Sunday, July 28, 2024



JULY 26–AUGUST 1, 2024





Crystal says:

"The end of the month is marked by
one more thing to work with… and on!
Venus, lady of love and values,
makes a quincunx to Saturn the
builder. The signs involved are
expressive Leo and sensitive Pisces,
so this transit spotlights creative
work, spiritual business, and
relationships, those that are
romantic or that help define our

Adapted from Daykeeper's complete 
Premium Astrological Forecast.

Premium Subscribers, log in directly!

Free for everyone, so much more astrology!


Friday, July 26, 2024

Molly McCord: Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of July 24 to 31~ Leo season, Mercury in Virgo, Chiron retro


Leo season brings in opportunities to stabilize and strengthen yourself after an intense Capricorn Full Moon and Pluto influences of the past week. You may feel a deep shift working with you at a core level, as Pluto is revealing what you are going to be evolving into more of your true Self as old roles and programming is released. Mercury enters Virgo on July 25 but moves very slowly as retrograde begins on August 4 at 4 degrees Virgo. It’s a great time to be thorough and review the details, especially as August will provide opportunities to improve, re-consider, and re-visit options. More to share in this week’s podcast episode.

Aquarian Diamond Lightcode Meditation: In this guided visualization, you will connect with more of your cosmic talents, flush out and release expired cellular energy, call in more of your star family connections and gifts from other dimensions, embed the earth's ley lines with higher cosmic frequencies, re-align your relationships with solar consciousness, and immerse into newly encoded diamond frequency potentials.

Aaron Doughty: *WARNING* This will shift you to a parallel reality.+ "thought forms" the key to bending reality

In this YouTube video, I'll dive into the concept of parallel realities and will illustrate the power of tuning into them can profoundly transform your life.

After you've finished this video, check out this meditation video that will shift you to a Parallel Reality:
   • This Meditation Will Shift You to a P...  

Discover your vibration and receive a personalized meditation that will help you raise it to a whole NEW level. Visit ➡️

#spirituality #awakening


thought forms" the key to bending reality

Aaron Doughty
1.71M subscribers
Jun 5, 2023 #lawofattraction#spirituality#awakening

Thoughts have an energetic form and this understanding may change the way you see the world forever like it did me. To experience a process that will shift you into a higher vibrational YOU join The Daily Vortex here



LET THEM MISS YOU, Let Go & Let the Universe Work It Out

Aaron Doughty
1.71M subscribers
Jan 31, 2022

This one shift will make you magnetic AF!

Join the 21 Day Magnetic Abundance Challenge to remove limiting beliefs about money and become a more abundant you in just 21 days! Join here:

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Rik: Astrology July 23-29 2024 - Mercury ingress Virgo - Chiron Station Rx -Sun/Mars - Last Qrt Moon


Astrology July 23-29 2024 - Mercury ingress Virgo - Chiron Station Rx -Sun/Mars - Last Qrt Moon

24.5K subscribers
Jul 23, 2024

Hi, welcome to this week's astrology report. If you like my reports, please hit that like button. Thank you!

Do you want a personalized report so that you know what's happening in your own astrology chart for the next year? You can order a report here:

This week's aspects and timestamps:

Tues July 23 6:03
Moon square Uranus 12:46 am PDT
Moon opp Mercury 2:57 am PDT
Moon ingress Pisces 6:22 am PDT
Moon square Mars 9:35 am PDT
Moon inconj South Node 8:56 pm PDT

Wed July 24 12:48
Moon square Jupiter 3:46 am PDT
Moon inconj Venus 8:35 am PDT
Moon conj Saturn 1:31 pm PDT

Thurs July 25 18:26
Moon sextile Uranus 2:19 am PDT
Moon inconj Mercury 7:26 am PDT
Moon conj Neptune 7:31 am PDt
Moon ingress Aries 7:52 am PDT
Mercury inconj Neptune 8:59 am PDT
Moon sextile Pluto 9:13 am PDT
Moon trine Sun 1:28 pm PDT
Moon sextile Mars 1:35 pm PDT
Mercury ingress Virgo 3:41 pm PDT Sun sextile Mars 7:32 pm PDT
Moon conj South Node opp NN 10:32 pm PDT

Fri July 26 37:42
Moon sextile Jupiter 6:15 am PDT
Chiron Station RX 6:58 am PDT
Moon trine Venus 3:14 pm PDT
Venus inconj Saturn 5:07 pm PDT
Mercury inconj Pluto 5:49 pm PDT
Moon conj Chiron 11:21 pm PDT

Sat July 27 45:24
Moon ingress Taurus 10:22 am PDT
Moon square Pluto 11:40 am PDT
Moon trine Mercury 12:35 pm PDT
Moon square sun (last Qrt) 7:51 pm PDT

Sun July 28 50:29
Moon inconj South Node 1:29 am PDT
Moon sextile Saturn 6:42 pm PDT
Moon square Venus 11:44 pm PDT

Mon July 29 52:57
Moon conj Uranus 8:47 am PDT
Moon sextile Neptune 1:59 pm PDT
Moon ingress Gemini 2:27 pm PDT
Moon trine Pluto3:42 pm PDT
Moon square Mercury 6:59 pm PDT

Thanks for watching! #astrology

Monday, July 22, 2024

Joni Patry: July 22 - 31 Weekly Vedic Predictions: Destruction and Retribution

178K subscribers
Get ready for the week ahead with our Weekly Vedic Predictions for July 22 - 31.
Find out what the stars have in store for you!

Sign up for my New Galactic Planner and get personalized predictions FREE for one month

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  / jonipatry  

The New year is just around the corner. Get Joni's Predictions for 2024!

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Sunday, July 21, 2024

Pam Gregory: Full Moon in Capricorn July 21st 2024

Pam also predicted the Fall of Government Leaders on June 30th.

Full Moon in Capricorn July 21st 2024

Pam talks about the first half of July and the Full Moon in Capricorn on the 21st. What does this mean for you? You can download a free birthchart from my website, then purchase this two-part tutorial video series that explains how to find these points in your chart and what it means for you:

Short astrological update for June:
   • Quick Astrological Update - mid-June ...  .

Neptune at 29° Pisces video:
   • Neptune at 29° Pisces with Heather En...  . Chart for France: September 21st 1792, 15.30, Paris. Chart for EU: November 1st 1993 00.01 Brussels Chart for Euro: January 1st 1999 00.01 Brussels Chart for China: October 1st 1949 15.15 Peking Chart for Japan: April 28th 1952 13.30 Tokyo

Pam Georgel: Full Moon in Capricorn July 21st, 2024 Psychic Crystal Reading


2:24 Water 10:19 Fire 17:01 Air 26:31.

Thanks for watching! xo

To purchase my Eclipse Effects Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces September 17th, 2024 Psychic Tarot Crystal and Oracle Card Readings:

🔮 Astrology News: July 21st Full Moon and Government Changes (predicted Jul 19th)

 (predicted Jul 19th)

177K subscribers

On July 21st, the full moon could bring changes in government. Stay tuned for updates on this astrological event and its potential impact on politics.

Sign up for my New Galactic Planner and get personalized predictions FREE for one month

Sign up for my Patreon and enjoy exclusive content!! Join now this spiritually safe place
  / jonipatry  

The New year is just around the corner. Get Joni's Predictions for 2024!

Learn Vedic Astrology! Join University of Vedic Astrology

Molly McCord: Channeled Message: Establishing Your 5D Values For Stability and Strength


171K subscribers
Jul 15, 2024Channeled Messages

The global evolution is underway, offering opportunities to expand into new potentials as you further define your 5D values. Opportunities to bring together internal and external division is strong. Stay curious and mindful of when judgment arrives as we're also deconditioning centuries of programming that has created division, fear, control, and power dynamics.

Aquarian Diamond Lightcode Meditation: In this guided visualization, you will connect with more of your cosmic talents, flush out and release expired cellular energy, call in more of your star family connections and gifts from other dimensions, embed the earth's ley lines with higher cosmic frequencies, re-align your relationships with solar consciousness, and immerse into newly encoded diamond frequency potentials. Check it out:

The Nodes of Fate move through Aries and Libra from July 2023 to January 2025, bringing energy and focus to where you are ready to grow into more of your true self. Let's dive into what this means for you personally as we explore the energies of Aries and Libra in your natal chart by expression, house placement, and previous cycles of growth. Please bring your astrology chart to this course.

Molly McCord: Weekly Intuitive Astrology of July 17 to 24 ~ Capricorn Full Moon, Mars in Gemini, Sun opp Pluto RX + Capricorn Full Moon - Foreshadowing Evolutionary Changes, Priorities to Complete by End of 2024


Big times continue! A lot is moving over this next week with powerful turning point energies over the weekend through a big Capricorn Full Moon at 29 deg on July 21 and strong Pluto interactions with the Sun in Leo for the first time in our lives on July 22. Personal and collective evolutionary energies are activating at new levels of our being as the Universe is requiring more multidimensional awareness within us. It’s time to face fears and trust the initiation into more of yourself. Mars enters Gemini on July 20, where daily life gets busier and there is more energy connecting our minds and bodies to move forward with in July. Mars trining Pluto offers transformational growth through the power of bigger thoughts, communications, options, ideas, and your life path. Much more to share in this week’s podcast episode.

~~ How To Read Your Solar Return Chart – Discover the main astrology themes and energies on your birthday as Molly teaches you how to interpret your solar return chart over 8 online courses. Use code BIRTHDAY to get it for 50% off now!

The Nodes of Fate move through Aries and Libra from July 2023 to January 2025, bringing energy and focus to where you are ready to grow into more of your true self. Let's dive into what this means for you personally as we explore the energies of Aries and Libra in your natal chart by expression, house placement, and previous cycles of growth. Please bring your astrology chart to this course.

Capricorn Full Moon - Foreshadowing Evolutionary Changes, Priorities to Complete by End of 2024

Molly McCord
171K subscribers
Jul 12, 2024

The second Capricorn Full Moon on July 21 at 29 degrees highlights important responsibilities, completions, and areas of mastery that will be coming up when Pluto returns to Capricorn from September 1 to November 22, 2024. This Full Moon is reminding you of tasks and goals that you may want to re-evaluate now, to determine their worthiness going forward. Much more to share in this lunar video.

Rik: Astrology July 16-22 2024 - Cap Full Moon- Mercury sq Uranus- Mars ingress Gemini - Sun ingress Leo+

 Sorry I am so late posting this, but intense energies and disruptive commute transit issues slowed me down!

24.4K subscribers

Welcome to another week of astrology. If you like my reports hit that like button, thank you!

If you want a personalized report from me, use this link to get on my worklist:

Aspect list and timestamps:

Tues July 16 4:54
Moon inconj Chiron 6:00 am PDT
Moon trine sun 8:04 am PDT
Moon opp Uranus 11:30 am PDT
Moon opp Mars 1:05 pm PDT
Moon trine Neptune 6:10 pm PDT
Moon ingress Sag 6:24 pm PDT
Moon sextile Pluto 8:19 pm PDT

Wed July 17 11:04
Moon trine Venus 8:07 am PDT
Moon trine NN sextile SN 12:44 pm PDT
Moon opp Jupiter 4:20 pm PDT

Thurs July 18 14:15
Moon square Saturn 5:49 am PDT
Sun sextile Uranus 7:00 am PDT
Moon trine Mercury 1:23 pm PDT
Moon trine Chiron 1:40 pm PDT
Mercury trine Chiron 4:56 pm PDT
Moon inconj Uranus 6:55 pm PDT
Moon inconj Sun 7:48 pm PDT
Moon inconj Mars 11:15 pm PDT

Fri July 19 21:34
Moon square Neptune 12:58 am PDT
Moon ingress Cap 1:13 am PDT
Venus trine NN sextile SN 3:55 am PDT
Moon t-square Nodes of Fate 5:44 pm PDT
Moon inconj Venus 7:17 pm PDT
Moon inconj Jupiter 10:28 pm PDT

Sat July 20 29:12
Mars sextile Neptune 8:16 am PDT
Moon sextile Saturn 10:15 am PDT
Mars ingress Gemini 1:42 pm PDT
Moon square Chiron 5:48 pm PDT
Moon inconj Mercury 9:41 pm PDT
Moon trine Uranus 10:52 pm PDT

Sun July 21 41:11
Moon opp sun (full moon) 3:16 am PDT
Moon sextile Neptune 4:26 am PDT
Moon ingress Aquarius 4:42 am PDT
Moon trine Mars 5:28 am PDT
Moon conj Pluto 6:14 am PDT
Venus sextile Jupiter 1:42 pm PDT
Mercury square Uranus 3:20 pm PDT
Moon sextile NN trine SN 7:52 pm PDT
Sun trine Neptune 8:24 pm PDT
Mars trine Pluto 8:47 pm PDT

Mon July 22 1:00:00
Sun ingress Leo 12:44 am PDT
Moon trine Jupiter 1:42 am PDT
Moon opp Venus 2:38 am PDT
Moon sextile Chiron 7:43 pm PDT
Sun opp Pluto 10:37 pm PDT

Thanks for watching! #astrology (



Schumann Update 7/21

Schumann Update 7/21

Consciously Erin
12.7K subscribers
Jul 21, 2024  #humanschumann #schumannresonance #manifestation

Good morning friends! We are again receiving some high vibrational energy today. So this can bring up feelings of nervousness or anxiety, especially when there is a gap between where your vibration is in the vibration you are receiving. This is temporary as you start to integrate the energy the nervousness will go away. This energy comes forward and encourages you to decide if this is how you want to live your life. Are you happy? Is this how you want to feel? These questions are important to help you make the choices to move you forward on your journey#humanschumann #schumannresonance #manifestation #lawofattraction #intuition #ascensionsymptoms  

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

NorthPoint Astrology Journal: Your guide to planetary energies for July 15 to 21, 2024 By Astrologer Pam Younghans

 NorthPoint Journal0

Photo by Jack B on Unsplash 

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​NorthPoint Astrology Journal

Your guide to planetary energies for 
July 15 to 21, 2024
By Astrologer Pam Younghans

Aspects of Note this Week
Times and dates are based on Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). Add 7 hours for Universal Time (UT), but add 8 hours for BST.
Monday: Mercury quincunx Saturn, Sun square Chiron, Mars conjunct Uranus
Tuesday: Mars sesquiquadrate Ceres
Wednesday: Sun square Eris, Jupiter quincunx Ceres
Thursday: Sun sextile Uranus, Mercury trine Chiron, Sun semisquare Jupiter
Friday: Uranus sesquiquadrate Ceres
Saturday: Mars sextile Neptune, Mars enters Gemini, Mercury trine Eris
Sunday: Full Moon, Eris stations retrograde, Venus sextile Jupiter, Mercury square Uranus, Sun trine Neptune, Mars trine Pluto\

A DYNAMIC WEEK: We are entering a highly impactful week, a time of major transitions. The third week of July is destined to be historical right from the start, with the explosive Mars-Uranus conjunction perfecting on Monday, July 15. Not to be outdone, the closing scenes of the week's dramas are under the direction of a transformational, Pluto-powered Full Moon that perfects on Sunday, July 21. 
Surprising or shocking events can occur when there are interactions between forceful Mars, the planet of personal will, and sideways-spinning Uranus, the planet known for breaking rules. Since the energies of their alignment have been building over the past week or so, we've already seen its effects in the larger world and in smaller ways, too. 
Putting together the keywords associated with Mars and Uranus, we can expect: surprising or impulsive actions, shocking events that require urgent response, explosive episodes, unpredictable or antisocial behaviors, unrealistic risks, radical or aggressive tendencies, strongly independent or rebellious activity, and emotional extremes. 
There are positives potentials of this Mars-Uranus influence as well: a sudden breakthrough, daring to step out into the unknown, standing strong in one's independence, courageous authenticity, and the willingness to begin anew, without a safety net. And, since the higher expression of transpersonal Uranus is the Universal Mind, we may also receive profound insights and innovative ideas that inspire a significant change in our life path as the planet aligns with Mars.
THE ALGOL EFFECT: As you may recall from my forecast for last week, the Mars-Uranus alignment is occurring at the same degree as the fixed star Algol, and is thus energizing the star's influence. Unfortunately, the darker side of Algol, which ancient astrologers associated with misfortune, danger, and violence, has been activated in the past few days. 
If you missed last week's issue of this NorthPoint Journal and would like to learn more about the fixed star Algol and its impact on the Mars-Uranus conjunction, please click HERE to read my forecast for July 8 to 14, 2024.
FULL MOON IN CAPRICORN: We have two Full Moons in Capricorn this year, which occurs only rarely; the first was a month ago, on June 21, and the second is on July 21. As the Capricorn Moon opposes the Cancer Sun, we are challenged to be objective and rational, but also to be sensitive to the emotional needs of ourselves and others.
Next Sunday's Full Moon is outstanding for a few other reasons as well — most notably because the Moon will be very closely conjunct Pluto at the time of the lunation. Pluto is named for the god of the Underworld, and thus is the catalyst for major transitions in our lives, times when we move from one state of being to another. The dwarf planet often takes us through a symbolic process of death and renewal, similar to the experience of the mythical Phoenix, which magically regenerates after seeming to burn in the fires of purification. 
As the Full Moon's energies begin to unfold toward the end of the coming week, we are drawn into a time of profound change. As the Detective planet, Pluto likes to reveal secrets, and as the Psychotherapist, it delves deeply into our psyches to uncover unconscious motivations and fears that have been controlling us from behind the scenes.
MAJOR CHANGES CATALYZED: Other aspects to the Full Moon will amplify our collective experience of its energies. Luna will be trine both Mars and Uranus, further activating the life-changing influence of their alignment. But, helping ease the way through providing inspiration and creative solutions, intuitive Neptune will be in harmonious sextile to the Moon.
However, the lunation will also be in hard square aspect to both insecure Chiron and to controversial Eris, which is very strong due to stationing retrograde on the same day. This arrangement of planets creates what is called a T-square configuration. T-squares correspond with times of increased tension and can result in irrational or impulsive behaviors in those who are especially affected. 
As a general rule, Full Moons increase emotional reactivity, and this T-square will exacerbate those tendencies. It will be important to slow down, to be patient, and not to rush into decisions or actions. This T-square in cardinal signs will test our maturity, self-discipline, and self-awareness.
SOLAR ACTIVITY: The physical sun has recently been very active, giving us a major X-class solar flare (the highest level) and nine moderate M-class flares on Saturday, July 13. Solar flares are known to affect us on physical, mental, and emotional levels; having so many strong eruptions just as the highly nervous Mars-Uranus conjunction is reaching its peak can feel overwhelming for some.
Be sure to be very conscious in your self-care now. Drink extra fluids, especially electrolyte fluids. Stop to breathe more deeply whenever you sense tension or nervousness in your body. Spend time connecting with Nature in any way that you are able, and ground yourself into the earth. Meditate, rest, and get extra sleep if possible.
DAILY ASTROLOGY: Please check out my daily astrological forecasts ~ including lunar aspects that aren't included in this weekly Journal ~ on Instagram: 
THIS WEEK'S ASPECTS: Here are my brief interpretations of this week's most important planetary aspects, day by day: 
Mercury quincunx Saturn: We can tend to be somewhat pessimistic, judgmental, or incommunicative with this influence.
Sun square Chiron: Deep-seated insecurities or fears can trigger anger or other strong reactions today.
Mars conjunct Uranus: The Mars-Uranus alignment perfects at 7:04 a.m. PDT, when both planets are at 26°19' Taurus. Events unfold quickly and we can feel carried along in a wave of change. People may be more reactive or impulsive than usual.
Mars sesquiquadrate Ceres: This aspect represents a conflict between the need to be self-assertive and the desire to feel secure and safe.
Sun square Eris: Controversies are stirred and people could react very defensively today.
Jupiter quincunx Ceres: Dogmatic beliefs and self-righteousness can undermine our ability to achieve longer-term goals.
Sun sextile Uranus: It is easier to be independent and forthright today, since we feel less emotionally withdrawn.
Mercury trine Chiron: Communication and the willingness to brainstorm can open the door to finding creative solutions.
Sun semisquare Jupiter: There can be a tendency to be too wordy, or to go too far in trying to explain our feelings.
Uranus sesquiquadrate Ceres: Breakthroughs occur that unsettle us on an emotional level, causing short-term nervousness or anxiety. It may be hard to visualize new possibilities if we are overly attached to old forms.
Mars sextile Neptune: It is easier to act on our intuitive insights today.
Mars enters Gemini: Mars will be in the sign of the Twins from July 20 to September 4. During these weeks, we are more open to new activities and ideas. However, we will need to be aware of times when we are spreading our energies too thin.
Mercury trine Eris: Forthright conversations bring insights and help us be open to new ideas.
Full Moon: The lunation is at its peak at 3:16 a.m. PDT on July 21, when the Moon is at 29°08' Capricorn and the Sun is at the same degree of Cancer. With Luna in strong aspect to all three transpersonal planets (Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus), an increase in frequency is possible but will take some time to adjust to on a human level.
Eris stations retrograde: Controversies are at their peak with dwarf planet Eris at a standstill today. 
Venus sextile Jupiter: This heart-opening aspect supports easy communications.
Mercury square Uranus: Nervous energy is heightened. Insights are possible, but it may be best to write them down to take action on later, when conditions are more stable.
Sun trine Neptune: This trine enhances our capacity for empathy and compassion.
Mars trine Pluto: We are determined to take action, especially in the support of a cause we feel passionate about.
IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: You may feel highly motivated to make significant changes in your life this year, and should have the courage, flexibility, and faith you need to "make it so." However, there are some obstacles to overcome, perhaps in the form of old patterns of insecurity or defensiveness. As you take responsibility for your reactions and learn to self-nurture, you are able to rise above these challenges. Over the next six months, you will be completing a two-year process of profound change that may have felt overwhelming at times, but which has been an important step in your becoming more empowered in some area of your life. This is especially true for those who have their birthdays next weekend, either July 20 or 21. (Solar Return Sun sextile Mars, semisquare Jupiter, square Chiron, sextile Uranus, trine Neptune, opposite Pluto, square Eris)

In peace, love, and gratitude,

For an audio recording and non-English versions of this Journal on, please click HERE. (New week's audio and text are online no later than 9 p.m. Pacific Time on Sunday.)

NorthPoint Journal © 2024 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.

​DISCLAIMER: This NorthPoint Journal is not intended to replace the need for qualified healthcare, mental health, legal, or spiritual consultations. No guarantees, implied warranties, or assurances of any kind are given, and as such, Pam Younghans will not be responsible for any interpretation made or used by the recipient of the information and advice provided herein.

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Sunday, July 14, 2024

Schumann Update 7/14 (date correction)


Schumann Update 7/14 (date correction)

Consciously Erin
12.3K subscribers
Jul 14, 2024

humanschumann #schumannresonance #ascensionsymptoms

Good morning friends! It can be difficult during times that are hard to not let that be the centerpoint of your focus. But remember, law of attraction works on how you feel not what you say. So if you are focusing on all those things that are making you feel nervous and unsure lava attraction has no choice but to reflect those things back to you and amplify that feeling. Remember how energy works it’s a wave and when to like waves meet they amplify. It works both positive and negative. Be mindful of your focus. #humanschumann #schumannresonance #ascensionsymptoms #manifestation #lawofattraction #intuition

Schumann resonance is a measurement that tracks the electromagnetic frequency of our planet within the ionosphere. This energy, circling as a wave between the ionosphere and the earth, bumps into itself amplifying frequencies and turning them into resonant waves. The discovery of these resonant waves was made in 1952 by W.O. Schumann, a German physicist, hence where the Schumann resonance gets its name.

In simpler terms, we don’t live on the earth, we live inside it – in a cavity of sorts. This cavity is created by the connection of the surface of the earth to the ionosphere that surrounds our planet. Everything within that area, namely energies and frequencies, can be influential to the earth’s inhabitants (

Each daily report posted is my own intuitive interpretation of HOW this energy affects us as vibrational beings, NOT the cause of the energy, and how it will affect the collective consciousness of the Awakened Collective. Many of us feel this energy the day before, the day of, or even the day after the actual activity. This is all highly personal, resonating differently depending on your own energy and frequency level. Those of us who aren’t as affected aren’t doing anything “wrong” or “bad”, some energies will not affect everyone. Be mindful and use discernment when seeking any intuitive guidance, taking what resonates with you and leaving the rest for someone else.

If you are interested in the cards I am using, they can be found at (shop name is myINTUITIVEINTENTION). Use the code SHIPFREE to get free shipping!!

To schedule a private reading with me, please visit:

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Joni Patry: Interview with Psychic Craig Hamilton Parker (Predictions) Trump, Californian Earthquake + more… |

 Trump assassination prediction was correct!

171K subscribers
Jul 11, 2024
#vedicastrology #astrology #vedic

In this exclusive interview with psychic @CraigHamiltonParker, we discuss his insights on spirituality, psychic abilities, and more. Tune in for a fascinating conversation with a renowned psychic medium!

Watch this interview on Craig's site:

Craig Hamilton-Parker
158K subscribers

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