Saturday, April 30, 2016

May 2016 Ascension Energies ~ a message from Jamye Price

May 2016 Ascension Energies

Jamye Price

a message from Jamye Price

Friday, 29 April, 2016 

April Review

April was about going within and working your foundation of beingness within the action-oriented physical world. It offered you some clarity between the external and its loudness, with your internal focus of peace and stability amidst change.

Patience is a great complement to peace and stability, though a calm feeling wasn’t as easy to access in April for many. That impatient Aries energy often wants to jump immediately! Though in April, your leap of faith was best served by building a bridge of connection between your heart and mind as you learn to perceive your opportunities with the grace of loving wisdom. 

May Energies

April was the perfect storm leading into May. You were likely stirred into something—desiring more peace in the world, more satisfaction in your job and relationships, more creative control in your life, or less Trump in the news…

May has the energy of action.
When I sat to get the energies for April, I was (unusually so) also given the word “action” for May and “reset” for June. As I prepared for the May monthly energies video, I was also told, “relationships and family.” So essentially May is focused on action and interaction (relationship). The self, the inner world—interacting with Life. What a wonderful progression and April has stirred some courage to change.

A.C.T.I.O.N.—Allowing Creation To Inform Our Now

Areon, the Lyran Council of Time, often focuses on how your first action is internal. As you experience your life, information flows into you. You have emotional, mental, and even physical response. Your emotional and mental responses are subtle information that show you your authentic perceptions and beliefs about your experiences. As you allow that information into your awareness, you have the ability to make informed choice. What you choose is internal and subtle in that moment. It speaks directly to the quantum realms, informing form. Staying present, authentic, courageous, and peaceful are helpful to shifting or amplifying your future creations.

Observation and listening are powerful forms of meditation. They help you to receive information that may not be obvious, or even information that may be calling for your Love to form a new future.

For example, listening to one that is opposite of you may help you to understand something you were resisting. It may call you to focus your attention in a direction so that the future is effected by more Love and less greed, deception, and suppression. Your focused awareness, your Love flow, is important. We usually don’t get to see immediate results. Patience again.

Your first internal actions are shifting you into a detached compassion that is able to perceive beyond the obvious.

This is the peace that passes all understanding. With practice you will become less reactive, less afraid and more courageous, creative, and wise. Detached compassion is an open state that knows all is well. From this point of connection, you are able to touch new solution with your vibration. This will inspire physical action that is based in Love.

Relationship and Family

Your interactions are such a great motivator of movement! Every single experience is calling you to more empowerment, more Love. This creates more freedom from needing to control circumstances for a feeling of safety. Those that love you, like family, can not help but reflect your positives and negatives so that you can integrate into an empowered sovereign that connects boldly with Life.

This month, as May prompts you to spring into action, observe your authentic thoughts and feelings with your relationships. Seek to hold healthy boundaries that serve your growth and sharing. They may change over time, but honor your needs in the moment and continue to grow beyond them as appropriate. For example, at one time you may need to hold a boundary with someone and say no. At another time, you may be benefited by stretching yourself into interaction. Family is wonderful barometer of your peace and strength.

"If you think you're enlightened, go spend a week with your family." —Ram Dass

Family is often how we learn much of our perceptions and beliefs. When a child is young, the subconscious is highly programmable as they are most often in a receptive brain wave state. They also “speak” emotions rather than words, so they are highly susceptible to the emotions of their caregivers and family members. 

As an adult, these unconscious programs are mixing with your logical decisions. This is why it is important to honor your authentic, immediate thoughts and feelings. It's easy if you're feeling good. Celebrate that! However, if you hate someone, let that just be information that is a vehicle of discovery for you. As you discover what and why you hate them, you will transform that emotion into the wisdom of understanding. You will discover you felt a boundary of power or safety being pushed. That discovery pulls unconscious (subconscious) information into the conscious and you can now progressively heal that fear. You then discover that you appreciate that person helping you grow.

Many suppress their challenging emotions because they don’t know that the emotions heal, they just know it hurts. They haven’t felt that freedom from fear, that freedom of knowing how strong they are, that freedom of being able to interact with Life, change, and create. Here we come full circle to the energies of May.

Your inner actions create beneficial interactions.

Your interactions have a ripple effect that create inspired actions.

Your actions speak volumes to your future.


In May, we are asked to make bold inner choices and interact with Life from empowered Love. With so many planets retrograde, the energy of action likely isn’t as much “full steam ahead,” as much as it is connect your head with your heart and interact from there. As you observe your interactions, look within and allow the reflection to inform your choices and then external actions. It is a perfect time to choose to Love yourself. From there, you grow into such a Love for Life that challenges become fuel for your creative flow. Yes, you may!


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