Have you ever wondered what happens when you make a choice, either consciously or unconsciously, to make some changes in your life? Here is how the process works. Finish this sentence: What I want now as my awe-filled outcome is __________________.
With that sentence you just put out a commandment telling the Universe that you want this amazing, awe-filled outcome for your life. Then, everything in your life which is not aligned with that outcome will pop up so you can choose whether you want to keep its energy or not. While you expect awesome and amazing results, you seem to get just the opposite, an awful situation, and it can be very overwhelming. What happened? The eventual, awe-filled outcome will be what makes you happy, but there may be a few awful moments before that happens, as you clear the path of whatever is currently making you feel awful, unhappy, or unfulfilled in some area of your life.
We often issue invitations to clear energy pathways without an awareness of the bigger picture that is involved. A desire for change has two aspects, clearing the existing energy pathways and setting the energy for the new ones, which involves sifting through and shifting the old energy from the past. That’s why an intention for a new beginning takes us back into the past we thought we already cleared. We did, sort of, but now that we have a new intention, everything from the past that has a mis-aligned connection to this new intention must be cleared.
Our belief that this happens in a divine way, where everything lines up and it’s all a lovely process gets us into all kinds of doubt and confusion because the process of becoming dis-aligned with our current reality and establishing new levels of alignment is rather complicated.
So a desire for a new job may involve a layoff, demotion, a firing, or a choice that you hadn’t anticipated. You may be scared, upset, angry, or feel powerless and out of control when this happens.
Why can’t this just be easy? But there’s a reason and a purpose for this, to clear any existing fear, beliefs, unworthiness, and memories of past experiences to help you claim your power. It would be easy if you just stepped into a wonderful new job and that may happen. In the meantime, any prior experience of powerlessness and fear will come up to help you release those connections.
To solidify the energy shift, can you take what appears to be a challenge and create something powerful from it? It isn’t easy to do when you’re scared, but it is necessary if you are going to learn how you can use your power to create a miraculous, higher energy outcome in any situation.
There’s a way to do the transition quickly (and that is a very relative term), and that’s by constantly reminding ourselves of the transformation and outcome we’re aiming for. Maintaining a laser sharp focus on the outcome and seeing how everything is working towards the creation of that outcome, no matter what it appears to look like, is critical. The things that appear to be taking us out of our flow are actually helping us to stay within it and clear all of the old, stagnant, limiting energy from it. It’s easy to stay in our positive, high energy space when things are easy, but can we maintain our frequency when things get challenging?
Can we ride out the temporary storm so we can enjoy a more aligned long-term result that is the whole and complete fulfillment of our intention?
We can expect awful moments to happen when we’re trying to create awesome and awe-filled outcomes but we don’t have to stay in the ‘awful’ energy. Everything serves a purpose in creating our outcomes in some way, we just have to remember that the challenges also contribute to the outcome, instead of limiting it. Energy is always moving and while it can feel like we’re trying to herd cats, energy follows intention, and it flows to the area of greatest emotion. As long as we remember to keep our aim steady and constant, we’ll get through the awful moments and reach our awe-filled outcomes.
Intention is the key to managing the 5D/3D integration, followed by alignment with that energetic path. It’s a 6 week journey to creating your 3D/5D heaven on earth.
Click here for more information and sign up to get your 3 bonuses, including how to use and expand your intuition, one of my most popular classes. Special price for September expires Sept 27 at midnight US EST.
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Copyright (c) 2017 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.
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