New Moon – New Life – New You – 0223 2020 – Pleiades

Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe! I hope that you are all doing phenomenally well and I am sending you the love of universal proportions! Today I would like to talk to you about the New Moon that is coming up for us on February 23rd. I have received two very interesting channelings one from the Guardians of the Pleiades who are from the angelic realm and another from the Pleiadeans themselves explaining what has been happening since January 12th and the importance that you play in the ascension process.
Before I share these with you I would like to say that this portal that is coming up for us, is truly an interesting one where we’ll feel both sensations that this reality is surreal and at the same time be fully grounded in the moment. This up and down, down and up sensation will continue leading up to the portal of the new moon where you will begin to get into that “AHA” moment fully tuning into what it is that you truly want in your life. You might be really surprised to find that what you thought you were here to do is not it, and you may feel an intense pull to entirely change your life, where you forever let go of certain aspects of yourself, situations, and even people.
This is going to be a turning point for many, giving us the energy to proceed with our divinely guided plans disregarding anything that may be holding us back and seeing absolutely no obstacles ahead, plunging right into our new realities. This is the time that you will discover that you actually have many more talents than you ever gave yourself credit for and what’s even more important be able to freely make use of these talents to get what you want out of life.
This New Moon is going to be an interesting one, as I am sure many of you have by now heard from various astrologers but from the universal perspective the spinning of the oracles and your own vibratory systems, not only will this New Moon bring much needed peace your way, but also NEW DIRECTION for your life. And it is superbly important that you listen to your intuition. The paradox though is that you will not be able to hear your intuition clearly at all, as you will be pulled back and forth until the energies settle around the 25th of February.
However, you will feel glimpses of connectedness and receive guidance in spurs, and at the same time your present human experience will keep calling you back to earth and distracting you from the guidance that you are receiving making you rather forgetful. And so, to help yourself during this time, carry a notepad with you, or record notes on your phone of thoughts, ideas, visions, anything and everything that you perceive as guidance leading you towards discovering your newfound talents and directions in life. Keep writing down everything that comes to you so that during the New Moon and afterwards you can look at your notes and in a peaceful setting examine each note carefully and feel how you resonate with this or that idea and information that you’ve received and proceed from there.
Now having said this here are the channelings that I have received:
Miracles abound and the light is shining to inaugurate the most intricate dance of the heavenly abodes. The heavenly dance of benevolence, precision and deeper understanding of that which is. For the moment of true connectedness to the self is approaching and the earthly shells holding one in meaningful congruence with ones soul are beginning to strengthen to bring about the long awaited awakening of the inner self and manifesting of said self into the human reality of being.
What we are trying to say to you dearly beloveds is that during the time of your New Moon of February of your time known as February 23 much shall become evident for you now, and the illusions of the past fall away leaving a clearer understanding of that which you are. Leaving a clearer understanding of that which indeed you are here to uphold and assist you in finding your way, maneuvering through the various opportunities which shall spread before you and gradually lead you to discover not only the true essence of that which you are, but the true reasons for your incarnation into this planetary system.
The triangular degree of consciousness accompanying you from the very moment that you stepped foot into the murky waters of this planetary system are beginning to shine brighter for you now, allowing you to see the true nature of your reality and make the necessary changes both large and small in your divinely guided pathway.
The time to explore all that you are is NOW and allow the assistance of your planetary conjunctions to lead the way into the deepest most inner part of your soul from which you shall glean much of that which is to come, of that which has been and of that which is.
And so and thus, on your February 23 a new doorway shall open for you and allow you to play in the sandbox of your creation, trying out various roles until you find the perfect one that speaks to your heart and follow suit.
For many new beginnings are coming your way and the pressures that you have felt leading up so said moment in time are all but an exemplary notice of your bivalent selves to make room for new that is to come, to put all your “ducks in a row” as you say and prepare to be fully aligned with your new divinely guided life purpose.
And so, during the time of your gateway you shall find yourselves mesmerized by all the opportunities unfolding before you and diving deep within extract the innate knowing and proceed towards that which you have come here to uphold.
Know that you are supported in all that you are, know that we are walking with you hand in hand and foot in foot, know that it is so, for it is! That is all that we have for you now. WE are with you. WE love you. Goodbye for now.
Pursuit of happiness begins with the vexing realization of self-restricted belief systems, vexing of self-restricted belief systems and purifying the underlying dogmas of the past. Pursuit of happiness begins with the realization of full sovereignty and the cognition that one is free to bring about undiluted, unadulterated circumstances into one’s life in order to begin a true experience of bliss on the planet of your chosen momentum.
For it is only through the divinely guided exposé of the beholder, exposé of the true intentions that one has set out for oneself upon entering the spherical understanding of time and space continuum, into the earthly planes of existence that one shall truly find the link to equilibrium, within.~Anna Merkaba – is a Channeler, Lightworker, Healer and Messenger of the KEYS to help YOU on your journey of awakening to your true self! For more channeled messages to help you on your journey of self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–
For it is not the without that continuously feeds the passion to proceed further along ones journey of life experience but the within structure of the beholder, for within lays the hidden vesicle, which holds the key to enlightenment, purification and BEing.
For what we are trying to say to you dearly beloveds is that you need not look to without to find the equilibrium that you seek and the answers that you are indeed contemplating upon your everyday activities, but you should look within, quiet your mind, and listen carefully to the innate truth that belongs to you and only you, for you already know all that there is to know and it is only by going within that you shall be able to extract the necessary information that pertains specifically to your very own journey on this planet to your very own journey in the midst of the chaos and unsettling vibrations that are quickly rising around you.
For the challenging vibrations that are being experienced by all on your planes of existence at this very moment in time have arrived specifically for one reason and one reason only to allow each dwelling therein to comprehend the necessity of going deep within and extracting the hidden knowledge held within the vesicles of time and space continuum.
What we are trying to say to you dearly beloveds is that the energies of change are upon all of you, the energies of benevolent matrix of cocreation, and yet it is only through clearance of the past, and release and purification of collective conscious debris that has accumulated on your planet that the true manifestation of a new cognizant coherent and natural universal principles of BEing shall flourish on your planet.
And so and thus, with the approaching of that which you call your new moon, with the positioning of the planets in the decanate particles of the creator, within the void of tremulous wave of exuberance, much shall and has and is transforming for you now.
And so and thus, the extraplanetary objectives to bring unison and peace to your entire populace, has proven possible, necessary and fruitful, for indeed, due to the diligent adherence to your very own collective objectives of benevolent cocreation of peaceful coexistence you have been able to manifest a matrix systems in which each newborn citizen and by that we mean those who free themselves from the veil of forgetfulness, shall join the ranks of highest most admirable components within the living structure of your reality.
What we are trying to say to you in not such complex words is that each moment a new person is activating within their spherical structure and DNA a new codice which allows them to break away from old paradigms and old thinking processes. And the channeler is asking us to speak in a more plain language and we cannot understand how much simpler can we explain this to you. Very well let us then try again.
Upon the restructuration of your society as a whole, the Morpheus apparatus of your world, as you understand it to be, becomes activated and restructured and is transferred into a completely different state of being, form which the collective consciousness can draw upon.
When one of you awakens, one then brings with you the energies necessary to awaken others in a precision type settings, a link a domino effect, ensues, allowing more and more to wake up from their slumber and join into the new reality structure, when such moment occurs, more and more light particles are able to enter int your world, when said moment occurs, more and more light frequencies and vibrations begin to bathe those who are not understanding their true reality of being, and from said point are awakened and join the ranks of the chosen ones, the ranks of those who have decided to fully experience the ascension process whilst remaining in their physical bodies.
And so, at this very moment in time, your planet has been superimposed with a new grid system, what does it mean in layman terms? in layman terms as you say, it means that as a collective consciousness of light workers as you say, and as we say ground crew, has been able to with your collective thinking processes bring about tremendous changes, and build a new system.
So let us then say it that way to explain it better, if you look at your computer systems, when a new upgrade is made by our designers, coders, computer programmers, then it is sent through the wifi network, through your internet and your computers receive said upgrades and download it into their system and then necessary changes take place you begin to see new interfaces, and perhaps your programs begin to run faster and work better.
The same principle applies here, at the moment of your January 12th portal the gathering that has taken place within the collective consciousness of those of you stationed therein, have come to bring about such needed change, a new system has been created which has been sent to be downloaded by ALL on your planet, and we repeat ALL on your planet. Most have rejected said programming. Again we repeat they have rejected said programming, as they continue to decline the invitation for enlightenment and unification. And yet a significant number of ”sleepers” if you will, have accepted the invitation, and have begun to upgrade their systems, through said upgrades much transformation is taking place within them, which coincides with the planetary movements and planetary stations and in turn helps to accentuate even further the process of awakening.
The release of outdated belief systems is what is causing all of the tremulousness and turbulence to take place all over your world. All that you are witnessing is a state of release.
Let us then use your psychology as an example where you have numerous levels of consciousness and states of being, or what you call your emotions, you have the myriad of emotions what you perceive as negative anger, jealousy, fear, etc., and positive love, peace, joy etc., at this point in time, those who have accepted the invitation are going through exactly said phenomenon and so, “rocking the boat” as you say. The good news from all of this is that as the metamorphosis continues, MUCH needed change shall begin to flow your way and in the weeks and months to come you shall see the landscape of your reality change.
And hence it is through the assistance of those like you, light bearers, light workers, star seeds, etc., that said changes are indeed possible, for without your cooperation, without your effort none of this would have been possible and your planet earth would have simply been annihilated, yes indeed annihilated, indeed the whole planet, for as we said to you earlier, in many of the messages that you have received, of the domino effect taking place in the universe, and where the action of one influences the action of another. As you already know and we shall not go into detail the planet before your arrival, and we are referring to the first wave which has come onto this planet in the middle of the twentieth century, of your earthly time the planet that they have found was in a dissolute state and earthlings were about to destroy it themselves, through the misuse of energies discovered back then, and so with the arrival of the first wave of volunteers much began to transform, the second wave brought in reinforcement, and the third wave which is arriving as we speak changes everything completely.
And so, much is changing for you now and your planet is moving through various states of release and purification, and in the said weeks and months to come you shall awaken to quite a different reality structure of being.
That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.
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