Friday, September 22, 2017

The Balance of Equinox | Rebecca Couch / The Council of Radiant Light

The Balance of Equinox

All is always new again! It is the great blessing of the awesome power of nature that constant renewal is at hand. Take advantage of this time to reset your own clock and intentions to comply with nature. Equinox is also a perfect time of the year to choose that same equilibrium and balance in your own life. Take a deep opportunity to access what is not in balance and choose that it be corrected, as all influences are lined up to support it. It is so much easier to go with the flow of nature!

Most importantly, you must also remember how powerful you are. You think it is easier to forget this, but it isn’t! Knowing your own true power is the greatest strength you have and when it is applied for the highest good and for your deeper life experience, it resonates out to others. Many have assumed life is out of their control and have settled into the place of victimhood. If they only knew that the power has been within them all of the time! Choose what team you play on, choose how you show up, choose how you play and whom you play with, choose the perspective with which you experience life…there is oh so much more about the game of life that is within your power and reach, that to choose to be a victim is like choosing nothing (in a candy store!), when in reality most of the power is actually in your influence. Why not work with divine providence, and not against it?

If there is an area of your life that you know is stuck - simply by intention, expect that it will be changed. Intend that what is broken will be fixed and that light will shine on it. Intend that your broken heart will be light again. Choose love. Choose peace. Choose happiness. It is all within your control. Choose to want to have a different perspective, one that lightens you up. Choose to be shown another perspective, even if you can’t imagine what it could be in this moment. Find the keys to unlock your own prison…all things are possible if you choose the thoughts and perspective that feels good…you can lighten your load, your mind, your heart, your life. Do it!

Balance can be defined differently for everyone, but it is the same intention: holding that peaceful centre point where no forces are pushing or pulling otherwise. It is the neutral fulcrum, the point between movements, the point between breaths where magic happens…the sweet spot. The equinox zone. Nothing can take you from your centre, your powerful bull’s eye, unless you let it. Remember where your power lies and choose to live from there!

This is a sweet and simple message for the new moon equinox, and for all days, and all moments.
You ARE that centre, and we always join you there.

The Council of Light Within

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