Hi my friend,

It’s a blessing for me to connect with you in this way today. We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it!

Right from the beginning of this new decade, the energies have been nudging us to examine, refine, and heal our relationships.

This includes the relationship we have with ourselves, as well as with our family, friends, partners, and work colleagues.

February will serve as an excellent time to get clear on the dynamics of our current relationships—how we are contributing to them, and whether we desire to make some important personal shifts, to create greater balance in our relationships as we move forward. 

There are some questions we may find helpful at this time, such as:

– Do our current relationships feel balanced, expansive, and enjoyable?

– Are we feeling free and open to fully be ourselves, in every way?

– What kind of relationships would we like to experience more of?

– Are the dynamics of our current relationships a result of us repeating the dynamics we saw as children, in the adults around us?

These types of questions can help us gain tremendous clarity on whether or not we are fully loving ourselves.

Our relationships are also a mirror of the relationship we have cultivated with ourselves. 

We may have placed ourselves in situations where we often feel the need to accommodate others—a sign we have not established a balanced exchange of support, love, and respect in our relationships.

This happens as a result of us not loving ourselves and honoring our own needs.

This is the time, right here and now, to let all of our relationships be a reflection of us loving ourselves unconditionally.Transcending the People-Pleasing Pattern