he has not perceived. William Blake
A field cannot well be seen from within the field. Ralph Waldo Emerson
The power of thought—the magic of the mind! Lord Byron
The Aries new Moon in March is a particularly interesting one as it is in a very close conjunct with Uranus. Occurring on April 7, it can bring about breakthroughs in decisions, understanding, events, etc, and we may find some rather surprising events along the way. Right before the exact new Moon, there is a trine from Saturn to the new Moon, and this could have us really assessing things in the clear light of day and making moves based on what is truly possible, desirable, available, new, useful, innovative, etc. etc. There is quite a nice balance in that, as, in most cases, we'll be able to amass the reality and facts of the matter in order to sort out where to from here.
Then, Uranus is likely to have us making moves that might have been building for some time, but needed the added impetus to get them going. We may have been waiting for an appropriate time, not sure the energy is right, or, feeling like our ducks have not been in a row in the right manner... with Uranus so closely aligned with this new Moon, we may have decisions taken out of our hands. We may have events and circumstances handed to us in a way we might not have imagined or foretold. Uranus often brings the unexpected and the downright surprising. Insights, realizations and events can have an electrical quality that can cut through extraneous detail to the core of the matter.
The big whammy, though, of this new Moon is the square from Pluto. This could bring things up to the surface that have been simmering for some time down below. Major and radical transformations can take place and we would do well to watch and observe and measure and not react too quickly (if that is at all possible). Pluto can bring up things from a subterranean level and we would do well to listen to that deeper reality, that deeper impulse.
Many of the energies are generally quite good and provide excellent opportunities, although, for sure, there are always things we might have to deal with (or observe) that might not be so comfortable.
For instance, we have the fabulous Symbols of Mercury on Taurus 3: Easy Steps Up To A Lawn Blooming In Clover, and, the following degree, Taurus 4: A Pot Of Gold At The End Of The Rainbow. This, and the Quest Degree (the degree following) of Uranus is Aries 22: The Gate To The Garden Of All Fulfilled Desires form a lovely combination Mercury and Uranus seem to be asking us about where that 'lawn blooming in clover' or 'gate to the garden' may be. It may be right where you are now, or, things could unfold to have you moving more closely to these ideals. Many are likely to be feeling the urge to move towards those things, events, relationships, emotions, realities, etc, that are more rewarding - more fulfilling. At the same time, we have that square between Mars and Neptune and this might have us wondering what is real and what is fantasy. Sorting out truth from fiction can be an interesting exercise at this new Moon.
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This Symbol shows that you can use your imagination to lift your level of understanding
into other, perhaps higher, realms. By elevating ourselves above the everyday world we can transcend worry and strife. There is a clear message here that you can lift yourself above negative situations and by doing so, you can attain a calmer, more creative and spiritual life. With expanded awareness you can have an elevated perspective that reveals greater truths. However, be a little careful not to lose your self in the longing for escape or the exotic. You probably have to come back down to the earthly plane every now and then.
Keywords: Practicing meditation. Finding a vehicle for transcendence. Elevated views and perspectives. Rising above problems. Astral travel. Meditation or levitation. Lateral thinking —'Magic Carpets' travel sideways. Rugs, carpets, the Middle East. Fantasy and fiction. Transcending worries. Escaping the depressing realities of the everyday world.
The Caution: Self defeating detachment from the every day world. Losing your self in flights of fancy. Extreme longing for escape. Using drugs or alcohol to avoid life.
The Quest Degree for the Moon is Aries 20: A YOUNG PERSON FEEDING BIRDS IN WINTER -
Uranus was on this degree when the little bird alighted on the podium
during Bernie Sander's speech, and, if the birth time we have of 12.27
pm for Bernie Sanders is correct, this is the degree of his Moon.

This Symbol shows the ability to help those in need of help, to provide safety, security, nourishment or emotional support, especially to those who may not know how to solve their problems themselves. There are those that stubbornly resist moving on or changing their habits, even if it is to their detriment, and providing them with a safe harbor can bring many rewards. This is about sharing and caring. Nonjudgmental attitudes can move you to help them and lead them to trust. A dedication to helping others has its own rewards.
Keywords: Nurturing innocence. Feeding energy to situations that feel cold, hopeless and lost. Small efforts bringing their rewards. Co-dependent relationships. Nurturing. Helping those less fortunate or smaller. Taking time out for others. Doing things without thought of reward. Enjoying nature. Trying to find friends or company. Bread and water. Soup kitchens. Counselling. Hot vs. cold weather.
The Caution: Trying to win approval. Creating a reliance that has to be maintained. Feeling bleak, lost and alone. Relying on codependent relationships. Lack of boundaries.
The Moon symbolizes: Emotions, moods, mother, family, clan, domestic issues, relationship to home and country. Feelings, sentiments, nourishment, emotional nurturing, monkey chatter mind, lunar and menstrual cycles, clarity of emotions or lunacy. Female energy - yours and others.
The new Moon each month marks a time of new beginnings and realisations. It's like a birth after a time of gestation or being 'in the womb'. Here, the light begins to return and we can see new beginnings and possibilities. A new Moon means that the Sun and the Moon are both together - bringing a synergy of their energies together. The new Moon is a perfect time to set your intentions for the future. This period is wonderful for planting seeds of whatever kind. What do you want to manifest in your future? Whether you write it down, sing about it or just hold the thought forms in your mind, doing this at the new Moon can realise some fabulous results around the things that you want to draw into your life.
this is one of my favourite degree Symbols... it is such an evocative,
beautiful image of finding yourself where you want (or need) to be...

This Symbol often shows comfort, luxury, riches, beauty and the good things in life. It
implies that a time of fulfillment is close by, but there often is still some small effort to be made in that one has to take the simple steps towards inviting wonderful things into your life. Keep going the way you are, following your natural intuition, and you will find the peace you have in sight. Just be aware not to become complacent or lazy as doing nothing and not putting any effort in could lead to great possibilities slipping away.
Keywords: Hopefulness. Inspirational possibilities. Gradually enlarging one's vision. Harmony. Seasonal changes. Running around on grass. Bare feet. The beauty of greenery and flowers. Stability on the path. Steps that invite one on to bigger and better things. Abundance, nourishment. Making small efforts that can lead to large returns. Places to spread out and relax. Having plenty of room to move. Gardens and parks.
The Caution: Looking for the easy way out. Not making the effort to find what is a few steps away. Expecting everything to be laid out for you. Weeds and unkempt lives.
Mercury symbolizes: Mind, thought, communication, memory, expression, intelligence. News, exchanges, chatting, conversations, short journeys, connections with others, telephones, emails, siblings, neighbors, the reasoning mind. Day-to-day activities. Cars, keys, small animals.

This Symbol implies storms, electrical flashes and brilliance. Storms unleash all kinds of energy; there is tension and a breaking point imminent, but the cleansing deluge is held back while the power of the situation seems to take control. You may feel like you have no influence over what is being unleashed. If you can keep a cool head, the energy will dissipate and you will regain control. Brilliant flashes of insight and intuition can come with this energy and things can happen suddenly and sometimes unpredictably.
Keywords: Reverence for the forces of nature. Loud cracks, flashes, and bangs that clear the air. Flashes of insight. Tension and its release. Electrical conductors. The sense that all hell is going to break loose. Short circuits of mind or emotions. Electricity failures. Crackling emotions. Flashes in quick succession. Bursts of energy. Light changing. Psychic clearing. Hot flushes. Surges.
The Caution: Being frozen in fear just when one needs to spur to action. Being distracted by momentary things. Power blackouts. Things changing quickly. Losing control.
The Quest Degree for Mercury is Taurus 4: THE POT OF GOLD AT THE END OF THE RAINBOW

This Symbol speaks about connecting your inner thoughts with your rational conscious
mind so you can communicate the feelings you wish to share. Like the ‘Rainbow’, this is not really about the elusive ‘Pot of Gold’ at its end, but rather it speaks of the wonder the rainbow creates as it links heaven and earth. Rewards will come from creative efforts built on talent and application. Good things sometimes just fall out of nowhere.
Keywords: The promise of riches, in whatever forms these may take. Creative imagination. Goals and ambitions. Alchemy. Splashes of color. Rewards contained. The search for the treasure. Seeking communion with nature and life's bounty. Wealth derived from changing perspective. Talent and beauty. Fantasies. Illusions vs. reality. Fairylands. A golden key will open every lock. Yiddish Proverb
The Caution: Seeking easy, tempting solutions. Thinking that rewards are "just over the horizon". Elusive success. Castles in the air. Pipe dreams. Giving up on dreams.

This Symbol shows that there is a need for an objective awareness of how your life fits into the larger picture. How do you, and others, fit into this situation? Does your ‘Profile’ define you in a different way from what you’d like, or are you happy with your image? You may find you have a more important role than you previously thought. Imprint your mark on life by becoming a shining example of your country, tradition, beliefs or culture. However, try not to become too identified with externals or seeking recognition from the people around you.
Keywords: Observing one's limitations. Living a life that is large. Atlases and maps. Standing by one's self. Allegiances with creed, religion, race or country. Nationhood. Brotherhood. The land. People in uniforms of any kind. The face of fighters who fought 'the good fight'. Borders and limitations to activity. Identification. Expatriates.
The Caution: Blindly following the dogma of government or officials. Stereotyping one's self or others by what one has achieved or how much people earn, own or owe.
Venus symbolizes: Relatedness, cooperation, what attracts you. The experience of sweetness, beauty or delight. Social interactions, love, friends, how you reach out to people. Feminine persona, relationship with mother and females. Money, possessions, sense of values.

This Symbol speaks of spending time with a lover or loved ones, or, it can show issues of
loneliness; wondering where the 'other' is. Being with someone you love and enjoying their presence without rush or pressure is likely to be important, or perhaps that's what you're needing right now. Perhaps it's about being ok just being with that part of you that you never seem to have much time for. One should be able to escape the realities of the world and touch the deeper feelings of the heart, without fear of being excluded or criticized. Try to find some time for quiet romance and balance.
Keywords: Walking love's path. Secret love affairs. Seeking shelter from others' eyes. Wanting or needing to be undisturbed. The young at heart. Being by one's self and wondering where the ''other'' is. Romance. Quiet moments. Seclusion and peace. Intimacy and sharing. Desired destinations. Walking and strolling together. "Keep Out" signs. Relationships that are solid and satisfying. Issues of seclusion, inclusion or exclusion. Privacy. Being self-sufficient.
The Caution: Being 'selfish'. Keeping one's partner to yourself. Jealousy when others are around. Being afraid to commit to relationship. Feeling left out and uninvited.
Mars is stationing on Sagittarius 9: A MOTHER LEADS HER SMALL CHILD STEP BY STEP UP THE STAIRS - Mars goes retrograde on April 17 on this degree.

This Symbol shows being able to lend a hand to those who need it, whether they are youngsters or not. It pictures situations where someone needs to assist those less able, experienced or indeed, less evolved, to overcome difficulties and to rise up and learn to cope, learn or understand. You may find yourself as either the experienced or the inexperienced or possibly finding the mother within you guiding your own inner child. It can also show someone caring for elderly relatives or friends. Whatever it is, one needs to have a sense of patience, caring and understanding. Lending a guiding hand to others is very important.
Keywords: The inner child. Guidance and acceptance of those not so "upwardly mobile". Training. Careful consideration of other's immaturity or failings. Staying with the family in order to bring up the children. Guardianship and stewardship. Reversals of roles. Supervising parents. Looking after the younger or the elder. Taking things one by one. Alzheimer's disease. Handicaps. Step-by-step progress.
The Caution: Future vision and hope obscured. Exhausted by parental obligation. Not getting, or giving, the help that one needs. Wanting to be looked after. Lack of supervision.
Mars symbolizes: Drive, determination or agenda, how you get to your goals. How you express and handle anger, ambition, assertion of self and ability to step forward. The male principle, sexuality, the ability to step up to the plate when one needs to. Fight or flight.
Jupiter is retrograde on Virgo 15: A FINE LACE ORNAMENTAL HANDKERCHIEF

This Symbol speaks of emotions and the delicacy of feelings and a preparedness to show
one’s emotions. Often, the “Ornamental Handkerchief” shows someone who has issues or problems with being emotional, letting go or crying. It can, however, show a person who is always there, at the ready, for people who need a shoulder to cry on or a kind ear to listen. Sometimes the smallest tokens of our past, like a “Fine Lace Handkerchief” can bring us a sense of security and joy. The scent of the "fabric", the care and loving in the crafting of things of beauty give a sense of security and being loved.
Keywords: Delicacy of feeling. Attention to detail. Winning awards through valor. Hypersensitivity. Looking but not touching. Overdressing. Appearing too delicate to truly enjoy life. Makeup and accessories. Fragility. Old things of lace and beauty. Refinement. Small gifts given with deep feeling.
The Caution: The artificial sob-story. False sympathy for others. Things from the past. The need for everything to be perfect all the time.
The Quest Degree for Jupiter is Virgo 16: DELIGHTED CHILDREN CROWD AROUND THE ORANG-UTAN CAGE IN A ZOO - Jupiter has been retrograde lately on this degree for several days and it will pass over this degree again after Jupiter goes direct in May. A very interesting Symbol to observe with the things that are going on, especially politically, on the planet.

This Symbol shows the fun and delight that can come from observing and being a part of nature. There often needs to be a primitive, yet childlike response to situations. Facing the baser instincts of oneself and others brings a fresh, new approach to life. Building cages and fences keeps others from being able to relate in a carefree way. Separations can come from seeing others as being different or apart. Seeing the common factors that unite us can be very informative about our own emotions, as well as our shortcomings. Also, you may feel like some are from a different species, a different planet or live in a zoo.
Keywords: Karmic confrontations between the creatively integrated and the unevolved. Objects of derision, fascination or worship. Showing off or acting to get a reaction from others. Trying to relate to others that don't understand. Feeling like one is in a zoo. Observing others. Curiosity. Crowding around. Everyone wanting to have a look. Going by instincts. Television shows such as Jerry Springer. News networks. The media. Lack of social inhibition.
The Caution: Egoistic feelings of being better or in a higher state of evolution. Making fun of others. Lack of privacy. Fences and barriers.
Jupiter symbolizes: The big picture, expansion, exploration, aspirations, religious and philosophical ideals, issues to do with traveling, foreign lands, people and traditions, culture, education, generosity, luck, abundance, support, optimism. Insight through knowledge and wisdom.
Saturn is stationing retrograde on Sagittarius 17: AN EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE DRAWS A LARGE CROWD

This degree shows the ability, and the necessity, of being able to rise up after difficulties in
one’s life, somewhat like the Phoenix rising from the ashes. One needs to maintain hope and draw together with others who share a sense of faith in the future and in community and the goodness of life. There will be times of spiritual rebirth where you can rise above the failings of the past into new beginnings. Coming out of doubt and despair can lead to a new sense of love, faith and compassion. Join with others in a spirit of joy. There's a need for unwavering faith in communal spiritual values.
Keywords: Performing deeds with reverence, respect and a sense of celebration. Cohesive communal expressions of faith. The dawning of a new era. Church services. Dawn services. The community gathering for a common purpose. Resurrections and rebirths. Revivals. The need for faith in a bright future. Devotion. Worship.
The Caution: Obsession with the ceremony rather than the purpose or ideal. Feeling unable to lift one's spirits. Disillusionment and loss of vision. Holidays with no meaning.
Saturn symbolizes: Authority, rules, discipline and obligation The heavy stuff. What we fear, loss, karma, aging, the establishment, orthodoxy, tradition, status, the concept of time, walls, boundaries, limits, older people, restrictions, patience, conquering difficulties.
Uranus is on Aries 21: A BOXER IS ENTERING THE RING

This Symbol shows that there may be a temptation to take on issues, even to fight, but it needs to be with dignity and regulation. You may feel a need, or the urge, to step up to the plate and take something or someone on. There are rules to follow and often others will be end up being the judge of the final outcome. Make sure you possess the skills and training to defend what you believe. Remember that sometimes you need to back off if you're not winning a contest. Question: is someone on the attack or the defense?
Keywords: Physical or psychological self - assertion and determination. Attack or defense? Fighting for emotional, psychological or physical space. Being seen as a person of strength. Throwing punches. Fighting on any level. Being prepared to take a swing at someone or something. Stepping up to the plate. Throwing down the gauntlet. Going after the title. Big vs. small egos.
The Caution: Using power to dominate people or those who challenge you. Wanting to knock people out. Storming in and taking over. Looking for combat. Being combative.

This Symbol brings up fabulous opportunities and possibilities. You could find yourself in
beautiful places with your desires met. There can be the promise of happiness; stability and feeling like you’ve arrived where you want to be. At times, though, you may be right at the point of what you want, but perhaps you need to make the deliberate action of opening the gate; admitting to your self what you want and where you want to be. Perhaps you need to knock, showing your intention of wanting in. Maybe you already have everything you need - look around.
Keywords: Craving happiness. Gardens and their treasures. Trellises and flowing plants. Pathways to bliss. Gates and doors. Unlocking and opening gates and doors. Analyzing your heart's desires. The grass being greener on the other side. Rewards and treasures waiting. The allure of somewhere else. Initiations. Passages to a better life. Acquiring property. Sexual fulfillment. Opening up to life's possibilities and rewards.
The Caution: Denying your self the right to receive just rewards. The grass being greener on the other side. Always wanting more and more. Possessions owning you.
Uranus symbolizes: The unexpected, things that are individual or 'different'. Charged, energetic dynamics, electricity, light, lightning bolts, sudden changes, those who live on the fringe of society. Sudden turns and twists of fate. Rebellion, surprises, liberation, freedom.

This shows having a quest, “Seeking Illumination”, having a “Path” and staying on it regardless of what life throws at you. Sometimes the search for high ideals and understanding places us at odds with the more conservative social expectations of others. It is the ability to persevere with the search, regardless of the cost, that marks the sincerity of any path or journey. You may, at times, have to go without some comforts or stick to a rigorous agenda. Most times this quest is very illuminating, sometimes it's confusing. You will need to reject that which is unworthy, while staying true to your objectives in order to stay focused on the goal.
Keywords: People "on the Path". Sticking to one mindset, diet, regimen or habit. Having a cause to follow. Not looking sideways. Awakening one's base senses in order to progress. Physical ecstasy. Being in the now. Going towards the light. Staying true to self. The promise of light at the end of the journey.
The Caution: Being blinded by the light. Not knowing where you're going. Denial of physical pleasure. Puritanical and one-eyed. Distractions. Narrow minded. Disillusionment.
This Symbol shows passing the tests that life, other people, spirituality or karma throws at you. You are likely to find at times that you are being judged by those above or around you. It is difficult to see what their qualifications to judge you are, but this is often the nature of progression through the ranks. People being critical of one another can lead to better behavior, better performances or the like, or it can lead to feeling judged, violated and intruded upon. It can seem as though our lives are like lessons; we are periodically “Examined” to see how we are doing on our course. Be careful not to shut yourself away to avoid being seen or having to endure criticism.
Keywords: The ordeal that comes to any initiate for entrance into higher realms of being. Hermits. Tests, examinations, having to prove oneself. Being judged or being judgmental. Being cross-examined. Rarefied atmospheres that demand personal sacrifice. Initiations. Proving courage and purity. Trials. The attainment of knowledge. Apprenticeships. Being a candidate. Finding out how and where one fits in. One-eyed dedication. Trial by media. Cults. Rituals.
The Caution: Refusing advice. Arrogance. People saying 'I told you so'. Invading other's space. People assuming they know the truth about someone. Failing. Scandals. Stories.
Neptune symbolizes: Mystical, "out there," spirituality and con artists. Dreams, mysteries, mystics and religious issues. Intuition, clairvoyance, seeing into the invisible. Addictive, chaotic, charming, deceptive, illusory, co dependent, sensory awareness.
Pluto is on Capricorn 18: THE UNION JACK FLIES FROM A NEW BRITISH WARSHIP - this Symbol could be the planetary impetus behind the rhetoric of Donald Trump's 'walls'.

This Symbol talks about supervision, border protection and control. There can be a feeling of having to oversee a large ‘empire’ where reliability and leadership are vital. This can be a tiring responsibility, but there can be an awareness of the protection of 'all who went before'. However, political and social restraints from the past could be causing you to feel that you’ve somehow got to ‘wage war’. Issues to do with the government can come up, whether you agree with what they do or not. You may be confronted with having to make your presence felt and guard your territory. Effective supervision will help you to relax.
Keywords: Colonialism. Protectionism. The government, big business and the media. Class-consciousness. Power and political displays. Displays of "law and order". Border patrols and protection. Strength and might. Nationalism. Royalty. The ruling elite. Supervision. The armed forces. Patrols. Pitting people against each other. Empires. Victory bringing riches. The mother country. The struggle against decline. Flags. Imperialism. The Commonwealth. The rule of law.
The Caution: Artificial shows of strength. Being armed. Strong-arm tactics. Flags. Republics. Issues of statehood. Getting out the big guns. Rebellion. Social disintegration.
Pluto symbolizes: Unconscious motivations, depth psychology, history. Sex, procreation at a deep level, intensity, profound emotions, taking hold of one's power. Being king or queen of one's underworld. Strength, survival mode instincts. Big money. Big power. The Plutocracy. Power vs power struggles.

This shows the ability, or the need, to pick up subtle energies and psychic clues in the
environment. The “Materializing Medium” can receive radiations, frequencies or vibrations that cannot easily be sensed by most people. You may be experiencing a surprising sensitivity and awareness to spiritual forces and energies. This can cause confusion, other times enlightenment. Sit with any new impressions until you understand their authenticity or depth. Sometimes there is a need to free ‘stuck’ or earthbound entities. This can show someone who can “Materialize” things; make things happen just by thinking about or concentrating on them.
Keywords: Spiritual channeling. A need to free up "stuck" or earthbound entities. Efforts to materialize things. Coming straight out with things. Giving voice to spirit. Tarot readings, clairvoyance and clairsentience. Things seen ahead of their time. Bringing messages from the other side. Contacting the dead.
The Caution: False fronts or performances. Making things up. Using mind control to get a desired outcome. Weird energies or people. Quacks. Imposters. Fakes. Delusional.
Chiron symbolizes: Our wounds, Chiron is known as The Wounded Healer. The wounds are The Stories That We Tell Ourselves, it is where we have to focus on healing, it can show things that are out of shape or misplaced or in need of repair.

This Symbol implies is a strong connection to heritage and family lines. This can give rise to feelings of pride and honor as one accepts that a sense of nobility is one’s birth right. Even if there’s no actual nobility in your bloodline, there can be a sense of nobility about your character and bearing. There are things to stand up for and represent, regardless of where you come from and who your ancestors and your family are. Believing in yourself and your abilities will give you strength and stability and people will believe in your beauty, talent or worth, regardless of your background or where you’re from.
Keywords: A long lineage standing behind. Social stratas. Royalty. Issues of social standing and identity. Having a regal bearing. Aristocratic status. Nobility. Coats of Arms. Strength of association. Pure blood. Ancestors of worth or note. Hereditary lines. Having rights and prestige. Pageantry. Knights jousting. Inheritances. Wealthy lineage. Displays of grace and honor. Beauty and wealth no matter what the status. Tartans. Precious stones. Shields. Inscriptions.
The Caution: Superficial judgment on one's ancestry. Believing in privileges for the select few.
The Moon's North Node symbolizes: This is known as quite a 'karmic point' (although all planets and points in a chart can be'karmic'). One's destiny in this life. The things you are meant to integrate, move towards, become. Destined relationships and relationship issues can show up here.

This shows being able to live life by a set of “New Laws”, or, to make a new set of laws that better suits your life and place in the scheme of things. This pictures revelations of spirit and truth. It is important to manifest these truths and laws and to integrate them into your everyday life. Codifying the ways of humankind can help us understand the limitations of our earthly existence. Although our basic principles may stay the same, the specifics will vary in order to accommodate the changing perceptions. You may find new laws to live by, or, you could be the one to bring these ‘rules’ to others.
Keywords: Revelations and channeling of new information. Truths being revealed. Thoughts, ideas, guidelines. The Ten Commandments. Laying down the law. New resolutions. New pathways of living. Social justice messages. The Koran. The Torah. The Bible. Finding records. People of the book. The Ark of the Covenant. Newly codified laws. Amendments. The Testaments. Avatars and guides. Moses. Mt. Sinai. Legislation. Laws enacted. Legislation.
The Caution: Being told what to do. Believing one has all the answers OR believing someone else. Rigid application of dogmatic laws. Bureaucracy. Laws set in stone.
The Moon's South Node symbolizes: Past karmic patterns to be overcome, can be habits that are good, but can describe things, relationships, issues that you need to let go of, or, hold you back from manifesting your true destiny. Relationships that feel karmic and difficult, memories from the past.
This Symbol shows the ability to help those in need of help, to provide safety, security, nourishment or emotional support, especially to those who may not know how to solve their problems themselves. There are those that stubbornly resist moving on or changing their habits, even if it is to their detriment, and providing them with a safe harbor can bring many rewards. This is about sharing and caring. Nonjudgmental attitudes can move you to help them and lead them to trust. A dedication to helping others has its own rewards.
Keywords: Nurturing innocence. Feeding energy to situations that feel cold, hopeless and lost. Small efforts bringing their rewards. Co-dependent relationships. Nurturing. Helping those less fortunate or smaller. Taking time out for others. Doing things without thought of reward. Enjoying nature. Trying to find friends or company. Bread and water. Soup kitchens. Counselling. Hot vs. cold weather.
The Caution: Trying to win approval. Creating a reliance that has to be maintained. Feeling bleak, lost and alone. Relying on codependent relationships. Lack of boundaries.
The Moon symbolizes: Emotions, moods, mother, family, clan, domestic issues, relationship to home and country. Feelings, sentiments, nourishment, emotional nurturing, monkey chatter mind, lunar and menstrual cycles, clarity of emotions or lunacy. Female energy - yours and others.
The new Moon each month marks a time of new beginnings and realisations. It's like a birth after a time of gestation or being 'in the womb'. Here, the light begins to return and we can see new beginnings and possibilities. A new Moon means that the Sun and the Moon are both together - bringing a synergy of their energies together. The new Moon is a perfect time to set your intentions for the future. This period is wonderful for planting seeds of whatever kind. What do you want to manifest in your future? Whether you write it down, sing about it or just hold the thought forms in your mind, doing this at the new Moon can realise some fabulous results around the things that you want to draw into your life.
This Symbol often shows comfort, luxury, riches, beauty and the good things in life. It
implies that a time of fulfillment is close by, but there often is still some small effort to be made in that one has to take the simple steps towards inviting wonderful things into your life. Keep going the way you are, following your natural intuition, and you will find the peace you have in sight. Just be aware not to become complacent or lazy as doing nothing and not putting any effort in could lead to great possibilities slipping away.
Keywords: Hopefulness. Inspirational possibilities. Gradually enlarging one's vision. Harmony. Seasonal changes. Running around on grass. Bare feet. The beauty of greenery and flowers. Stability on the path. Steps that invite one on to bigger and better things. Abundance, nourishment. Making small efforts that can lead to large returns. Places to spread out and relax. Having plenty of room to move. Gardens and parks.
The Caution: Looking for the easy way out. Not making the effort to find what is a few steps away. Expecting everything to be laid out for you. Weeds and unkempt lives.
Mercury symbolizes: Mind, thought, communication, memory, expression, intelligence. News, exchanges, chatting, conversations, short journeys, connections with others, telephones, emails, siblings, neighbors, the reasoning mind. Day-to-day activities. Cars, keys, small animals.
This Symbol implies storms, electrical flashes and brilliance. Storms unleash all kinds of energy; there is tension and a breaking point imminent, but the cleansing deluge is held back while the power of the situation seems to take control. You may feel like you have no influence over what is being unleashed. If you can keep a cool head, the energy will dissipate and you will regain control. Brilliant flashes of insight and intuition can come with this energy and things can happen suddenly and sometimes unpredictably.
Keywords: Reverence for the forces of nature. Loud cracks, flashes, and bangs that clear the air. Flashes of insight. Tension and its release. Electrical conductors. The sense that all hell is going to break loose. Short circuits of mind or emotions. Electricity failures. Crackling emotions. Flashes in quick succession. Bursts of energy. Light changing. Psychic clearing. Hot flushes. Surges.
The Caution: Being frozen in fear just when one needs to spur to action. Being distracted by momentary things. Power blackouts. Things changing quickly. Losing control.
The Quest Degree for Mercury is Taurus 4: THE POT OF GOLD AT THE END OF THE RAINBOW
This Symbol speaks about connecting your inner thoughts with your rational conscious
mind so you can communicate the feelings you wish to share. Like the ‘Rainbow’, this is not really about the elusive ‘Pot of Gold’ at its end, but rather it speaks of the wonder the rainbow creates as it links heaven and earth. Rewards will come from creative efforts built on talent and application. Good things sometimes just fall out of nowhere.
Keywords: The promise of riches, in whatever forms these may take. Creative imagination. Goals and ambitions. Alchemy. Splashes of color. Rewards contained. The search for the treasure. Seeking communion with nature and life's bounty. Wealth derived from changing perspective. Talent and beauty. Fantasies. Illusions vs. reality. Fairylands. A golden key will open every lock. Yiddish Proverb
The Caution: Seeking easy, tempting solutions. Thinking that rewards are "just over the horizon". Elusive success. Castles in the air. Pipe dreams. Giving up on dreams.
This Symbol shows that there is a need for an objective awareness of how your life fits into the larger picture. How do you, and others, fit into this situation? Does your ‘Profile’ define you in a different way from what you’d like, or are you happy with your image? You may find you have a more important role than you previously thought. Imprint your mark on life by becoming a shining example of your country, tradition, beliefs or culture. However, try not to become too identified with externals or seeking recognition from the people around you.
Keywords: Observing one's limitations. Living a life that is large. Atlases and maps. Standing by one's self. Allegiances with creed, religion, race or country. Nationhood. Brotherhood. The land. People in uniforms of any kind. The face of fighters who fought 'the good fight'. Borders and limitations to activity. Identification. Expatriates.
The Caution: Blindly following the dogma of government or officials. Stereotyping one's self or others by what one has achieved or how much people earn, own or owe.
Venus symbolizes: Relatedness, cooperation, what attracts you. The experience of sweetness, beauty or delight. Social interactions, love, friends, how you reach out to people. Feminine persona, relationship with mother and females. Money, possessions, sense of values.
This Symbol speaks of spending time with a lover or loved ones, or, it can show issues of
loneliness; wondering where the 'other' is. Being with someone you love and enjoying their presence without rush or pressure is likely to be important, or perhaps that's what you're needing right now. Perhaps it's about being ok just being with that part of you that you never seem to have much time for. One should be able to escape the realities of the world and touch the deeper feelings of the heart, without fear of being excluded or criticized. Try to find some time for quiet romance and balance.
Keywords: Walking love's path. Secret love affairs. Seeking shelter from others' eyes. Wanting or needing to be undisturbed. The young at heart. Being by one's self and wondering where the ''other'' is. Romance. Quiet moments. Seclusion and peace. Intimacy and sharing. Desired destinations. Walking and strolling together. "Keep Out" signs. Relationships that are solid and satisfying. Issues of seclusion, inclusion or exclusion. Privacy. Being self-sufficient.
The Caution: Being 'selfish'. Keeping one's partner to yourself. Jealousy when others are around. Being afraid to commit to relationship. Feeling left out and uninvited.
This Symbol shows being able to lend a hand to those who need it, whether they are youngsters or not. It pictures situations where someone needs to assist those less able, experienced or indeed, less evolved, to overcome difficulties and to rise up and learn to cope, learn or understand. You may find yourself as either the experienced or the inexperienced or possibly finding the mother within you guiding your own inner child. It can also show someone caring for elderly relatives or friends. Whatever it is, one needs to have a sense of patience, caring and understanding. Lending a guiding hand to others is very important.
Keywords: The inner child. Guidance and acceptance of those not so "upwardly mobile". Training. Careful consideration of other's immaturity or failings. Staying with the family in order to bring up the children. Guardianship and stewardship. Reversals of roles. Supervising parents. Looking after the younger or the elder. Taking things one by one. Alzheimer's disease. Handicaps. Step-by-step progress.
The Caution: Future vision and hope obscured. Exhausted by parental obligation. Not getting, or giving, the help that one needs. Wanting to be looked after. Lack of supervision.
Mars symbolizes: Drive, determination or agenda, how you get to your goals. How you express and handle anger, ambition, assertion of self and ability to step forward. The male principle, sexuality, the ability to step up to the plate when one needs to. Fight or flight.
This Symbol speaks of emotions and the delicacy of feelings and a preparedness to show
one’s emotions. Often, the “Ornamental Handkerchief” shows someone who has issues or problems with being emotional, letting go or crying. It can, however, show a person who is always there, at the ready, for people who need a shoulder to cry on or a kind ear to listen. Sometimes the smallest tokens of our past, like a “Fine Lace Handkerchief” can bring us a sense of security and joy. The scent of the "fabric", the care and loving in the crafting of things of beauty give a sense of security and being loved.
Keywords: Delicacy of feeling. Attention to detail. Winning awards through valor. Hypersensitivity. Looking but not touching. Overdressing. Appearing too delicate to truly enjoy life. Makeup and accessories. Fragility. Old things of lace and beauty. Refinement. Small gifts given with deep feeling.
The Caution: The artificial sob-story. False sympathy for others. Things from the past. The need for everything to be perfect all the time.
The Quest Degree for Jupiter is Virgo 16: DELIGHTED CHILDREN CROWD AROUND THE ORANG-UTAN CAGE IN A ZOO - Jupiter has been retrograde lately on this degree for several days and it will pass over this degree again after Jupiter goes direct in May. A very interesting Symbol to observe with the things that are going on, especially politically, on the planet.
This Symbol shows the fun and delight that can come from observing and being a part of nature. There often needs to be a primitive, yet childlike response to situations. Facing the baser instincts of oneself and others brings a fresh, new approach to life. Building cages and fences keeps others from being able to relate in a carefree way. Separations can come from seeing others as being different or apart. Seeing the common factors that unite us can be very informative about our own emotions, as well as our shortcomings. Also, you may feel like some are from a different species, a different planet or live in a zoo.
Keywords: Karmic confrontations between the creatively integrated and the unevolved. Objects of derision, fascination or worship. Showing off or acting to get a reaction from others. Trying to relate to others that don't understand. Feeling like one is in a zoo. Observing others. Curiosity. Crowding around. Everyone wanting to have a look. Going by instincts. Television shows such as Jerry Springer. News networks. The media. Lack of social inhibition.
The Caution: Egoistic feelings of being better or in a higher state of evolution. Making fun of others. Lack of privacy. Fences and barriers.
Jupiter symbolizes: The big picture, expansion, exploration, aspirations, religious and philosophical ideals, issues to do with traveling, foreign lands, people and traditions, culture, education, generosity, luck, abundance, support, optimism. Insight through knowledge and wisdom.
This degree shows the ability, and the necessity, of being able to rise up after difficulties in
one’s life, somewhat like the Phoenix rising from the ashes. One needs to maintain hope and draw together with others who share a sense of faith in the future and in community and the goodness of life. There will be times of spiritual rebirth where you can rise above the failings of the past into new beginnings. Coming out of doubt and despair can lead to a new sense of love, faith and compassion. Join with others in a spirit of joy. There's a need for unwavering faith in communal spiritual values.
Keywords: Performing deeds with reverence, respect and a sense of celebration. Cohesive communal expressions of faith. The dawning of a new era. Church services. Dawn services. The community gathering for a common purpose. Resurrections and rebirths. Revivals. The need for faith in a bright future. Devotion. Worship.
The Caution: Obsession with the ceremony rather than the purpose or ideal. Feeling unable to lift one's spirits. Disillusionment and loss of vision. Holidays with no meaning.
Saturn symbolizes: Authority, rules, discipline and obligation The heavy stuff. What we fear, loss, karma, aging, the establishment, orthodoxy, tradition, status, the concept of time, walls, boundaries, limits, older people, restrictions, patience, conquering difficulties.
This Symbol shows that there may be a temptation to take on issues, even to fight, but it needs to be with dignity and regulation. You may feel a need, or the urge, to step up to the plate and take something or someone on. There are rules to follow and often others will be end up being the judge of the final outcome. Make sure you possess the skills and training to defend what you believe. Remember that sometimes you need to back off if you're not winning a contest. Question: is someone on the attack or the defense?
Keywords: Physical or psychological self - assertion and determination. Attack or defense? Fighting for emotional, psychological or physical space. Being seen as a person of strength. Throwing punches. Fighting on any level. Being prepared to take a swing at someone or something. Stepping up to the plate. Throwing down the gauntlet. Going after the title. Big vs. small egos.
The Caution: Using power to dominate people or those who challenge you. Wanting to knock people out. Storming in and taking over. Looking for combat. Being combative.
This Symbol brings up fabulous opportunities and possibilities. You could find yourself in
beautiful places with your desires met. There can be the promise of happiness; stability and feeling like you’ve arrived where you want to be. At times, though, you may be right at the point of what you want, but perhaps you need to make the deliberate action of opening the gate; admitting to your self what you want and where you want to be. Perhaps you need to knock, showing your intention of wanting in. Maybe you already have everything you need - look around.
Keywords: Craving happiness. Gardens and their treasures. Trellises and flowing plants. Pathways to bliss. Gates and doors. Unlocking and opening gates and doors. Analyzing your heart's desires. The grass being greener on the other side. Rewards and treasures waiting. The allure of somewhere else. Initiations. Passages to a better life. Acquiring property. Sexual fulfillment. Opening up to life's possibilities and rewards.
The Caution: Denying your self the right to receive just rewards. The grass being greener on the other side. Always wanting more and more. Possessions owning you.
Uranus symbolizes: The unexpected, things that are individual or 'different'. Charged, energetic dynamics, electricity, light, lightning bolts, sudden changes, those who live on the fringe of society. Sudden turns and twists of fate. Rebellion, surprises, liberation, freedom.
This shows having a quest, “Seeking Illumination”, having a “Path” and staying on it regardless of what life throws at you. Sometimes the search for high ideals and understanding places us at odds with the more conservative social expectations of others. It is the ability to persevere with the search, regardless of the cost, that marks the sincerity of any path or journey. You may, at times, have to go without some comforts or stick to a rigorous agenda. Most times this quest is very illuminating, sometimes it's confusing. You will need to reject that which is unworthy, while staying true to your objectives in order to stay focused on the goal.
Keywords: People "on the Path". Sticking to one mindset, diet, regimen or habit. Having a cause to follow. Not looking sideways. Awakening one's base senses in order to progress. Physical ecstasy. Being in the now. Going towards the light. Staying true to self. The promise of light at the end of the journey.
The Caution: Being blinded by the light. Not knowing where you're going. Denial of physical pleasure. Puritanical and one-eyed. Distractions. Narrow minded. Disillusionment.
This Symbol shows passing the tests that life, other people, spirituality or karma throws at you. You are likely to find at times that you are being judged by those above or around you. It is difficult to see what their qualifications to judge you are, but this is often the nature of progression through the ranks. People being critical of one another can lead to better behavior, better performances or the like, or it can lead to feeling judged, violated and intruded upon. It can seem as though our lives are like lessons; we are periodically “Examined” to see how we are doing on our course. Be careful not to shut yourself away to avoid being seen or having to endure criticism.
Keywords: The ordeal that comes to any initiate for entrance into higher realms of being. Hermits. Tests, examinations, having to prove oneself. Being judged or being judgmental. Being cross-examined. Rarefied atmospheres that demand personal sacrifice. Initiations. Proving courage and purity. Trials. The attainment of knowledge. Apprenticeships. Being a candidate. Finding out how and where one fits in. One-eyed dedication. Trial by media. Cults. Rituals.
The Caution: Refusing advice. Arrogance. People saying 'I told you so'. Invading other's space. People assuming they know the truth about someone. Failing. Scandals. Stories.
Neptune symbolizes: Mystical, "out there," spirituality and con artists. Dreams, mysteries, mystics and religious issues. Intuition, clairvoyance, seeing into the invisible. Addictive, chaotic, charming, deceptive, illusory, co dependent, sensory awareness.
This Symbol talks about supervision, border protection and control. There can be a feeling of having to oversee a large ‘empire’ where reliability and leadership are vital. This can be a tiring responsibility, but there can be an awareness of the protection of 'all who went before'. However, political and social restraints from the past could be causing you to feel that you’ve somehow got to ‘wage war’. Issues to do with the government can come up, whether you agree with what they do or not. You may be confronted with having to make your presence felt and guard your territory. Effective supervision will help you to relax.
Keywords: Colonialism. Protectionism. The government, big business and the media. Class-consciousness. Power and political displays. Displays of "law and order". Border patrols and protection. Strength and might. Nationalism. Royalty. The ruling elite. Supervision. The armed forces. Patrols. Pitting people against each other. Empires. Victory bringing riches. The mother country. The struggle against decline. Flags. Imperialism. The Commonwealth. The rule of law.
The Caution: Artificial shows of strength. Being armed. Strong-arm tactics. Flags. Republics. Issues of statehood. Getting out the big guns. Rebellion. Social disintegration.
Pluto symbolizes: Unconscious motivations, depth psychology, history. Sex, procreation at a deep level, intensity, profound emotions, taking hold of one's power. Being king or queen of one's underworld. Strength, survival mode instincts. Big money. Big power. The Plutocracy. Power vs power struggles.
This shows the ability, or the need, to pick up subtle energies and psychic clues in the
environment. The “Materializing Medium” can receive radiations, frequencies or vibrations that cannot easily be sensed by most people. You may be experiencing a surprising sensitivity and awareness to spiritual forces and energies. This can cause confusion, other times enlightenment. Sit with any new impressions until you understand their authenticity or depth. Sometimes there is a need to free ‘stuck’ or earthbound entities. This can show someone who can “Materialize” things; make things happen just by thinking about or concentrating on them.
Keywords: Spiritual channeling. A need to free up "stuck" or earthbound entities. Efforts to materialize things. Coming straight out with things. Giving voice to spirit. Tarot readings, clairvoyance and clairsentience. Things seen ahead of their time. Bringing messages from the other side. Contacting the dead.
The Caution: False fronts or performances. Making things up. Using mind control to get a desired outcome. Weird energies or people. Quacks. Imposters. Fakes. Delusional.
Chiron symbolizes: Our wounds, Chiron is known as The Wounded Healer. The wounds are The Stories That We Tell Ourselves, it is where we have to focus on healing, it can show things that are out of shape or misplaced or in need of repair.
This Symbol implies is a strong connection to heritage and family lines. This can give rise to feelings of pride and honor as one accepts that a sense of nobility is one’s birth right. Even if there’s no actual nobility in your bloodline, there can be a sense of nobility about your character and bearing. There are things to stand up for and represent, regardless of where you come from and who your ancestors and your family are. Believing in yourself and your abilities will give you strength and stability and people will believe in your beauty, talent or worth, regardless of your background or where you’re from.
Keywords: A long lineage standing behind. Social stratas. Royalty. Issues of social standing and identity. Having a regal bearing. Aristocratic status. Nobility. Coats of Arms. Strength of association. Pure blood. Ancestors of worth or note. Hereditary lines. Having rights and prestige. Pageantry. Knights jousting. Inheritances. Wealthy lineage. Displays of grace and honor. Beauty and wealth no matter what the status. Tartans. Precious stones. Shields. Inscriptions.
The Caution: Superficial judgment on one's ancestry. Believing in privileges for the select few.
The Moon's North Node symbolizes: This is known as quite a 'karmic point' (although all planets and points in a chart can be'karmic'). One's destiny in this life. The things you are meant to integrate, move towards, become. Destined relationships and relationship issues can show up here.
This shows being able to live life by a set of “New Laws”, or, to make a new set of laws that better suits your life and place in the scheme of things. This pictures revelations of spirit and truth. It is important to manifest these truths and laws and to integrate them into your everyday life. Codifying the ways of humankind can help us understand the limitations of our earthly existence. Although our basic principles may stay the same, the specifics will vary in order to accommodate the changing perceptions. You may find new laws to live by, or, you could be the one to bring these ‘rules’ to others.
Keywords: Revelations and channeling of new information. Truths being revealed. Thoughts, ideas, guidelines. The Ten Commandments. Laying down the law. New resolutions. New pathways of living. Social justice messages. The Koran. The Torah. The Bible. Finding records. People of the book. The Ark of the Covenant. Newly codified laws. Amendments. The Testaments. Avatars and guides. Moses. Mt. Sinai. Legislation. Laws enacted. Legislation.
The Caution: Being told what to do. Believing one has all the answers OR believing someone else. Rigid application of dogmatic laws. Bureaucracy. Laws set in stone.
The Moon's South Node symbolizes: Past karmic patterns to be overcome, can be habits that are good, but can describe things, relationships, issues that you need to let go of, or, hold you back from manifesting your true destiny. Relationships that feel karmic and difficult, memories from the past.
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