I had a session yesterday and the client and I were discussing the current energies and their intensity.
Many have been experiencing major exhaustion that can even be mixed with sleeplessness, wired and tired. Some have had major vertigo and woozy, dizzy heads. There can be a struggle for words, concepts and blank spots in the thoughts. The experience lately has been very physical. We were working with Quan Yin and asked her to give us some insight into what is taking place.
She explained that we are in the midst of a template rewrite. This will continue for a couple of days more.
Using computer technology that thankfully made sense she likened a template rewrite to clearing out your web browser cache and cookies.
She said it was an incredible opportunity for all of us to make radical changes.
Think of our “stuff” as websites or articles we visit:
“Things to be scared of today”
“10 ways to have no boundaries”
“How to replay those memories to feel even worse about yourself”
I jest, but you get the point. (Sometimes we have to laugh at the insanity of the human condition.)
We tend to visit these sites daily creating a looping of fears, worries, and doubts. It is a large undertaking to choose differently and not follow that well-worn path
This template rewrite comes in as a massive DISRUPTOR. It literally disrupts our normal way of being. The thought patterns that have created our foundation. This disturbance can make us feel quite unstable and dizzy. For example, we may follow path A, B, C, D on a regular basis. This template rewrite comes in and all of a sudden we go A… But have to search for B, C, D.
That’s where the golden opportunity comes in. We don’t have to search for those familiar ways of being. We can choose to leave it all behind. We can also choose what we want to keep.
Quan Yin recommends getting really clear on what we want and not to focus on what we don’t want to be created.
This is not as easy as it sounds as so many of our creative abilities have been and are being directed, manipulated and harnassed. It is our job to create responsibility. To really understand that energy focused on what we don’t want takes away from what we do want.
It’s time to chose our focus and take advantage of this incredible template reset we are experiencing. Be firm on what you want in your life, visualize it with your full energy and move towards that while choosing not to walk that well-worn path that leaves you sad, drained, full of doubt, feeling worthless or angry.
Sending you all lots of love, Jenny

P.S. I was recently contacted by one of the Nature Spirits that is on my team and was asked to assist. There feels to be a push with this. If you are wanting to connect with the nature spirits and earth on a much deeper level, they too are wanting to connect with you. They asked that I give this course one more time, it is the only time it will be available this year. The nature spirits are asking us to be awake, aware and in full partnership with them. They are incredible healers of the mind, body, and soul. They offer you the keys to your once held Magic that so many of us pushed away as a child.
The course information is online but we will meet as a group 5 times during the class to discuss the information and the exercises. This is a jam-packed fun course that will help take you to the nature realms.
Class starts on March 16th or March 19th, two separate times to accommodate the many time zones. Register for the class now. Click here for more info: https://jennyschiltz.com/course-connecting-with-the-elementals/
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