Thursday, April 7, 2016

Updates for March 8, 2016 through Apr. 5, 2016 by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

Update for Apr. 5, 2016 by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

6 Imix, 14 Mac, 12 Manik

Dratzo! In our last report, we briefly mentioned one of the eight sideshows being used by the dark cabal to maintain a degree of chaos in your realm. These dire sets of circumstances all have solutions, which many on your world are busily pursuing. The dark is watching as those who intend to move this globe into a much safer and sane reality work their magic on each of Gaia’s six major continents. These numerous “heroes” are paving the way for a whole series of policies, which are eventually to bring together your surface world’s people. Adding to this set of emerging programs is the rise of a new banking and financial system. When the new prosperity is added to this, a bright future begins to emerge. The dark cabal is in virtual panic about its fizzling well-laid plans. The dark had wished to spring a series of small violent incidents that were to be expanded into a number of growing wars. This as you know has not happened. Instead, the dark sees that their delays were only a small hindrance to what is currently happening. In a short time, a new reality is poised to manifest, which is the transition to your move to full consciousness.

   We are very proud of how you are accepting the vast changes that are at present barely appearing around you. Soon, the many funding programs that are to change your world are set to emerge. At the end of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, a number of incredible inventions started to appear and were ridiculed by the dark's newspapers and magazines. Shortly after that, these initial discoveries disappeared. During the course of the twentieth century, many such devices were likewise “stolen" and then sequestered by the cabal. A gradual reversal of this process is now ready to occur. Already a number of people have come forward with “rediscoveries”. These devices are a precursor to what is to come. In your world there are many remarkable individuals who are slowly creating the basis for a new science founded upon the advanced consciousness that is quickly altering your physical selves. These changes and their resultant realities are allowing you to witness this new renaissance and to see how miraculous your future truly is!

   The dark cabal was adamant in continuing to delay the advent of NESARA. Yet even as the foundation of a new financial system and the global reform of its currency moved forward, it was becoming clear that the present de facto USA regime was pursuing policies that were openly opposed to what these various reforms intended to achieve. In addition, this criminal organization was funding the operations and the arming of terrorist gangs such as Al Qaeda and ISIS and illegally assisting a number of drug- running cartels. These actions were some of the corruption and derelictions that this “government” was secretly accomplishing. It was therefore essential that this illegal organization be quickly put out of business. Thus, a series of special organization- changing discussions were begun in the early spring of 2016. It was intended to replace this illegal regime before late spring arrived. A scenario to achieve this much-needed result was agreed upon and a plan was put into action by a special military/civilian taskforce.

   We are most grateful for the coalition of the Light and what it has so far accomplished. The new financial system is in the final stages of replacing the very corrupt SWIFT system and can now allow large amounts of funds to be safely transferred from one continent to another. Currencies have been adjusted so that new precious metal-backed monies can be internationally introduced. A new financial system is coming together. To complete this process clearly requires that NESARA be implemented in the US, and this structure extended to a number of equally corrupt regimes across this globe. In the near future, you are to truly witness the rise of a whole host of new governance. This can greatly aid the worldwide end to the UFO cover-up. This operation can help us to be properly revealed to you. At that time, we can aid those involved in clearing your world of radiation and various types of industrial pollution. This can allow Gaia’s many habitats to return to a near pristine condition. You are to be free, prosperous and a guardian of Gaia! Hallelujah!

   Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! The past year has been noted for its grand delays and for the fact, my Dear ones, that funding designated for you has continued to be delayed. This horrible time is nearly over! What remains necessary is a positive focus. Use these moments to visualize a plan for the use of these monies. Proclaim deep in your hearts that this is exactly how it all is to transpire. Be prepared to work with others to create communities for healing and applying the visions that you see for these funds. Be ready to act in a quick yet well thought out manner. It is vital that you see yourself as a vision and energy center. Know deep in your Heart that your plan is to succeed and that once the funding begins, you are to find those who are to aid you in this grand effort. Do not hesitate once all this detailed planning is in place. You are to show everyone the efficacy and the purpose for what you are to do. Hosanna! Hosanna!

   As we move toward final agreements, it is important to ask all of you to remain positive and focused on our final victory. A most complex set of negotiations is currently taking place between various aspects of our global Light forces. These talks are setting up protocols that are vital for the ways in which the new banking and financial system is to manifest. The first part of this involves how we are to implement the funds transfer process and what each bank needs to do to easily permit this new system to replace the US-controlled SWIFT operation. Then there is the matter of how banking regulations are to be enforced internationally. These are only two of many things that still need more detailed clarification. As you can see, my Children, these things need to be quickly advanced by your prayer and visualizations. We greatly appreciate all the assistance you have given. Great Blessings To You All!

   One of the most powerful spiritual items that you possess is your power of positive visualization. As stated, we ask you to continue to use this to empower the victory that is finally close at hand. Together, let us use this spiritual force as a moral weapon for our triumph. When humanity was so rudely cast upon the Earth by the sudden sinking of Atlantis, humanity was at the mercy of the darker elements of this surface world. You were manipulated and lied to for nearly 13 millennia. Now is the time to turn the tables on this charade and let only the great energy of the Light shine brightly upon this globe. It is time to acknowledge and permit the cleansing of this darkness by Heaven. We Masters consider ourselves most privileged to have such a fine group of souls to work with. We bless you and know that very shortly we are to meet and celebrate this great victory! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

   Today, we have discussed what is transpiring across this globe to ensure your most well deserved victory! Many things are ready to occur, and these are to bring you joy, prosperity and much Love! These times are to bring you an end to a long period of frustration. The future promises you success and wonders that are never to cease. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


Update for Update for Mar. 29, 2016 by Sheldan Nidle
for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

12 Ix, 7 Mac, 12 Manik

Dratzo! The slight delay around Easter is over and the funds are moving forward again. This cat-and-mouse game of stop/start is related to the concern of the ancient families and royals over the sudden way that the oligarchs strike and how they too often disregard whatever they have agreed to. This wariness is thus reflected in the odd way funds have moved over the past few weeks. We have sincerely questioned these tactics and suggested alternative methods for countering this continued distrust of the way this process is to conclude. In any case, you are to eventually receive your initial funds and are to see the downfall of the rulers who compose their many defacto regimes. In fact, let it be known that the farcical false flags in both Paris and Brussels are just ways used by the dark to show that its days of manipulating you are not over. As long as their puppet governments rule, you can expect even more attempts to scare you. Fortunately, the new American Republic proposed by NESARA is quite close to actual fruition. There are still a few kinks left to work out and a stronger set of agreements to be put in place.

   The dark cabal is like a cornered animal. It is constantly applying survival strategies that have seemed to work in the past. These false flags are yet another example of this. ISIS is a tool of this process. Its support comes from careful funding by the secret government, and it uses specially trained mercenaries to tutor its forces in irregular warfare tactics, which it currently employs. It has established "cells", similar to those used in previous wars against the French in Algeria in the 1950s, and used in other guerilla wars since that time. These strategies are being employed to make it seem that these militants are somehow indigenous to the Middle East. What they are doing is stirring up a pot of frustrations that has existed ever since the West stifled a pan-Arabic revolution against the Ottoman Empire in the late 1910s. This set of ongoing irritations, as well as the fate of millions of Islamic immigrants into Europe, now needs to be properly addressed. These issues require resolution by the Light and its new set of governance.

   These problems have not as yet threatened the funds, but they have made many people weary of the continuing shenanigans of the dark and its cronies. When the new governance is soon established, these numerous divergences are to be carefully looked at by the Light's many representatives. Those programs destined to resolve these things are to be approved and, if necessary, supported. The key elements are peace and cooperation. NESARA is all about forging a new realm based on peace, prosperity and trust. We are aware of what happened when the "post-Anchara" era began in this galaxy a few decades ago. We intend to continue to advise you how best to prepare this realm for first contact. The dark cabal is a series of organizations and people who deeply wish to maintain their "divide and conquer" strategies. Once defeated by the Light, these vile individuals need to be isolated and their dark agencies disbanded. Remember you are all one and that Heaven Loves you all very much!

   We come to implement your final steps to full consciousness. This transition requires that you employ your innate wisdom to change this reality for the better. You dearly wish to enjoy your global prosperity and to come together to show Gaia how your growing consciousness has changed the way you see her and her many diverse habitats. Use this acquired knowledge to end how Gaia's climate, oceans, atmosphere and land are now being exploited by the dark. Use your abilities to bring your realm into a balance that encourages the spread of life. Use your Love to ready this surface realm for the wondrous lessons of the Masters and for the return of your cousins, the Agarthans. They wish to explain that there are remedies for all that now brings you worry and displeasure. Finally, there are to be our landings and special mentors who are to ready you for the great transition that is full consciousness. You are truly blessed! See this present time as the final chaos before this new realm finally manifests before you!

   Blessings and joy! We are your Ascended Masters! There are times in humanity's long history when turning points of great significance are reached. This time is truly one of them! It is not often when those who so callously drive the yoke are unceremoniously driven down. This is such a time and it has been long in coming. You sit at the very edge of this time worrying about how long it is to take. It was begun with stops and starts as it moved inevitably toward its seemingly endless goal. This is to end! You deserve better! We remember, when in mortal human form, watching our students suddenly pushed away from us by "those in the know." We can see how this carelessness by the dark affected all of us. We understand these distant incidents as well as the big picture itself. We Masters are doing what we can to alter this picture and bring you prosperity, peace and Love. We ask you to be positive and aid us in this most holy of tasks!

   To envision a new realm means that the old must in its own inevitable way go. This operation can take time as perceptions need altering. Our joint project is to see that this is done. Hence, together let us envision this realm and manifest it clearly in our hearts. Then it can become real. Use this time, as funds begin to form, to act in concert with us when you do these daily ceremonies. Let our joint prayer and meditations create a new world. You, my dear Charges, have suffered far too long. It is the moment to leap forth and forge a spiritual partnership that can help this envisioning. Many amazing things are happening. Together, we can ensure that these events are the true beginning of an Age of Light. As a unit of Love and Light we can change this world! Use your incredible energies to permit these wonders to appear. Much is about to come to your aid!

   This realm has seen the dark in charge for nearly 13 millennia. It was at that time that the Anunnaki first started their journey with you. These dark tyrants have since transformed and now it is their minions who cast their gloomy shadows upon you. Now the tables are to turn and you are to show them how mercy and divine grace operate. Learn from this and seek the divine One in all of us! This series of lessons is to show your inner strengths and your great Love of the One! This path given you is one rarely chosen by Heaven. All the things that anger and frustrate you are your final illusions in this odd physical reality. Do not think that wealth by itself can really alter this illusion. Learn wisdom and use it in all things. Understand how the universe and this reality operate. This simple set of lessons can take you far. Always be ready to learn wisdom and to best apply it. Hosanna! Hosanna!

   Today, as usual, we continued our weekly reports. Much as we stated is happening! Do not be discouraged as events are forming and numerous miraculous things are ready to manifest. This is surely a time of wonders! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


Update for Mar. 22, 2016 by Sheldan Nidle
for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

5 Manik 0 Mac, 12 Manik

Dratzo! The process to change this reality continues. This is for the most part an uneven effort. On one hand, we have the Ascended Masters, numerous secret societies and their close allies, those individuals sincerely dedicated to a quick and sane ending to the power and wealth of the dark’s many minions. These oligarchs were intent on a massive depopulation program, which has recently begun to have some effect on the world’s numerous underdeveloped and poorer countries. This set of deadly projects is only now being somewhat stopped by a series of enlightened “whistleblowers.” These projects are part of other activities that are poisoning the world’s air, oceans and ground with deadly pathogens and an increase in the spread of radiation and its evil side effects to humanity. We are carefully monitoring these things and keeping the vile effects to a lower level of intensity. We can rid Gaia of these things only when the world’s major governments permit our visible presence over a wide period of time. Here, the importance of NESARA becomes quite evident. We look forward to new governance becoming a manifested reality.

   The ongoing manifesting of various funds is a continuing sign of the rising overcautious behavior of those entrusted with the safe movement of large sums across international boundaries. We again encourage these groups to permit us to have a much greater hand in this most essential set of very sensitive operations. We possess technologies that are quite capable of resolving much of the difficulty currently inherent in this complex procedure. In spite of these difficulties, the transferors are reaching a point where these funds can actually be safely distributed. As these moments arrive, it is our intent to see the final end to the power and prestige of these depraved oligarchs. It is time to revise this reality and permit each of you to bask in an end to both debt slavery and the immoral ways of the dark. These goals are also part of a larger program set forth many years ago by an agreement between the forces of Light and those in charge of bringing you your long-promised new reality. We expect this to finally happen very quickly. It is a deed whose time has come!

   The new financial system is as you know a combination of a strict set of new banking regulations (Basle III and IV) and vast depositories of gold, silver and precious jewels long sequestered by the ancient families, enlightened royals and the divine work of Saint Germain and Quan Yin. This immense prosperity is meant for those who are to soar with wealth and create humanitarian projects that allow all to return to excellent health, learn about their ever-changing bodies and bring forth new and sequestered inventions to aid humanity. This is to permit Gaia and her many eco-systems to prosper. These projects are also to aid the introduction of new governance and make it possible to end the decades-old UFO cover-up. These events, furthermore, are to inform humanity about its true origins and help to further spread the mercy, grace and good works of the Ascended Masters and their protectors, the Agarthans. These projects are to distribute healthy food and water. Humanity is sadly lacking in the nourishment and clean water that it globally needs to ready itself for full consciousness.

   We are doing what we can to help extend the good works of the Ascended Masters and our Agarthan cousins. We realize how ingrained most of you are in the ways inculcated millennia ago by the Anunnaki. Hence, we are preparing our own set of mentors who are to land among you when we come to explain how that first happened in the last days of Atlantis. Heaven has issued a number of special dispensations, which are the true foundation for what is now happening to each of you. This heaven-sent growth in consciousness is waking you up and permitting greater and greater numbers of you to accept the wonder of a vastly new and more aware reality. Numerous events are swiftly loosening the grip of the dark oligarchs who ran this globe with the aid of the Anunnaki for millennia. This time is currently ending. Each of you is to end your time in the dark and learn of the great potential within you. This grand miracle is to set the magnificent stage for your return to again becoming galactic humans (physical Angels)!

   Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Your world is entering a final period of transition. Those who have ruled your global societies are being forced to give up the power and prestige they once thought were undisputed. This loss of power is just the beginning for them. Numerous societies, like Iceland, which defied their rule, are currently being hailed as heroes. Many smaller nations are following this example and demonstrating to all just how far this fall from grace has come. Many other events are also showing that the old ways of the dark are quickly fading. We Masters are proud of these states and their defiance of the power of these numerous oligarchs. This process grows as the dark begins to fully realize that its demise is upon it. This is only the first part of a global revolution in consciousness. A new time for each of you is dawning. This new reality promises an end to the needless following of arcane rules and the vast liberation of how each of you views this time.

   You are entering a revolution of consciousness and a joint coalition of freedom and the achievement of your dreams. These possibilities were long imagined for you and yet somehow this possibility kept slipping from grasp. Heaven used its vast influence to ensure that this most needed reality was to be your true future. Therefore, a continual squeeze was exerted on the dark oligarchy to assure your success in these matters. The Agarthans aided us by further amplifying these actions. Thus, your time to shine is at hand. The dark can no longer keep postponing the inevitable. The monies are in place and the new banking system is in operation. The old ways are now fully exposed. They are shortly to become useless items, which are to fill the great dustbin of history to overflowing. You can be assured that your time is here and a slew of governments are ready to manifest before you.

   These understated facts represent the new wave starting to overcome the draughters of the former oligarchs. Their word is no longer to be the law for this group of global societies. Instead, their words are to prove their guilt and sentence them to a long isolation from you. The dark’s arrogance is to end and a new era of freedom is to begin. This is eventually to lead to new knowledge and the meeting of our many branches of this human family. You have long been unable to understand how you became so separated from your family and are to learn a vast and complex history of your origins. This legacy, when known, is to become quite precious to you. We Masters wish, moreover, to explain this in detail to you. It is hard to have amnesia, which prevents you from fully comprehending who you really are. This is to be returned along with your long forgotten potential. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

   Today, we spent a great deal of time making you aware of what is happening across this globe. Many wondrous events are now to occur to thrust you into this new reality. Therefore, be ready to accept it and realize how complex your journey was to this most magnificent point in your history. A great many amazing moments are now ready to appear before you! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


Update for Mar. 15, 2016 by Sheldan Nidle
for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

11 Ahau, 13 Ceh, 12 Manik

Selamat Jalwa! The progress toward a mass global success moves ahead! Despite a series of procedural adjustments last week, the needed movement of funds continued. At present, the special historic bonds have been moved and accounted for. The world is ready for a new currency that is much more fairly accounted for and truly represents the real value of each nation’s economy. Added to this, there is the final worldwide movement of gold into secure depositories that makes it easy for every nation’s currency to be gold-backed. This operation was somewhat held up as numerous security procedures had to be met and the gold properly secured. The Ancient Families and Royals demanded that special operations agreed upon earlier were carried out as directed. These things are currently being done and special measures timing is in effect. This means that deliveries are in process and soon funds are to be in accounts of those who were previously scheduled to receive these monies at the start of the various humanitarian projects. When this is accomplished, a number of other resources are also to be put into play. These fundings are to be the harbinger of new governance and with that comes into view the end of the decades-long UFO cover-up.

   As these events move forward, the mass arrests of bankers and their political cronies are to vastly accelerate. The rise of NESARA in America is to shortly signal the growth of similar governance in Europe, Asia and the Americas. This is to be what we call “GESARA”. In other words, new governance is spreading across this globe. Thus, the G.C.R. is to be worldwide in scope and, added to this, is to be the radical shift in banking to form a new financial system. This system is to foster an end to debt slavery and the start of a growing global prosperity. In addition, there are to be the lessons of the Ascended Masters while our present contact with surface humanity is to increase. You are growing in consciousness and becoming more aware of how this new realm is to formally function. You have a very important role to play in its success. It is vital that you use your growing time to become a key watchdog of what is happening all around you. It is your worldwide cooperation that is to be a substantial element in how this new realm operates. This reality is extremely interactive and exceptionally fragile. This realm needs your full assistance.

   This changing consciousness is of course the work of Heaven and your guardian Angels. Humanity cannot exist in the same reality that it easily lived in at the start of the Twentieth Century. The world is no longer one worked so expertly by the Anunnaki and its grand councils. The minions as well found themselves at a loss to maintain their power and wealth. The treaty of Anchara had in an instant altered the landscape of your section of this galaxy. Earth and its Sun were now being readied for a new destiny and the many who had enjoyed great power were to be removed from what they thought was an invincible position. This last decade has seen the rise of a series of various enlightened groups who are on the verge of great success. This success is to put each of you on the very precipice of a new reality. This reality is to permit you to meet your off-world ancestors and to finally complete a rebellion that started over 13 millennia ago during the last days of Atlantis. This rebellion is destined to restore you to the honored status of physical Angel.

   We have watched this long struggle as impartial witnesses of Heaven. Hence, we kept our interaction with you to a prescribed minimum. You are most ingenious and learned how best to obey and when to resist your acquired masters. Eventually, out of this controlled resistance a band of wise ones emerged whom you call your “Ascended Masters." Heaven sponsored this selected group of Souls to care for and advise humanity. We have learned much about you from them. Their wisdom is immense and has become the playbook for our actions on your behalf. These sacred ones deeply Love you. Their grace and mercy knows no bounds. They have told us how their many Light-empowered sacred secret groups are readying this world for its new reality. These divine strategies are to bring you to the very edge of transformation. The final steps are to be handled by a joint partnership between the Agarthans, the Ascended Masters and us. To this end, a vast set of Crystal Light Chambers has been constructed throughout Agartha. A series of most amazing things are now on the verge of happening to you!

   Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Long ago, humanity was suddenly reduced to limited consciousness by a group of dastardly, dark Atlanteans. When Atlantis sank, humanity was left at the mercy of their predecessors, the Anunnaki. Being a rather rebellious group, humanity has “lost” a number of golden ages and endured a long period of persecution. We Masters joined you as sharers in this strange process. Heaven, which deeply Loves you, created us over time to oversee and protect you during this truly dark period for humanity. Thus, our primary tasks from the beginning were to protect you, provide mercy when necessary and closely follow the grace-filled edicts from Heaven. This divine duty leads us now to the sacred point when Heaven’s great decrees are to manifest. These are to permit those much-needed alterations to this reality to take effect. In truth, a series of great consciousness and reality shifts are in effect. It is this operation that is changing this realm for the better.

   Our present task is to prepare you for the final aspects of the ascension process. At present, you have completed over one-half of what is needed. Due to various accelerations from Heaven in the past year, the coming months promise to see a vast increase in “ascension symptoms” among you. The most concentrated signs are to be found in your head, neck and upper chest. These things are being done to move your consciousness up a few giant pegs. The heart’s nervous system needs to be readied for its alterations to come while you are in your crystal chamber. The brain requires a series of adjustments to not only bring in new chakras but to increase as well its open communications with your greatly modified heart. These modifications can at times be quite painful. All of us are ready to aid and advise you on these matters. A time of wondrous change is ahead of you! Hosanna! Hosanna!

   As noted, these changes are part of those numerous events that are required by Heaven. You are being returned to a gracious state of Being. Each master had to complete a number of special acts over many lifetimes before Heaven provided us with our Ascension ceremony. This is a mass ascension, which is quite rare and comes after a long period of abuses and retributions from the dark and its Anunnaki allies. These horrors are currently being reversed. What is additionally needed is your own participation in these acts of mercy and grace. Once done, you are to be ascended in joy by the special crystal chambers. When achieved, you are to bask in a Light that you can barely imagine! Our divine task is to carefully watch over you and specially bless each of you. Do not be hesitant! Heaven has readied a new reality for all and your children’s children to reside in. This kingdom (Star Nation) of the new Earth is your reward for what these coming aches and pains bring you. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

   Today we are near a special point in this grand march from slavery to freedom! This movement signals that you are at last in a great time of meaningful transition. Know this and stay positive and able to pass this growing inner joy onto others that you daily encounter! This reality is truly changing and it is becoming the lamp of divine Light that it formerly embodied! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


Update for Mar. 8, 2016 by Sheldan Nidle
for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

4 Ben, 6 Ceh, 12 Manik

Dratzo! Several indicators show us that the initial humanitarian funds have been distributed to the appropriate accounts in Europe and North America. These funds are the first bellwether to be presented to us. They demonstrate that the ability to pass large amounts of funds across these templates does in fact exist. We fully expect that these funds are to prove that the gauntlet of the dark cabal is successfully breached. The next thing to occur is the final distribution to a number of individual accounts. This is to be a signal to our allies to initiate the complex process of completing the prosperity fundings. These are to initiate the rise of NESARA, first in the USA, and eventually the implementation of GESARA globally. In Asia and Africa, a number of vital infrastructure projects are then to be funded and begun. This is to mark the start of a vast global set of projects to end concerns about pure water and proper sanitation in many rural areas. Your world needs moreover to set up the means to oversee these large financial projects. A network of smaller “community-grown” operators is to be fully utilized.

   This “small is beautiful” approach is one that was proven effective over the past half decade in Africa and Asia as well as the Americas. This operation is to be expanded once the new financial system is fully operational. Our earthly allies have developed a means to easily distribute these vital projects throughout the so-called third world. It is this space, containing the majority of humanity, which requires the most attention. Thus, the major dilemma was how to begin to successfully transform what was a most neglected part of your globe. In addition, this region has traditionally been the place where a majority of the abuses of Gaia occurs. Once we are free to travel in your skies, we intend to correct this natural resources abuse with our technology. This combined region is the prime area for natural disasters that occur daily around your beautiful living world. Once these are corrected, the current extinction cycle can be formally corrected. At that time, the decreasing energies of your electrogravitic field can be redirected!

   As you begin to emerge from literally millennia of debt slavery, Gaia can emerge as well from millennia of being exploited. Gaia, over a long period of time, has been a globe split between its inner and outer selves. Gaia wishes to accelerate the process of a great reunion between these two halves. Saint Germain and Quan Yin have provided the means for conscious growth with Heaven’s help. This inner growth has been combined with a series of modifications to your chakras and to your many nervous systems. These have been combined with a series of alterations to your reality. These numerous changes in turn are mirrored by what Gaia is now doing to this surface realm. In fact, the inner realm of Agartha expands beyond this surface realm. What is required is a vast upgrade in the frequencies of your realm. So as you grow in consciousness, Gaia simultaneously increases the vibrational rate of your reality. This has permitted you to grow and to accept things that previously were greatly discounted by this surface population. It has also allowed you to accept that we exist and that the Ascended Masters are indeed real.

   All of these elements are the core of reality shifts that are to alter your world by bringing you abundance and new financial and governing alliances. These events are to forge the new reality, which is to create a new "You,” and are to position you within this new reality. Your Agarthan family representatives and our liaisons are working diligently to assure that all happens as swiftly as possible. This joint operation is now coming to a head as the ancient families and concerned royals work closely with their Ascended Master advisors. This sacred coalition has to battle a dark oligarchy that cannot truly visualize a world without power, wealth or prestige. Their dilemma has only slowed the inevitable. Thus, there was a series of initial delays, which compounded some worry and dread by the ancient families as new procedures were used to ensure that the large amount of funding is successfully carried out. Nevertheless, these elements of a new reality are now being put into place.

   Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Many of you do not look much beyond aging and death. We Masters have lived beyond these facts for millennia. Our primary task is simply to oversee humanity by the use of mercy and grace. This divine set of tasks keeps us constantly advising you on how your life is to be best lived. At present, Heaven and your many guardian angels also are altering you. This is readying you for your living ascension into again being physical Angels. Thus, our mission is to supervise these changes as well. You are doing well. Nevertheless these events are giving you some difficult moments. We ease this by intervening when necessary with the use of divine grace. Each of you possesses a number of ways by which your life can best work itself out. We take these prescribed alternatives and weave them into the heart of this life. By doing this, you are moving with minimum difficulty onto the verge of your promised return to physical Angelhood.

   As you know by now, every Ascended Master is transitioned by use of a special ceremony presided over by Heaven. In fact, you are moving toward the same. Only in this case, it is to be a special Crystal Light Chamber. This is finally to reverse what the Atlanteans did to you nearly 13 millennia ago when you were cast forth from the labs that then secured you safely. This abrupt act left you open to severe manipulations by the Anunnaki. All of this madness is now being slowly reversed. We Ascended Masters are watching over these changes and assuring that the proper outcome, when so implied by your life contracts, can be successfully reached. You are to learn numerous facts and accomplish miracles as you near the sacred point in time for this grand transformation. Our Space families are ready to accept your full return to the Light and have new duties for you to accomplish!

   These sacred tasks set up by these Space families and by Heaven are first to take you through an unraveling of your money and wealth paradigm and then to watch you return to a fully accomplished land guardianship. This divine process is to take place in many stages as it is a far cry from what you know. The purpose of this and other coming stages is to alter your inner core perceptions. What Heaven is doing is to move you away from limited consciousness and to prepare you to gladly receive a number of new mantles. So far, this operation is successful and you are beginning to take on a number of new conscious responsibilities. As you grow into these you are accepting a revised realm. This is part of your conversion ceremony. Each year brings you closer to those events that are destined to permit you to literally wear new and magnificent cloaks. You are progressing wondrously! Much Love and a grand Hallelujah to you all!!!

   Today, much can be told and rejoiced over. As a people, you are moving toward your grand ascension in style. Those things that have created some last minute delays are done and gone. Our allies in Inner Earth, in space and Heaven are with us. This is the start of a most glorious time for all humanity! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


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