Benjamin Fulford & Cobra Return:
Critical Corona Virus and War Updates

Prepare for Change welcomes back Cobra and Benjamin Fulford for a very important conversation about the Corona Virus and escalation in the war for planetary liberation.
We include several vital messages for our Prepare for Change community that we urge you to listen to for a little more perspective of what’s going on and for the need to react calmly to reject the Cabal’s dark agenda.
Our conversation with Benjamin and Cobra thoroughly goes through all the rumours regarding the Corona Virus and focuses the attention squarely to the Cabal perpetrators. We take up how they are reacting and what the White Hats response is and will be over the near future. Cobra gives us an update from the higher planes perspective and we also set up the mindset of the dark brotherhood for those new to this message.
While it’s very important to hear the message and be prepared as well as vigilant, it’s also important to know these higher truths as this premeditated biological attack is one that is beyond the pale, in plain sight, and perhaps necessary for the public to observe to further wake up and take part in demanding change. Now is the time to firmly put out your intent.
We also urge viewers to do their own investigating of our claims as well as investigate the MSM claims regarding overflow hospitals. Hospitals are proving to be drastically empty. Go walk into the emergency room of your nearest local hospital and you’ll notice they are quieter than usual because with so many people now staying at home in “quarantine”, therefore there are far fewer road and work accidents. Using you common sense: Do you hear any ambulances sirens anywhere? Then stop buying into their fear mongering. Does this align with MSM narratives?
We have prepared a global meditation “Ascension Timeline – End of the Corona virus global meditation” on April 4th & 5th (depending on which part of the globe you live) This meditation is to End this “coronavirus” madness and instead bring Peace, Health & abundance to our planet for good! You may find the link with all the details of this important meditation here:
This “Ascension Timeline- End of the Global Coronavirus” meditation has been translated in many different languages and again, you may find those videos at Cobra’s website below:
You can find instructions and time zones and links to video guided meditations in all languages here:
For the guided meditation in English, find it here:
Finally, please find information regarding the Prepare for Change Community Leaders Briefs and do what you can to distribute the information.
For a list of our past interviews with Benjamin, please go here:
Keep on seeking the truth, rally your friends and family and expose as much corruption as you can… every little bit helps add pressure on the powers that are no more.
For more direct information from Benjamin please see his website: &
For more direct information from Cobra please see his website:
(Note there is an introduction and an important final message not included in the recoded version of the interview)
Cobra, among others out there have been warning constantly since 2012 of the upcoming Paradigm change. We have been asking our community to “Prepare For Change” by understanding the hidden history and control of the planet, and very importantly right now, to load up with enough food, water and basic necessities for this turbulent event we now are experiencing.
For those who have been following Prepare For Change you’ve probably seen since 2013 our warning of this event in our “Community Leaders Brief” on the home page of lf you haven’t read it yet you, we encourage you to do so now, just go to We’ll list this link at the bottom of this video. This important document was originally created in 2013 and translated into as many different languages as we could with our limited resources. “The Community Leaders brief” was the original plan of the Light Forces, in order to create a smooth & peaceful transition towards a better world for everyone in this planet.
Unfortunately, the dark ones recently attempted a preemptive strike and are using the lab-created Coronavirus as a cover-up for their planetary coup. They are using this to try to implement their dark, mass-mandatory-vaccination agenda. Fortunately, their plans are not going quite as planned as the virus has been neutralized at its origin, however, they will keep using Chemtrails or drones to keep spreading the same virus around the globe to take advantage of the extreme panic & fear they’ve created. They are using this against the public through coordination of mass media and corrupt health officials.
In short, the only serious weapon they now have left is the blind compliance they’ll try to get from you if you remain trapped in their artificially low vibrational field that they created for all of you. This dark, low-vibrational field is a trap that you can free yourselves out of, but only if you stop feeding it because “that is where the real danger is.”
Pray heavily, and DAILY. Meditate DAILY, stay in LOVE and JOY at all times regardless of what you hear in the the fake MSM news of what is “supposedly” going on out there. The Universe has been preparing those who are already awakened for a large scale event and this is the time to use all your skills.
Understand what is happening here, that It is all a theater and a sham designed to trap your souls! Now is the time to take all you have practiced and put it to good use!
We have prepared a global meditation “Ascension Timeline – End of the Corona virus global meditation” on April 4th & 5th (depending on which part of the globe you live)
This meditation is to End this “coronavirus” madness and instead bring Peace, Health & abundance to our planet for good! You may find the link with all the details of this important meditation at Cobra’s website:
(and also at the bottom of this video).
This “Ascension Timeline- End of the Global Coronavirus” meditation has been translated in many different languages and again, you may find those videos at Cobra’s website: (also at the bottom of this video).
Regardless if you ever supported this group or not, if you are rich or poor, if you believe in aliens or not, if you are black, white, yellow or brown, if you are straight or gay, if you are a Christian or not, if you are a protestant, catholic, Jew, Buddhist, Hinduism, muslim or an atheist, it matters not a this point – we are all human. The brotherhood of darkness is knocking at your very doorsteps now.
Everyone listening to this is being called for immediate action and if you don’t joint & hear the resistance call now, when reality is hitting you straight on the face… then WHEN?
As the powerful, infinite and eternal beings we truly are, it is time to reclaim our full sovereignty, our compete spiritual and physical freedom! It is time to put our foots down and say NO more to darkness, no more human enslavement, No more distorted illusions and instead demand peace, happiness & abundance for everyone as we deserve no less…
Now on with our interview with Benjamin Fulford and Cobra:
Benjamin Fulford & Cobra Return:
Critical Corona Virus and War Updates
Welcome to Prepare for Change. Today is Wednesday March 25th, 2020, and today we are honoured to speak with, and thank, our guests Benjamin Fulford and Cobra.
Benjamin is a geo-political reporter who has contacts in many high-level intel groups and secret societies who are negotiating through this period, and is in contact regularly with White Dragon Society sources, Pentagon, P3 Vatican Lodge, and Mossad, among others. Please subscribe to his weekly blog at
Cobra is the chief intel provider for the Resistance Movement, at his blog His information is connected to the higher sources, and he was the was the founder of the original Prepare for Change groups and website.
We will discuss the coronavirus, but more importantly the war that is now on the surface, with a look at both sides in the battle and get a lots of intel updates and hope.
Cobra, it’s been a while, so thank you for joining us at this critical time.
You’re much welcome.
Yeah, we really appreciate it. I’ll start with a general assessment question, and then ask some questions directly to each of you. But feel free to jump in if you’ve got an important point to add.
So, let’s begin!
Regarding coronavirus, can you each give us your two-minute update? Benjamin first, then Cobra.
Okay. My update is that both the dark and the light forces are trying to use this outbreak to their advantage. The old cabal is trying to use it to enforce draconian martial law and put people into concentration camps. For example, the governor of Japan passed a law that allows them to seize private property in order to put patients there and isolate them. In other words, to create concentration camps. The good news is that the virus was intended to kill many millions of people by this time and it’s not happening, so clearly our herd immunity is preventing this from killing the amount of people they were hoping for. The other good news is that the White Hats are using this to carry out mass arrests, and I know there have been 80 arrests of senior satanists in the Vatican for example in Italy; I have that from direct sources. And I think the war in the United States is reaching a climax too. So, overall it’s turning out to be a good thing. But, there’s way too much fear-mongering, and my final message is don’t let them scare you with this. It’s just BS and don’t worry about it.
Thank you. Cobra. Your assessment?
Yes, as Benjamin said, this situation is being used by the dark side and by the light side. The dark side’s main agenda is they want to create digital currency and new world order type of controlled society. They want to release a vaccine that will be actually more harmful, that could actually worsen the situation. This is their plan. They are combining this with the roll-out of 5G networks. Some of them are on the surface of the planet, and some of them are on starlink satellites. That will increase the intensity of mind programming of the surface population. That will increase the quarantine status, and at the same time the Light Forces are using this opportunity to further their plans.
I will not go into details here because there have been lots of rumours; I will not deny them, I will not confirm them; but I would say that the Light Forces are doing their part of the job. One aspect of the situation is that the Pleiadians have been drastically reducing the efficiency of the virus with their Command RCV Stardusts protocols, they have been reducing the lethality of the virus, and they have been reducing the spread of the virus. But at the same time, one aspect, one part of the surface population is not taking this in the right way and they are spreading the virus quite effectively. So I would say, this virus is a problem but something that can be contained – something that will be contained – and will actually trigger irreversible changes in society.
Thank you for that. There’s a lot that was presented there. We can unpack that. And I do want to take our time a little bit with some of those points because it is having an effect in triggering a lot of people’s worries, and I think if we go point-by-point on some of the bigger things that we’ve learned, we can sort of assuage people’s fears.
So Benjamin, can we see this coronavirus as a pre-meditated attack?
Absolutely. There’s no doubt about it. The evidence is overwhelming. The fact that they had initial reports by scientists that there’s no way this virus could have appeared naturally, and then you have people with guns actually threatening the scientists and forcing them to withdraw their scientific paper. I mean, the fact they had a US athletic team at the world army olympics in Wuhan just before it started who won no medals even though they have the biggest army on Earth. Everybody who is actually aware knows this whole thing is engineered, it’s not a natural occurrence, but like I say, it is having the effect of collapsing the existing financial system and if we do it right it’ll allow for a much better system to replace it. And that’s what the battle is about right now. We’re looking for, and I’ve got sources now in the [unclear], the [inaudible] are now saying it’s true we are going to finally carry out a debt jubilee and a redistribution of assets, and they’re going to try a system of financial governments based on best practises which I have identified as being in places like Singapore, China, and how Japan used to have it. I’m not talking about society as a whole, I’m only talking about the economic planning aspect. How to plan to build a better future systemically. That’s all. I’m not talking about political liberty, all the other aspects, just economic management.
Thank you for that.
Cobra, in your opinion, did it trigger, or in your intel, did this trigger event release an Earth Alliance response that was expected or planned by the Earth Alliance? Did it catch them sort of off-guard or did they have a plan perhaps prepared to put into action?
Well, they had their plans prepared but to a certain degree this was not expected. In December it was known that the dark factions had various plans. Some of them were targeting more in the depopulation of the planet sectors, some of them were targeting the financial sector, so there were various plans and most of them have been caught immediately, they have been stopped immediately. But this one went a little bit out of hand. So now the Light Forces are implementing their response which will be quite….which is not yet visible….but it will be quite efficient at some later stage in the game.
Well hold that thought and maybe we can get to that. That’s definitely something I wanted to dive into a little bit deeper.
Benjamin, as we often talk about, how is this the ‘endgame’ of the Cabal? It seems like they’re pretty desperate to have done this. Was it even accidental?
It was clearly planned long in advance because you have multiple signs of this. If nothing else, you have a whole pandemic exercise by the Bill Gates Foundation, the Davos people —
And Jon Hopkins University that was event 201 —
Yeah Bloomberg financed that. So these guys, they were hoping that this would… what they wanted is they wanted to kill a huge amount of the world population and force the rest into submission. Instead what’s happened is they’ve made us all very angry and we are attacking *them* instead of submitting to them. So it’s really blowing up in their faces, and it will continue to do so.
Yeah, I agree with that.
Cobra, can we say that the cabal and the central bankers are satanic? I ask that and obviously we understand this, but for some new viewers we understand that there are a lot of people with this lockdown at home that are seeking information and more information is flowing, so we think that they’ll be driven to this site more than ever before. Just touch on that topic, why this is a satanic kind of cult.
The Illuminati cult is widespread in all aspects of society throughout the planet, not only among central bankers, also among politicians, actors, government officials. It’s a planetary network. It’s actually a cult of death, they believe in death as we believe in life. And one aspect of this network really wants to eliminate I would say 90% of the human population. They are serious in their intent. Their intents have been prevented and their goal with this pandemic was to have at least 15 million people killed by the virus and as a consequence with the economic collapse, even much more than that. So this was their plan and of course this plan is not going to be successful. This plan is not going to work.
Bejamin, why are they so desperate at this point?
I think it’s because the critical mass of people are becoming aware and even if you don’t, like I said, I was brought up as an atheist and I found it very weird dealing with satanists and stuff like that, but they actually invited me to join them and that’s how I became aware of them. I got this first-hand, not through reading something on the internet. They actually said you can join us and become rich and powerful or we’ll kill you. And that’s how I found myself in a fight against them. It’s very real. Even if you don’t want to get into that whole monotheistic sort of mindset, you can say that the current process where they create money out of nothing, they just put numbers in a computer, it’s extremely parasitical and detrimental to 99% of the population. It’s not a good way to run an economy or a planet, and we are destroying more life on this planet now than at any time since the dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago. We really do need to change this. It is anti-life, it is destroying life on this planet and that has to be stopped. And that’s what we’re all about.
Thank you. You know we say a lot of things that seem very ‘out there’, so you have to use discernment and I throw that out there —
One thing that I learned, I try to avoid certain words that people have been trained to shut their mind if they hear them – and you have to take people in baby steps. Just like I had to myself when I was running into this stuff. But I think that the real bullet-pointer is that the central banks are not government entities, they are privately owned by an interbred group of families, and a large percentage of those families were involved in a plot to kill 90% of humanity in order to save the environment. This is the objective truth. But a large part of these families are actually saying, “That’s horrible, we shouldn’t do that, we can fix the planet without killing 90%.” And those are the people that we are aligning ourselves with, because we have a common enemy. And these are the global warming type people in specific. And they are part of the old cabal but they realise that genocide and what they call omnicide – killing all living things – is not a thing that they support. They’re breaking up, and a big faction is now siding with humanity.
So it seems that we have one lesser evil cabal faction fighting with this extremely evil faction for power and control and the planet. Cobra, did you have something to add to that?
I would say this is a very good description of the situation and these two factions, this split goes thousands of years ago into Black Nobility families. And actually the Italian strain of the virus, which is more deadly and more powerful, was put in Italy as a result of that struggle. So, the faction that wants to kill 90% of the population put the Italian strain of the virus – which is a mutated version, it’s not the same as the Chinese strain of the virus – it was put in an area near Piacenza in Italy. Piacenza is a place in Italy which was ruled by, I would say, a vast majority
of the main Black Nobility families in Italy. So, it was put right there as a signal in that particular country.
So that’s where I’m trying to frame people’s perspective. And thank you Benjamin for bringing up the point about using ‘baby steps’. Every time we do a presentation there is a degree of baby steps, but we’ve been talking for well over a year, so do you see this as one of the final battles between good versus evil?
I don’t know if we want to call it a final battle between good and evil, but I do see it as a way where we can really fundamentally improve how we run this planet of ours that we all share. I think that it’s a time where love will overcome hate and fear, which is what the cabal has been using to control us. So we need to take advantage of this and we need to make sure that this opportunity is not wasted, and that’s what I’ve been pushing for. I’m sure now that statistically we are going to win. They’re doomed. I don’t see any way out for them. More and more of them are disappearing and they can’t cover it up with computer graphics and fake news reports anymore. Obama is gone, Hillary is gone, Rockefeller is gone… they’re all gone. Now Bill Gates will obviously have this blow up in his face. What is it like 1000 corporate executives, more than that, are quitting now? The whole system is falling apart and the next few weeks will be critical. But, I guarantee that humanity is going to be liberated.
I’m sorry but I’ve got urgent matters here, a lot of stuff is on my plate. There was an attempt to attack Tokyo with a 5G electromagnetic thing in order to get people scared again, and we had a big fight. We stopped that. Theres a lot going on and the next few weeks will be critical. But I’m hearing that it’s now a statistical certainty that we will win.
So any last questions? I’ve got to go. I don’t have a lot of time right now, so just one last question please and then I’ve got to leave you guys.
Okay, I’ll give you one, and Cobra if you don’t mind staying on for a few more questions.
Yeah, sure.
Thank you. Totally understand your position. How about economy, Benjamin? That’s up your alley. Can you summarise what we’re seeing here?
Yeah, the very important thing about the economy is that – there’s two things – one is what is known as the real economy. That’s the actual physical things like factories, buildings, farmland. And then there is the virtual economy which is what people think about it – also known as finance. And what’s happening is the way they’re creating all these trillions of dollars but the reality isn’t there. So their whole control using stock indexes and all that kind of stuff is becoming dysfunctional. People are waking up to the fact that the real economy is not the same as this financial magic or mass hypnosis that they’ve been using. So I think it will mean that the excesses that started basically in the 1990’s are finally coming to an end. That’s what makes sure of the allowing 100 times leverage.
It means that it’ll be very good for the average person and it will be a reality-based economy again when this is all over. And I promise you that once the American regime is overthrown, we can double American living standards for the average American within a year. At least double. That’s a promise.
Okay, I have one question for Benjamin. What is your opinion about the coming mass meditation that we are having on the 4th and 5th of April?
I think that mass mediation is important because it is in many ways a psychological battle, and having a lot of positive energy out there does make a big difference. And so if people wish it to be true, they have the power to make it true if there’s enough of them doing it.
Okay thanks, and bye for now!
Keep on fighting the good fight, for sure. Well thank you for hanging out with us Cobra. You let me know if you’ve got any time constraints. There were a lot of things that we can cover, and hopefully we can get through the bulk of that so I appreciate your being able to stay on and commit the time.
This whole thing seems biblical. This is being portrayed sort of psychologically as Benjamin mentioned as an ‘endtimes’ scenario, but perhaps that’s end times for the people that are trying to portray this. So of course they’re going to be very worried. And just to give it a little bit of context too, I don’t like dwelling in this area, we tend to talk a lot about darkness, and it’s easy to identify the problem, but help us understand the solution a little bit better. We don’t hear a lot about Christ in the equation here. What they try to do is get us away from Christ and Christ love and Christ teachings, so in a very real sense this feels like the rise that they’re trying to push of the antichrist.
Okay yes. This endtime scenario, the endtime madness, endtime is actually a very good thing. It’s the end of a certain type of cycle. It is the end of the old cycle of darkness and the beginning of a new cycle of light. In India they call it the end of the Kali Yuga and the beginning of a new Satya Yuga. So it’s a beginning of a new cycle. And at the end of the old cycle there is always the greatest degree of materialism and lack of spiritual connection. Well in a new cycle, a strong impulse of new spiritual energy comes. And it can come for every being, every person in their own way. Some people have a connection with their own Higher Selves some people have connection with their Spiritual Guides. Some people have connection with Christ, some people have connection with Buddha – it’s up to their own individual belief system. But what what I’m saying is that individual connection with higher spiritual principles will exponentially grow as we create this Breakthrough, so we are now in the last phase of this old cycle of collapse of the old society which didn’t work anyway.
Thank you for that.
While we’re talking about a collapse why don’t you talk to us a little bit more about the meditation that’s coming up on the 4th and the 5th. And I wanted to make a point of everyone looking up the times early because there are rumours out there, there are so many rumours and uncertainty going on, that one possibility is at least in the United States this sort of blackout, information blackout, so if there were some sort of shutdown of utility or internet – I really don’t see that happening but it’s a possibility – that we certainly want people to still utilise the opportunity to do the timed coordinated meditation. So what’s happening with that meditation?
So what you can do, you can print out the time of the meditation and the instructions, or you can take a screenshot on your phone and have it saved there. So in the remote possibility of something like that happening, if there is a internet blackout – which is not likely – then you can of course use that same data. I would say no matter what happens I would urge everybody to meditate because this meditation can really determine how things will develop. It can determine finally.
And here I would like to publicly invite those who have enjoyed our meditation to promote it, because it’s not about me, it’s not about my meditation, it’s not about my idea. It’s about the principle of mass meditation, a principle of critical mass, a principle of quantumly putting a signal in the energy field. So I will publicly invite Corey Goode, I will publicly invite David Wilcock to promote this and to set aside their, if they have any, blockages towards me for whatever reason. It is not time now for something like this. It’s time now to unite and to to do this. And of course if there is anybody else in the future, for the future situations, that would like to create a mass meditation for humanity they are more than welcome.
Thank you for that. Hopefully that message gets out there. I actually can report to you quite positively that some of the regular friends in even my circle, in my groups, have sent me notifications about the mass meditation. So yeah, that brought me a lot of joy to think, “Well hey great, this is getting out to the mass audience out there.”
Since we’re trying to educate still the audience on some of the information that might be out there, I wanted to touch on adrenochrome. What have you heard about the drug, and was it supposedly being manufactured in a lab
in Wuhan, and have you heard any talk that there’s a possibility that the adrenochrome was tainted on purpose by White Hats?
I have heard about that rumour. I cannot confirm it, and there are other ways to identify the bad guys.
Great. Thank you.
At this time it seems like God is saying, “If you want to worship idols like athletes, I will shut down the stadiums. If you want to worship musicians, I will shut down civic centres. If you want to worship actors, I will shut down theatres. If you want to worship money, I will shut down the economy and collapse the stock market. You don’t want to go to church and worship me? I will make it where you can’t go to church.” During this time that people are at home what can people be doing while they’re at home, and how does that message resonate with you?
Okay, that message doesn’t resonate with me because in the way it is implied is not resonating with my Higher Self. This virus is a bio-weapon which was released by the dark forces and not by some higher spiritual entity. But people staying at home – this can actually have some very good effects because people will have time to calm down, slow down, to reconnect with their own self, with their Higher Self, and with nature. And the most excessive distortions of human society will be at least to some degree lessened for some time.
How does fear play into manifesting a positive or negative outcome? Maybe talk about energetic levels that everybody has in their own auric field.
Fear that is now being triggered was always there. It was subconscious. So what is happening now is an active purification of that fear, and much of the fear is actually entities which are co-existing in human energy fields. And now with this global mass isolation, global quarantines, global lockdowns, people are isolated and those entities cannot be transmitted to other people like the virus. So they will starve out and die. We are not just removing the virus, we are also removing all those entities, as well as much of the global fear which has been suppressed throughout history and has been through generational trauma transmitted from parents to children, from generation to generation; it will now be cleared forever.
And also this global quarantine thing is a good exercise for The Event, and all the transformation this world went through in the last ten days is a good rehearsal. So when The Event happens – I’m not gonna comment when that will be – but when it happens, people will be much more ready because they have gone through this preparation stage already. And this situation also makes it much easier for the Light Forces to plan The Event, because now they have much better models of human behaviour. They understand much more how humans will react to something like this. So it makes it so much easier now.
Absolutely. I completely can see that. You were the force behind establishing Prepare For Change originally, and that goes back to 2012. The purpose was always to educate and inform people about The Event, and so there was a plan that was in place that I think seemed to have the idea that the banks were going to be shut down and then that would lead to mass arrests and getting rid of these people. With this [virus] event that has happened it seemed like we had to react to that attack. So, has this always been sort of a ‘phase one’ of THE Event? Because this takedown did have to happen? Correct?
Can you reframe your question? I don’t quite understand your question, what’s your question actually?
People get confused and want to look at The Event as the solar event that we talk about. That’s an event that you mentioned you don’t want to give a date on.
Can you consider this part of The Event as well, sort of the takedown of the financial system?
I have outlaid the plan of The Event many times already, and the data on financial system is part of the process.
Great, thank you.
But I cannot comment if the current situation is actually The Event or not. I cannot comment on that, obviously.
Sure. But this has to happen. We have our community leaders brief, and in the brief the steps were that the bank event would happen.
Yes of course, yes of course. Yes, yes.
So, we don’t want to say that we weren’t surprised by this. This is this is all part of it like you say.
I had a question about the virus itself. Is there anything in the DNA itself – if it was created as a bio-weapon, and it sounds like it was coronavirus and part of SARS, and part of something else… Does the overwhelming creation, creativity, positivity of the carrier coronavirus, which isn’t in itself that lethal, does it seek to cleanse itself of that SARS virus in the same way that if a human body gets a sickness, all the cells in our body work to eliminate that sickness, that virus? Can we expect it is the same thing happening with this virus, and the size of the virus, that is not a really big living organism, that it will work itself out quickly because it’s got a short life cycle?
Yeah, the human body learns how to react to new threats, and this virus is a new threat. Everybody who was infected, their immune systems were learning very fast how to react to that threat and remove the virus. In most cases they were successful. What is the problem is the older people who have various chronic diseases at the same time, so their immune system is fighting three or four conditions already and the next one could be lethal. This time it was this virus. In other cases it could be something else. So human immune system will learn how to deal with the virus but before that happens we need to do whatever we can to stop the spread of the virus.
Thank you. Cobra, 5G has been reported to be a major factor in at least weakening people’s immunity. It was on the original Diamond Princess cruise ship. How far can electromagnetic attacks affect a person physically and mentally?
Very much, actually. The 5G network is the most dangerous of all of them and it can actually severely compromise the immune system. It affects the cellular membranes and actually this is one of the most dangerous technologies which has been publicly released until now. So it’s a major concern, and this 5G network has to be stopped one way or the other.
Is there any basis that would support the idea that since the planet is going through Ascension, since individuals are going through Ascension, since the Sun is creating more radiation and more energy; everything has to vibrate higher? Is there any support that would say 5G is sort of forcing humanity to move a little bit higher in vibration?
I would not say that 5G is accelerating evolution. 5G is trying to stop evolution actually. The dark forces are trying to do the impossible, they are trying to stop the Galactic Central Sun pulse which is of course something they cannot do. I mean they will try everything they can and they will fail.
Thank you for that. You mentioned the Galactic Central Sun pulse for people that are coming to the channel. That’s something that these bloodline families and rulers and controllers and archons are aware of, and they figured out a way years ago correct, to kind of weaponize that. When you said it’s an ‘end of times’ scenario. For them it certainly is. Is that something to be concerned about?
Yes, actually the archon families the Black Nobility families have in their prophecies that there will come a time of this solar pulse, a Galactic solar process which will trigger our Sun, and this Black Sun worshipping cult is actually speaking about the activation of the Galactic Centre. So this is what they’re speaking about. One of the legends they have is that at this end time they will be saved by some higher dark entity, when in reality what will happen is they will go to the Central Sun. They will go to be transformed, their soul essence will be destroyed. All those who have failed in their evolution will be actually disintegrated and they will have to start their evolution renewed. So for us there is nothing to be afraid of. For us it will be the beginning of a most wonderful time.
Thank you. It’s nice to have some hope and understand the positive message that’s there as well.
Okay. I have time for a few more questions.
Thank you very much. Do you see this leading to a forced vaccination agenda?
Okay, when the vaccine will be ready there is a possibility, if the world stays as it is, that there might be attempts of forced vaccination. But most likely they will not go as well as dark forces have hoped. Number one, the biochip equation. The biochips are out of the equation for this new vaccine, because the Resistance Movement has removed the biochips which are stored in certain secret facilities. So the new vaccine will not involve any biochips of any kind. But still there might be some chemicals in there which can be harmful for human health so we will see.
Trump posted recently that this is a war with a hidden enemy, and that we will win. What do you think he’s referring to there? Do you believe he’s aware of an ET or interdimensional presence?
I think he personally does not believe in that so much. He has not been briefed at the highest levels. He is aware of what is happening to a certain degree. He has been used by the Light and by the dark factions, and I would not put so much weight on his words and actions. He is just one of the players in this in this endgame.
Hmmm. Just today he mentioned that he’d like to have churches filled on Easter Sunday. Does he know something we don’t, or is there something to worry about?
Well this is not a good idea because of the coronavirus, because a large meetings can accelerate the spread of the virus. Regarding the symbolic meaning of this, he wants to restart the economy as soon as possible. That’s his agenda and he is having this target day of Easter to restart everything.
Which might of course – I will add this target date is also a possible target for some other things which people can interpret one way or the other.
A couple more questions for you, if you don’t mind.
A galactic topic. There’s a war going on in the higher planes for planetary liberation or control. Most people don’t understand this. Can you give us a brief…
Okay I will give a simple explanation of this. Probably you all are aware that this planet is not the only planet with intelligent life because there are so many… Our galaxy has hundreds of billions of stars and there are hundreds of billions of galaxies in this Universe so it will be crazy to presume that this is the only planet with intelligent life. So, there are other forces in the Universe and many of them have their own agendas about this planet. Some of them are positive and some of them are negative. Planet Earth is the centre of the proxy war between the light and the dark factions of the galaxy, and of course at this point all those extraterrestrial races are not showing themselves openly.
This is a covert war, it is not an open war, and this war is taking place on the physical plane and it is taking place interdimensionally on higher planes with advanced technologies. None of this ever gets reported. For example, there is a quantum war taking place right now. I was not speaking about that before. I can release that right now. There is a war with quantum technologies and the Light Forces are winning.
Thank you for that. From the Light Forces’ perspective, are Starseeds and Lightworkers on the surface doing enough to support the liberation? What else can we be doing?
It depends on which segment of the Light Forces, of the Lightworkers and Starseeds, you are referring to. Some people are doing really, really, really, everything they can. They are very dedicated, but some people are… Actually I would say their personality flaws, their belief systems are coming in the way. So much more was possible, much more was planned to be achieved, and certain things would have been been very much different right now if certain key people and certain other not-so key people would behave differently among the Lightworkers. Many dark scenarios have been prevented and even this scenario could be prevented most likely if certain people would behave differently in Lightworker communities. So, it’s a mixed situation, and I’m not saying this as a form of judgement, I’m saying this as a statement of observation.
Thank you. Speaking about observation, many, many, many of your observations are collected at your website. We have the links down below but again your website is…?
You can just google Portal 2012 and you will find the first hit.
And then you can also get onto for Cobra’s key articles. Those are all there, as well as the community leaders brief and more information about The Event.
Before we let you go can you talk about the future, and releasing some of the SSP type of technologies or healing technologies?
The future that is awaiting us is really wonderful. I mean, imagine all darkness being removed. Imagine all financial worries being removed. Imagine all illnesses being removed. Imagine all those wonderful technologies being released. Imagine being able to travel throughout the Universe, and all options, all possibilities, endless possibilities will open for us. So this is the golden age we are all working for. This is something that is awaiting us at the end of this dark tunnel.
We’re now in the final phases. This is really the end. You can see the proof in what’s happening in the world. This would not have happened if the dark forces were not extremely desperate, because they know it’s game over. So this is why they’re doing this.
So at the end I would just like to invite everybody to participate in our meditation, and share our meditation, because together we can really change and really improve, and can actually determine the destiny of this planet.
Thank you very much, and Victory of the Light.
Thank you very much Cobra. Alright, thank you for your time. Blessings.
Thank you, bye.
Everything negative that is happening right now is being orchestrated by the self-appointed controllers of this world, self-described as The Brotherhood of Darkness. Their intention is to disconnect you from Love and Light. They are trying to lower your levels of personal and overall planetary vibrations.
The Universe has been preparing the already awakened for this large-scale event – and this is it!
Please, take a bit of time to remember your own personal awakening process before you really understand what is happening. This is the time to take all you have practiced and put it to good use.
Ask the Universe to show you the truth of the situation and adjust accordingly. You know how to bring Unconditional Love & Light to any situation. And now, it’s GO TIME!
This is not a time for fear. The dark Cabal “Ordo Ab Chao,” (Order out of chaos) is their motto. THIS is an attempted PREMEDITATED and PREEMPTIVE – psychological operation to establish “their” New World Order out of this artificially created chaos.
Psych warfare. Information Warfare. Bio Warfare. ElectoWarfare. And in the next days, an attempted financial war which will try to deny you access to your money. Next, potentially food along with everything else to turn you into a complete obedient and compliant desperate slave..
We have been warning you of their “Divide & Conquer” techniques that they’ll use to attempt gaining an iron-grip control over the entire population of this planet.
The Galactic Federation & the Confederation of Free worlds have been debating and came to the conclusion that humanity will receive the necessary Light to give us back our God given rights! Our birth rights!
The Higher Spiritual hierarchy sees this ongoing situation as a Planetary Coup but A Divine decision for aid has already been made. They simply ask us to stay calm and create the positive outcome in your mind. Avoid the MSM narrative, because IF we buy into that, WE WILL GENERATE A DIFFERENT REALITY FOR OURSELVES! as we’re ALL MUCH MORE POWERFUL THAN WHAT YOU REALIZE!
IF YOU WANT TO BE SAFE FROM ANY VIRUS, please read the articles about the many alternatives found on and do further research under our numerous health and healing articles. Also, please ask for the help of you Spirit guides. The angelic realms are always there waiting and wanting to help. Have faith because one needs to believe in higher power and your own higher purpose
God has the Divine Plan ready for you and for those who seek it and deserve it. Find peace through prayer and invoke the Christ Consciousness. Avoid “their realities” portrayed in the Mainstream Media.
Please share and help disseminate this message far and wide as time is of the essence!
—-End of Message—-
We hope we have answered some of your major questions and provided you with many more that YOU can and should research in the quest for truth.
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This means that our website will be down for a few days right before the launch of our new & improved site. So don’t worry if you all the sudden you can’t access us for a few days.
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know that every member of the global prepare For Change team carries its own financial weight but we are worried about having enough to support our orphanage with 532 children throughout this transition since they depend solely on us for their need of weekly food and aid. If you like & appreciate our selfless
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
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