Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Lee Harris Energy Update June 2019: Perfect Storm for Healing and Elevation, Anger as a Release and Fuel for Change, Full Circle Moments, Dreams and Synchronicities, and Light and Creational Energy

 The main themes to emerge for June are:


Remember to stop and regularly ask yourself how you are doing because this continues to be a fast, ferocious and very illuminating time on the planet in terms of energetics. Those of you that are energetically sensitive, awake and conscious of what’s going on at a planetary level will already have been feeling the effects of it - particularly in May when there were some real ‘knock you off your feet’ moments. This theme of fast elevation, fast change and deep, deep healing may continue for many months and even years to come. So our nervous systems need us to be looking out for them as much as possible. And if things (or you) feel or seem weird, strange or unpredictable, that is par for the course right now.


The first main theme for the month of June is - WE ARE IN A TIME WHICH IS THE ‘PERFECT STORM’ ALCHEMICALLY FOR HEALING AND ELEVATION. This means that there will be a continuing release, resolution and/or re-examination of any issues that we might have as we move forward. This could manifest as suddenly being able to resolve something in yourself around a long and lingering past issue, or having a very real healing moment with someone from your past. Or simply seeing or feeling differently about an incident from your past that previously felt defining or key to your life journey.

Healing energy is very strong at the moment and it is directly linked to ELEVATION. We are undeniably in times of elevation. But often what happens to us before we elevate is we contract. You may have heard me talk about the principle of CONTRACTION before EXPANSION. It’s the fear or reluctance we feel to  moving forward right before we have a breakthrough. The step back before the spring forward. And then we walk into a whole new level and a whole new way of being. There is a strong theme of that playing out right now.

Think of the example of little children who are over-excited about going to a party, and they talk about it excitedly for the whole week leading up to it. But when party day comes, their parent or guardian walks them into the party and the child stands shyly against the wall, not quite knowing what to do with themselves. Give it ten minutes or so (for them to adjust to the energy of the room) and most will then let themselves go into this big, expansive community experience and it can be hard to prize them away at the end! They contracted before they expanded.

Remember that this is going on for everybody. It’s not just that you alone are having moments of depression or doubt or fear. It’s that those energies inside your body are looking and wanting to move out and leave. But they’re asking you to first acknowledge them, and :

  • Are you willing to see me and feel me?
  • Are you ready to go a bit further and deeper than where you are now?
  • Are you willing to become something you’ve never become before?

The path of growth is interesting and complex - even for those who are
passionate about self growth being part of their journey. Because we want change but we also fear change.
There is a feeling of safety in the familiar pattern of our lives and a safety in the comfort of the known.

But in 2019 we are not seeing much safety in our known world, whether that’s to do with the environment, the systems or with government - it’s all changing and faster than we realise. And it was always going to be this way - prophecies have talked about this for a long time.

So the question we have to ask ourselves is how do we deal with this change on a day-to-day basis?  Well, we look at this ‘perfect storm’ for healing and we WONDER and GET CURIOUS about what we are being asked to elevate into. We become AWARE of the healing movements inside us as much as those that are collective.

So if you are going through a difficult time right now with (for example) heartbreak and wounded relationships, you could just circle round it (feel it and talk to your friend about it) OR you could get CURIOUS about why this is rising in you.

Why this, why now?

Life is calling you forward and it’s asking you to move to a new place around relationships.
So the healing process and ‘wound’ you are in might be you readying yourself and taking actions to step into a new partnership once you are through this.

OR, it might be that you get to, “You know what, I think I’m done with intimate partnership. I don’t think I’m going to put my focus or my attention there right now. I’m just going to live my life and see where I can find and experience love in all the other ways.”

We don’t always know where we are being led. Our soul ALWAYS knows where we are going, and part of the joy and sometimes the unease of being human is that we don’t always know what is calling us forward or why we go through the healing and growth phases we go through. At least not in the moment.

But we can live more from our soul and allow that journey to become easier through our integration.
If we follow what we’re feeling from moment to moment, and look for and pay attention to the signs and the people that come into our life, we can return to that sensory, intuitive way of being (that so many of us were discouraged out of by our society) and start to get back on our soul path. Then we become who we are here to become, do what we are here to do and be who we are here to be for others as well as for ourselves.


We are seeing a lot of full circle moments and not just in June. This has been going on for many months and will continue to be part of the path for the next year or so. This phenomenon means that you might see yourself coming full circle in life with your talents, dreams, desires and abilities. Perhaps there is something that you had put away and thought was forgotten, was untimely or you were just going to let it go, when suddenly it comes back into your life in a new form. Or it could be that somebody offers you an opportunity or a collaboration or asks you out on a date when you thought you’d completely given up on dating. This energy is strong right now.

There’s a lot of sweet, heart energy reconnecting us to our soul’s heart and the dream in our soul’s heart, which is something that we all have. Our SOULS ARE HERE TO CREATE. We are here to create as much beauty and harmony on this planet as we can - even though we know that this planet has as much disharmony, dis-ease and problems as it does harmony and balance. But for those of you
who feel compelled to be creators of more harmony and balance, either for your own life or for the lives of others and the world at large (because it lights you up to see harmony appearing), these full circle moments are going to be coming in strongly and MORE RAPIDLY in the coming months. So look out for the synchronicities, opportunities and if you feel the dream in your heart rising, don’t be surprised if some wounding comes up too.

I had a similar thing this month, something returned that I thought I’d left a long time ago and as I could feel it coming in, I also caught the part of my mind that was saying, “Oh, I don’t know if this can work because it didn’t work last time.” That’s the healing aspect I’m talking about coming in for all of us as we move into these passions and desires. We get to let go of the old wound as we birth the dream anew.


Many of you right now are in what I call THE MIDDLE ZONE. The feeling of, “I don't know what I want to do. I’ve got no idea and I feel purposeless and adrift.”

Remember, it’s no different to when you have a break up with somebody - you usually need a period to acclimatize, assimilate, figure out what you need to let go of and what you need to learn from, and celebrate what was in that relationship before you go onto the next one. This is how the middle zone looks and feels. Think of it as a chrysalis phase.

So if you feel purposeless, track back your last 6 to 12 months. You have probably made some big moves in your life - either you’ve physically changed things or been aware that you’re feeling disconnected from certain ways of being, relationships or jobs you’re in. So know that you’re already halfway there! Just remain curious, stay open and don’t let your fear and our natural need to control as human beings make you think something’s going wrong. It’s just the discomfort of deep transformation and it will be helped by practises, people and places that help you feel peace and ease as you go through it.

I’m a big believer in, “Life is happening for us not to us.” I know many of you feel the same and it’s really important to remember that even when we’re in tough lessons or tough experiences, there is something we can’t yet see that is trying to break through. Right now, those of you who are in that moment of, “I don’t know where I’m going!” Don’t worry - you will. You can’t stay there for long. Every butterfly breaks out of the chrysalis eventually.

Just remain CURIOUS and OPEN. If you try things and go with opportunities that come up, you will see that things will progress quickly because of the high level of creational and community energy happening on the planet.


The desire and the ability to CREATE - to create new things in the world and to form new relationships - this is very strong right now. But so too is the desire to be IN COMMUNITY - to bring communities together and harness the power of communities to effect not just change, but love and peace and harmony. This makes me sound like a 70’s Hippie which is funny because we often talk about Hippies in a denigrating way. But for me, growing up and hearing people talk about Hippies, I always thought, “Wow! I totally love the values of Hippies.” And what I’m loving now is that there is no longer this segregated group referred to as Hippies - because those values are beginning to become more normal and permeate more of society.

As more and more people break down emotionally and ask, “What’s going on on the planet? This doesn’t look good and this doesn’t look right”, it’s shaking and waking everybody up emotionally inside.

Some of you will be going through or looking to make some big changes right now and so figuring out what you need for self-care, self support, health, wellbeing, nutrition, your relationship to your body and your relationship to your life is really going to help you with this elevation process that we’re in.


The last thing that came up very strongly for June was - ANGER AS A RELEASE AND AS A FUEL FOR CHANGE. Don't be alarmed if anger is coming up for some of you in a surprising way when you’re going through this healing storm. This relates more to those of you who feel you may have been a bit deficient in anger or it’s not your immediate emotion when you’re in a less desirable state. Maybe you normally go for sadness or grief or fear so you might be surprised that anger is running through your system.

We are in very electrically charged times energetically so people are having a lot of electrical energy (a lot more Kundalini) pulsing through their system. So anger can be working through you as a real energy flush, a real boundary and a real change agent. Fear, sadness and grief tend to be more passive and more introverted and are emotions and feelings that we have to sit back with. But anger can be electricity that fires us up and leads us forward.

So long as you’re not whacking people over the head or using your anger abusively or destructively towards other people, you’re just feeling a flush of anger in yourself, so don’t worry. It’s you waking up and and shaking up and that is really what this whole time is about - this PERFECT STORM of healing and elevation that we are in.

This is a time of an enormous amount of LIGHT pouring onto the planet. It’s also why we are seeing this real roar around control and domination playing out in the world.

But the light that’s amplifying on the planet is raising that frequency in opposition. So, stay with what’s true for you. Keep doing the work that you feel to do - not just your career but the part of you that wants to support, lend your activism, lend your voice or whatever it means for you - and between us, we can continue to help bridge this illumination.

We are lightening up and it’s a process we have never been through before. It’s completely new for all of us. So some days it will feel challenging and scary, and other days it will be euphoric and peaceful. And as you either go deeper into that journey that you’re already on or if you are thinking, “Euphoric? I haven’t felt that yet Lee”, just trust and it will come.

It will come. And it comes the more you stay with this process.

Sending you lots of love for the month of June.





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