Monday, March 2, 2020

NorthPoint Astrology Journal Your guide to planetary energies for ​March 2 to 8, 2020 By Pam Younghans


NorthPoint Astrology Journal

By Pam Younghans
Aspects of Note this Week
All times listed are Pacific Standard Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 8 hours.

TUE: Sun semisquare Saturn, Venus square Saturn
WED: Mercury (retrograde) enters Aquarius, Mercury sextile Venus,
Venus enters Taurus, Sun semisquare Venus

FRI: Mercury semisquare Mars 
SAT: Venus semisquare Neptune, Sun sextile Pallas Athene
SUN: Sun conjunct Neptune, Venus conjunct Uranus,
Neptune sextile Pallas Athene, Sun semisquare Uranus

LIFE CAN FEEL somewhat fragile at times, and it may seem especially so as we begin the month of March. With the Sun in emotionally and psychically receptive Pisces, we are already more impressionable than usual; these qualities only increase over the course of the coming week as the Sun and sensitive Neptune travel side-by-side, finally coming into full alignment next Sunday.
There are, of course, many benefits to this Sun-Neptune alignment in Pisces. It may be easier to access a meditative state, whether that is achieved in mindfulness practice, through other forms of sitting, or in becoming one with a creative process where we lose all track of time.
Other Neptunian qualities are enhanced this week as well, including compassion, empathy, and intuitive or psychic awareness. We may resonate more with the Piscean concept of Oneness now, sensing more completely that we are all profoundly interconnected, on multiple levels of existence.
THE PERCEIVED NEGATIVES related to any sign tend to be the result of taking its positive traits to an unhealthy extreme. It is well and good to feel compassion, but that deep caring can become overwhelming and debilitating if we do not also maintain our boundaries. The desire to transcend the dramas of the earth plane can lead us to meditation and creative imaginings, but it can also open the door to escapism through drug abuse and other, more legal, addictions.
The primary caution I want to offer regarding our sensitivity this week has to do with picking up on the generalized fear that is quite strong in the collective consciousness right now. We are all linked to that unified field, whether or not we think about it. As such, we can take on that fear unknowingly.
Remember that we are not just recipients (aka "victims") of mass consciousness – each of us is also a contributor to it. This week, we benefit not only ourselves but all life on the planet when we use our spiritual tools to find and maintain our center of peace and calm, and consciously radiate love instead of fear.
ANN ALBERS writes a weekly channeled newsletter, and her most recent issue is especially powerful and timely. Here's an excerpt from her article entitled "Starve the Fear, Feed the Love":
"The viruses on your planet live off fear. They starve with love. Fear creates a chemical cocktail in your body that weakens your healthy cells and creates imbalances that allow these parasitic energies to take hold. So, in the face of epidemics, untruths, and other unpleasant realities, how do you find your peace? Our answer is simple. Reconnect with love, one moment at a time. In a space of love, you become a vibrational catalyst and a force for positive change."
(For the full article, please visit:

 and Neptune align next weekend, they are both in harmonious sextile aspect with the asteroid Pallas Athene. If you attended my recent webinar, you know that I am quite enamored of Athene, especially since she is playing a highly significant and potentially very positive role in the three Jupiter-Pluto alignments that occur in 2020.
Athene was the Greek goddess of Wisdom, Healing, and Strategy. Whenever she is engaged astrologically, we have the opportunity to tap into new levels of our own creative intelligence. With the asteroid in Capricorn right now, we can gain special insight into the solutions that are needed. We also are more in tune with proper timing, which can correspond with seemingly "magical" manifestations.
Next weekend's sextile between Athene and Sun/Neptune is a fairly subtle influence, but the best opportunities often are! Be open to the insights you receive, especially when engaged in meditation or creative pursuits. Be aware that telepathic abilities are also potentially enhanced, so always check in to see whether what you are thinking and feeling is really "you" or if it is something you're picking up from another person or from the collective.
VENUS is in the spotlight this week, indicating a heightened focus on the Venus-ruled areas of finances, personal values, and relationships. A Venus-Saturn square, which is in effect on Monday and perfects early on Tuesday, suggests that we'll be experiencing a certain "reality check" in one or more these areas.
Saturn squares usually correspond with a feeling of restriction or limitation, due to the natural flow of energy being temporarily blocked. With this Venus-Saturn square, we see more clearly what is and isn't working in our financial or relational worlds. We are strongly aware that certain obstacles must be overcome before we can make progress.
THE SUN is also involved in this dynamic, being at the midpoint between Venus and Saturn, and in semisquare aspect to both planets over the course of Tuesday and Wednesday. Any time the Sun is involved in an aspect, its influence becomes more pronounced, since the Sun brings issues more fully into the light of day.
Mercury also becomes involved in the mix, forming a helpful sextile aspect with Venus on Wednesday. This aspect should enable us to come up with some ideas on how to manage the problems that have arisen – but with Mercury retrograde until March 9, it may take until the following week for true solutions to be implemented.
This waiting game is underscored by Mercury's semisquare to Mars on Friday, which indicates tension and verbal squabbles toward the end of the week. Mercury retrograded back into Aquarius on Wednesday and therefore has some innovative plans about how to proceed. This is an opportunity to think outside the box
– but with Mars in conservative Capricorn, conflicts arise about whether such newfangled ideas can actually manifest the desired outcome.
WITH VENUS entering her natural sign of Taurus on Wednesday, we become more focused on the need for stability and continuity in finances and partnerships. But uncertainty in these areas continues into next weekend, when Venus is semisquare Neptune (Saturday) and then aligns with Uranus (Sunday).
When in a hard aspect such as a semisquare, Neptune can create a veil of fog that keeps us from seeing reality clearly. As a result, we may feel disillusioned. Sometimes, we can even feel somewhat suspicious, sensing that there is more to the situation than what meets the eye.
THE VENUS-URANUS ALIGNMENT next Sunday is the most significant event of the weekend, with its influence carrying into early next week. The rendezvous between these two planets occurs at least once a year, and always provides an opportunity to break old paradigms in Venus-ruled areas.
Uranus is often radical, sometimes rebellious, and always requires us to be flexible in our expectations. Among its goals are for us to be more open to change, to liberate ourselves from restrictions and "shoulds," and to live our lives more authentically.
With this Venus-Uranus alignment, we might feel a particular need to be more independent, and are less inclined to accommodate the needs of others if they conflict with our own desires. We might tend to be unpredictable with loved ones, either ending or beginning relationships suddenly. We may be inspired to create more avant garde forms of art, whether or not others value our creations. Likewise in economic matters, we can experience surprising developments. We might spend money more capriciously, or misplace our checkbook. And, the arrow might abruptly go either up or down on the financial charts.
This is the beginning of the new synodic cycle for Venus and Uranus, which will take us through late April of 2021. It is an opportunity to make a new start, based on what we truly value, how we want to express love, and where we want to invest our time and resources
– especially if we have been feeling restricted in these areas, whether by circumstances or by our own fears.
IF YOU are watching the Moon's aspects to the group of planets in Capricorn, here is this week's list. For a few hours around these times, we are likely to feel more sensitive and protective. All of these aspects occur while the Moon is in Cancer:

  • Moon opposite Mars: Wednesday, March 4, 6:25 p.m. PST
  • Moon opposite Jupiter: Thursday, March 5, 8:56 a.m. PST
  • Moon opposite Pluto: Thursday, March 5, 3:50 p.m. PST
  • Moon opposite Saturn: Thursday, March 5, 11:11 p.m. PST

You are completing a two-year phase in which your sense of identity has been gradually shifting. Like the tide that washes away a sand castle on the beach, Neptune has been disassembling old self-concepts that have limited you -- in particular, ways in which you may have played the role of rescuer, martyr, or victim. During this time, you may have felt an even stronger draw from the more introspective or reclusive side of your nature. This coming year, as the Neptune tide slowly recedes and you emerge from the cave, you will have the opportunity to see more clearly what new sand castle you want to build. (Solar Return Sun sextile Mars, sextile Pallas Athene, conjunct Neptune)

In gratitude and light,


Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2020. All rights reserved.

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