The Unknown Lightwarrior
I’m overwhelmed & really touched by the amazing initial feedback I’ve been deluged with since the release of the DNA Codes.
Understandably … many have questions about the ins-and-outs of its uses, and whether Phase IV of the 4 Phase System is still needed … etc.
So call in during the show this Wed night (8pm EST, US) [+1-310-807-5232] or email us at to get the support you need…
and also learn a lot from other people’s questions about these new breakthrough DNA Codes.
and also learn a lot from other people’s questions about these new breakthrough DNA Codes.
As I’ve said in previous emails … the availability of these DNA Codes at such a low price ends
tonight – California time – on President’s Day … unless you tune in to the live broadcast or recording download of this week’s show of Ground Crew Command where I'll release a new special discount for 144k Members only.

Patreon Member discounts is extended through the end of the month - because these are the people who supported us through the R&D process and helped us create the codes so we can share them with humanity - beginning with Starseeds, because of their role here.
Last Residual Layer Of The Grid Left?
Tune in this week’s show to also get informed & inspired by:
- what the main focus of the Starseed world – let alone professional outfits like the 144k, needs to be for February & March, to make 2020 the ‘breakout’ year of the Light, (hint: it has a lot to do with the DNA Codes)
- why we need to ‘construct’ 2020 … and the direction it goes … to seriously lift your spirit way up, to where it should be for joy
- how a short conversation with FM144 I recently had reveals an awesome opportunity for galactic family re-union in the physical – in 2020 … long before mainstream public disclosure. I’m gong to read out the exact quote to you, from FM144.
Remember … the energetic New Year has only just begun, and we haven’t even gotten into the news yet (below).
What To Shine The Transmutational Light
of Your Consciousness On, This Week!
Tune in to this week’s show to also learn about:
- what the threat of ‘poisoning the waters’ of most industrialized countries has to do with the Cold War of the late 20th century … and how this underscores the importance of us raising the planet to frequencies where such things just don’t happen – through internal work – not only mass meditation
- why the Rothschild faction of the Cabal is certainly in no position to “call back its loans”. But it is making threats to get the gold.
- how the take-over of the CIA by MOSSAD (Rothchild Zionists) is great news for us, and why it has little to do with the ‘Rothchilds calling in the loans”
- “ … Russia and Britain are cooperating to remove Rothschild control from England, according to MI6 sources “. Could this be true? Have we come this far? Tune in to find out what this really means, that’s not realized by most.
- what the deal is with “ … Leo Zagami & Alex Jones getting many millions from one of the primary military industrial corporations” … “Trump’s farther having been supported by the US Space Program” … etc, and the truth behind all that.
… plus much more, on another episode of Ground Crew Command that promises to be another blockbuster!
It's HQ for the 144k ... YOUR central support network; and your weekly dose of empowering clarity, inspiration & motivation to get you through the Archon invented "work week".
Live broadcasts, downloads & previous Ground Crew Command episodes are right here on Blogtalk Radio!
Click here to listen-in or download
If you are interesting in becoming part of the 144k Advanced Mass Meditation Group, you can sign up here:
Yours In Service ...
The Unknown Lightwarrior
Ok ... so I have some great news to report to you.
Being a 144k member ... means there's a good chance you've tried at least one product or service to activate your DNA.
I've tried 3 myself - over the past 11 years.

Two of them were completely ineffective ... one of them good, (but it was an expensive one-on-one session, which mostly got shut down after I got a tetanus shot, as a result of a cut on my foot ... courtesy of darkness of course).
As you probably know ... DNA Activation re-connects you to your Higher Self & I-AM Presence ... which not only helps you easily discover solutions, overcome challenges, and transform your 3D life ...
... it pretty much makes a Starseed infallible, if you can get up to 12 strands activated.
(No ... no one has yet, and I explain why below)
The resulting infallibility (and the actual Event that this would trigger, even if only one of us achieves this) ... is the true occult reason why the dark ones rolled out:
- mobile phone [cell] towers
- wifi
- smart meters
- stronger vaccines
- stronger implants... etc.
... just prior to the period when they knew the galactic central sun's energies would start to activate our DNA.
Which has happened to a limited degree (hence the mass-awakening).
And here's where the proverbial BUT comes in....
... shortly followed by the solution...
... specially designed for the revelation....
... that's just about to hit ya :- )
There's been a BIG obstacle to DNA Activation.
(at least ... the kind that HOLDS)
This something that I was beginning "realize" (being told by The Teams) throughout the middle of last year - and I spent the next 6 months working & developing the solution that 'adjusts with the times'.
The obstacle is simply:
One-Off DNA Activation sessions, typically through visualizations
or gadgets, only make very incremental forward progress,
because ...
... the negative environment within the grid most of us live in, 'pushes back or shuts down' most ... sometimes all, of the activation that happens during a session.
One of the main components to this almost complete shut-down, is EMFs ... that both shred DNA and scramble incoming DNA Activation Codes from the central sun.
This has been a huge (and not properly comprehended) problem for the largely dormant Army Of Light ... lead by the 144k.
Thus ... it is delaying the Event!
So ... in the middle of last year, I decided to show the dark ones the 144k's own version of that famous David Icke slogan: "problem ... reaction ... solution" .
The solution is simply:
... have a 24/7 'feed' of healing, clearing & activation codes into your field & DNA - so the activation HOLDS and only increases from there ... with no push-back or shut down.
Preliminary results are IN ... and they look very promising.
If you've been listening to your support radio station - Ground Crew Command - you know I have indeed been busy in 144k HQ labs.
And because of the Planetary Liberation role the 144k is playing ... this is being released to the 144k, long before it gets released to the general public.
Tomorrow ... I'm going to send you current test results, so you truly grasp what we're dealing with here.
Check it out ... (HERE):
Yours In Service ...
The Unknown Lightwarrior
host of Ground Crew Command Radio & organizer of the 144,000
Activation Campaign is The Unknown Lightwarrior: a member of a powerful
team of Lightwarriors & Lightworkers who either remotely or in
person, clear & restore to the Light; natural and man made power
centers, vortexes, portals, ley-lines, control rooms, sacred geometry
and all darkness obstacles on the etheric, astral, and plasma planes… to
put you, me and the whole planet on the fastest timeline to the Event.
To learn about the Global Leylines Tachyon Chamber Project, and/or the
Activation of the 144,000 Campaign, or to access powerful healing (down
to soul level) ... clearing ... energy surgery ... DNA Activation &
psychic help, with Macro Level Light Beings to return to your power ...
go to: and/or
Support the 144k Rate of Growth and Your Soul Mission!
Return To Your Truth
2155 Shelby Drive, Suite A
Sedona 86336 AZ,
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