Monday, February 3, 2020


Republishing as much background material pertains to this prior post

A MUST-listen if you are confused and/or alarmed by the political theatre of our times, and are n
ot a conspiracy theorist! I made a partial transcript.  In the longer video, Bill Wood gives details of his military service and duties as a Navy Seal with Above Top Secret clearance, 9/11 intel that preceded that day, and evaluation of the event. These guys who serve certainly pay their dues, in one way or another. He also explains about the Looking Glass technology, and how and why it was used and later shut down. Mind-blowing, if you understand the concepts, and he breaks it down pretty clearly! The shorter video is the last part that pertains to current "end times" and what is playing out geopolitically, as predicted it would, after the timeline convergence in 2012. ~PB.

My tags: Ascension, Bill Wood, Cabals + Conspiracies, Disclosure, Kerry Cassidy, Military Insider, Navy Seal, Project Camelot, Interview, Project Looking Glass, Shadow Government, 9/11, White Hats/Oathkeepers, Whistleblower, Area 51, "Loose Change", Timelines,
(Transcript from last 1/3 of this first interview; the 3 interviews are a.k.a. "The Bill Wood Disclosures" )
"...The biggest cherry on top of all this conversation, would be a synopses to say, that if I could convince everybody out there, that for all intents and purposes, what we believe to be true, eventually becomes true. If somebody convinces us that a major disaster is going to happen in the very near future, a major disaster happens in the very near future. If we don't buy in to that fear, and accept that there's really nothing that we know is going to happen, and accept that, whatever happens, that makes the convergence of the timelines happen as naturally as possible.... and the attempts to try to go away from this one inevitable conclusion....I again, see as a new beginning, an end of this reality, and the beginning of something that we can't even possibly understand, based on the level of our beliefs currently, but when all that information comes flooding out, there is going to be no denying what's true and what's a lie or what's illusion.
We won't have the choice to believe that 911 happened because of a bunch of terrorists, because we'll know exactly what's happened.
Basically, what we're experiencing right now is two master chess players sitting at the board, and one of them looks down at the board and sees that he's in checkmate in 7 minutes, and he looks across it at his opponent and he knows that his opponent sees it, too. So there's no getting out of it. So at this point, the loser can only prolong the game...the game... both players know the game is over. It's only a matter of time before he does this, and then you're forced to do this, and then hes forced to do this, and eventually checkmate.
We as a race, if we could understand that the game is over...that based on the rules of the game the bad guys have already lost... the good guys have already won. Yes, there's moves left on the table, but those moves are being forced by the player that is going to win.
The only way the checkmate can't happen is if the player that's winning makes a mistake. But from all the information that I have gathered, all of the information that's been given, all the information that's been vetted to me, it seems pretty obvious that the good guy player on this side of the chessboard knows exactly what has to be done to win the game... and so, at this point, any mistake would be all but impossible.
But again, you really have to understand the game to know that the guy that's losing has lost... and I'm sure most people sitting watching the chess match between 2 advanced chess players know the games over long after the 2 players know it's over.. because they can't see the board and see that there's only 7 moves left.
Now let me say why I believe that it comes down to one inevitability, is because I was entrusted in getting it down to two possibilities.. and I've heard both of those possibilities talked about in massive proportions, the good and the bad.
To most easily put it to people, one scenario is what most people would understand to be Ascension, or an evolution of consciousness that brings us out of the cocoon and turns us into a butterfly. Timeline Two is some kind of major global catastrophe that drives most of us underground, and leaves a few of us on top to fend for ourselves...
But I would also like to point it out, that what they called timeline two, "Timeline Two". It seemed very odd to me that even back then, it was identified as NOT one, and that "ONE" didn't get talked about."
-Bill Wood
BlueEyes @AbbeyMaeCook88 · 4h
#QAnon Project Looking Glass It all makes sense!


Mar 24, 2013

667 subscribers
. . 
Q reference "Project Looking Glass" Bill did some work with this technology.
In his 2nd interview with David Wilcock, and Bill Ryan on the project camelot channel, he talked much more about this technology and his use of it. But he does talk about here as well, in less detail. I did not mirror that interview, or the the 3rd on Kerry's channel. And currently am not finding them.
There is lots of info here.
131.30 Talking about pentagon and what a tomahawk missile strike looks like compared to a large plane with engines.
135.09 talks about f
orced choice of being registered sex offender over prison when no crime was committed
136.36 talks about gathering his data
137.10 being contacted by "a group" that Kerry then categorizes as while hats. He ca
lls Oathkeepers.  They have a huge amount of information fighting for the good guys. ............ they are the patriots...... still in military, government, FBI, CIA all alphabet.
Shorter version of important stuff toward end is here

This is why he disappeared to work with them.
Bill disappeared and here are 3 videos he left that explain some things.
(explains about his trials and the sex with a minor charges...)
For more on Project looking glass, there is some info here. this was read on Patriots Soapbox the day of the Q post.
for Q updates and patriot news see Patriots' Soapbox News Network LIVE 24, they start a new live feed daily at 6am.
mirroring this site
Project Camelot Uploaded on Jan 17, 2012
An interview with an ex-Navy Seal who during the years 1992-2000 was sent on top secret bombing missions in the Middle East, predominantly in Iraq. Years after the first Gulf War when we were supposedly not at war with Iraq yet he and Seal Team 9 were targeting Tomahawk Missiles on a monthly basis taking out targets that were increasingly "soft"... involving deaths of hundreds of innocent civilians.
Find out how this highly trained young man and his team were coerced by the military into purposely destroying villages and creating future terrorists as part of a plan that would ultimately serve their dark purpose, the war on terror and 911.
And if that weren't enough, hear how he was trained in Area 51 as a specially gifted group of highly classified psi spies to see beyond the famous Looking Glass technology into the future involving 2012 and beyond.
Groundbreaking in every way.
Kerry Cassidy Project Camelot
update: I believe currently this video was removed from Project Camelot's site.


QAnon Project Looking Glass It all makes sense!

Nov 11, 2019
3.05K subscribers

Did The Q Team Contact Him? Sure Sounds Like It Here!!

You can watch the rest of the interview here and below:
I just trimmed it down to get to the part it explains everything QAnon has been pointing us to.
Literally they cant stop what is coming. its impossible!!!


Update on Bill Wood's mututal fallout with Project Camelot

Kerry Cassidy conducted her first two interview with Bill Wood in an uncharacteristically restrained and "allowing" style, but that has now devolved into epic nastiness, which is worth wondering about.

I'm not stating any opinion about the article below (which originally appears here (link is external)).  I have no way of knowing where the truth lies, but have only gut feelings.

If you want some background on this fallout, watch the very good Lisa Harrison-Bill Wood interview (link is external) that is referred to below.   I did not listen to the Cassidy radio interview (the third one) where allegedly the noxious waste matter hit the revolving paddles, but having heard about it, I don't really want to.  ...However, based on this report and my former impressions of Cassidy, I do wonder whether she has a serious personality disorder.  At the very least, the writer of the article does bring up some perspectives on Camelot (and Avalon) that may be worth thinking about.  Here we go...

Shootout At the Camelot Corral-Part 2: Mental Hate Crime (link is external)

 Shootout At the Camelot Corral-February 10, 2012 (link is external)

The Bill Wood Disclosures:

I have now gone through nearly 12 hours of the audio, and the video of the first interview, with Bill Wood from Project Camelot...some of these twice! I have witheld any substanitive judgements of the level of information provided in those interviews, but have commented on the hubris surrounding the "Beyond Looking Glass" marketing campaign launched by Camelot to feature the interviews on their site.

Even as the videos went viral, it was clear that Kerry Cassidy was unhappy with Bill's performance, so much so that David Wilcock was brought in to shore up the shaky foundations. The problem lies, not in the information Bill Wood provided, but in what was EXPECTED by both the collective of Project Camelot and the audience. Forget for now, the accusations that Brockbrader/Wood was not a SEAL and that he is a registered sex offender...those issues are dealt with effectively on both sides. Forget that when the third Camelot video became an expose of sex rings in Las vegas and a platform for Bill's spiritual pursuit, Wood was "lynched" via chatroom comments.  As I said, I have refrained from any comments until I have spoken with Bill Wood, personally.

What IS clear is that Bill Wood failed to provide the level of "sizzle" required for a whistleblower on Project Camelot. So, Wood was thrown under the bus by Cassidy (link is external) because he failed to live up to the hype promised by Camelot, who of late have a shortfall of new dislosers. Cassidy's pale "love and light" veneer gave way to outright denunciation after Wood issued some corrections is his subsequent interview with Lisa Harrison (link is external) on February 7, 2012.

In an email to which I was a recipient, Bill attached a lenghty statement dealing with both substanitive issues and the heightening war of words with Kerry Cassidy. The full statement is posted below as a PDF. What follows is Kerry's reply, and my commments to her recent actions, focusing on her repeated undermining of people with which she has conflict, by invoking a "mind control" epithet.

More Truth Revealed by Bill Brockbrader.pdf  (link is external)
Mind control, "programming" and other similar terms are MEMES...repeated and regurgitated throughout the internet media, removed from their context. They also act as TRIGGERS for both the victims, and those distinctive varieties of trolls who habituate forums, talk show chatrooms, and blog comments.

The act of bandying these terms around in loose fashion, especially as a means of discrediting a subject is nothing less than a form of mental hate crime! Like racial epithets, gender-based slurs, or derogatory comments on the disabled, the usage of "mind control" and its associated terms as an implied negative character disorder, desensitizes the public perception of these hideous practices, and minimizes the trauma of its victims in favor of a broader, more pragmatic usage to the detriment of everyone who works to END FOREVER these practices.

As I outline below, if Ms. Cassidy wishes to denounce Bill Wood as a "liar", that is her perogative. The term is fairly clear, and perhaps applicable where two parties vary on details. Lies can be addressed in a substantive manner by the readers and listeners with the proper degree of discernment...the world if FULL of liars.

On the other hand, mind control must be understood as a syndrome of violence to the human soul and psyche. In extremis, it is a violent, brutal, and devastating process that strips the subjects abilities to recall or assess their own thoughts and actions. Mind control subjects are VICTIMS...not liars, in the capacity of their particular testimony. Anyone who has ever spent time interviewing subjects of mind control (including abductees), fully knows the precarious nature of both the psyche and the testimony being given.

These factors make any such interview a matter of delicacy and great sensitivity. That sensitivity must never be over-ridden by the subjective whims of the interviewer, or audience, regarding the subjects' moral intentions. To be more succinct: lies are purposeful distortions; mind control is a subjegation of willful response and action. The two are not morally equal, and the latter is involuntary.

As a publicly denounced "liar", Bill Wood should have slunk away. He did not do so, and in fact, roared back with a level statement on the differences with Camelot, the war of words with Navy SEAL, Don Shipley, and an offer of validation by a former SEAL trainer who recalled both Wood and Blackwater founder, Erik Prince.

Cassidy, understandably upset (but with no small blame to bear due to her ungraceful handling of the entire Bill Wood debacle), shot back with one phrase that once again demonstrated a lack of integrity as regards the subject of MIND CONTROL:

Feb 13


More lies from you.  Obviously you are re-programmed and no longer trustworthy in any way.
Please do not attempt to contact me or send me further lies regarding me or Camelot.

Thank you.

For those who are not familiar with Cassidy's prior attempts to smear someone with the "mind control" label I refer you to the article here: Letter To Kerry Cassidy-December 5, 2011 (link is external)  What follows is my response to Cassidy's latest drive-by mind control attack:

Randy Maugans
Feb 13 
to KERRY, Bill, ...
We have Bill's written statement, and Kerry's blog article, we are all grown-ups, let those with ears hear. I have an issue with Kerry---a pattern if you will, that persists: whenever someone turns on her, or those on the INSIDE of Project Camelot, she reverts to accusations of mind control, as she does in both her posts and this email regarding Bill Wood. She did this in the accusations made against Richard Hoagland by Gary Vierre back in December 2011, when she wrote that Gary was likely a mind control subject.

I would have to ask you,  Kerry, what substantive evidence do you have that Bill has been "re-programmed"? What evidence did you ever have about your cruel accusations against Gary---a person with which you had NO contact?

You may ask why this matters?

Again, it goes to the very core of the work you and Bill did in Project Camelot's early days with whistleblowers who were generally assumed to be both handled, and subjects of some form of mind control. You have had witnesses who acknowledge they are being handled...Barry King comes to mind, as he told me directly he is still handled.

The problem is one of deploying convenient pejorative labels whenever things turn to shit on your end. So I ask: is being a "mind control" subject a descriptor of a person who is to be treated with compassion, or derision? I don't think you can have it both ways. If you choose the negative connotation (and you have), then you place into disrepute not only those you have so labelled, but your own "body of evidence", and any such future endeavors. 

That those coming out of such projects are subject to surveillance, handling (direct or indirect), and even ultimately being "switched" should not come as a surprise to you, a veteran researcher of these subjects. That you have a repeated pattern of such behavior demonstrates either a double standard towards such subjects, or a naïveté beyond your experience.

It appears this is your last resort epithet when all else has failed. In a sense, you, being a researcher of mind control, employ mind control by invoking mind control---even where a lack of such is absent. You wonder why your whistleblowers are drying up? Do you not sense that even your own audience is growing fatigued with your sharp elbows and tactless manner in attempting to pry the last ounce of substance from your victims (er, interview subjects)?

I think you have fairly stated that Bill's testimony was not in line with your standards in this statement:

"...a lack of familiarity with what Project Camelot is all about. And therefore Bill and Eva are not able to assess accurately what is new and what is well known to the Camelot audience."

You also seemed to evoke the proper tenor for a person in your field when you wrote:

"I suggest that rather than judging him you consider the impact that simple mass mind control has had on your own lives and then try to put yourself in the shoes of someone who has that and on top of it joins the military and becomes the focus of intense mind manipulation over long periods of time. Then you will begin to understand what it truly means to be a whistleblower, or someone who has chosen to break ranks and come forward to tell the truth about what they have experienced."
That was then, this is now. So there are double standards, or what we would call "conditional love"....nice!

In your haste to rush out the Bill Wood material, did you ever vet his testimony? Did it occur to you that the fact he presented material similar to other whistelblowers was to be considered more "corroborative" than the stunning next big thing that your (perceived) adrenaline-addicted listenership demands? Part of the art of media is knowing how to frame things, and present in a manner appropriate to the presenter. When the first interview failed to yield the appropriate "buzz", did you really need three people to handle a second interview...or is this just Camelot's manner of "handling" a subject?

Kerry, you have a problem: you are completely disingenuous about mind control. IF...I repeat...IF, Bill has been "reprogrammed", then he would not be the culprit, but those who are his handlers. On the other hand, if "mind controlled" "reprogrammed", or other similar terms are to be bandied about in hostility and anger, then it can be presumed you lack the appropriate insight and sensitivity to work with such people.

 I suspect those who have watched these repeated "blow ups", especially witnesses presently not coming forward, are also seeing the big picture in this regard. I suggest you clarify your perceptions and responses with an attunement of sensitivity toward subjects of mind control programs, and resist taking (once again) the "low road" when things go bad.

Grace under pressure is the real sign of a professional...not the name-calling and hurled implications which you cannot know or prove.

Randy Maugans-OffPlanet Radio (link is external)

 In his written article, Bill Wood proposes a serious solution to the constant churning of "information" at Camelot, and one I support: an alternative to the white knuckle atmosphere of Project Camelot-type forums:
"I would only suggest that, as Kerry states, that Project Camelot is not the proper forum for first time whistleblowers and that many people, including myself, agree with her statement. It is my greatest wish to establish a forum in which whistleblowers can disclose seeming unbelievable information and not be discredited simply because they don’t possess a level of proof that nameless, faceless people in the chatrooms and forums

I get a steady flow of emails form listeners and readers who voice concerns over the goings on at Camelot/Avalon, usually of the type that indicates they feel captive to the millieu of such turmoil. YOU HAVE A CHOICE: Dump them and begin to dig out the truth for yourselves! Camelot may be the "big dog" (for now) of truther-type media, but they are certainly not the only one.

In fact, be suspicious of "big dogs"---they are usually "well fed", if you catch the drift. Certainly, the tone of arrogance indicates that Kerry & Co. feel justified in deploying the mind control meme to their advantage whenever it suits them. That arrogance worries about you?


[More comments and the discussion branched out to discuss but consciousness and Terrence McKenna.]

1 comment:

  1. main1 Bill Brockbrader (Bill Wood)
    •May 6, 2015
    Suzie Whosee
    231 subscribers

    Update! Novemember 2019! I ENabled the comments again, but I can see why I disabled them, many negatives from 4 years ago. For the sake of time (it is late but this is urgent...) I am going to copy and paste a rough draft of the story of how this and other videos by Bill came to me in April of 2015. Here goes:

    What ever happened to Bill Brockbrader? By Suzanne Wasilik November 15,2019

    It has come to my attention that many people think Bill Brockbrader is in jail. I have some solid information to contest this idea.

    First of all, let me tell you of some of my history regarding our Navy Seal who got in trouble for not hitting a village with missile #2… omg well that’s kinda ancient history.

    Anyway, I followed his facebook page…. back in 2013, and 2014 and also I was a big fan of Eva Moore, who became his wife for a short time before he disappeared. I really liked the girl at the time, she had a powerful message, and was an excellent speaker, and I often supported her with donations to her paypal. She was kind of a drama queen….but anyway I liked them both and their message.

    The times Bill was at Seatac the prison in Seattle, I would write him postcards, and buy him books through Amazon.. He always wanted Game Of Thrones books.. and by Clive Cusler(sp?) He would write me back occasionally, I may have some of his letters.. I definitely have many “return to sender” post cards that came back to me. You see, I guess you could call this part of my ministry or actual joys of life.. is writing prisoners, especially patriots jailed for the wrong reason. So Brockbrader and I had a running communication while he was in prison, even a few emails.

    Then, where did he go? Eva was frantic!! I was in a pot trance as usual and not paying attention. But
    one fine day in April of 2015, I get a large manila envelope in the mail. I still have it! See exibit A?
    The return addy was Bill Moore interestingly enough.. from somewhere out west...shhh
    In this envelope, among other things, like a letter saying I was the one person he could trust……...was……….

    A flashdrive!!!with videos on it!! He was all hush hush and told me to turn off my wi-fi to listen to them… which took a little doing.. He seemed to have some magical idea that all his stuff would be edited and put into one groovy post/video. But there was contention going between whoever and whoever and all there was was me and my channel to post the videos raw.. My channel is Suzie Whosee-- not “woozy” but Who SEE lol get it straight…

    So finally my friend Luz said I should go ahead and air them. And I did! I got more negative comments than positive. Some people really did not like this guy Bill Brockbrader, called him a fake, said he was never a Seal yada yada…

    This is just a rough sketch of how I came to get the videos. Long story short, the man “dissapeared” himself, and said many others were doing the same, as in faking their own deaths, breaking ties with everyone on the outside, including family…

    Any help in compiling this story is gladly appreciated. The first one to watch is “the Main one.”

    Here it is almost 2020…… find Bill….. kinda like Find Waldo…. He’s in there! And working hard!

