Weekly Forecast and Podcast for September 11-17, 2017
~ contributed by Hillory Skott
This is Virgo time of year. Our ability to find the flaws is on
turbo now. Use it. Do what you can to put your world in order
now. Our values are morphing. Our superpowers are coming
on line more fully. Put everything in place to prepare for the
magical upgrades.
Tuesday Venus is Trine Saturn. This is a supportive energy.
A lucky break. Good Karma coming back to you. Saturn wants
structure and commitment. Saturn offers you a sense of stability
and slow dependable growth in lucrative directions. Connected
harmoniously to Venus we can earn the rewards of our hard
work. Money is not a problem when you tap into the flow.
When you make the commit ment, The Fire energy of this trine
makes it more enthusiastic than one would expect with Saturn
in the mix. This helps you jump in. Now it's time. Or should you
be jumping out? This too is a commitment.
Is there a relationship that is asking for you to step it up?
Make your declarations of undying Love. Venus wants beauty,
peace, harmony and maybe some wealth too. Together we stand-
divided we fall. Maybe its your work, or a new community, or a
mate- whatever you need to commit, now is the time.
The very next day, Wednesday, Saturn is in a most difficult aspect
with the Sun. This is tricky stuff- You may have just taken a big
leap in faith and now you are feeling stifled and thwarted. This
will pass. Fear is rising up against you. Understand that the fear
is just trying to protect you. But, this fear can not be allowed to
make any choices for you. You cannot act from this space so hold
steady. Look these fears right in the face and know you are stronger.
By Friday there is a super lovely sextile, between most generous
Jupiter in other oriented Libra and Relationship loving Venus. Venus
Rules Libra, this is very beautiful flowing energy. Moments of magic
and sudden upgrades to new levels of ease and joy. Grace and
beauty can be tapped into. Be open. Just be open to new experiences
and people. Life is flowing all that is good to you now.
Saturday is going to be a potent day. Your critical thinking skills are
on fire. Your mind is sharp and alert. Watch your tongue this day-
but also don't. Mars and Mercury fused in Virgo is like the match
that lit the gas fire, a nice controlled fire. A slick and modern gas
stove maybe- Easy to clean. It's like when you get it all of a sudden.
And because now you get it your whole life will change. Perception
is everything. Whole new levels of refinement are possible now. Use
this mix to understand.
Sunday a wild card is available. The beautiful, fortunate, unexpected
good luck. Venus will Trine Uranus. This could be a fabulous opportunity
to add value to something unusual. Or to value something unusual.
Venus brings us love and romance. Uranus the individual, unique and
unusual. There are so many great ways this day could come together.
Initiate activity out of the norm for best results - get out there, circulate.
Our upgrades are coming faster these days. Step into the vibration of
gratitude. It is your ticket to Joy and wonder. These times we live in
are pivotal, they are magical. Take a moment to stand in awe at the
beauty. Anchor in that awe to spread the joyful vibes of innovative evolution.
Click here to listen to this weeks podcast
~ contributed by Hillory Skott
Much Love!
Karen & Salma
Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc. | 49 Canyon Blvd West | Lethbridge, AB, CA | T1K 6X6
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